

With Whitebeard after the call

Whitebeard: Marco, what do you know about this 'White Demon Kaguya'?

Marco gets a serious look on his face and thinks for a while before responding.

Marco: We only know what the newspaper has told but we both know that it is a severely bias thing to go off of.We know that she has a small Crew from what Ace has said, herself and 3 others who seem capable.She has a large bounty for that part of the grandline of 473,000,000 beli.We would have to meet her to get a better idea of what she is like as a person.

Whitebearda appears to be thinking about things when the rest of the commanders come in being loud and joyous.

Marco: will all of you be quiet in here?

Juzo: Why?

Before Marco can answer Whitebeard begins laughing.

Whitebeard: Gurararara!!I think when we meet in water 7 I'll test her a bit.

Izou: Meet who?

Whitebeard: The 'White Demon Kaguya'

Vista: Why are we meeting an up and coming pirate?

Marco: Ace called a few minutes ago and met up with the Kaguya pirates and said the she wants to meet us about forming an alliance of sorts so that we don't attack each other when they get into our territory but she doesn't seem to be put off about fighting us if needed.

Vista: Then she wants safe passage?

Whitebeard: I don't think she wants safe passage.I think it is just a ruse to have a meeting with us but it could also be the truth that she doesn't wish to fight with us.473,000,000 beli bounty isn't anything to worry about but many of you may have a hard time dealing with her.

Marco: Anyways, we will meet in a few months at Water 7 since she needs a new ship made and is tired of using her stolen marine one.

All of the commanders laugh at the thought of the Akainu throwing a fit about a marine ship being used by a filthy pirate.

With The Kaguya pirates

They are sailing the waters in the grand line and decided to just use the marines maps to get to Jaya instead of heading around and waiting for the logpose to reset.

As they are sailing peacefully, Valen is seen practicing some Katas that Kaguya showed her and starting to use her devil fruit in the Katas at varying weights to get used to applying it in a single part of her body while keeping the rest light or heavy to fit the situation as needed.Nojiko is practice with her double bladed pole-arm and using Haki while Kaguya and Yamato are playing rock paper scissors to further their observation haki when a clone dispels itself to let Kaguya know that a ship has been spotted ahead of them.

Kaguya: Yamato, there is a ship seen ahead of us.Get your weapon and let the other two two.I'll be at the front of the ship.

Yamato: Okay.

The Kaguya Pirates gather at the front of the ship gaining on the other ship and ready for battle if it comes to it.Kaguya, Yamato, and Nojiko all notice that they haven't noticed them yet so Kaguya decides to go on their ship and see who it is.

Kaguya: I'm gonna board their ship.Yamato, your in charge while I'm not here.

Yamato: Alright, we'll catch up as soon as we can.

Kaguya nods and then disappears and appears on the front of the other pirate ship alerting the pirates of her presence.

Kaguya stands in a relaxed stance with her hand on the handle of masamune while staring at then.

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Random Pirate: Who are you!?!

Kaguya ignores him and senses for the strongest on the ship and finds them walking to see what the commotion is about.

Random pirate: don't ignore us!!We'll kill you!!

Random pirate: Do you know who we are!?

Kaguya: Ah, so the captain finally shows up.I was wondering who this ship belonged to, now I know.Will you be a problem for me?If not then we will leave you be and not harm anyone in your crew.

The captain looks at Kaguya and remembers seeing her wanted poster.

???: Why is the 'White Demon' on my ship?We have done nothing to you yet.

Kaguya: true but my crew were minding our own business when we saw your ship ahead of us and I wanted to know if you would attack us on site.

???: If we will attack?

Kaguya just smiles innocently.

Kaguya: I'll kill all of you or just wait until the rest get here and have them deal with you.

The captain considers her options quietly while watching Kagiya warily.

Random Pirate: Captain!You can't just take this lying down.Her bounty is just fake.Look at her!She looks pathetic!!

???: SHUT up!!You know nothing and your lack of experience is obvious if you can't see her as a threat!

Random Pirate: if I had known you would be such a pathetic excuse of a pirate then I would have never joined you ' Big Eater'!

He went to draw his sword to cut her down when Kaguya used her conquers haki and he passed out foaming at the mouth.

Bonney: What did you do to him?

Kaguya: Utilized an ability I have and he couldn't handle it.

Bonney: I have no intention in attacking you or your crew.I am sure at this point in time we would not be able to do much against you.

Kaguya takes her hand off her sword.

Kaguya's ship pulls up beside them and Yamato, Nojiko, and Valen join Kaguya beside her.

Bonney: I see.We would only be able to deal with two of you at most.

Nojiko: Kaguya, are they a threat to us?

Yamato: Nope.They might be able to fight against Valen but she has the least experience and lacks Haki.

Valen: Hey!!I JUST joined ... like a couple weeks ago!!

Kaguya: You have made great progress Valen, don't let Yamato tease you to easily.She was born and raised in the New world.We both taught Nojiko Haki and trained her and I have been training for a long time.You will be ready in no time!You have potential.

Bonney: So what now?Typically when two pirates meet it is all out war til one side wins.

Yamato: Kaguya can't be bothered with that.As long as you don't attack her and aren't a marine then she will usually mind her own business.

Bonney: then, we can continue?

Kaguya: Of course!I was just making sure you don't attack us for passing you.

Bonney relaxes and decides to be a good host and offer alcohol and food before they separate.

Bonney: Stay for a while and eat and drink with us.As a sign of no hostility between us.

Kaguya agrees and pulls out a scroll and Bonney just looks at it as Kaguya puts chakra into it and a bunch of food and alcohol appear.

Bonney is shocked that she had so much food and drink just appear from paper.

Yamato: You do that just for the reaction, don't you?

Nojiko: Wouldn't you if you could do it?

Valen: I would.

Yamato: Can't Nami do something similar?

Kaguya: She can but only because of a seal that I used that allows her blood to act as the key rather than my ability.

Bonney: Would you be able to teach me to use something like that!!I could store all the food I could ever want and it would always be fresh and I would never have to go hungry!!

She says all of this while drooling with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Kaguya: I can make a scroll specific for you to use only and it would only work if you used a drop of your blood.

Bonney: What do you want for such a thing?

Kaguya sits and eats while everyone else is partying and thinks about it.As she is thinking Yamato sits beside her and puts her arm around her and leans her head on her shoulder.

Kaguya: An alliance between the two of us.We won't call on your crew to fight with us because we are going after a pretty big fish but we are willing to help you out if you have need of us.

Bonney thinks over the offer while eating at a very quick pace.

Bonney: I agree to your offer of an alliance between us.

Yamato: Great!Now, of you see Kaido then let us know so we can come and kill him!

Bonney chokes and spits out her food.

Bonney: you're going after Kaido!!Are you crazy!

Valen: Probably but we have our reasons.

Kaguya: since you agreed then I'll give you a few things and tips to help you out.I would recommend learning this as it is important.

Kaguya unsealed three books on Haki and hands then to her.

Kaguya: the books are on Haki and the three types of haki as well as how to infuse it into weapons and stuff.It is the main power in the New world and a definite counter to devil fruits.

Bonney nods in appreciation and puts the books down and watches as Kaguya pulls out an ink well and brush and a blank scroll and starts drawing symbols and stuff on it.When it is done she hands a dagger to Bonney and instructs her to put a drop of her blood in the center.

Bonney: Why?

Kaguya: This will register you as the only allowed to use and store things in this scroll.No one else will be able to open it or anything and it is only responds to you.

Bonney nods her head and applies a drop of blood and Kaguya goes over how to use it and she practices by sealing and unsealing some food.

Bonney: I hate showing gratitude and the like since it is weak but I'll thank you.

Kaguya: You're welcome and showing gratitude is no sign of weakness and will help out in some situations.

They spend a couple days partying and getting to know each other and Bonney dealt with the pirate after he woke up and now it is time for the Kaguya Pirates to depart and Kaguya hands Bonney a dagger.

Bonney: What is this for?

Kaguya: If you are ever in trouble and need a quick escape then add a drop of blood to the symbol on it and you will be transported to wherever I am and be safe but it will only work for you and no one else can come with you.It is truly a last resort kind of thing.

Bonney nods and puts it away.

Bonney: where are yall heading to?

Yamato: We are heading to Jaya and the sky islands.

Bonney: they aren't real, are they?

Nojiko: No clue but Kaguya says there is something she wants from up there and believe they are real.

Valen: Either way, we will be heading out and finding out.

They all wave good bye and are about to leave when someone shouts about a marine ship heading for them.They all decide to take a look when Kaguya and Yamato get a wary look on them.

Kaguya: Yamato, who would have thought that we would have the misfortune to run into him here?

Yamato: it isn't good, that's for sure.What do we do?

Nojiko: Who is on that ship that has you two wary?

Kaguya/Yamato: Akainu.

Every one freaks out about him chasing them.

Yamato: He'll catch and kill the Bonney Pirates and probably severely would Valen and Nojiko at their levels.I'm not sure how either of us will hold up against him.

Kaguya seals her pirate ship in a scroll and hands it to Nojiko.

Kaguya: Bonney, can you provide my crew with a short trip while you get away?

Bonney: Why?Are you going to hold him off as we get away?

Yamato, Nojiko, and Valen all look worried remembering what she told the strawhats.

Kaguya: Nojiko, once you are far enough away unsealed the ship and head for Jaya.

