

Shirahoshi: They are leaving now.Why?

Kaguya: I gave them a choice to leave or die.They chose to leave.

Bonney: My crew is gone.What do I do now?

Gion: I am a traitor to the marines.They don't stand for good and if Akainu is elected then I am afraid things will only get worse.

Kaguya: We can give your former crew a prayer of passing and we can drop you off at the nearest Island.

Bonney: You just handled Akainu as if he was a child.If you can train or give me the means to get stronger then I will stay and join your crew.

Kaguya: joining me is dangerous but if joining my crew is what you want then you are free to stay but your bounty will probably increase just through association.

Bonney: That is fine.My crew will be avenged and with this crew I have a real chance of doing this.

Nojiko: Welcome to the Kaguya Pirates.Though that is just a titled given to us.We are really just a dysfunctional family.

Gion: I have nowhere to go.I refused to be under Akainu's control.Will you accept me as well in your crew.You all have terrifying bounties but you all don't feel dangerous.

Kaguya: We are only dangerous to those that attack us.If we could go with out danger then we would.The only danger we will seek out is that of Kaido.

Yamato: Welcome Gion to our little family or pirate crew.It is your choice.

Gion: Thank you.

Muret: Well, I am technically the doctor of this crew.If you two will follow me to the medical bay then we can give you a check up and heal you properly.Rooming wise there is plenty both of you and Kaguya will explain how the rooms work.

They both nod and walk with her to the infirmary.

Kaguya walks to the map room and Calls Whitebeard.

Whitebeard: Gurararara What do you need Kaguya?

Kaguya: I am just informing you that we have entered the new world.I am assuming we are in your territory.

Whitebeard: Indeed.You are in my territory and you have free passage but I am sure you want to claim territory yourself.

Kaguya: Yes but I will take from either Big Mom or Shanks for now.Kaido will have to wait until we are ready to take his crew on.

Whitebeard: You can take my territory if you can force me out.

Kaguya: No, while I would accept your territory.I don't have the manpower to survey an area of that magnitude.

Whitebeard: my sons will monitor it.

Kaguya: What's the catch?An emperor will not just hand this over.

Whitebeard: I am dying, and I want one more good fight and to die standing and fight.

Kaguya: Your crew would not like me killing you, even if It is your wish.

Whitebeard: I will talk to then.I Whitebeard hereby officially challenge you Kaguya to battle to the death.

Kaguya is silent for a moment.

Kaguya: I can't turn down this challenge.It would taint my honor.Fine, I will accept your challenge for a battle to death.

Whitebeard: Gurararara good!Good!Then in one week we will meet on an uninhabited island.

Kaguya: Okay.Then.I am sure others will find out about this.I assume Kaido and Big Mom herself will not pass this chance up to getting rid of two rather large threats to them.

Whitebeard: You are right about that.Red Hair may even step in.If that does happen the I am afraid that it will be an all out war between the five of us.

Kaguya: Indeed.If it comes to that.Let us hope that they do not show up.

Whitebeard: I will talk to my sons and daughters and we will meet at the island in a week.

Kaguya: In that time I will talk to my crew as well.Before we fight, I will be healing you of all illness.

Whitebeard: I ref...

Kaguya: This is non-negotiable.If you wish to fight me to the death then I will do so with you at full compacity.

Whitebeard: Fine.I agree to those terms.

Kaguya: One week then.Farewell.

Kaguya leans back in a chair and stares at the ceiling.She creates a clone and tells her to round everyone up in the map room.

After 15 minutes everyone arrives.

Kaguya: I want to inform you all that in one week there will be a battle between myself and Whitebeard to decide who his territory belongs to.

Everyone ponders her words, when Yamato is the first to understand the meaning of those words.

Yamato: It is to the death.

Kaguya just nods.

Valen: We have an alliance with them so why.

Kaguya: This is his choice.He wishes to go out on his terms.

Nojiko: He will be giving his all in this battle, won't he.

Kaguya: Yes, he will.I will as well.

Bonney: What will we be doing?

Kaguya: This will just be between Whitebeard and myself but there is a chance that Big Mom, Kaido, and Red Hair will find out and try to join as well.If that happens then it will be all out war and Shirahoshi will be sent back.

Kaguya: If no one interupts then I expect all of you accept the terms and just watch from the safety of the ship.

Nojiko: What if you die?

Kaguya looks at them and smiles.

Kaguya: If I die then during this fight the so be it.Continue your adventure, go after Kaido with Yamato and free Wano.Yamato would be a good captain.

Yamato: What would be the point if you ate no longer around.

Kaguya: I do not want anyone to interfere with this fight.And stay off the island.I am sure that there won't be one after we finish, no matter who wins and who does not.

They all begrudgingly agree to do nothing and not start a fight if she dies.

With the marines

Sengoku picks up is transponder.

Sengoku: Yes, what do you want?I see.Thank you for this information.

Garp: Who was that?

Sengoku: Our spy with Whitebeard.

Tsuru: What did they want?

Sengoku: He informed me that their will be battle between Whitebeard and Kaguya in a week.

Garp: Why would they do that.

Semgoku: It is Whitebeard's wish to die in a battle.He has challenged Kaguya.

Tsuru: What will you do about it?

Sengoku: Nothing we will go there, just the three of us and a Garps crew and watch the battle take place but we will not engage and respect the last wish of Whitebeard.No matter who wins, we will not interfere.

With Red Hair

Shanks answers his transponder.

Shanks: What do you want Sengoku?

Sengoku: You have heard of 'Rabbit Demon Kaguya' have you not?

Shanks: Yes, what of her?

Sengoku: Whitebeard has challenged her to a battle to the death in one week they will fight each other.We will be there however we will not interfere with this fight.

Shanks: Good, I would have stopped you from interfering with this fight.I have my assumption as to why this is taking place.Who do you want to win?

Sengoku: Whitebeard because he leaves us alone but Kaguya does the same for the most part as long as we leave her alone.

Shanks: Will you be recording this fight.

Sengoku: Yes, it will help us to figure out Kaguya's abilities.

Shanks: Good luck but We will watch the battle as well.

With Kaguya on the Kuro Megami

Kaguya is meditating in her and Yamato's room to calm her nerves.It has been six days since her talk with Whitebeard and they are currently just off the coast of the decided Island to fight.While she is meditating Yamato walks into the room and sees Kaguya meditating so she walks behind her and picks her up and sets her on her lap and hugs her closely from behind.Kaguya stops her meditation to tend to her girlfriend and relaxes in her hold.

Kaguya: Why are you so somber Yamato?

Yamato: Tomorrow you fight Whitebeard and typically this wouldn't worry me given that you two like each other and have some form of friendship.This fight is different though, I don't believe many can come close to really being able to kill you, at least not anymore but I think he has the highest chance if it happe...

Yamato was cut off from her talking from a sudden soft feeling on her lips.Kaguya pulls back and rest her forehead against Yamato's.

Kaguya: You are right that he is one of the few that has a chance to actually kill me and I don't really want to kill him.I respect him, his desire for family.I don't want for this to be either of our final battle but it would dishonor him if I were to pull back or hold back just so he lives.I do not want him to pull his punches either.It would be an insult to me.I can't promise that he won't kill me, nor can I promise that others haven't heard of our decided battle and want to put themselves in it to get rid of two threats to them.

Kaguya wraps her arms around Yamato's neck and kisses her softly again which Yamato also returns.

Kaguya: What I can promise you, is that I will not give up no matter the opposition I face.I can promise that I will do my best to get back to this beautiful woman whom I love and adore.I can promise that I won't make claiming my life easy for anyone.

Kaguya looks into Yamato's eyes filled with love and compassion.

Kaguya: I can promise that I will not leave you here alone.Where I go, you will come with me.The two of us to the end, together through thick and thin, peace and chaos, health and sickness, I will be by your side through life and death.

Kaguya smiles brightly at the beautiful woman in front if her and kisses her again.

Kaguya: You can't get rid of me Yamato, I am yours and you are mine.

Yamato smiles while tears of joy stream down her face.

Yamato: I accept being stuck with you for there is no one I would rather have my soul and heart bound to than this beautiful and caring woman I'm front of me.

Yamato wraps her arms around Kaguya's waist and pulls her closer in and they start kissing once more when Kaguya bites her lower lip which Yamato responds by opening her mouth and Kaguya's tongue dances along side and with Yamato's as they continue their embrace.Yamato having enough of the floor decides to pick Kaguya up and places her on their bed while slowly starting to undress her.Kaguya creats a clone and the clones make a silencing seal for their room and then disappears to leave them their privacy.

On the chosen Island

Whitebeard is standing with his bisento looking at Kaguya who is standing opposite him with her Masamune.

Kaguya: We agreed to me healing you so you are at 100% for our battle.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I did.

Kaguya creates a clone and has them heal him of his illness.

Whitebeard: I hope you don't regret what you just did, healing me back to this point.

Kaguya: While you were still strong even sick and dying, I would not want to dishonor you for claiming your life at a weakened state.If I am to die, then I want it to be because we both gave it our all and the Victor truly earned that win.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I like you even more.Had we found you before you had your crew I would have invited you to be my daughter.

Kaguya: I would have accepted that offer but things are how they are now.This is the final battle for one of us if no one interupts which is a possibility given that I can two people just off the coast but they don't seem to want to interfere just observe.I am not sure about the other emperors.I can't imagine Big Mom or Kaido would pass up on the chance to eliminate either of us or in Big Mom's case to offer an alliance in which I am used for breeding which will never happen.

Whitebeard: You are right, I can't see them not using this chance to get rid of us if they somehow found out.Red Hair wouldn't interfere with this though.

Kaguya: No, I don't think he would.He would probably observe.It is not everyday two people of our caliber face off.

Whitebeard: Gurararara indeed.Enough chit chat, I challenged you and now it is time we get this started.

Kaguya: I couldn't agree more.

The spectators which consist of the Whitebeard pirates, the Kaguya Pirates, and Vice-Admiral Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku are just watching closely when two colors of Haki appear and the clouds split apart and everyone is having a hard time staying conscious even the experienced ones.

After their greeting in Haki Kaguya and Whitebeard both stab their weapon in the earth beside them and coat their fist in armament haki and dash forward and both fist meet each other causing a wave of power to expand from their clash and the water starts to get choppy.They continue exchanging fist for a few minutes when Kaguya side steps Whitebeards and connects a Haki coated kick to his side which pushes Whitebeard to the side a few meters away.