She gives Yamato a dagger and tells her to hold onto it and keep it on her.

Kaguya: Bonney, good luck on escaping and whatever happens just keep going.He won't catch up.I'll promise at least that much.

Bonney nods and Kaguya draws her sword and puts Haki into it and white lightning is seen jumping off the sword and gets and a low stance and hold the blade level with her chest in a thrusting motion.

Kaguya: Piercing White.

After she says this she thrusts forward and a beam similar to the one she used against Momonga is seen leaving the sword and heading towards Akainu.

Kaguya: I'll stall him and at least make sure he can't pursue us.

Yamato: Let me fight with you.You will have better odds that way.

Kaguys relents and allows Yamato to join her and Hands the dagger to Valen.

Yamato smiles and bids farewell as Kaguya places a hand on her shoulder and the two disappear in a flash and land on the Marine ship that has a broken mast after Akainu was thrown through it.

Akainu gets up passed and walks forward to see who attacked him and sees two pirates with large bounties on their head.

Akainu: You pirate scum should all die under my Absolute Justice.

Kaguya: Admiral Akainu, dog of the pathetic worms called Celestial dragons.

Yamato: If we can't handle some dog, then we have a long way to for our goal.

Kaguya unleashes a powerful blast of conquers haki and everyone aside from Akainu pass out foaming at the mouth.Kaguya and Yamato draw their weapons and focus armament haki in them while Akainu starts to turn his fist to magma.

Akainu: You will die today, filth.

Kaguya: If you survive this fight then I'll just kill you next time we meet.

Kaguya disappears and swings her sword at his head while Yamato appears in front of him and swings her club at his face and Akainu coats both arms in Armament haki and intercepts and blocks both attacks.

With the Heart Pirates

Trafalgar just finished doing what he could for Kaguya and exits his medical room.

Nojiko: How is she doing?

Trafalgar: She is... astounding.Her healing ability alone is extraordinary and she will live but I don't know when she will wake up.I hope she and I can talk more about this alliance when she does.

Yamato: She will be willing to talk and at least hear you out and given who your target is then she won't turn you down as long as you don't threaten her or us and don't oppose us.

Trafalgar: What would happen if I do oppose you before Akainu?

Valen: Put simply, the heart pirates would cease to exist.I don't doubt that she is powerful but at the moment I think it is a toss up between her and Yamato for the strongest out of us.

Yamato: I get the feeling that she is still holding back.I think once she gets what she wants from where we are heading then she may make us do some form of training to further grasp her abilities and for us to be stronger.

Nojiko shudders at the thought of more of her hellish training.

Nojiko: What do you think it will be?

Yamato: For us Haki users... we will fight each other probably since haki develops better in fights.

Valen: What about me?I don't have that at the moment.

Nojiko: We can work on that while she is recovering.I am sure we don't want this tin box to be thrown around because of you training your devil fruit.

Trafalgar just ponders the information he has listened to and walks off to let his group know to not bother the Kaguya pirates.

They arrive at Jaya Island and are waiting for Kaguya to wake up.Yamato is sitting at her bedside holding Kaguya's hand lost in thought when Kagiya eyes open and looks around and sees Yamato holding her hand.

Kaguya: Yamato, where are we?

Yamato jumps a little startled before looking at Kaguya watery eyes.

Kaguya reaches up and wipes her tears off her face and squeezes her hand reassuring Yamato that she is awake and fine.

Yamato: we are in the Heart Pirates tin box or submarine but after you took that attack from Akainu for me we went back to the Bonney Pirates and from there she contacted The heart Pirates and he helped save your life.We made a deal in the form of an alliance for when he takes on Kaido.

Kaguya: Thank you for doing what you can to help me.It won't happen again though.I refuse to be placed in such a situation again.I have to get accustomed to what I can do.

Yamato: We figured you would say that so after we get done with the meeting with Whitebeard we plan on training.

Nojiko and Valen walk in and see Kaguya up and awake and both of the go to her other side.

Valen: How are you feeling Kaguya?

Nojiko: I am so glad you are awake now.

Kaguya: I am fine thanks for worrying and I am awake and we can continue our adventure and become fearsome together.

Yamato: Well, I am sure that you want to move around a bit.You have been laying down for about a couple days.

Kaguya kicks her legs off to the side and stands up but feels soreness in her back and stomach.Her hands light up green from using the Mystic palm and starts to heal what is left damaged.

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Trafalgar walks in and sees her healing herself after waking up and is stunned seeing all her damage just disappear as if it was never there.

Kaguya: You must be Trafalgar.

Trafalgar is startled since she hasn't looked at him once and is looking down focusing on healing herself.

Trafalgar: Yes, I am.Can we talk now about this alliance your crew proposed?

Kaguya: Where is my sword?

Yamato: I kept hold of it while you were out.It is with all out stuff here.

Kaguya: Okay.Trafalgar of the Heart Pirates.A decent bounty and dangerous for your op op fruit.

Trafalgar: Not nearly as dangerous as you are currently or your crew.I don't think we would come out on top if we fought.

Valen: No, you wouldn't.I don't know their limits but I can't beat Nojiko and she says both Kaguya and Yamato are on another level all together.

Kaguya: This alliance, what is it that you want?

Trafalgar: I want assistance for when I go against Kaido and nothing more at the moment.That is my price for healing you.

Kaguya: That is acceptable.We plan on taking Kaido down anyways not to mention we have a meeting with Whitebeard to prepare for.

Trafalgar stunned and his jaw drops to the floor at the name drop and how casually she said it.

Yamato: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Kaguya: You will have our assistance for taking down Kaido however, it will become my territory once everything is done and said.If anyone opposes this after the fight is over, then I will personally erase them from this plane of existence.

Yamato looks a little shocked about this.

Yamato: Do you plan to rule over them?

Kaguya just squeezes Yamato's hand.

Kaguya: No, Yamato.I plan to free them.You have my word on this.It will be similar to Whitebeard.They will be free to rule themselves and govern how they want however I will simply provide protection for them from hostile pirate groups.

Yamato: I see.Thank you.They have been oppressed for to long by my father.

Trafalgar: That is fine.I won't get in your way.

Kaguya: Great, then we have an alliance for when you take on Akaido.Now, we are at Jaya, correct?We will take our leave now.Thanks for the help in my healing.

Trafalgar: You don't have a ship.How are you getting around?

Valen and Nojiko just laugh at him.

Yamato: We do have a ship it is just currently sealed.It makes it easier to get around with out some staying with the ship.

Nojiko holds up a scroll.

Nojiko: It is sealed in here.

Trafalgar: Who did you fight for you to take damage like that?

Yamato: Akainu, the admiral.

Kaguya: I hope I killed him but that is unlikely.I will deal with him personally it we meet once again.I refuse to leave things with a draw.

She says this releasing a large amount of bloodlust that everyone on Jaya can feel it but don't know where it is coming from.

Yamato puts her hand on her shoulder.

Yamato: Things to worry about later.

They all get their stuff and Trafalgar has the submarine surface and they all get off.Trafalgar to get more supplies before he continues and The Kaguya pirates because this is there destination.They go their separate ways and while walking they encounter Bellamy the Hyena thinking he is a big shot.

Bellamy: You women should serve us strong pirates.We can prot-

Kaguya doesn't let him finish and knocks him out with conquerors haki and just keep walking.They get to a bar and see someone Kaguya wants to join her crew.Muret is sitting down eyeing everyone carefully.She is a part of Bellamy's crew as the doctor.Kaguya walks up to her and sits across from her.

Kaguya: Woman with pink hair.Are you a doctor?

Muret: Yes and I am a member of the Bellamy pirates.So leave if you know what's good for you.

Yamato: No can do.Apparently our captain wants you to join us but I don't see the appeal of you ro be honest.

Valen: Didn't Kaguya knock this Bellamy guy out with out even touching him?

Nojiko: She did but he is weak.He only has a 55,000,000 beli bounty.

Muret is shocked when she hears the name Kaguya giving her bounty and her crew is powerful.

Muret: What do you want with me?

Kaguya: We need a doctor and I want you to join us but you should know that you will have to train to get stronger and will have to contend against big names at some point.

Muret: What about the Bellamy pirates?They won't like me leaving.

Yamato: They are weak and pathetic.Stay with them and wallow with the weak or make a name for yourself and rise to the top with us.

Muret: Can I have some time to think about this?

Kaguya: You have one day.We will be going to the Sky Islands at this time tomorrow.You can find us on the north side of the island if you choose to accompany us.

They all get up and leave Muret to her thoughts.As they are walking through Jaya they come across Blackbeard just sitting there eating pie.

Teach and Kaguya lock eyes and both unleash conquerors Haki towards each other and everyone in Jaya passes out except for the Kaguya Pirates and those with Blackbeard.After a couple minutes of this they both stop and Kaguya and her group just keep walking past him.

Teach: You should join me woman.

Kaguya: I refuse to join such a lowlife.Know that if we cross paths once again I will kill you and you are only spared due Ace wanting to catch you himself.

They keep walking as he laughs.

They get to North side of the island and set up a camp.

Yamato: Do you think Muret will join us?

Valen: I hope so.Kaguya does great as the current medic but someone with that knowledge would be helpful.

Nojiko: I think she will join.We are kind of famous and we have decent bounties except for Valen.

Kaguya: True but if Akainu is still alive then he will report who did that damage to him and all of our bounties will rise.