Kaguya: It seems I have landed the first hit.

Whitebeard: Don't get cocky Gurararara we are just getting started.

Whitebeard uses his devil fruit ability around his fist and disappears in a quick step forward and slams his fist into Kaguya's stomach which launches her towards the edge of the island where she stops and stands up with a little blood coming from her mouth.

Kaguya: Guess I should get serious as well.

Kaguya activates her byakugan and her rinne-sharingan on her forehead and appears in front of Whitebeard in a burst of speed and he reacts by swinging a fist towards her only for her to side step again and coats her hand in Haki and Chakra and she does a quick leg sweep which knocks Whitebeard off balance and as he is falling he coats his arms in haki and puts them in front of the incoming fist which once it connects pushes him into the ground which which cause the Island to shake and the force of the punch causes waves to be generated and everyone could hear it from Where they are at.

With the Marines

Garp: Those two are true monsters, if we were to even try to intervene then we would not last long in such a clash.

Sengoku: We barely stayed conscious through their initial haki clash.We are witness to possibly the deciding battle for who can claim the title of strongest.

Garp: She even healed him so this is a Whitebeard that is not ill and at peak health.

Sengoku: We can even hear their clashes from here.We could have had her as an ally in those foolish marines never attacked her.

Garp: We can't focus on that now, we must focus on who the winner will be as well as discerning Kaguya's abilities.The eyes and the forhead eye are new and I am sure they do more than we know.

Sengoku: Indeed.

Back with The fight

Whitebeard stands up out if the crater he was in sees Kaguya with her veins around her eyes and the one in her forehead.

Whitebeard: Those eyes have a purpose, do they not?

Kaguya: Among other things, the fact that I am using them proves that I am taking this seriously and will not take you lightly.

Whitebeard: What about your rabbit form?

Kaguya: That form is not suitable for a battle on this island.It is to destructive and you lack the ability to swim or walk on water.

Whitebeard: Gurararara then let's resume.

Kaguya walks to her sword and grabs the handle and draws in from the ground while Whitebeard does the same and both get coated in their haki.

Kaguya quickly swings her blade in a downward slash towards Whitebeard who side steps the attack and watches as the sea gets cut as far as he can see.

He responds by spinning his above his head and both disappear and reappear in blurs the resounding echoes of their clashes can be felt by everyone present.

They keep going like this for a few minutes before Kaguya makes a mistake and Whitebeard capitalizes on the mistake and slashes her from her right shoulder diagonally down to her left hip and she crashes into a tree but quickly stands up and the wound is already healing however her chest is exposed due to ruined clothes.

Whitebeard: will you be covering up?

Kaguya: in a battle we have no time for such things, this is a very enjoyable battle but if you allow me then I would prefer to not have my chest exposed to the world.

Whitebeard slams his bisento in the ground and motions for her to cover up.

Kaguya opens a scroll and pulls out some bandages and wraps her chest tightly before discarding her ruined tip and picks Masamune up again.

Kaguya: Masamune as been waiting for a worthy opponent and we have possibly the greatest opponent in front of us now.

Kaguya smiles an excited battle thirsty smile and Whitebeard does the same before they both disappear again only to appear in front of each other and Kaguya side steps a downward slash from Whitebeard to kick his legs out from under him and she focus her haki at the tip of her sword and thrust it down towards the falling Whitebeard who puts his bisento in the way and coats it in Haki.When his back meets the ground again due the force of her attack the island splits in two with both on seperate sides now.

Whitebeard stands and has blood running down his face.

They get ready to clash again when both notice another presence intruding in their battle and both turn to face them.

Kaguya: I suppose we should have expected this, no?

Whitebeard: That forsaken woman would show up now.

Kaguya creates a clone and tells her to seal the ship and for her crew to gather behind her while Whitebeard does the same.A few minutes later both crews show behind them and see the state their captains are in.

Nojiko: Your clothes, where are they and why Is there blood on your pants?

Kaguya: He attacked me.

Marco: Pop's your bleeding from your head!

Whitebeard: Gurararara she attacked me.

Everyone sweatdrops at their answers.

Marco: Why did you call for us to come here, this was supposed to be between the two of you and you clearly said to not interfere.

Kaguya: it appears that an unwanted guest is making an appearance, more than likely to get end of the two of us.

Muret: Who?

???: Mamama now what do we have here?And I'll man and an up and coming.It seems I interrupted something.

Whitebeard: Why are you here Linlin?

Big Mom: well, I want Kaguya to join me through a marriage to one if my sons and to kill you of course.

Kaguya: I refuse your offer.I would sooner see you drown and die but you aren't my target at the moment.If you push this issue then I will storm your territory and take it from you ending in your death.

Big mom: You have a big mouth for an up and coming brat.

Whitebeard: yet she still lives.You may be strong Lin lin however you have never won a clash against me let alone injure me to the point to where I have bled.She has done both.In terms of power you are outmatched here Lin Lin.

Kaguya: Return to your children and leave us be or I will be eliminating a different emperor today.

Lin Lin not liking this decided to attack Kaguya but is met with a Haki coated Kanobo and gets blown back.

Yamato: To attack my captain and lover and is to declare war on us.To attack any of the Kaguya Pirates is to declare war on us.We may be one of the newer crews however we each hold power and are no pushover.

???: Well, isn't this quite the meeting.

Everyone turns to see Shanks and his crew walking up while Lin Lin gets up off the ground very angry.

Whitebeard: Why have you come Red Hair, wanting to claim one of our heads as well?

Shanks: Of course not, I stopped Kaido from showing up.Big Mom just escaped while I was busy.

Big Mom: It seems that fool wasn't good enough again.Consider this an act of war Kaguya pirates, come into my territory and we will eliminate you.

Kaguya: If we come through your territory then we will do as we please.You attacked us first, you started this little war of yours.

Big Mom's commanders come up and join her side.

Big Mom: What did you say brat?

Everyone that can use conquerors haki activated theirs and Whitebeard's and Kaguya's were the strongest of them and pushed the others back.

Kaguya: Katakuri, you may be one of her commanders however, if you get in our way we will eliminate all of you.

Katakuri: You talk Big but you have the power to back it up however we will not just let you do as you wish.

Yamato: Then let's hope we don't cross paths.It won't end well for any of you.

Everyone watches as the Big Mom pirates walk away with their tail tucked between their legs.

Kaguya: Whitebeard it seems that neither of us is dying today.

Whitebeard: So it seems.You still need to claim territory.I was hoping you would have taken over my territory if you killed me.

Kaguya: I would have and then gave the Fishman what they wanted and protected them.

Whitebeard: The late queens wish, right?

Kaguya: Indeed however since this over for us, I suggest making a visit to them.You will find some shocking things.

Whitebeard: Gurararara it has been a while.I think I will.

Shanks: The.We will take our leave as well.

Kaguya: How would you feel, having your arm back?

Shanks: that would be great however it isn't possible.

Kaguya makes a hells gate which looks creepy to everyone.

Kaguya: step inside, if we clash, I don't want you to have excuses when you lose.

Shanks just laughs but decided to honor her and walks in.

Everyone sees the face chewing and then opens its mouth again and everyone sees Shanks with his arm back.

Kaguya: We will take our leave now, if we cross paths then I will not attack but I will retaliate.

Shanks: Then maybe we can party and have a good time!

Yamato: She is taken.

Kaguya: You aren't our target however.

Shanks: Who is then?

Nojiko: We aim for Kaido, one of us wants to kill Akainu and we will help her realize this goal.

The Kaguya pirates walk towards the sea and unsealed their ship and everyone gets on and sails away.

With the Marines

Garp: Those two are even larger threats since they are allied together.

Sengoku: Yes, they are.If Big Mom didn't interupt then maybe there would be one less threat however I believe updates are needed given how she held her own against a beast like him and Yamato appears to have considerable power to successfully attack Big Mom like that.

Garp: It also seems that our traitor Gion and Big Eater Bonney have joined her.No doubt they will train Gion further and Bonney will gain a massive boost with them.

Sengoku: Did you record everything?

Coby: Yes sir!

Garp: They are the newer marines problems now.We are retiring.

Sengoku: True.

Garp: Coby, if you ever run across the Kaguya Pirates, do not engage them.

Coby: Why sir?

Sengoku: She won't attack you off the bat from what we have gathered however, she will retaliate and I am afraid that it would take an army and all of the marines present to truly take her down.

With Kaguya

Kaguya: Where should we aquire territory?

Yamato: Why not from Big Mom?

Bonney: They are strong opponents and it would give Gion and Myself the experience needed to get to the kevel you are all at.

Kaguya: Very well, our destination it to take land from the Big Mom pirates.

Shirahoshi: I can't follow in this, can I?

Nojiko: We're sorry, but it will be very dangerous once we start this war.

Kaguya: We can hand your protection over to the Whitebeard Pirates since they are heading to your home or I can teleport you there.

Shirahoshi: Take me to the Whitebeard pirates.My family trust them, so I will as well.

Kaguya puts a hand on her tail and in a flash they are gone and appear on the deck of the Moby dick.

Whitebeard: Why are you here Kaguya?

Kaguya: We are going to war with big Mom soon.We can't endanger the princess Shirahoshi and risk her being captured by Big Mom and forced to give birth.You are heading to Fishman Island and she requests that she heads back with your crew for protection.

Whitebeard: I see.We will return her to her family.Why was she with you anyways?

Shirahoshi: I wanted to adventure and see the world.Kaguya is strong and can protect me and taught me the basics of haki.

Kaguya draws a seal on some parchment and places it on Shirahoshi's hand and she starts getting smaller.

Kaguya: when you want to be back to your original size then just pull it off and to shrink back down just put it on.It is waterproof as well so you can use it whenever.Even should I die then it will still work for you.

Shirahoshi: Thank you and I will be editing for you to claim territory so we can be wed.

Kaguya: Of course but this includes Yamato as well.

Shirahoshi: Of course.

Shirahoshi gains a really perverted look on her face as she thinks about all the things they will do when that happens.

Kaguya: Safe travels Whitebeard.If you are in need of assistance then don't hesitate to ask.We are still allies.

With her peace said she gone in a flash and back with her pirates to train them and plan a war.

With Kaguya on the Kuro Megami

Kaguya is meditating in her and Yamato's room to calm her nerves.It has been six days since her talk with Whitebeard and they are currently just off the coast of the decided Island to fight.While she is meditating Yamato walks into the room and sees Kaguya meditating so she walks behind her and picks her up and sets her on her lap and hugs her closely from behind.Kaguya stops her meditation to tend to her girlfriend and relaxes in her hold.

Kaguya: Why are you so somber Yamato?

Yamato: Tomorrow you fight Whitebeard and typically this wouldn't worry me given that you two like each other and have some form of friendship.This fight is different though, I don't believe many can come close to really being able to kill you, at least not anymore but I think he has the highest chance if it happe...

Yamato was cut off from her talking from a sudden soft feeling on her lips.Kaguya pulls back and rest her forehead against Yamato's.

Kaguya: You are right that he is one of the few that has a chance to actually kill me and I don't really want to kill him.I respect him, his desire for family.I don't want for this to be either of our final battle but it would dishonor him if I were to pull back or hold back just so he lives.I do not want him to pull his punches either.It would be an insult to me.I can't promise that he won't kill me, nor can I promise that others haven't heard of our decided battle and want to put themselves in it to get rid of two threats to them.

Kaguya wraps her arms around Yamato's neck and kisses her softly again which Yamato also returns.

Kaguya: What I can promise you, is that I will not give up no matter the opposition I face.I can promise that I will do my best to get back to this beautiful woman whom I love and adore.I can promise that I won't make claiming my life easy for anyone.

Kaguya looks into Yamato's eyes filled with love and compassion.

Kaguya: I can promise that I will not leave you here alone.Where I go, you will come with me.The two of us to the end, together through thick and thin, peace and chaos, health and sickness, I will be by your side through life and death.

Kaguya smiles brightly at the beautiful woman in front if her and kisses her again.

Kaguya: You can't get rid of me Yamato, I am yours and you are mine.

Yamato smiles while tears of joy stream down her face.

Yamato: I accept being stuck with you for there is no one I would rather have my soul and heart bound to than this beautiful and caring woman I'm front of me.

Yamato wraps her arms around Kaguya's waist and pulls her closer in and they start kissing once more when Kaguya bites her lower lip which Yamato responds by opening her mouth and Kaguya's tongue dances along side and with Yamato's as they continue their embrace.Yamato having enough of the floor decides to pick Kaguya up and places her on their bed while slowly starting to undress her.Kaguya creats a clone and the clones make a silencing seal for their room and then disappears to leave them their privacy.

On the chosen Island

Whitebeard is standing with his bisento looking at Kaguya who is standing opposite him with her Masamune.

Kaguya: We agreed to me healing you so you are at 100% for our battle.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I did.

Kaguya creates a clone and has them heal him of his illness.

Whitebeard: I hope you don't regret what you just did, healing me back to this point.

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Kaguya: While you were still strong even sick and dying, I would not want to dishonor you for claiming your life at a weakened state.If I am to die, then I want it to be because we both gave it our all and the Victor truly earned that win.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I like you even more.Had we found you before you had your crew I would have invited you to be my daughter.

Kaguya: I would have accepted that offer but things are how they are now.This is the final battle for one of us if no one interupts which is a possibility given that I can two people just off the coast but they don't seem to want to interfere just observe.I am not sure about the other emperors.I can't imagine Big Mom or Kaido would pass up on the chance to eliminate either of us or in Big Mom's case to offer an alliance in which I am used for breeding which will never happen.

Whitebeard: You are right, I can't see them not using this chance to get rid of us if they somehow found out.Red Hair wouldn't interfere with this though.

Kaguya: No, I don't think he would.He would probably observe.It is not everyday two people of our caliber face off.

Whitebeard: Gurararara indeed.Enough chit chat, I challenged you and now it is time we get this started.

Kaguya: I couldn't agree more.

The spectators which consist of the Whitebeard pirates, the Kaguya Pirates, and Vice-Admiral Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku are just watching closely when two colors of Haki appear and the clouds split apart and everyone is having a hard time staying conscious even the experienced ones.

After their greeting in Haki Kaguya and Whitebeard both stab their weapon in the earth beside them and coat their fist in armament haki and dash forward and both fist meet each other causing a wave of power to expand from their clash and the water starts to get choppy.They continue exchanging fist for a few minutes when Kaguya side steps Whitebeards and connects a Haki coated kick to his side which pushes Whitebeard to the side a few meters away.

Kaguya: It seems I have landed the first hit.

Whitebeard: Don't get cocky Gurararara we are just getting started.

Whitebeard uses his devil fruit ability around his fist and disappears in a quick step forward and slams his fist into Kaguya's stomach which launches her towards the edge of the island where she stops and stands up with a little blood coming from her mouth.

Kaguya: Guess I should get serious as well.

Kaguya activates her byakugan and her rinne-sharingan on her forehead and appears in front of Whitebeard in a burst of speed and he reacts by swinging a fist towards her only for her to side step again and coats her hand in Haki and Chakra and she does a quick leg sweep which knocks Whitebeard off balance and as he is falling he coats his arms in haki and puts them in front of the incoming fist which once it connects pushes him into the ground which which cause the Island to shake and the force of the punch causes waves to be generated and everyone could hear it from Where they are at.

With the Marines

Garp: Those two are true monsters, if we were to even try to intervene then we would not last long in such a clash.

Sengoku: We barely stayed conscious through their initial haki clash.We are witness to possibly the deciding battle for who can claim the title of strongest.

Garp: She even healed him so this is a Whitebeard that is not ill and at peak health.

Sengoku: We can even hear their clashes from here.We could have had her as an ally in those foolish marines never attacked her.

Garp: We can't focus on that now, we must focus on who the winner will be as well as discerning Kaguya's abilities.The eyes and the forhead eye are new and I am sure they do more than we know.

Sengoku: Indeed.

Back with The fight

Whitebeard stands up out if the crater he was in sees Kaguya with her veins around her eyes and the one in her forehead.

Whitebeard: Those eyes have a purpose, do they not?

Kaguya: Among other things, the fact that I am using them proves that I am taking this seriously and will not take you lightly.

Whitebeard: What about your rabbit form?

Kaguya: That form is not suitable for a battle on this island.It is to destructive and you lack the ability to swim or walk on water.

Whitebeard: Gurararara then let's resume.

Kaguya walks to her sword and grabs the handle and draws in from the ground while Whitebeard does the same and both get coated in their haki.

Kaguya quickly swings her blade in a downward slash towards Whitebeard who side steps the attack and watches as the sea gets cut as far as he can see.

He responds by spinning his above his head and both disappear and reappear in blurs the resounding echoes of their clashes can be felt by everyone present.

They keep going like this for a few minutes before Kaguya makes a mistake and Whitebeard capitalizes on the mistake and slashes her from her right shoulder diagonally down to her left hip and she crashes into a tree but quickly stands up and the wound is already healing however her chest is exposed due to ruined clothes.

Whitebeard: will you be covering up?

Kaguya: in a battle we have no time for such things, this is a very enjoyable battle but if you allow me then I would prefer to not have my chest exposed to the world.

Whitebeard slams his bisento in the ground and motions for her to cover up.

Kaguya opens a scroll and pulls out some bandages and wraps her chest tightly before discarding her ruined tip and picks Masamune up again.

Kaguya: Masamune as been waiting for a worthy opponent and we have possibly the greatest opponent in front of us now.

Kaguya smiles an excited battle thirsty smile and Whitebeard does the same before they both disappear again only to appear in front of each other and Kaguya side steps a downward slash from Whitebeard to kick his legs out from under him and she focus her haki at the tip of her sword and thrust it down towards the falling Whitebeard who puts his bisento in the way and coats it in Haki.When his back meets the ground again due the force of her attack the island splits in two with both on seperate sides now.

Whitebeard stands and has blood running down his face.

They get ready to clash again when both notice another presence intruding in their battle and both turn to face them.

Kaguya: I suppose we should have expected this, no?

Whitebeard: That forsaken woman would show up now.

Kaguya creates a clone and tells her to seal the ship and for her crew to gather behind her while Whitebeard does the same.A few minutes later both crews show behind them and see the state their captains are in.

Nojiko: Your clothes, where are they and why Is there blood on your pants?

Kaguya: He attacked me.

Marco: Pop's your bleeding from your head!

Whitebeard: Gurararara she attacked me.

Everyone sweatdrops at their answers.

Marco: Why did you call for us to come here, this was supposed to be between the two of you and you clearly said to not interfere.

Kaguya: it appears that an unwanted guest is making an appearance, more than likely to get end of the two of us.

Muret: Who?

???: Mamama now what do we have here?And I'll man and an up and coming.It seems I interrupted something.

Whitebeard: Why are you here Linlin?

Big Mom: well, I want Kaguya to join me through a marriage to one if my sons and to kill you of course.

Kaguya: I refuse your offer.I would sooner see you drown and die but you aren't my target at the moment.If you push this issue then I will storm your territory and take it from you ending in your death.

Big mom: You have a big mouth for an up and coming brat.

Whitebeard: yet she still lives.You may be strong Lin lin however you have never won a clash against me let alone injure me to the point to where I have bled.She has done both.In terms of power you are outmatched here Lin Lin.

Kaguya: Return to your children and leave us be or I will be eliminating a different emperor today.

Lin Lin not liking this decided to attack Kaguya but is met with a Haki coated Kanobo and gets blown back.

Yamato: To attack my captain and lover and is to declare war on us.To attack any of the Kaguya Pirates is to declare war on us.We may be one of the newer crews however we each hold power and are no pushover.

???: Well, isn't this quite the meeting.

Everyone turns to see Shanks and his crew walking up while Lin Lin gets up off the ground very angry.

Whitebeard: Why have you come Red Hair, wanting to claim one of our heads as well?

Shanks: Of course not, I stopped Kaido from showing up.Big Mom just escaped while I was busy.

Big Mom: It seems that fool wasn't good enough again.Consider this an act of war Kaguya pirates, come into my territory and we will eliminate you.

Kaguya: If we come through your territory then we will do as we please.You attacked us first, you started this little war of yours.

Big Mom's commanders come up and join her side.

Big Mom: What did you say brat?