They all stare at the stars and it has been a couple hours of them relaxing when they hear footsteps.

Yamato is leaning against Kaguya while the others are asleep.

Kaguya: Muret, have you made your decision?

Muret seeing them sleeping except Kaguya and Yamato.

Muret: You said I could stay here and wallow with the weak and stay that way or join you and make a name for myself.I want to be a world renown doctor.If joining you will help me on this endeavor then I will join you.

Kaguya: Good, we will head for the Sky Islands in the morning.Get some sleep and we will have introductions then.

They all fall asleep with Kaguya and Yamato leaning onto one another holding hands.

At the marine HQ

It has been a week since Akainu has arrived and the nurse on duty checking his vitals and all that gets shocked when a hand grabs her.

Akainu: Where am I?

Nurse: Admiral, you at in the infirmary at Marine HQ.

Akainu: Inform Fleet Admiral Sengoku that I have awaken.I am sure he would like to speak with me about how I got in this condition.

The nurse nods and runs off to do as asked.After 15 minutes both Sengoku and Garp arrive and sit down by him to listen to what he has to say.

Sengoku: What happened?

Akainu: I ran into the Bonney Pirates and I planned to bring Justice to them but I was suddenly attacked by a white energy blast similar to what Momonga said in his attack.The 'White Demon Kaguya' and her fellow pirate Yamato appear on my marine ship and from there we engaged.I believe she was the decoy for the others to get away.Kaguya has a third eye and Yamato has a devil fruit.A zoan type.She looked like a half wold with Ice powers.After some time of us fighting Kaguya grew a Forrest from my ship and we continued to fight.I managed to severely wound Kaguya because she took the attack swapping places with Yamato somehow but at that moment she also put her sword through me.I am sure that she has perished from the wound I gave her.

Sengoku and Garp are silent for a minute digesting this new information.

Garp: Unfortunately we need to raise all their bounties now again but Kaguya survived.Our spy on Jaya spotted her and her crew as well as two new members at the north end 12 hours ago.

Sengoku: Do we have names for these new additions to her pirate crew?

Garp: Valentine from what I know she used to be a borouqes works member before joining Kaguya and Muret just joined but she was part of Bellamy the Hyena group.

Akainu is seething that Kaguya survived.

Akainu: Next time, she will die for sure.This humiliation won't stand a second time.

Sengoku: 'White Demon Kaguya' Has a bounty of 473,000,000 beli.We will raise hers up to 950,000,000 beli.'White wolf Yamato' is at 135,000,000 at the moment.Her will rise to 800,000,000 beli.Nojiko is at 92,000,000 beli.Raise her to 142,000,000 beli.As for the other two neither seem to have a known bounty so put a 50,000,000 beli on them.

Sengoku: They are becoming a problem.Maybe we can offer her a warlord position.

Akainu: She will refuse to be a dog of the government as she would put it.

Garp: A shame.

With the Kaguya pirates

We see then all staring out to see.

Muret: You don't have a ship, how are we going to go to these supposed islands?

Kaguya: Our ship is currently sealed and as for how we will get there.

A black sphere appears and expands and Valen, Kaguya, Nojiko, and Yamato get on.

Kaguya: I will use one of my abilities to get us there.I even have a pineapple for what I want up there.

Muret gets on and they are about to take off when a newscoo drops down and Nojiko pays for a paper.

As she is reading some bounty posters drop out and Kaguya picks them up.

Kaguya: It would seem that they deem Yamato and myself as a serious threat.They even gave Yamato a moniker.

She passes out the posters.

Muret: I just joined!!Why is my bounty so high?!50,000,000 is to much for me.

Yamato: ' White wolf ' I guess Akainu woke up.800,000,000 beli now.Sweet!

Valen: Heh, at least I have a bounty now.50,000,000 beli isn't a bad start.

Nojiko: I see for those not involved in that fight just got a 50,000,000 beli increase for association alone.142,000,000 beli isn't bad.I finally broke 100,000,000 beli now.Muret and Valen need to catch up.

Yamato: What did yours become Kaguya?

Kaguya: 950,000,000 beli.I guess they have a spy on this island to know I survived that attack.

Muret: Who did you fight for such a bounty increase?!

Yamato: She almost died taking an attack for me and we fought Admiral Akainu.So the other could get away.

Muret just stares at them like the world broke all logical thought.

Kaguya: We would do the same again too.We are a family and I will make sure you all make it out alive even if it cost me my life.Now, let's go get what I want.

Muret: What do you want from there?

Yamato: She wants the Goro Goro no mi.

Kaguya starts to take them up into the sky.

Kaguya: You might as well sit down this could take a while.

Kaguya activates a seal and three books appear.

Kaguya: Muret and Valen, you should read these.They will inform you of Haki and what it is.You will need to unlock this for the new world and to go against the real powers.

They just nod and agree.

With the strawhats

Nami and them just left the frozen island with Chopper when a newscoo shows up and Nami threatens it about its prices but gets a paper and sees the new Bounties of the Kaguya pirates and is shocked and screams for the rest of the strawhats to see the new posters.

They all gather as well as The princess Vivi.

Zoro: What's the deal?

Nami: Kaguya and her pirates have new bounties and hers and Yamato are insane and I think Valentine joined them as well as a new girl.

Luffy: What is their bounty now?

Nami: I'm never going to catch up to my sister.I don't even have a bounty and hers is already past 100 million beli.

Chopper: Who are they?

Nami: a group of allied pirates that won't attack us because I am on this crew.

Luffy: Eh!?!?950,000,000 beli!!

Sanji: It seems that Yamato has gotten a moniker of her own.And 800,000,000 beli?Who did they fight for that bounty?

Zoro: It must have been a big wig then.I'll catch up.Luffy!We won't be defeated!

Luffy: shishishi of course not!We won't lose again against them.

With the Bonney pirates

Bonney: It seems they all got higher bounties.At least we aren't enemies.

'White Demon Kaguya'950,000,000 beli

'White Wolf Yamato'800,000,000 beli

Nojiko142,000,000 beli

Valen50,000,000 beli

Muret 50,000,000 beli

Total beli bounty: 1,947,000,000

With The Kaguya Pirates

They have been ascending up for several hours and we see Yamato, Nojiko, and Kaguya playing rock, paper, scissors as a form of training their observation haki.Valen and Muret just finished reading the books on Haki and watching the other three in an intense match of their game.

Valen: Kaguya, do you happen to have any snacks or something to eat and drink for us sealed away in a scroll?

Kaguya: I do, what do you want?

Muret: Fruit and Water.

Valen and Nojiko agree with Muret and all three sit down for a snack break while Kaguya begins to meditate and focuses on getting used to the abilities that come with being Kaguya.Yamato sits beside Kaguya quietly and admires her beauty.

Valen: Nojiko, does Yamato have a thing for Kaguya?

Nojiko: I think so, I mean, she does blush and seems more excited around Kaguya.

Muret: What about Kaguya, does she like Yamato?

Valen: She did take an attack from Akainu to keep her safe.

Nojiko: True but she would take an attack for any of us in her crew and we are more akin to a family than a pirate crew.

Muret: But, does she reciprocate her feelings?

Nojiko: I would think so.I've seen Kaguya cast glances toward Yamato when she trains me or herself.I think they are cute and definitely a power couple.

Muret: Definitely a power couple.They have insane bounties compared to most people.

As they continue to talk Kaguya sense that they will arrive soon and stands and looks upwards.

Yamato: Are we there?

Kaguya: We are almost there.We don't know if there are inhabitants up there but I am sure that there are.Just incase they are hostile I want all of you to be ready.

Nojiko: We are all ready and we really just want to explore a bit.

Kaguya: Once we get what I want from here we can explore all we want.

They arrive at some gate with an old lady with little wings on her back.

Old lady: To enter it is 1,000,000,000 extol per person.

Kaguya: We don't have that kind of currency.

Old lady: Are you pirates?

Kaguya: Yes.

Old Lady: Then you can enter for free however you will be wanted.

Kaguya: That is fine.We are already wanted criminals.

Old Lady: Very well.

The old lady opens the gates and they all enter.Once they get to solid ground Kaguya makes her orb return to original shape.

Yamato: So where do we start our search for what you want?

Kaguya: The upper yard I believe is where my target is.

Muret: Then let's get go-

A lighting bolt strikes right in front of Kaguya and man with really long earlobes appears in front of the pirate group.

Enel: You women will be my wives.

Kaguya: I guess we no longer need to search.

Kaguya makes a pineapple fruit appear in her left and quicker than Enel can process Kaguya has her hand in his chest where his heart should be.This draws a crowd of Skypieans to watch what is happening.

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Enel: Hahahaha you think you can harm me?A God?How foolish.

Kaguya: You a God?Please, you are a joke.You have power up here due to a logia devil fruit and down below you would be treated as a no name pirate with a God complex.The big wigs wouldn't even bat an eye at you.

Kaguya coats her hand in Haki and grabs his heart and Enel gains a look of utter fear and he feels his heart in her grasp.

Kaguya: No this is the difference between a fake God and the real powers of this world.

Kaguya Pulls her hand out of his chest along with his heart and crushes it.Everyone is in utter shock that their God Enel died so easily and starts to celebrate the end of his tyrannical reign.The fruit that Kaguya is holding turns a shade of blue with swirls all around it.

Yamato: So now what do we do?

Nojiko: No clue.We got what we came here for.