Everyone that can use conquerors haki activated theirs and Whitebeard's and Kaguya's were the strongest of them and pushed the others back.

Kaguya: Katakuri, you may be one of her commanders however, if you get in our way we will eliminate all of you.

Katakuri: You talk Big but you have the power to back it up however we will not just let you do as you wish.

Yamato: Then let's hope we don't cross paths.It won't end well for any of you.

Everyone watches as the Big Mom pirates walk away with their tail tucked between their legs.

Kaguya: Whitebeard it seems that neither of us is dying today.

Whitebeard: So it seems.You still need to claim territory.I was hoping you would have taken over my territory if you killed me.

Kaguya: I would have and then gave the Fishman what they wanted and protected them.

Whitebeard: The late queens wish, right?

Kaguya: Indeed however since this over for us, I suggest making a visit to them.You will find some shocking things.

Whitebeard: Gurararara it has been a while.I think I will.

Shanks: The.We will take our leave as well.

Kaguya: How would you feel, having your arm back?

Shanks: that would be great however it isn't possible.

Kaguya makes a hells gate which looks creepy to everyone.

Kaguya: step inside, if we clash, I don't want you to have excuses when you lose.

Shanks just laughs but decided to honor her and walks in.

Everyone sees the face chewing and then opens its mouth again and everyone sees Shanks with his arm back.

Kaguya: We will take our leave now, if we cross paths then I will not attack but I will retaliate.

Shanks: Then maybe we can party and have a good time!

Yamato: She is taken.

Kaguya: You aren't our target however.

Shanks: Who is then?

Nojiko: We aim for Kaido, one of us wants to kill Akainu and we will help her realize this goal.

The Kaguya pirates walk towards the sea and unsealed their ship and everyone gets on and sails away.

With the Marines

Garp: Those two are even larger threats since they are allied together.

Sengoku: Yes, they are.If Big Mom didn't interupt then maybe there would be one less threat however I believe updates are needed given how she held her own against a beast like him and Yamato appears to have considerable power to successfully attack Big Mom like that.

Garp: It also seems that our traitor Gion and Big Eater Bonney have joined her.No doubt they will train Gion further and Bonney will gain a massive boost with them.

Sengoku: Did you record everything?

Coby: Yes sir!

Garp: They are the newer marines problems now.We are retiring.

Sengoku: True.

Garp: Coby, if you ever run across the Kaguya Pirates, do not engage them.

Coby: Why sir?

Sengoku: She won't attack you off the bat from what we have gathered however, she will retaliate and I am afraid that it would take an army and all of the marines present to truly take her down.

With Kaguya

Kaguya: Where should we aquire territory?

Yamato: Why not from Big Mom?

Bonney: They are strong opponents and it would give Gion and Myself the experience needed to get to the kevel you are all at.

Kaguya: Very well, our destination it to take land from the Big Mom pirates.

Shirahoshi: I can't follow in this, can I?

Nojiko: We're sorry, but it will be very dangerous once we start this war.

Kaguya: We can hand your protection over to the Whitebeard Pirates since they are heading to your home or I can teleport you there.

Shirahoshi: Take me to the Whitebeard pirates.My family trust them, so I will as well.

Kaguya puts a hand on her tail and in a flash they are gone and appear on the deck of the Moby dick.

Whitebeard: Why are you here Kaguya?

Kaguya: We are going to war with big Mom soon.We can't endanger the princess Shirahoshi and risk her being captured by Big Mom and forced to give birth.You are heading to Fishman Island and she requests that she heads back with your crew for protection.

Whitebeard: I see.We will return her to her family.Why was she with you anyways?

Shirahoshi: I wanted to adventure and see the world.Kaguya is strong and can protect me and taught me the basics of haki.

Kaguya draws a seal on some parchment and places it on Shirahoshi's hand and she starts getting smaller.

Kaguya: when you want to be back to your original size then just pull it off and to shrink back down just put it on.It is waterproof as well so you can use it whenever.Even should I die then it will still work for you.

Shirahoshi: Thank you and I will be editing for you to claim territory so we can be wed.

Kaguya: Of course but this includes Yamato as well.

Shirahoshi: Of course.

Shirahoshi gains a really perverted look on her face as she thinks about all the things they will do when that happens.

Kaguya: Safe travels Whitebeard.If you are in need of assistance then don't hesitate to ask.We are still allies.

With her peace said she gone in a flash and back with her pirates to train them and plan a war.

The Kaguya Pirates are seen heading towards an Island in Big Mom's territory.They are in the map room looking at the islands and anything considered Big Mom's.

Kaguya: When we land and officially start our little war off avoid harming the non-combatants, so no civilians.The Big Mom pirates are free pickings just don't lose.If you die then I will revive you once in is over however I will personally train you for a month after this is over.

They all look at Kaguya a little afraid of that punishment.

Muret: Is there anyone that you think we should be wary of?

Yamato: I would avoid Katakuri or Big Mom herself.

Nojiko: I've heard that Smoothie woman is pretty dangerous.Just under one billion beli.

Valen: I see.Then I want her.

Gion: You all are taking this to lightly.Sure Kaguya and Yamato are in the Yonko's league but the rest of us are not on their level.Maybe a commander level but Katakuri has never lost and can see into the future with his Observation haki.

Raki: I agree, war is not to be taken lightly but I do think we are all prepared for this.We are not some shoddy rookie pirates that are way out of their league like that Rookie Supernova Kidd.The fool lost an arm due to his brushless.

Yamato: Any way you look at it, their is no point in arguing about if we are ready or not.The Kaguya Pirates will not known as cowards that run from danger.

Kaguya: We will prevail because I have faith in each and every one of you.You are all my family and this family will do great things, and terrible things, but we will always take each others suggestions into consideration.

Kaguya stiffens slightly from the memories of a clone that has dispersed.

Kaguya: It seems we have an uninvited guest that wants a meeting.Gather your weapons and meet on the deck.

Kaguya gets up and grabs her sword that was leaning on the wall and she walks to the deck followed by all of her crew.

When they reach the deck they see a face that most were not expecting.

Kaguya: What do you want Shanks?I surely hope you are not here to get in my way.You have a destined fight with strawhat and I would hate to be forced to take you out.

Shanks: Relax and I would advise you to not continue this path of war with Big Mom.You are already considered a Yonko, one of the greatest powers of this world and yet you are wanting to destroy Big Mom.

Kaguya: There would be no need if the coward just faced Whitebeard and Myself or either of us when she decided to interupt our fight.I am merely reply to a threat on my crew and myself.

Shanks places his hand on his sword.

Shanks: I really must insist that you stand down or you will have two Yonko to deal with.

Kaguya places her hand her sword as well.

Kaguya: I see.Then you think just because you are Yonko with a decent reputation that I will stay my hand.No no.Shanks, you are mistaken on this.The reason that I have not targeted you or Whitebeard at first was because I neither of you really harmed the civilian populace.Now, however, Whitebeard and I have an accord.I would prefer to not maim you further but if you continue to stand in my way, then we will fight two Yonko's.The Kaguya Pirates have one goal as of now and that is to kill Kaido however we will not let threats towards us just threaten us and not have any retaliation.

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Shanks: I will not allow this war to take place.To many things are happening in the near future and she is needed to stand against them.

Kaguya: You mean the Marines and their plans to replace the warlords with machines.Please none of them are threats to me and neither are the Gorosei nor the one they answer to.

Shanks draws his sword.

Kaguya: Foolish, simply foolish.Yamato, do you still hold the Kunai I gave you?

Yamato holds it up.

Kaguya: Good.You and Nojiko are in charge while I am gone.Stay your course and wipe out all Big Mom pirates unless you have a good reason to spare them then capture them and use sea stone cuffs for the devil fruit users.I will return shortly.

Kaguya looks a little further away and sees all of Shanks crew prepared to fight.

Kaguya: Truly foolish Shanks.

Before anyone can process what happened Shanks was kicked back to ship and Kaguya lands on the top of the ships mast.Kaguya looks at Yamato once more before she and all of Shanks crew including their ship disappear somewhere else.

Yamato: You better return to me Kaguya.Where you go, I will follow.

Nojiko: We stay the course.We will hold strong until Kaguya returns to us.

Bonnie: Damn right we will.I may not have been in our crew for long, but she is offering me what I want and I will return it with my loyalty.

On a dark and gloomy Island

Mihawk has been training Zoro and they are in the middle of his training with Perona watching in the side when Mihawk stiffens and everyone notices.

Mihawk: Why are they here?

Zoro: What's going on?

Perona: Yeah, I'll go check it out.

She starts to float away when Mihawk stops her.

Mihawk: You are not on their level.If you go and interfere then you will die quickly.The same goes for you Zoro.

Zoro: Then, who is here and why?

Mihawk: Red Hair Shanks is here with his entire crew but also the newly announced Yonko Kaguya but I do not sense her crew with her and they way they just appeared means that they were teleported here.Maybe through means that Kaguya only knows.

Zoro: What should we do then?

Perona: I am going to watch from a safe distance.

Zoro: I will go as well.Both are swordsman and watching can let me learn a thing or two.

Mihawk: I will not save you if their fight threatens your life.Your life is your own to protect.

With Kaguya and Shanks

Kaguya stands up and looks around.

Shanks: Saving your crew while keeping yourself in danger, how noble of you.

Kaguya: I have faith they will continue and once I deal with you and your little crew here then I will return to them and continue my fight with Big Mom.

Shanks: How do you plan to do that by yourself?You may be a Yonko buy even you wouldn't be able to fight my entire alone.

Kaguya: You are a fool of you think that I have ever shown my full capabilities on any fight.

Shanks gets wary after hearing that.

Mihawk: I would like to know why you both are on my Island.

Kaguya Looks over towards him and then behind him to see Zoro bandaged up and Perona floating beside him.

Kaguya: Ah, you are Perona from that weak war lord, aren't you?

Perona surprised about someone on A Yonko level would speak to her.

Perona: Yes, I am that very same.Why?

Kaguya Appears beside her.

Kaguya: I would like to invite you join my crew.

Shanks, zoro, and Mihawk are surprised that she wants someone like Perona.

Perona: Can I think about it?

Kaguya: Of course.

Kaguya pulls out a Kunai and hands it to her.

Kaguya: Just throw this into the ground when you have decided and I will come and hear your answer but I don't recommend following at the moment.

She walks back the stand off and finally answers Mihawk.

Kaguya: We are here by mere coincidence.None of this would have happened if this fool here just minded his own business but no.That's asking to much.

Shanks: You are about to fight Big Mom, we need her strength to fight against the Marines.

Mihawk just looks dumbfounded.

Mihawk: So this could have been avoided.Why did you not try to dissuade Big Mom?

Kaguya: Yes, why me and not her?

Shanks: Because you are newer and I thought you would not risk fighting two Yonko's.

Zoro: You know, I thought Luffy was an Idiot but even I know he would try to fight them all if he had a chance.You are an even bigger idiot than he.

Kaguya: well, this ends one way.Either I incompacitate all of your crew and leave new marks on you or you stay out of my way and I can resume my fight with that annoying woman.

Mihawk: Kaguya, may I see your sword?If you allow my this then you can rejoin your crew and I will not raise my sword to this intrusion.

Kaguya seems to think about this for a moment.

Kaguya: Fine, however he will test you.

Mihawk: I see.

Kaguya removes Masamune and hands it over.

Mihawk draws the blade and admires the craftsmanship before he feels it trying to eat his energy up.He quickly sheathes the sword and hands it back.

Mihawk: That is a truly dangerous sword.

Kaguya: Indeed.He is my partner on battle and we will prevail against any opponent.

Perona: I will join you but since you seem to he fighting Big Mom at the moment will you come pick me up once you are finished?

Kaguya: of course.Read this book while you are here and pay attention to Mihawks lessons with Zoro.Haki is needed in the New world and as much as I loathe to say it.Mihawk is probably one of the few that fight me in this form equally with skill alone.

Perona: okay.

Shanks tries to attack Kaguya while her back is turned but Kaguya catches his blade with her hand.

Kaguya: I used to hold to a higher level of respect until this day.You would try to mark a swordsman back while they are turned away from you.

Kaguya focuses her haki into her hands and raises her other hand in the air and focuses wind chakra onto it and slashes downward and a large crevice forms in the ground from the attack barely missing Shanks since he stepped out of the way just in time.Before he can regain his barings he is launched through the forest at high speeds from a kick to his ribs.

Everyone just stares in shock at the power she holds.

Mihawk: You may want to go find him and patch him up after that attack.

Lucky roo: Yeah yeah.

Kaguya: Well, I'll be on my way then.I won't leave my crew to fight out me there with them.Good day Mihawk, Zoro.I will return for you Perona.You hold much potential and I look forward to seeing a stronger you.What is it you are looking for?

Perona: I want to be safe.That is why I joined that warlord.He had power and offered a safe place.

Kaguya walks up to her and pats her head gently.

Kaguya: All of us are strong and we will offer you a safe place.I just want for you to be able to look out for yourself too.

Kaguya starts walking away from the group of three.

Kaguya: My crew are family to me and each other.You are part of that family now and I would sooner die than any real harm befall you all.

After she says that she disappeared.

Mihawk: She says we stand as equals however, Only in her current form.She must be holding back a lot.

With the Kaguya Pirates

Yamato: it seems that they are all waiting for us here.Even Big Mom herself.

Nojiko: We stay the course.Kaguya will be here soon.

Bonney: Of course she will be.

Kaguya appears in front of her crew and look ahead to see all of the big Mom Pirates.

Kaguya: I see.Well, No matter, this just makes things easier.

Big Mom walks forward.

Big Mom: I hope you have come to surrender.

Kaguya: surrender to you?Who is beneath me?Why would I do such a thing.You feel around the same level of strength as Shanks and he is currently unconscious somewhere.

Big Mom: It seems you won't listen and join us.Go all out and deal with these pathetic people.

Kaguya seeing her army starting to move Kaguya unleashes her strongest conquerors haki she can and watches as all of her army crumble under the pressure and even some of her stronger crew seems to be on one knee.Big Mom unleashes her own to combat it but barely succeeds.

Kaguya: You know what we are here for.Save only those that you deem worthy of life.I will handle Big Mom.

Kaguya's crew: Okay.

Kaguya draws her sword and coats it in haki and then focuses wind chakra on the blade and slashes the air towards Big Mom.The attack cuts down everything in its path toward Big Mom when Katakuri stands in front of the attack to take it however Yamato kicks him away and heads after him.When the attack reaches Big Mom she tries to counter with her sword coated in Haki and struggles with the attack and is focuses on the attack alone when Kaguya appears on her shoulder and stand Masamune through her neck.The shock of her neck getting stabbed makes her lose focus and Kaguya's first attack strikes her chest and cuts her in half.

Kaguya: Well, I honestly expected more from you given your reputation.This was a major waste of my time.

Kaguya walks away from the dead Big Mom and sits on a stump and watch as her crew handles the other power houses.

Everyone that is around to see what happened to Big Mom are shocked to see her dead and lose all hope of winning however one person approaches Kaguya.

???: Will you kill all of us now?

Kaguya looks at her for a moment before doing a hand sign and all of her crew appear behind her.

Yamato: That was really fast Kaguya.I didn't even get to warm up.

Bonney: I didn't think I would have improved so much in such a short time.Oven over there is pretty close to dead.

Nojiko: Smoothie wasn't much a threat either.

Raki: There are no snipers here.Truly pathetic.

Valen: That lion and egg guy were pathetic but I feel the lion guy was holding back.

Muret: That creepy guy that makes candy was pathetic too.

Gion: We were all wanted to avoid this crew when I was with the Marines because they are all powerful... but that Cracker guy or Buiscuit guy were pathetic.

???: You all managed to deal so much damage in this short of time.

Kaguya: Who are you?

???: I am pudding.

Kaguya: Should we kill you all?Did any of you truly enjoy committing acts and destroying islands all of that foolish stuff under Big Mom?

Pudding: I... I never wanted this.I just wanted to be free and be loved but being in this crew... you are just a tool to be used and being born into it is even worse.

Kaguya: I see.Then pudding, you can join my crew if you so wish.

Pudding is surprised with the offer.

Pudding: I am a freak though, everyone thinks so because of my third eye.

Pudding shows her eye and expects to see everyone disgusted with her.

Kaguya: So?You have a cute third eye, who cares.None if my family care about such a superficial thing.I myself have a third eye.

Pudding starts to break down when Muret walks up to her and hugs her and brings her to Kaguya's side.

Kaguya: We all have quirks that make us who we are.Each of us are unique in our own way.Anyone that shuns another for something they can't control I pathetic in my opinion.Welcome Pudding to my family.You will not have to fight, if you do not wish to but you will be required to train.

Pudding, who is still being held by Muret, looks at Kaguya.

Pudding: I understand.Thank you for letting me join you.

Kaguya then activates another seal and everyone watches as Perona appears looking surprised.

Kaguya: Perona, I am glad to see you again even if we just left.

Perona: I thought you were fighting Big Mom.

Kaguya just points across the way and Perona looks to see a dead Big Mom.

Kaguya: Everyone this is Perona, she will be joining us as well.

Perona: Hello.

Valen pulls her beside herself.

Valen: I call dibs on her if Muret has Pudding then I want Perona.

Nojiko: Please, she is not someone to be claimed like a prize that has been won.If she wants to be with you then do whatever you want.You overweight bimbo.

Valen: What did you say you blue haired smurf?

Kaguya: You can argue about stuff later.

Katakuri walks back to the front of all of Big Mom's crew as well as all those that were defeated.

Katakuri: You kill mother I see.

Kaguya: She should not have provoked me.The question now is what will you all do?

Smoothie: Why do we get to choose.You are clearly stronger than we are.

Kaguya: True but you are still alive.I am officially taking over this land and territory for myself.I will be setting up an Island for the Fishman.You can do what you wish.Join me and my crew if you want.

Katakuri: What do we get out of joining you?

Yamato: Nothing and everything.You would no longer be required to fight if you do not wish to do so.You can do what you want within reason of course.No harming civilians for no reason.

Smoothie: Will you allow me to keep governing my Island?

Kaguya: Yes, you can do that but I would information about everything within your territory.Design your own ships if you want.Train all you want.Have tea parties if you wish.

Smoothie: Then, I think I will join your crew.

Nojiko: Sweet.

Kaguya: Katakuri, what about you and the rest?

Katakuri: I will join as well.I only care about protecting my younger siblings.

Perospero: You killed Mother, I will never join you.

Oven: Neither will I. Running free and doing whatever I wanted to anyone was ideal for me.

Cracker: I will join and be under Katakuri's command.

Gion and Bonney appear behind both Oven and Perospero.Gion sheathes her sword and Bonney puts her hand in her pocket and walk back.As they are walking back both Oven and Perospero fall the ground dead both bleeding from their neck.

Kaguya: Well, protect this territory as you always have and come to me if you need or want to talk.If will be setting up an Island for the Fishmen to have an Island for them on the surface.I will not take kindly to anyone trying to kidnapp or sell them.They are under my protection and we have an alliance with Whitebeard.No attack them either unprovoked.

Smoothie: Okay.

Katakuri: What is your overall goal?

Yamato: We only want Kaido dead but other people force our hand.Bonney wants Akainu which we will see to.

Kaguya: What was this Island used for?

Katakuri: Nothing, there are no inhabitants and no candy factories so Big Mom did not care about it.

Valen: Then I guess this will be the Island for the Fishmen.

Kaguya: Indeed.

It has been two years since the defeat of Big Mom and since the construction of the Island designated to be for the Fishman to call their own.Once the island was established with the help of Queen Otohime and Shirahoshi they had a place they could call home above the sea while still retaining control of Fishman Island under the sea.Kaguya provided seals witch act like a transporter from Fishman Island to their new Island that they dubbed Atlantis.

There were a few problems after she took the territory of Big Mom from some of the Rookie Pirates like Kidd and h8s pirate crew thougj they quickly perished at the hands of Smoothie.The territory quickly was recognized Kaguya's once the Marines tried to take over but left with Heavy casualties at the hands of Gion and Bonney.They both became close and have grown remarkably strong.

Nojiko and Valen have also grown closer due to their rivalry with each other at first but later turned romantic.