Muret: What do you plan on doing with that devil fruit?

Kaguya: I was just planning on holding on to it.Unless you or Nojiko want to eat it.

Nojiko: No thanks, aside from yourself and Muret, no else would be able to swim.

Muret: I could use it for medical practices as well for offensive and defensive uses.I'll eat it if you don't mind.

Kaguya hands the fruit over for Muret to eat it and she makes a disgusted face as she taste it and swallow it.

Muret: That is the worst tasting thing ever.

Yamato: Why don't we go to the upper yard and explore anyways just to see what is there.We can also take a short break before our meeting with Whitebeard.Recoup some and let Muret get used to her devil fruit and allow Muret and Valen to practice trying to grasp Haki.

Nojiko: I could also use this time to to explore.We are adventuring, right.

Kaguya: That we are.Okay.We will make camp in the upper yard and stay there and explore and practice or train for a week before we leave to meet up with Whitebeard.

They all make their way towards the upper yard ignoring the cheers from the Skypieans about Enel being dead and their former God coming back to see the commotion.When they get to a decent spot in the upper yard they make camp and start doing their own things when Nojiko, Kaguya, and Yamato pick up a presence making its way toward them.

Valen: I sense some one coming towards us yet I see no one.

Kaguya, Nojiko, and Yamato get smiles and pats Valens back.

Yamato: Congrats Valen, you seem to have unlocked Observation haki.

Kaguya: Now, you just need to train it.

The presence makes themselves known.

???: This is sacred ground and you are trespassing here.Prepare to die!!

The stranger aims her gun at Kaguya when Kaguya disappears from site and grabs the rifle from her quicker than the stranger can process.

Yamato: She is slower than that fake God Enel that you killed when we get here.

???: You killed Enel!!?

Kaguya: Yes, he was pathetic.Is he is considered strong here than the standards for what you think is strong is heavily skewed towards to skypieans.Down below there are powers that would obliterate everything here and not break a sweat.

???: How do you know this?

Valen: There are two individuals currently before you that could pull that off and potentially more once we train a bit more.

The stranger is stumped about the difference between them.

Muret: Who are you by the way?Why attack us?

???: My name is Raki.And I am part of the shandia warriors that protect my tribe.

Kaguya gives her rifle back to her and pats her shoulder.

Yamato: No need to fret.We are not here to attack or anything.We are just here for training ourselves and a little break before we continue on towards our meeting with one of the emperors of the sea.

Raki sits down with them and relaxes a little.

Raki: can you tell me about where you all come from below?

They all sit around a small fire they built and enjoy each other's presence and company while they all tell raki about what is below the sky islands and Raki in turn tells them about her tribe.

During their stay in the upper yard they all explored and Raki stayed with them for their brief break and during it they encountered more shandians and they were welcomed there as honorary guests.When they were packing up to leave and go back to the blue seas we see Raki walking up to them looking nervous.

Raki: Hey, would you mind if I joined you down below?

Kaguya was a little taken back by the question.

Yamato: We don't mind, but I am curious about why you want to come with us?

Nojiko: With these two big names in our crew of Kaguya and Yamato It will he very dangerous.

The others listen intently to Raki's reasons.

Raki: at first I viewed you all as trespassers not deserving to set foot on our land.So we got off to a rough start due to me but then I heard you had Killed Enel.You allowed me to stay with you for all the time and never asked me for anything.You all defeated Enels dogs easily.Well, Muret had a little trouble defeating one but everyone else seemed to have no trouble beating them and my tribe has been weak against them due to not having mantra or what you call observation haki.You let me train with you guys and I have become stronger.I want to know what is beyond this little island of ours and your stories have made me want to learn more.I no longer want to wallow in the weak that I once though was strong.I want to truly become strong and with your group of Pirates I think I can become powerful and fulfill my desire of knowledge of what is beyond this island on the clouds.While training and being with you all, I have learned mantra with Muret and and I feel we are close to getting this armament haki you all can use.

Kaguya pats Raki's head and the others all pat her back or shoulder.

Kaguya: Where we are going is dangerous and will be nothing short of a war at one point against Kaido.We may be considered a group of pirates and wanted criminals to the world but we are a family to each other and I will protect everyone in my family with my life.If it is what you want then you are free to join us.We need a sniper anyways.

Raki is excited about being able to join this powerful group of women.They all finish getting ready to depart.Kaguya makes a her truth seeker orb become a flat surface again and they all get on and start to depart.

Raki: How long will this take?

Everyone: 8 hours, give or take.

After hours of descending they finally get back to Jaya and Kaguya opens a scroll and her marine ship appears back in the water surprising Raki that a huge ship fit in a tiny scroll.

Kaguya: Now we will be heading for water 7 for our meeting and to commission a new ship of our own.

Yamato: Now we need to train you all to withstand conquerors haki.

Nojiko: Why do we need that?

Kaguya: Whitebeard will likely test me to see if I can stand up to him or not.It can be considered a greeting for emperors.

Raki: Okay then, I guess that makes sense.

They all set out for water 7 and along the way they they all train in several things with Kaguya doing her own secret training.

They arrive at Water 7 a few weeks early and Kaguya seals everything of value to them all in a scroll and leave the marine ship there for them to find.They make their way to The shipyard to start negotiations for a ship.They run into Iceberg on the way to the ship yard.

Kaguya: Iceberg, I need a ship to be built for me and my crew.Can we have a meeting in your office to discuss the details not out in the open

Iceberg: I am busy today but I can set a meeting for tomorrow around noon if that works for you.

Kaguya: That works for us.I look forward to our meeting.Given our status and bounty I will leave it up to you about who you want in this meeting if you feel your safety is at stake.I will take no action against you as long as you do not make a move against us.

Iceberg: That is fine.Have a good day Kaguya Pirates.

They go there seperate ways and the Kaguya pirates find a hotel to sleep in for the day.

With the Kaguya Pirates

The Kaguya Pirates are walking down the streets of Water 7 heading towards their meeting with Iceberg to talk about her desired ship.They get to the Galley-LA Company and a shipwright walks to them.

???: What are you here for?

Kaguya: We are here for a meeting with Iceberg.

???: Fine, follow me.Are you all Pirates?

Nojiko: Yes, we are pirates.Is that a problem?

Before The shipwright can reply to her question They get interupted by commotion caused by another pirate and they all just watch the pirate be dealt with and kicked out.

Kaguya: They don't care as long as we don't cause trouble.I have no intention of doing so unless provoked first.

???: She is right.Just don't cause us any problems.

They follow the shipwright to a building that has Icebergs's office and he walks them in and they see a blonde woman sitting behind a desk.

???: They have a meeting with Iceberg.

???: Okay, let me just notify him you are here.What is your name?

Kaguya: I am Kaguya but I am sure you already know that.What is your name?

???: Kalifa.He is waiting for you in through that door.

Yamato: Okay.

Once they walk through the door they see Iceberg sitting behind his desk looking over paper work.

Iceberg: Ah, Miss Kaguya, it is nice to see you.

Kaguya: Likewise Iceberg.Now, let's get down to business so we can get this over with.I have a meeting with Whitebeard to prepare for in a few weeks.

Iceberg: Of course.What can I help you with?Fixing up your ship or the commission of an entirely new ship?

Kaguya: A new ship.Custom built by your best shipwrights.I am willing to pay the price for all of this as well as provide the wood I wish it to be made from since I think it is a better wood than Adam wood.

Iceberg: I see.What all do you want this ship to consist of and what size do you want it to be.

Kaguya: I think the overall size should be similar to that of a marine ship consisting of: 14 bedrooms, brig, training room, kitchen, storage room, armory, bathing room, map room, medical room, and a room for gardening.

Iceberg writes all of this down and makes some calculations.

Iceberg: In total I think this ship will cost around 600,000 belly.Is this affordable for you?

Kaguya: It is affordable for me and I will pay half up front and the other half after you finish it.

Iceberg: This is acceptable.I would like to also see this wood you claim is better than Adam wood.

Nojiko: Of course you can see it, but we will need to head to a location that is empty and no one will be hurt from her technique.

Iceberg raises an eyebrow at her statement but agrees nonetheless.

Kaguya: Also, you should be wary of your company.

Iceberg: What do you mean?

Kaguya: Are you familiar with The CP units of the marines?

Iceberg: I have heard of them, yes.

Kaguya: They are in water 7 as we speak and I am sure you know what they are after.I have no use for such a weapon since myself can be considered a weapon of mass destruction if I decide to be.Just thought I'd give you a little warning about them.Don't make anything appear like you are onto them if you find stuff out.

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Iceberg: I see.

Valen: How long do proposed this will take?Building our ship I mean.

Iceberg: A few weeks.

They all nod in acknowledgment.Kaguya pulls out a scroll and with a poof 300,000 belly appear and she puts it on his desk.

Kaguya: Half up front, the rest upon completion.

Iceberg puts the money away and he leads them out.

Iceberg: Kalifa, I am leading them somewhere so I can see this wood they wish to use.

Kalifa gets up to accompany them.

Kalifa: Very well.Shall we go then?

Kaguya: Sure, Iceberg we are following you.

Iceberg leads them out and off towards an abandoned section of water seven that has plenty of dirt.It takes then half an hour to arrive and once their Kaguya steps forward a bit and flies through the handsigns and places her palms on the ground and Iceberg and Kalifa watch in shock as trees start to appear out of nowhere and growing from the dirt at a rapid pace and it quickly becomes a forest.

Kaguya: This is the wood I would like for you use for the construction of my ship.

Iceberg is still speechless as he sees Kaguya draw her sword and in a series of quick slashes they all see her throwing arcs of energy or Haki through the forest and as quickly as it was grown it was just as quickly cut down and she set out to seal all of the cut trees in a scroll for easier carry.

When she turns around she sees Kalifa and Iceberg with their bottom jaw touching the floor and their eyes close to popping out due to the sheer shock of what she could do.

Iceberg: Well this certainly is surprising and I can see why your bounty is quite high for a newly starting pirate.

Yamato: It has nothing to do with the fact that we trashed Akainu.

Kalifa sharpens her gaze at that statement but doesn't make a move against them.

Kalifa: You left one tree standing, why?

Kaguya: For Iceberg to check its quality when he finds the time and compare it to all known woods.

Iceberg: I appreciate it.

They head back to the office and Kaguya ask him for some carpeting tools which he agrees to and when he brings all that she ask for she gets to setting seals on them.

Iceberg: What are you doing?

Kaguya: I want you to try using your regular tools to try and shape and cut the wood during your construction of my ship and if they don't work than these should allow you to do what is needed.

Iceberg: I see.

Kaguya: Thanks for the meeting and the building of my ship.If you need more tools just send someone for me with the required tools and I will puts seals on those as well.

Iceberg nods and they all depart.

With the CP9

Kalifa: Lucci, I am telling you.The Marine HQ needs to know someone as dangerous as her is here and commissioning a ship.

Lucci: Fine, you make the call but we will not engage them.That is not our mission.

Kalifa gets a transponder snail and calls marine HQ.

Marine: This is Marine Headquarters.What can i help you with?

Kalifa: this Is Kalifa of the CP9 and I need to speak to someone of higher authority than you.

Marine: I'll transfer you to Sengoku.

Sengoku: This is Sengoku, what do you want?

Kalifa: The Kaguya Pirates have appeared on Water 7 and have commissioned a ship be made for them.Custom built.I also overheard that she has a meeting with Whitebeard in a few weeks.I just wanted to inform you of their whereabouts.

Sengoku: A meeting with Whitebeard.Did you hear what this meeting is meant to be about or exactly when?

Kalifa: No.

Sengoku: This is troubling.Any updates on who is on her crew?

Kalifa: There is Kaguya, Nojiko, Yamato, Valen, and Muret.There was a new girl with them.She had some small wings on her back and carries a rifle with her.

Sengoku: A skypiean.Well she certainly knows how to pick them.Just keep an eye on them.They are far more dangerous than they appear and if you are caught by them just hope that Kaguya is feeling merciful towards you.

Kalifa: What do you expect to happen if she catches one of us?

Sengoku: We don't know the extent of her powers.She fought Akainu with Yamato and they severely wounded him.They are not to be taken lightly and I suspect the rest of them are just as dangerous or on their way to becoming a real threat.She could fish through your knowledge and memories and that could be detrimental to us Marines.

Kalifa: I understand.Good day.

Kalifa hangs up and looks at Lucci.

Lucci: You heard him.Observe but stay cautious.

With Sengoku

Sengoku: Garp, she us becoming a troublesome adversary.

Garp: I think she never would have become dangerous for us if not for those foolish marines trying to make a name for themselves and thinking they are the next Kong of the marines.She only attacked from retaliation and since then she won't give us a chance.We lost her at that moment.

Sengoku: You may be right.What do you propose we do about her?

Garp: Nothing right now, we need to fill in the Vacant warlord spot and soon.

Sengoku agrees and they keep talking about stuff.

With the Kaguya Pirates

It has been a few weeks and they have kept a low profile and they went out and bought medical supplies and tables as well as furnishings for their own rooms and everything they need for their ship.They are heading to the Galley to see their new ship.

Iceberg: it is nice to see you Kaguya.This wood is indeed stronger and more resilient than Adam wood.What is the name of this wood?

Kaguya: It is chakra wood.It can only be made by me but that tree that I left if left alone should naturally produce more on its own but you possess the only tools able to harvest it.Akainu might be able to burn it down though.

Iceberg: I see.Thank you for the tree.Follow me to your ship.

Kagiya and her friends follow him into a building where they see a beautifully built ship and is happy with the way it is built.She pulls out the last 300,000 belly and hands it to Iceberg.

Kaguya: the ship is superb.You have done a wonderful job.I appreciate it.

Iceberg: It was challenging to use the wood at first my shipwrights enjoy a challenge and they relished in this one.

Yamato: So, we need to seal this ship and then take it to the water and then head for our next meeting.

Nojiko: Indeed as well as decorations and furnishing our new ship.I am sure Kaguya has plenty of plans for the new ship to make it the best to exist.

Valen: Of course she does.

Muret: Seals are in interesting thing.

Raki: I am excited for this new experience.

Kaguya seals the ship and starts to head out.

Kaguya: Take care Iceberg.

They take half an hour to get to sea and Kaguya unsealed the ship and it hits the water.

Valen: What will you name this ship?

Kaguya: Kuro Megami.

Yamato: A fitting name.

They spend the rest of their day setting up their rooms and Kaguya is setting her up when she hears a knock on her door.

Kaguya: Come in.

Yamato walks into Kaguya's room with a nervous expression on her face.

Kaguya: What can I help you with?

Yamato closes the door and looks at Kaguya.

Yamato: I was wondering ... if you maybe... wanted to share a room with me.

Kaguya sees how nervous she is and walks up to stand infront of Yamato and Looks up at her and brings her face down to her level and gently kisses her cheek.

Kaguya: Of course you can share this room with me.

Yamato is blushing at Kaguya's kiss to her cheek and is relishing in the feeling of her soft lips and the warmth that she left and she quickly hugs Kaguya and puts her down and rushes back to her room to pack it back up and toove into Kaguya's room.

Kaguya just chuckles at her antics but blushes at her actions and smiles to herself.

Kaguya is in the map room and drawing up seals on the table to make a holographic 3d image appear above the table of their world and she is currently scanning the maps from the marine ship and tiny islands and large islands as well as the everything the marines knew geographicly appear on the world that is shown.It also shows their position on the world with a white dot.

In the Training room she used seals to make the room more spacious and it looks the size of a small compound with shooting targets, straw dummies as well and weights for training.

Now it was time for them to meet up with Whitebeard and they are slowly approaching his ship and everyone is tense.

As they reach the ship Kaguya sets anchor and they all board the Moby Dick.

Kaguya looks around and sees all the commanders except Ace and Whitebeard sitting in his giant chair.

Once Him and Kaguya make eye contact their is a tense feeling in the air and the suddenly both activate their conquerors haki in greeting and some of whitebeards crew faint from the pressure while Raki and Muret can stay awake but barely.The sky split into two and the waters around them turn violent from the power of their Haki alone.This happens for several minutes and the pressure of the two can be felt by those on Water 7 a few miles away.

They both stop releasing their haki at the same time and they continue to stare at each other.

Whitebeard: Gurararara you are an interesting girl and your has proven to be strong to stay awake.Some of my children can learn a thing or two from you Gurararara

Kaguya: While I appreciate the praise from one such as yourself.I wanted a meeting to establish friendly relations between us.

Whitebeard: Why would you want this?Most up and coming pirates would not hesitate to try to take my head for bragging rights.

Kaguya: I may be cold hearted towards the marines but they started it.I want a friendly relation with you because I do see a conflict ending well for either of us.I have no desire fight you or your crew and you are one of the few that won't harm the innocent civilians with out just cause.

Whitebeard: What if I decide that we should be enemies?

Kaguya: Then we will treat this any other pirate group when they cross paths.We both leave licking our wounds or one of us is exterminated.I just want to pass through your waters with out conflict between us.

Whitebeard: What is your goal?

Kaguya: I want to explore and have adventures but My crewmate and very special person wants to take down Kaido so he is the only emperor that I will willingly target and free wano from his control.If it ends in his death then so be it.Kaido is our target.

Whitebeard.: I see.I see no need to raise arms against one another when you clearly don't have the intention of doing the so.

Kaguya: Then a drink to friendship?

Whitebeard: Gurararara I like you.Marco, bring some Sake for us to drink to friendship.

They all get a cup to drink from and they all share a toast to friendship.

Kaguya: I think you should know that Ace can't defeat Teach.

Whitebeard gets a serious look and looks at her intently.

Whitebeard: What makes you say that?

Kaguya: I ran into Teach on Jaya Island about a month or so back.His devil fruit with cancel out Aces and the only way to feasibly deal with him is with Haki.The Yami Yami no mi will cancel the effects of other devil fruits but it makes him get hurt easier.

Whitebeard: Ace isn't so weak to lose to him.

Kaguya: Ace is indeed strong and probably has Haki but if things should go wrong then you can call on me for assistance and I will assist.

Whitebeard nods in affirmation to her desire to help of the need should arise.

Kaguya: What will you do if he hands Ace over to the Marines for the open warlord position?

Whitebeard: Go to War to get him back of course.

Kaguya: I see.Then, if you don't mind we will stick with you all for a while.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I have no qualms about it but if we go to war then you will be as well.

Kaguya gets a scary look on her face.

Kaguya: I am aware.I have unsettled business with Akainu from our last clash.

Whitebeard raises an eyebrow at this but doesn't comment on it.