After Atlantis was up and running smoothly Kaguya and Yamato decided to make things between them more serious and after talking with Nojiko and Queen Otohime and decided to get Married.The Whitebeard pirates joined in the celebrations and Neither Kaguya Nor Yamato were seen for two weeks but their afterglow upon returning let everyone know that they had a great time.Kaguya and Shirahoshi's relationship started to get more serious as well and Queen Otohime enjoys teezing her daughter with the Idea of Grandchildren.Shirahoshi has also spent time with Yamato and they got along fairly well.

Raki and Muret enjoy their time together with Raki being able to converse with her tribe about all that she has seen while under the white sea.Raki now wants to set up a way for the Skypieans to traverse the blue on their own if the so wish.

The marine have not really shown up after being dealt with so easily at the hands of one of their former Vice-Admirals.Akainu has also been avoiding meeting the Kaguya pirates after their absorption of the Big Mom Pirates.

They also all gather together to enjoy each other's company as they started as a pirate crew and with end as such.They have dinners and little get togethers in which the former Big Mom pirates and Now Kaguya Pirates can join.Smoothie and some of the others have joined and grown closer to Kaguya but none look up to Kaguya and her crew more than Pudding.They don't force her to use her powers or try to force her into an arranged marriage.They also don't make fun of her third eye and she feels loved and her confidence as skyrocketed being around them.Gion took her under her wing to train her so she has some form of self defense should she need it.

Germa 66 tried to make a move on Kaguya's territory but was utterly defeated by Bonney alone while the Kaguya pirates just watched her progress.Reiju was offered asylum when she didn't lift a finger to defend her siblings or father and she took it.

After the defeat of Germa 66 the world government decided that the Kaguya Pirates were to much of a threat to everyone and sent most if their marines to deal with.Akainu was the one to lead the charge given his humiliating defeat twice at the hands of one Kaguya Ōtsutsuki he wants to regain his reputation.Though once he and his fellow Marines arrived only to find an armada assembled to defend their homes and at the front was none other Than Big Eater Bonney waiting for Akainu.The Kaguya Pirates defeated and destroyed the marines and encircled them to make sure they could escape.

Bonney, after a grueling seven days and seven nights of fighting Akainu finally emerged victorious and Akainu died.Bonney bounty shot up to 2.2 billion and was recognized as a real threat in the New world.

After the defeat of one Doflamingo at the hands of Luffy and Trafalgar they made contact with Kaguya about defeating Kaido which was all Kaguya was waiting for.

The Kaguya Pirates sat across from the Straw-hats as well as the Heart Pirates.

Yamato: You all certainly look like little Doflamingo did a number on you.

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Trafalgar: He was powerful and his awakened devil fruit was unexpected.

Gion: Doflamingo is a small fry against who you want to fight.

Valen: We may have been waiting for you to get to this point in the grandline but Kaido needs to be dealt with.

Kaguya: As you all are now, you will be squashed by the power that is Kaido.As much as I loathe to admit it, he is a powerful opponent.He is, however, not yours to kill.

Luffy: If I see him first then I'll fight him first.

Bonney: I doubt any of you would stand a chance against someone like Cracker as you are now.

Nojiko: As you know Luffy, Haki can only be improved upon through combat and no one has really pushed any of you except Doflamingo.

Muret: Who might I remind you all is worthless here in the New world.He is strong but not against those of us like Kaido, Kaguya, Bonney, Shanks, Whitebeard, or even the former sweet commander Katakuri.

Nami: So what you are saying is the we should just ignore Kaido?I am 100% okay with this plan.I don't want to die.

Zoro: I say we can take them on and like you said, Haki can only be improved through combat.

Kaguya: Since you have arrived earlier than anticipated...

???: I am sorry to interupt this meeting but I have a request Kaguya?

Sanji looks shocked that his sister just walked in and stands up quickly.

Kaguya: What can I do for you Reiju?

Reiju: I would to spend some time with my brother Sanji and make sure he is in shape enough to fight against the like of Kaido.

Valen: So you want to kick his ass into shape?

Reiju: Yes.

Kaguya: I am fine with this.I was going to suggest that they train while here to improve and you can tell Sanji why you are here and all that.

Reiju: Thank you.

Reiju bows to Kaguya and walks over to Sanji hits him in the stomach and knocks him out and proceeds to drag him out of the meeting like nothing happened.

Zoro: The perverted cook is finally going to get beaten.

Luffy: We will need to be in real fights to improve, they can't just be fake.

Kaguya: You are right which is why I have opponents already chosen for you but Luffy, your opponent while not the most dangerous here he is one of the most dangerous to fight.You are trying to improve on all aspects of Haki, correct?

Luffy: Yes.

Kaguya: Then you should seek out a man name Katakuri.He should push you enough to be able to improve.

Chopper: what about the rest of us?

Muret: You are the doctor for the Straw-hats correct?

Chopper: I am.

Muret: Then you are with me.I am the doctor for the Kaguya Pirates.

Nami: Do I really have to train?Can't I just get clothes?

Nojiko: Nope, you and I are going to train.I won't have my sister die because she ran away or couldn't get away.

Zoro: Who am I going with?

Yamato: You are going with Kaguya and I.

Raki: Your Sniper will be going with me.

Kaguya: I have no clue for Franky.I suppose he can go find Sanji and Reiju since Reiju should know something for him to improve in.Also Robin will be coming with me for the poneglyph.And to train with me for a bit.Yamato, try not to kill Zoro.He has his opponent he needs to face.He can't be number 1 if he dies.

Zoro gets a feral grin on his face.

Zoro: This should be easy.

Valen: You do know Yamato could fight Kaido and go toe to toe with him before joining Kaguya and has only gotten stronger since she wants to close the hap between or and Kaguya?I overheard her saying how she wanted to be the dominant one in bed buy Kaguya won't let unless she over powers her.

Yamato: SHUT UP VALEN!!!

Robin: Can we go see the poneglyph now?

Kaguya: Of course.Follow me.

Every one leaves to get training or beaten by the Kaguya Pirates in pursuit of getting rid of Kaido.

We see Kaguya and Robin walking side by side talking while heading to the poneglyph that Robin wants to read.

Robin: You all are much more laid back than I had thought a large dominant pirate crew would be.

Kaguya: Did you expect us to act like a military or try to demand submission to us from simply being in our territory?

Robin: Maybe, however I do think you all could do whatever you want.You could even challenge the world government and walk away from it.

Kaguya: I have no interest in that.Besides, as long as they leave me and mine alone I won't eliminate them.Should they raise their hands against us and do serious harm.

Kaguya gains a dark expression and emits a murderous aura which scares Robin.

Kaguya: Then I will personally eliminate them from this world and show them why they should leave mine alone.

They continue to talk and get to know one another on their way to the poneglyph.

Once they arrive at the poneglyph Robin reads it and is satisfied with the information.

Robin: thank you for allowing me to see it with out having to go against your crew.I would not have gotten to it.

Kaguya: No problem but now that we are here and alone I want to train you to be more prepared.You at least need some form of haki.

Robin: Then I am in your care.

Kaguya: I think your devil fruit has a lot of potential especially if combined with armament haki but first I want you to attack me so I can get an understanding of where you stand combat wise.

While Kaguya begins to train Robin we cut to the scene if Reiju and Sanji sitting at a small table talking with one another

Sanji: I thought you were with Germa 66.Why are you here?

Reiju: father thought it would be a good idea to take over Kaguya's territory and force a marriage proposal on her but things didn't go his way and father and our brothers perished in the ensuing fight.I never lifted a finger to help them and for that I was offered to stay here with them and I accepted.They are really nice and good people despite the way everyone thinks of them.

Sanji: I see.Who was the marriage arrangement for?

Reiju: it was between Big Mom and Our father for you to be wed to her daughter Pudding.Though that quickly went out the window when Kaguya killed Big Mom.

Sanji: I see.Well, we can catch up later but for now we need to train if you were able to knock me out so quickly.You must be one of the strongest here.

Reiju just chuckles at her clueless brother.

Reiju: While I am certainly no pushover even here I can't compete with the likes of Kaguya or her crew and a few of Big Mom's children are powerful as well.Katakuri for one that Luffy is seeking out is not one to be taken lightly.While he would get beaten by Yamato or Kaguya easily he can fight the rest of them and have a decent chance at winning.

Sanji was shocked at the gap between them.

While Sanji was shocked Franky walked up to them

Franky: You, Kaguya said that I should talk to you about potential upgrades I could make.

Reiju: Oh, well, I can lead you my father ships.We need to head there anyway for Sanji.You can go over all of his data and think of things on your own but I do think you should get some combat practice in at some point.

Franky: Okay.

We can now see a terrified Nami trying to run from her sister Nojiko who has a scary aura around her following behind her slowly like a predator stalking it's prey.

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Nojiko: My dear little sister, where can you go to get away from me.We will train and I will make sure that you can survive.Now stop making this difficult and just fight me.


Nami is soon grabbed and thrown over her shoulder and struggles to be released but gives up and accepts her fate when she can't budge.

Valen: Oh my, Noji dearest look what I have caught.I seem to have caught my future sister in law.Do I get a reward?

Nojiko blushes and the thought of marrying her rival turned lover gets a nosebleed from her over active imagination and passes out.Valen just laughs at her and picks Nojiko up and throws her over her shoulder and carries both Nami and Nojiko to their house.

Nami: So you and my sister huh?

Valen: Indeed, It was not something that I planned to happen it just did in one of our sparring matches to see who is stronger.I am thankful to her and this crew.They gave me somewhere to belong and a family I never had.Nojiko gave me a place to rest my heart and rejuvenate it when I am tired.Well, you can thank me later, as much as she wants to train you ro make sure you don't die here she also wants to catch up and I'll make sure you both sit down and talk first before she kicks your ass.I also want to get to know you since we will be sister on laws soon enough.

Nami: Thank!I used to be jealous of her bounty and that hers was constantly getting higher.

Valen: I understand that but you should be happy with your lower bounty.It means the world government won't see you as much of a threat.With bounties like Nojiko and Mine we are seen as big threats and Kaguya, Yamato and Recently Bonnie being in the billions they are seen as huge threats.

Nami: I am sure mine will raise once we deal with Kaido.Maybe Luffy will one day be able to contend with the likes of Kaguya, Whitebeard, and Shanks.

Valen: I can already tell that he can contend with most of our crew; same for Zoro and Sanji.They would still lose.I don't think anyone has seen Kaguya go all out... maybe Yamato has, Kaguya has been spending time making sure she is ready to take on Kaido.Both of them went to and abandoned island some time ago after the death of Akaino and we could hear their battle from here.We could also see giant mushroom clouds and big explosions every now and them.