Kaguya hooks her Kuro Megami to The Mobi Dick and they all have a good time.

With Kaguya and Whitebeard

Whitebeard: You are heading out soon for Sabaody soon?

Kaguya: I am.The Kunai that I gave you last week will alert me that you have need of us and we will appear after you have stabbed it into the ground.

Whitebeard: I will use it after we have made our entrance at marine ford.

Whitebeard holds up a burning piece of paper.It was Ace's vivre card.

Kaguya: Then we will leave soon.Stay safe.Thanks for letting me heal you.It greatly improves our chances during the war.

Whitebeard: Gurararara that is some healing ability.If only you could have been around when Roger was around.He would have loved your free spirit.

Kaguya waves as she leaves out the huge door and all of the Kaguya Pirates get on there ship and unhook from Whitebeard's.They are a days sail from Sabaody.They all head to the meeting room while a shadow clone of Kaguya steers their ship.

Kaguya: I know that some of you are wondering why I have called this meeting.To put it simply, we are going to war at The marine HQ with the Whitebeard pirates to save Ace.This will be our true entry into the big leagues and there will be big names in it and many lives will be lost.I expect all of you to be ready for it.The three Admirals will be there as well as the warlords.This will not he an easy fight but I have faith that all of you will pull through and come out stronger.I want Akainu so I will deal with him.Any questions or concerns?

Yamato: Are you expecting any inconveniences to appear?

Kaguya: I have a feeling that Luffy will somehow make his way there even though he is not ready for that level yet.So once he appears, make sure he lives.

Yamato nods her head in understanding.

Muret: This will be a chance for me to truly test my devil fruit.

Nojiko: So, where do we go until it times to make our appearance?

Kaguya: Sabaody for now, meet up with some up and coming rookies like us.

Valen: I see.Then I will make sure to make my bounty higher than Nojiko's.

Nojiko: There is no way that you will get a higher bounty than me.

Valen: we will see.The lowest bounty after our new posters come out will have to admit the other is better!

Nojiko: I will enjoy you groveling at my feet Valen!

Raki: I too would like to enter this arrangement.This will be my first appearance.I will make it noteworthy.

Kaguya: It is good to see you all hyped about this.We will have to stay in a group on Sabaody so we can head to Whitebeard at soon.As I feel the tug from my kunai.

They all agreed and have one final training with each other before they arrive at Sabaody.

They arrive at Sabaody and seal their ship in a scroll and Kaguya carries it with her and they all head towards Shakky's Rip-off Bar and walk inside to see a woman standing at the bar.

???: Welcome to Shakky's Bar Kaguya Pirates though you don't look like a raving lunatic that wants to kill everything.

Kaguya: You must be Shakky.As long as we aren't provoked first then we will civil.

Shakky: That's good to know.What can I do for you?The most notorious of the supernovae?

Nojiko: Supernova?What's that?

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Shakky: It is the name of the up and coming pirates that have reached this point with bounties higher than 100,000,000 belly.Kaguya and Yamato here have the highest by far.You are included Nojiko buy There are a few higher than you.

Valen: Great, she is higher than me.

Nojiko rubs it in Valens face that her is higher which means she is better.

Shakky looks at them fondly for their carefree attitude.

Kaguya: Do you mind if we stay here until it is time for us to depart?We don't need a coating just yet.We will be heading off to war soon enough.

Shakky: You are joining that war at The marine hq?

Yamato: Yes, yes we are.

Shakky: Why?

Kaguya: We have an alliance of sorts with Whitebeard and I will honor our alliance if he calls for our aid.Ace also shouldn't die there surrounded by enemies.

Shakky: You can stay until you leave.

It has been a few days of all the girls getting to know each other and enjoy their down time when the door is slammed open by none other than Luffy and all the occupants look at him and his crew.

Kaguya: I see you have gained more crew members straw hat.

Zoro: So, you have made it here as well.

Sanji: I am in heaven!All of these beautiful women in one place!

Nami: Nojiko!!

Nojiko: Nami!!

They both hug each other happy to see the other safe.

Brooks: Who are they?

Chopper: Yeah!Who are they?

Franky: I remember seeing you all at Water 7 but you gave a dangerous vibe off so I avoided you.

Robin: Well, of it isn't the infamous Kagiya Pirates.The highest bounties of the supernovas are in this room.

Valen: I see I am not the only one that left the services of Crocodile.

They all catch up and have a good time with each other when when straw hats depart to explore this little island while Kaguya makes her way towards the Auction house.

After Luffy made his appearance and punched a celestial dragon, Rayleigh made his presence known and unleashes conquerors haki knocking most of the people out while the captains are fine.

Kaguya: Dark King Rayleigh.Did you get any money?

Rayleigh: of course I did!

Kaguya: The building is surrounded by marines and I am afraid that I must take leave at this point.

Kidd: So the great White Demon Kaguya is scared of a few marines!PATHETIC!!

Kaguya appears behind him with her sword drawn and has it at his neck.

Kaguya: Until you are in my league, you pathetic upstart, keep your mouth shut.You aren't worth my time to dispose of.

She starts to walk off and out the front doors and disappears.

Rayleigh: She is quite the lady and I am afraid that you have made quite the enemy already with her.

Kidd: She will die if she goes against me!

Luffy: You will definitely die.None of us are on the admiral level but she has fought one from I have heard.

Trafalgar: She is not one to take lightly.I heard she has met with Whitebeard and made a sort of alliance with her.

Kaguya watches as all of the strawhats disappear one by one against Kuma.

Nojiko: This is so hard to watch!

Kaguya: I understand but this is needed for them to grow.At where they are at now, they would just die in the New world.Kuma sent them to place to help then grow.They are not harmed.

Nojiko: I trust you Kaguya.

Yamato: We need to prepare for the war.

Kaguya: Yes, we do.We have a few days I think before it kicks off.

At the Marine HQ

We see all the marines ready for whitebeard to make his appearance on the horizon.When the surface of the water starts to bubble up and the Moby Dick appears with Whitebeard at the front.

Ace: Pop's!!!

Whitebeard: Just be patient my son!We will get you soon enough.

Sengoku: This will be the end of you and the pirate Era Whitebeard!

Whitebeard: Sengoku, this is foolish.Just hand over my son and no lives need be lost today.

Sengoku: We will not hand over this wanted criminal.

Whitebeard pulls out a little knife.

Sengoku: What are you up to?

Whitebeard: Just inviting another player to this little war of ours.We will prevail and my Son will be returned to me.

Whitebeard throws the Kunai into the his ship and suddenly there are 6 pirates that the whole world knows.

Akainu: Kaguya!!Today you will not escape me again!!!

Kaguya: Once a dog of the celestial dragons always a dog.All you can do is bark Akainu and I will be sure to silence you for good.

Kazan freezes the bay to stop the tsunami cause by Whitebeard and Mihawk takes this as his opportunity to strike at Whitebeard.With out breaking eye contact with Akainu Kaguya draws her Masamune quickly and sends her own energy blade at Mihawks and two clashes of power cancel each other out.

Mihawk: I am glad to have come for this.It seems I have found found a worthy opponent today.

There is a tense stalemate between the marines and the pirates when Raki aims her rifle and pulls the trigger killing both men standing beside Ace.

Everyone watches as their bodies slowly fall to the ground and with that started the war and all hell breaks lose.

Kaguya watches Akainu intently and Before anyone could stop her she pulls her blade out again focus her haki into her Masamune and aims at Akainu.Everyone can feels the pressure the small woman is giving off.

Kaguya: piercing white.

With those two words she thrust her sword forward and the energy strike flies towards Akainu and Kuzan creats an ice wall to stop it but her strike pieces the wall and keepsoving forward.Akainu raised his haki coated arms to Block the attack and he is shot backwards into the HQ.

Kaguya: My target is Akainu.I can get Ace here right now if you want.

Whitebeard: Please do.

Before Kaguya bring Ace to them they all look up to hear screaming and see a marine ship falling into the water below and Luffy is screaming about Ace.

Kaguya ignores him and Switches Ace with a piece of Ice and The pirates cheer for Ace being with them.

Sengoku: We can't let them escape here!Ace is the son of Gol D. Roger and Luffy is the son of Dragon!Kaguya is a real threat and will end at nothing to murder us all!Failure is not an option here.

Kizaru disappears in a flash of light trying to strike Kaguya when Nojiko and Valen intercept him and kick him into the wall.

Yamato appears before Kuzan and punches him while Muret and Raki are working together to deal with all the marines.

Kaguya: We will cover your retreat Whitebeard.

Whitebeard looks at Kaguya for a moment.

Whitebeard: As much as I appreciate that we can't simply leave you alone to fight our battle, now can we.

Kaguya: I suppose not.Then let's survive this war and meet in the New world.

Whitebeard: Gurararara I look forward to that meeting.

Akainu make his appearance once again and glares at Kaguya who returns the glare with just as much hatred.

Kaguya: I have a lava man to exterminate.

Kaguya appears in front of Akainu and both swing there fist at each other and the force of the punch throws marines everywhere.Akainu goes in for another punch but Kaguya Hooks his arm and drags him forward throwing Akainu off balance and knees his face and does a downward swing to cut his head off but he twists his body so that only his arm is cut off.Kaguya annoyed at this kicks Akainu back into the Marine HQ and Kaguya walks away and quickly cuts some threads that tried to attach themselves to her.She stops walking and looks at doflamingo.