Nami: They seem fine to me though?

Valen: of course, we asked What happened but neither would answer.Pudding went with Gion to the Island to try to find answers but the Island is no longer there.

Nami gets a scared expression.

Nami: They are to strong!How long did they fight?

Nojiko: Two weeks of fighting with no breaks.I got Yamato to tell me a little so I could see where I stacked against our real power houses.She said that Kaguya went into a rabbit form with ten tails.She also said that her haki all around improved in that fight.

Valen: I don't want to know what would happen of Kaguya and Kaido fought one another.I have no doubt Kaguya would win but how many Islands will be left?

Luffy can be seen sitting across from a giant of a man named Katakuri after explaining what Kaguya has said.

Katakuri: I see.Then I will treat as a real fight.If you perish in this battle?Don't blame me for your short coming.As you are now, you don't stand a chance.I will treat you as the enemy pirate.

Luffy: Great.Then let's go.Kaguya said you were the strongest but said you were the best opponent for me at this current time.

Katakuri: Kaguya and Yamato are the monsters here.Bonney too if she gets the opportunity.I have it slacken off though and strive to be a contender against them... will you be joining us as well Fire Fist Ace?

Ace makes his appearance in a flashy fiery way.

Luffy: Ace!!What are you doing here?

Ace: I heard your crew was here and since we are allied with the Kaguya Pirates, we can stop by whenever as Long we don't cause trouble.I also wish to join in this battle.Make it more interesting and have a three way match.It should push all us to the next level.There is no way I can let Kaguya stay in the lead.

Luffy: Then let's get started!

Katakuri: To Menomize the damage we will no doubt cause we will go the mirror world using my sisters devil fruit.There we can let lose with out worry.

Ace: Then, O- Tama come here.

A little girl with adorable rosy cheeks and cute little outfit on walks up to Ace.

Ace: We are all going to fight but I want you to be safe so I would like for you to find someone named Kag

Before he can finish his sentence a clone of Kaguya walked up to O-Tama and offers her hand.

Kaguya clone: I can take you to Lady Kaguya and on the way we can get you some nice food and snacks?

O- Tama looks to Ace and he offers her a grand smile and nods.

Ace: You can go with her Tama, she will protect you and you can meet some new people and have some great food.She could also train you if you want.You would just need to ask her.

Tama: Okay.

Tama takes the offered hand and Kaguya quickly picks her up and puts her on her shoulders.

Kaguya: So, shall we head to Lady Kaguya or would you like some snacks and food first?

Tama adopts a cute thinking pose before cheering excitedly for food first.

Over the course of two months the straw hats grew stronger under the tutelage of the Kaguya Pirates but the most important thing that happened was Tama seeing both Kaguya and Yamato as mother figures after getting to know them.

Kaguya and Tama grew such a tight bind with one another that Kaguya offered the young Tama something she has offered no one else and that was to have her body gain chakra pathways and allow her to use Kaguya's abilities if trained.Tama accepted and Kaguya explained how she will be put to sleep for a week for her body to adjust.Before she was put to sleep she asked both Kaguya and Yamato a question that filled them both with joy.

Tama: Will you both be my Mother?

Kaguya and Yamato quickly pulled the little girl into a group hug and got her answer.

Kaguya: I already see you as my daughter, and I will love as one.Of course I will be your Mother, if you want that.

Yamato: I agree with My wife, you are already our Daughter and can come to us for anything.You can even spend time with your brothers, Ace and Luffy.

After that Tama was put to sleep for Kaguya to give her chakra pathways.

Yamato: Will you give me chakra pathways as well?

Kaguya: Since we are connected on the level that we, if I give them to you, your lifespan will greatly be enhanced.I will live for centuries maybe a couple millennium.Are you okay with that?

Yamato: Of course, you are my wife and I will want nothing more than to spend my time with you.Will Tama gain the same lifespan?

Kaguya: No, she will live for her natural lifespan which is already incredible.If I give you chakra pathways you will be asleep for a little while longer because I will give you my blood as well which would make you an Ōtsutsuki by blood like me.

Yamato: Then let's do it.You can train Tama and myself together.

Kaguya Kisses Yamato and starts the process to give both Tama and Yamato chakra.

After Kaguya was done giving both Yamato and Tama chakra pathways and turning Yamato into an Ōtsutsuki she just sits there with both of them holding their hands waiting for them to wake.

In the following week Ace and Luffy came by to check on Tama and was concerned at first since Tama was asleep and wasn't responding but after an explanation from Kaguya they both calmed down.

Kaguya wouldn't leave either of their sides until they both woke up.After one week Tama slowly opens her eyes to see Kaguya still holding her hand and looking relieved that she is awake.

Kaguya: Hey, I'm glad you're awake now.How do you feel?

Tama goes to answer but then her stomach growls letting everyone know she is hungry.Her cheeks flush in embarrassment.

Tama: Where is Mother Yamato at?

Kaguya: She is laying down and also asleep until she wakes up.

Tama: Did you do the same thing with her?

Kaguya: I did.She is my wife and I have a very long lifespan, I don't wish to be with out her.

Tama smiles and is about to talk when Ace busts through the door.

Ace: I sensed Tama was awake!!

Kaguy gains a tick mark on her forhead.

Kaguya: You are putting a new door in.

Ace: Yeah yeah, whatever.Where is Tama?

Tama: Ace, I am right here.I can feel some energy within me.What is that?

Kaguya: That energy is what is called Chakra.There are only three of us that have this energy and all are in this room.You are a different kind of human now buy considering there are devil fruits you will be fine.I'll teach you and Yamato about Chakra once she wakes up.

Tama: Okay, can I go with Ace for a bit.He can pay for my food.

Ace looks horror stricken at the thought of paying for food.

Kaguya: Of course, eat as much as you want.

Tama and Ace leave while Kaguya still sits beside her wife waiting for to wake up.

On the other side of the Island they are on a large pirate ship is seen heading towards them.Some of the lesser pirates that are there start freaking not wanting to get caught in a war between two Yonko level pirates, while Pudding and Gion just wait for them to dock.

Once the ship docks Marco jumps down and greets them.

Marco: Yo you.Pops wants to talk to Kaguya.

Gion: I see.That will have to wait for Yamato to wake up.It should be to much longer.Maybe a day for her awaken.

Marco: What is wrong with her?

Pudding: She is just undergoing something and Kaguya won't leave her side until she wakes up.

Gion: You are all free to do what you want here.We will let her know that Whitebeard wants to speak with her.

Marco: Let her know that we saw Shanks heading in this way too.

Gion gains an ominous aura around her and the ground starts to Crack.

Pudding leads her away so the harbor doesn't break.

Pudding: We'll let her know.Thank you.

They head off and Marco goes back up to tell Whitebeard.

Whitebeard: I understand Gurararara.If it was one of you I would be the same.The meeting can wait.For now, we'll deal with Shanks and see what he wants before he gets here.

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Marco: Alright.

They leave the port and cut off Shanks before he can get to the Island.

Whitebeard: Why are you in Kaguya's territory?

Shanks: We are not here to cause trouble like the last time we encountered each other.

Whitebeard: I hope not.This isn't the time for you go boasting about the balances of the world.Besides, that brat you're always going on about is on that Island at the moment.You sure you want to be seen yet?

Shanks gains a dark look and leaks his power.

Shanks: Why is he here?Kaguya isn't holding them prisoner is she?

Whitebeard: Gurararara!!

Marco: Really Shanks Yoi.Kaguya doesn't care about prisoners.As long as they don't do anything to provoke her she won't raise a hand to them.Ace is there too, do you think he would allow luffy to be a prisoner?

Shanks calms down and looks sheepish.

Shanks: Maybe I have misjudged Kaguya from the beginning.

Whitebeard: You did brat.She doesn't care what goes as long as she isn't provoked.You leave her and hers alone, and she'll leave you and yours alone.Though you shouldn't expect a warm reception.

Shanks: Okay, when can I see her then?

Whitebeard: no clue, we are waiting on that too.She won't see anyone at the moment.

Shanks: Then we wait.

Marco: I would suggest waiting out here and not on dock.Given your past with each other.I am sure she knows you are coming so she will send someone to notify you.Or she'll come to you herself.

Shanks hangs his head low but agrees.

After a day of Tama hanging out with Ace and Luffy she can be seen sitting beside Kaguya waiting for Yanato to wake up.

Tama: She should wake up soon, right?

Kaguya: Yes.She should.

Just as she finished saying that Yamato can be seen opening her eyes.

Yamato: Hey my lovelies.How are you?

Kaguya leans in and gives her a kiss while Tama just hugs her tightly.

Kaguya: I am glad you are awake now, but you must rest and get something to eat.

Yamato: Where are you going?

Kaguya: Whitebeard wants to meet me for some reason and unfortunately Shanks is here for the same reason.

Yamato starts leaking a deadly aura at the mention of Shanks.

Yamato: Then I will come too.

Kaguya just shakes her head in amusement.

Kaguya: Tama, can I ask you to do something for me?

Tama: What can I do for you Mama Kaguya?

Kaguya: Will you look after Yamato while deal with them?

Yamato is about to say something when Tama jumps in her lap nods her head yes.

Yamato wraps her arms around Tama and finally relents.

Kaguya: Good.We will be meeting on an uninhabited island to the south since I don't know what Shanks wants.

Yamato: At least take Nojiko and Valen then.

Kaguya: Fine, I'll take Nojiko and Valen.

Kaguya leaves Tama and Yamato to catch up and senses where Nojiko and Valen are and they are with Nami.

Kaguya disappears from her spot and appears in front of Nami and blocks Nojiko's and Valen's attack.Nami gives a sigh of relief at being saved.

Kaguya: I am glad to see you all be so lively.

Nojiko: Since you are here does that mean That Yamato has woken up?

Kaguya: Yes but I have a meeting to attend with Whitebeard.This wouldn't usually be a problem but Shanks is here as well and wants to meet.We are meeting on an Island near here just in case things get violent.Yamato wants me to take take you two with me since she can't come.

Valen: Give us half an hour and we'll be ready.

Nojiko nods and they both head off to their house.

Kaguya: Nami, how has catching up with your sister been?