Doflamingo: Oh, did I catch your attention?

Kaguya watches him before continuing ro walk off.

Kaguya: You are not worth my time of dealing with.

Doflamingo enraged by her dismissal of him so easily attack her again only to get electrocuted.

Muret: I do believe my captain has spoken, you are not worth her time to deal with.Honestly, you are quite weak from what I can see.

Raki: I must agree, you would not amount up to much against either Kaguya or Yamato.

Doflamingo: well, maybe I should kill you two and then she take me seriously.

Muret sends an electrical impulse through the ground and paralyzes him for a for a while.

Raki: If you can't stand up to us then you have no chance of going against anyone in this crew.

Raki and Muret walk away from a screaming Doflamingo and marines make way for then to pass.

Yamato can be seen with a few cuts cuts bruises from dealing with Kuzan who is in a crater from her Weapon.

Nojiko and Valen are seen standing above a beaten Kizaru and High five.

Sengoku: It seems that the Kaguya pirates are more of a threat than I thought.I have failed this operation.

Garp: Don't take it so hard, you never met her and as long as we leave her alone, she should leave us alone but we should make our withdrawal from this war.Letting bodies build up like this isn't going to help anyone.


Teach: Now, I can't have that happening.

Blackbeard walks onto the battlefield and Stares at Whitebeard.I need you to ha...

Kaguya appears behind him and his group of pirates with her sword drawn and sheathes it and with a click all of their heads roll from their shoulders.

Kaguya: You should have stayed a warlord Teach.

While she was distracted with Blackbeard Akainu took this chance to attack Ace and Luffy not wanting them escape alive.Akainu swings his fist to take out luffy who's body has stopped working on him when Ace jumps in front of him to take the fist to keep Luffy safe.Instead of a burning feeling like he expected to feel he notices the defining silence of the battleground and he feels a splatter of liquid on his back.Looking back he peers into the white eyes of Kaguya who has blood dripping down from her mouth with Akainu's fist running though her chest where her heart is.

Ace: why?

Kaguya: Brothers shouldn't be separated like this.

Yamato seeing Kaguya take another blow for someone else and the seriousness of the injuries she has rushes to her side and swings her Kanobo towards Akainu and hits him away from her lover and captain.

Kaguya: I am fine Yamato but I must ask that everyone get off this little island.

Yamato watches has Kaguya's chest heals in a matter of seconds and nods to her requests.

Sengoku seeing all of the pirates pulling out except for Kaguya gets a bad feeling and orders the evacuation of the Marine HQ but keeps watching Kaguya who is staring at him when she starts to transform into her Rabbit Goddess Form.Seeing her transformation complete he rushes everyone even quicker sensing the impending doom.

Kaguya sensing that her crew and fellow pirates as well as Hancock have made it to a safe distance she begins to form a beast bomb in front of her mouth and she rises into the air directly above the Marine HQ.

With the world, pirates, and Marines

Everyone is watching as What appears to be a transformed Kaguya rises into the air with some form of energy ball forming in front if her and watch as she releases it with and everyone watching sees the ball of energy go off in the biggest explosion they have ever seen.When the smoke clears there is nothing left of Marineford and the marines are forced to relocate.

With Kaguya and Whitebeard

Whitebeard: Thanks for the help.

Kaguya: No problem.I'll be following luffy and Hancock to her island.Stay safe and I'll see you in the New world.

Kaguya boards Hancock's pirate ship and greets Hancock.

Hancock: You have no romantic feelings for Luffy?

Kaguya: None of us have an attraction to your man Hancock.Besides, I ha e Yamato.

Hancock: Then why are you coming me to my Island.

Kaguya sits on Yamato's lap who wraps her arms around Kaguya and pulls her closer.

Kaguya: Luffy needs training if he is to survive in the New world.At his current strength he will not survive.I also would like an alliance with you.

Hancock: Very well.I would like to not have someone like you as an enemy.

Kaguya: I can make it to where your island will be protected from the government dogs if you wish for it as a peace offering between us.

Hancock: How will you do that.

Kaguya seals of course.

They arrive at Hancock's Island and Kaguya gets to work on sealing off the Island to anyone that Hancock doesn't want on it.She creates a books after placing all of her seals on the Island and connect them to the book.

Kaguya: This book is directly linked to you.Or it will be it needs a drop of blood for it to be connected to you so only you can control it.Write the name of everyone you want to have access to this island in it's pages and only they will be able to find this island.

Before she could start writing names down Rayleigh makes an appearance and offers to train luffy which he accepts.

Kaguya: I will get the message to your crew to return to sabaody in two years.

Luffy: shishishi thanks.

At a marine base

Sengoku: It was an utter failure and Kaguya and her crew are far more dangerous than any of us could have thought.

Garp: Akainu has survived but he is in a coma from blood loss.

Sengoku: I am nominating Kuzan to take my place.I am retiring but I will update the bounties of the Kaguya Pirates before stepping down.

With the Kaguya pirates

They are waiting for their ship to be coated on Sabaody when the newscoo come by and Kaguya buys a paper while Raki picks up the new wanted posters.

Raki: We all have bounties now.

Kaguya: What are they?

Wanted Dead or AliveRabbit Demon Kaguya3,479,000,000 belly

Wanted Dead or AliveWhite Wolf Yamato1,250,000,000 belly

Wanted Dead or Alive Nojiko923,300,000 belly

Wanted Dead or Alive Valen922,300,000 belly

Wanted Dead or Alive Lightning Muret600,000,000 belly

Wanted Dead or Alive Angel Sniper Raki575,000,000 belly

Kaguya: Looks like blowing up their HQ was a bit much.

Everyone just deadpan at her.

Nojiko: Looks I win Valen!Now Grovel before tour better!!

Valen looks at her and turns to Kaguya.

Valen: Kaguya Sama I am admitting you are stronger than I am.

Nojiko gains a bunch of tick marks and starts to chase Valen.

Rabbit Demon Kaguya3,479,000,000 belly

White Wolf Yamato1,250,000,000 belly

Nojiko923,300,000 belly

Valen922,300,000 belly

Lightning Muret 600,000,000 belly

Angel Sniper Raki

575,000,000 belly

Total7,749,000,000 belly

With The Kaguya Pirates

Kaguya is on their ship and waiting for the rest of her crew to show up so they can head to Fishman Island when she gets the memories of her clones telling the strawhats to meet at Sabaody in two years.They have been taking it easy since the war and aren't looking for trouble at the moment.She decides to take a nap while waiting for everyone else to show up.

Once everyone is there they see a napping Kaguya and wake her up.

Yamato: Kaguya, we are all here and ready to depart.

Kaguya looks around still trying to get her barings since she just woke up.

Kaguya: Okay, then lets head to Fishman Island.

Kaguya creates a clone to undo the bubble so it coats their ship and they can breathe.

Once they start to sink Nojiko decides to go over some rules.

Nojiko: Okay, so no poking holes in the bubble.No going over board with training.We do still need to get to Fishman Island safely.That's all.

Valen: Do you know how long this will take?

Nojiko: I would assume a couple hours up to a day.

Raki: Then I will practice my observation haki.

Muret: I'll read some of these books then.Not that you exactly need my medical expertise since Kaguya can just revive us whenever or heal us.

Kaguya: I may be able to do that but you understand the body way more than I do.You would be my preferred choice over myself.

Muret nods in appreciation.

Muret: I wasn't so sure about joining your crew when you first showed up but now I am glad to have joined.You all remind me of what family should feel like.

Nojiko: I agree, joining Kaguya was a great choice of mine.

Valen: Not to mention we are fairly safe given Kaguya's bounty.She might as well be an emperor.

Yamato: She will be an emperor once we take down Kaido or we take some land from of the 4 emperors but I would prefer she claim Wano has her own.

Kaguya: I will claim Wano as my own but I don't see myself being crowned an emperor officially until I have had to fight one.We'll see.First, we have Fishman Island to tend to.

It has been a full day of them traversing the dark depths that is the ocean when they start to see light again and can see Fishman Island.

Once they arrive they get off and Kaguya seals their ship again and hands the scroll to Valen to hold on to.

Kaguya: You all can explore and have fun but don't cause trouble.This Island is under Whitebeard's protection and we are allied to him.I will return shortly after I have done what I need to do.

Kaguya starts to walk off and the others go their separate way while Yamato just follows Kaguya curious about what she has to do.

Yamato: Where are you heading?

Kaguya I am going to the sea forest.Are you coming with me?

Yamato: Of course I am coming with you.

Kaguya nods and offers a hand to hold for Yamato to which she gladly accepts her offered hand they hold hands while making small talk, enjoying each other's company and heading to the sea forest.

Once they get to the sea forest they start looking for something or Kaguya does.

???: What are two of the world's most wanted pirates doing here?

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Kaguya and Yamato turn around and see the former warlord Jim being.

Yamato: No clue, I am walking with Kaguya.

Kaguya: Do you know where the grave of Queen Otohime is?I would like to pay my respects to her.

Jimbei: I do know, why would you want to pay respects to her.Do you not look down upon Fishman like most humans?

Kaguya: I don't know if you haven't noticed or not but none of my crew are racists nor are Yamato or myself exactly human.I would like to pay respects to Queen Otohime because she died far to early.

Jimbei nods in understanding.

Jimbei: I will take you to her grave.

Kaguya and Yamato follow Jimbei to the grave and Kaguya nods sensing her body below.