Nami: Hell, Nojiko is ruthless!!

Kaguya chucks at hearing this.

Kaguya: She just wish for you to be able to survive here.I can't tell that you have grown much stronger, like Luffy and Robin.Everyone has.

Nami: Thanks.I know she wants what is best for me, but must Valen join in my torture?

Kaguya: She is just a sadist.However, I will let you have this day off since I am taking both with me.So, go do what you want.Buy some clothes or just have someone make you some.

Kaguya hand her a note saying all expenses free with today's date on it.

Nami sees it and gains stars in here eyes.

Kaguya: You can map the island or Islands or get clothes, whatever you want.

Nami nods and heads off to shower and head out.

On an uninhabited Island, Whitebeard and Shanks can be seen waiting with both crews behind them when they sense that Kaguya and two others are with her.When they arrive they all greet one another with their typical Yonko greeting of conquerors haki.Some of the lesser pirates from Shanks and Whitebeard's crew pass out from.The pressure if the three.

Kaguya: Whitebeard, have come to reclaim your son?

Whitebeard: Gurararara no, I am here to talk to you about your plans after Wano.

Kaguya: I am only going to make sure that no one interferes with those that wants Kaido's head.The kill itself I have no interest in.

Whitebeard: what If I decide that I want to be the one to take out Kaido?

Kaguya: Then our battle from two years ago will resume but I fear that the inhabitants of Wano will no survive a true clash from either of us.

Whitebeard: Gurararara indeed.I am only here to meet up and drink some sake.I heard Monkey D Luffy is here at the moment.

Kaguy: He and his crew are indeed there right now.I wouldn't let them challenge Kaido right off the bat.He was not ready when her arrived.

Shanks: So you are holding them against their will.

Kaguya and Whitebeard just look at Shanks in annoyance.

Kaguya: Right, you are here.The strawhats are being trained to be able to contend with the level of Pirates that the four of us are.If you wish to test Luffy yourself, then stay here and I will send his crew and him here in a day.

Shanks: I am sorry for rudeness.I am only here to apologize for my actions the last time we met.While I do not fear you just as Whitebeard does not I forgot that we are pirates and we do what we want.

Kaguya: Fine fine, whatever.You can enter my territory but If you cause any trouble while here other taking out lowlife rookies then I will take action against you.I have one rule.Don't mess with mine, and I won't destroy you.Now I have some people to train.Whitebeard you are welcome to stay as long as you wish.Ace should be with Luffy who is probably with Katakuri getting their asses beat.

Whitebeard: Gurararara What are they doing?

Marco: Ace was probably being Ace and picked a fight.

Nojiko: Actually Luffy went to Katakuri on Kaguya's suggestion for training and Ace showed up and it turned into a three way battle where they actively try to kill one another in attempts to reach that next level.No one want to fall behind in power when it comes to Kaguya and Yamato and Bonney.

Marco: Of course Ace would do something like that.No one had died yet?

Valen: Nope, Brulee won't let them die.She has healers on stand by to make sure of it.They have gotten stronger though.Straw hat can contend with Bonney I think.

Shanks: That's a relief.Will you send them here?

Kaguya: In an act of good faith I will tell then someone is waiting for them here.

Shanks: Thanks.

Whitebeard: When are you planning on letting Yamato loose on Wano?

Kaguya: In a month.I want her to get a grasp on her new powers so I will be training her and one other in them.

Marco: Powers?

Kaguya: secret.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I heard Kuzan refused to join the marines again and Is in this area somewhere.

Kaguya: Thanks for the warning.Well, I have a wife to tend to and a daughter as well.

Whitebeard: Daughter?

Kaguya: Yamato and I basically the little girl O-Tama that Ace brought.

Whitebeard: Gurararara

Gion can he seen enjoying a meal with Pudding when Kaguya walks up to them with Yamato and O-Tama behind her.

Pudding: Hello Kaguya, Yamato, and Tama.How are you all doing?

Kaguya: We are doing well, I am about to head off with these two and train them for the remaining month before heading off for Wano.I just came by to let you know that Whitebeard said that Kuzan has been seen in this area.If you see him then let him know of our rules and that he is free to stay as long as he likes.

Gion: I will let him know if I happen to see him.

Kaguya: Thank you, If you do need us we will be on the north of the Island.

Pudding: Have any of you seen Reiju?I have been looking for her lately.

Yamato: I think she is still with Sanji somewhere.

O- Tama: We must train so I can be strong like my Mamas.

Pudding: I think I'll leave to look for Reiju again.

Gion: Stay safe.

Gion stays enjoying her lunch as everyone else leaves.While she is sitting there pondering on what Kaguya said when she sees Kuzans poofy hair walking through the crowd.She gets up and follows him at a brisk pace expecting Kuzan to notice her.Of course Kuzan stops and turns towards her and sees that it is Gion a former marine like himself.She tilts her head in a manner of follow me and walks towards a secluded area for a more private conversation.When arriving in the area Gion can see his wariness.

Gion: Relax Kuzan I am simply here to give a welcome and a list of rules to follow while in Kaguya's territory.

Kuzan relaxes when he hears this.

Kuzan: Ara what are the rules that pirates like yourselves impose?

Gion: Simple really, don't take what is Kaguya's, don't start fights in populated areas, don't harm the civilians.

Kuzan: Those are rules that I would not expect a pirate to care to follow.

Gion: The only reason Kaguya became a pirate in the first place is because she was attacked by the marines for no reason and unprovoked.If that never happened then I doubt that she would have a bounty and would just explore the world.Anyways, Kaguya just got word that you were seen in the area and asked us to welcome you and ask that you follow the rules.

Kuzan: I have no problems with this.

Gion: Well, have a good day.

Both walk their own ways.

As Kaguya and her two family are heading north they see Luffy talking with Ace.

Kaguya: Luffy, Ace, can I talk to you for a second?

Luffy: Sure.

Kaguya: Ace, Whitebeard and his crew are here and looking for you.

Ace: Pop's is here?

Yamato: And Pineapple.

Ace: Then I'll see you all later.Don't want to keep Pop's waiting.

Luffy: Bye Ace.

Kaguya: Luffy, there is someone on an Island close by to the south that is looking for you.They asked me to tell you this.

Luffy: Who could that be?Do they have meat?

Yamato: I am sure they have meat.I do suggest that you take your crew with you.Just in case.

Luffy: Okay.Bye bye.

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O-Tama: He seems like the stupid brother.

Kaguya: He is the stupid brother but he is a good person.

They continue to their destination and once they arrive there is a small pond and plenty of trees around.From there Kaguya explains what chakra is and the uses for it.While explaining things about chakra she let's her chakra be seen around her person to help with her explaining.Along the way she also answers some questions that they have.

She then sits in a meditation pose and ask then to get in a similar position and tells them how to draw out their chakra and that it can take a while to find draw out.She then watches them as they try to find their chakra.Surprising her the first to find their chakra and draw it out is O-Tamaa who has stars in her eyes in excitement and runs and hugs Kaguya which she returns and places Tama in her lap while they wait for Yamato.

Tama: How long did it take me to do it?

Kaguya: A few hours.I am proud of you.You have real with this.Your descendants will also aquire chakra pathways and chakra coils.

Tama: Then I can pass down my knowledge that I get to my children?

Kaguya: Of course.

They keep talking for a few hours when they can see and feel that Yamato also has unlocked her chakra and the ground cracked from the amount.

Yamato looks at her hand and feels a warm feeling spread in her body and feels stronger.She looks at Kaguya and smiles brightly at her and faster than she expected and collided with Kaguya with Tama sitting to the side no longer on Kaguya's lap and is curious about how she got there.Kaguya looks at Yamato lovingly and kisses her.

Kaguya: I am proud of both of you.Now, we can take a break for today and start training control tomorrow or we can work through it now?It is up to you two.

Tama: I want to continue.

Yamato: I do as well.

Kaguya: Okay, then I want both of you to practice moving your chakra around throughout your body.Once you get used to that let me know.

They continue their training for the remaining month with no problems that require her attention.

Once the month is done and they rested enough Kaguya gathers all of her pirates as well as the Straw-hats and Heart Pirates.

Kaguya: From my Kaguya pirates I need to know who is willing to sail to Wano with me and Yamato, keep in mind that I will not make you come with us.If none of you wish to come with us that is fine and you can stay and protect our territory.I'll give this day to think about it and if you wish to go then meet both us at the docks.Don't make this choice hastily.You could die going against Kaido and the beast pirates.

Kaguya walks away followed by the Hearts and Straw-hats and Yamato.

Nami: Do you think Nojiko will come?

Yamato: Of course she will and if she goes so will Valen.

Kaguya: How has your training gone Nami?

Hearing the question, Nami gains a terrified expression and starts sweating.

Nami: Nojiko is a monster, a slave driver, a beast.A taskmaster.The devil herself.She has become evil.

Unknown to her Valen and Nojiko joined them and both heard what she said and both walk up and put their arms on her shoulders.

Nojiko: I am a monster huh?

Valen: Definitely a monster in bed.

Kaguya: If we are talking about monsters in bed then I have to say Yamato fits that category.

Yamato: You can't possibly say that with out including yourself in there.You match my energy and more.

While the women were talking about this Sanji can be seen depressed because he can't get women and here are four that are active with each other.

Yamato: Luffy, when it comes to Kaido then it will be a first come first serve.If you get to him first then you can fight him.If I do then I get to fight him.

Luffy: Fine, but I will win.

Robin: I would like to thank you Kaguya, for training me and while I didn't unlock any haki, I feel that I am close to it.

Kaguya: Of course, a beautiful woman shouldn't be defenseless.

The day passes with them all ignoring Law who wants to make a plan and is getting frustrated with them not listening.

The next day the Straw-hats and heart pirates are waiting on their ships to see who among the Kaguya pirates will show up.They see Valen and Nojiko as well as Raki and Bonney.The surprising one to join is Pudding.

They see Katakuri coming but Kaguya can see he isn't joining the fight.Katakuri: I am here to wish you all a safe journey.

Kaguya: I put you in charge of the defense of our territory.Keep it safe.

Katakuri: I will.

With Kaguya, Yamato, Valen, Nojiko, and Pudding going from the Kaguya Pirates decided.

Kaguya: Luffy, may we join you on your ship?

Luffy: Of course but I am captain!!