Kaguya: Jimbei, what would you do if your queen were to walk once more?

Jimbei: It would be a great day for all Fishman but that is not possible.No one can return the dead to the living.

Kaguya: Then I will ask that you not interfere with what I am about to do.If need be I will restrain you until it is over.

Jimbei becomes cautious but nods all the same.

Kaguya does a few handsigns and the Coffin rises to the surface.She does some more hand signs the coffin starts to glow green.After a few minutes the coffin stops glowing green and Kaguya opens it to reveal a breathing Otohime.

Jimbei is shocked that someone has the ability to revive someone and glad the world government doesn't know about such an ability.

After 10 minutes Queen Otohime starts to open her eyes and is confused about why she is awake.

Otohime: I am sure that I died.Why am I alive and Breathing again?

Kaguya: That would be because I brought you back from the dead.Your people need you.Your daughter need you.

Otohime looks at who is around her.

Otohime: Jimbei, it has been a long time.Thank you stranger for reviving me but it is foolish given the cause of my death.

Kaguya: Ah, assassination.Yes, Hordy sure did a number on you and then blamed the human for it.

Jimbei: You know who did it?

Kaguya: Of course.I also know Vanderdeken has been throwing weapons at the princess.If anything I think Queen Otohime is needed now more than ever.

Otohime outraged that she was assassinated by a Fishman and even further angered by the fact that someone is throwing weapons at her beloved daughter.

Otohime: Jimbei, Kaguya and...

Yamato: Oh, I am Yamato girlfriend of Kaguya.

Otohime: Yamato, I will ask that you all accompany me back to the Palace so I can speak with husband and children.

Kaguya: If we are to accompany you then I would request that we bring along all of my crew.More protection for you with all of us there.Not that you can't defend yourself.

Jimbei: Given your bounties and your ties to Whitebeard I think it is a good idea.

Otohime: You are Pirates?

Kaguya: Of course.The marines started the first fight with me simply for being in their way... on the surface.I just retaliated from there and then I have a bounty.Humans are foolish.

Otohime giggle at that last bit.

Kaguya: Then I will tell everyone to meet us back where our ship would have been.

Jimbei: Would have been?Is it no longer docked with other ships?

Kaguya: Nope, anytime we land somewhere we seal the ship in a scroll this way no one can take my ship and it is always on us.

Otohime fascinated by the idea of a ship being a scroll decides to ask about it.

Otohime: How does a ship fit in a tiny scroll?

Kaguya: Let's talk as we head back.

Kaguya makes clones and they disperse to alert her crew.

Kaguya: I have this thing called Chakra and it is how I do all the abilities I have shown.I have not eaten a devil fruit so all of my abilities are mine alone.No one will have these abilities unless I birth a child and given my sexual preference I don't see that happening at all.Chakra can br passed down that way.I am sure that I can give someone a Chakra system however I would prefer not to since that would endanger then to the world government if it were found out that it can be obtained child birth.I do not wish for that to happen to anyone.

They get back to the site to see that everyone is already there and waiting.

Nojiko: Who is the pretty mermaid with you and why Is Jimbei a former warlord with you?

Yamato: We are going to escort Queen Otohime to the Palace to reunite with her family and with all of us going alone the more protection for her until we get there.

Valen: Didn't she die at some point?

Nojiko: Oh, you brought her back?

Kaguya: I did.And now we are excorting her along with Jimbei to her home so she can see her children.

They start to leave when they get interupted.

???: You should be dead!!

They all look and Kaguya and Jimbei recognize the one talking.

Kaguya: Hordy, so nice to see you.This makes things quite easy given that you are here and Now I no longer need to search for you.Muret, will you incompacitate him for travel.

Muret complies and in a flash of lightning she is behind Hordy and electrocutes him until he passes out.This draws a crowd and some royal guards show up.

Otohime: Royal guards you will escort all of us to the royal Palace.

Everyone sees the figure that should be long dead and thinks a ghost has appeared to haunt them.

Otohime: I am no ghost and I am alive and breathing once more.Now all will be explained in time however I must get to the Palace.

They all get escorted and once they make it inside they see a looming figure of Neptune.

Otohime: Neptune, you have become fat in my absence.

Neptune stunned by wife's appearance and the fact that she is really there breaks down crying.Which alerts her son's to come and join in their father crying over their returned mother.

Kaguya: Minister of the left, will you escort princess shirahoshi here so she can be reunited with her mother as well?

MotL: We can not put her life

Kaguya: She has all the protection she needs right here.In this room their are enough of us with the abilities to protect her life.

Otohime: I am ordering you to bring Princess Shirahoshi here.Kaguya, will you go with and make sure she is safe?

Kaguya: Of course.I will even handle Vanderdeken if you want me to.Ah, this is Hordy, he is the real person who assassinated you.

Walking to the tower that is littered with weapons she can see another weapon coming towards the tower and the guards panic since the door is open at the moment for her food.Kaguya disappears from their site and appears in front of Shirahoshi and grabs the weapon and breaks it.

Shirahoshi: Who are you?!And thank you for saving me.

Kaguya: I am Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and I have been requested to escort you to your family.My crew as well as Jimbei will be there.I promise on my life that you will be protected and safe from harm while outside of this tower.

Shirahoshi: You promise to protect me?Then you are like my knight.

Kaguya: Of you would like to think of us that way, then sure.I will be your knight.Now come along your family awaits you.

With Shirahoshi following and trusting in Kaguya to protect her, they eventually arrive at the throne room with all her siblings as well as her father but what really catches her attention is the familiar site of her mother.

Shirahoshi: Mother, are you really here?

Otohime: Yes, I am here.You have grown so much and become very beautiful.

After their family reunion and everything has calmed down a bit.

Neptune: Thank you for bringing my wife back but you are pirates, you must have another motive.

Kaguya: I do have a motive for bring her back.It was simply to early for your wife to die.I ask that you not give up on your dream of living on the surface as equals to the humans that inhabit there.I would also ask that you not attend those royal meeting any further.The celestials are becoming more self absorbed and if they see your wife or daughter they will not hesitate to try and take them for their pets.I will help you realize your dream.My goal is to become an emperor like the other 4 but I intend to take out Kaido at some point.Once I have claimed territory or taken territory from one of the emperors aside from Whitebeard then I will set up a place where you Fishman and mermaids can come and go as you wish under my protection and if I so wish, I can even make you another underwater living area similar to this one in our territory.All I am asking is that you not appear before the world nobles and celestials.

Otohime: As long as my kind are recognized as equals then I will agree to this.Now, what do we do about Hordy and Vanderdeken?

Nojiko: Hordy is already here and you can do what you wish with that as for Vanderdecken.He isn't a threat to us but he is to Shirahoshi.Until he is dealt with I don't see him letting go of his desire to Wed your daughter.

Shirahoshi: My knight will protect, she has already stopped his attack once.

Otohime: Your knight?

Shirahoshi: Ah, Kaguya Sama protected me from his weapon again.It would have killed me since the door was open.

Otohime: She can certainly protect you but what about when she and her crew leave?

Shirahoshi: Will you be leaving Kaguya?

Kaguya: I will need to leave at some point, yes.I have promises to fulfill and people to take out.

Shirahoshi: Then... I'll just go with them.

Otohime: You can not leave as long as Vanderdeken is still out there.

Jimbei: Then, I will deal with Vanderdeken since he is likely somewhere where humans can't be.

Valen: In the meantime we might as stay and protect your daughter so she can be out and about.We enjoy being free and so should your daughter.

Raki: Yes, think of us as her personal guard.Where she goes, we go.

Kaguya: I am fine with this idea.

Neptune: So, otohime.It is time that we pick out brides for our sons and a groom for your daughter.

Otohime gets an angry look and stares at Neptune.

Otohime: They will choose for themselves.I will not nor will you dictate who they marry.Is that understood?

Neptune: It is tra

Otohime: Am I clear on this?

Neptune deflates a little.

Neptune: Yes, you are clear on this matter and I will not interfere.

Otohime: Good.Now, who do you all like?

The princess quickly look away not wanting to deal with that question while Shirahoshi just blushes.

Shirahoshi: I like my knight Kaguya.

Everyone stays silent at that admission and look at Kaguya who at this point has fallen asleep leaning on the wall.

Yamato: I am afraid that she is already taken.

Shirahoshi: May I know whom has taken her?

Otohime: That would be Yamato herself.

Shirahoshi looks at Yamato.

Otohime: Maybe we can talk to the two of them about this matter separately from everyone else.

Shirahoshi agrees and decides to sit beside Yamato and Kaguya.

They stay in the Palace for a few days and in that time everyone comes enjoy their company.

Otohime approaches Kaguya and Yamato who are currently Shirahoshi eating their breakfast in her room.

Otohime: Perfect timing.I wish to have a conversation in private just the four of us.

Yamato: Is this about Shirahoshi's confession?

Otohime: Yes it is.

Kaguya: What confession?

Yamato: You were asleep at that time so you don't know but Shirahoshi here has developed a liking to you and it seems to have grown in out spending time with her.

Kaguya looks at Shirahoshi who looks away blushing.

Kaguya: I see.What would you like to discuss Otohime?

Otohime: I would like to ask if you are willing to be with her.I know you are already with and dedicated to Yamato but would you be willing to be with Shirahoshi as well?

Kaguya: How does Yamato feel about this?

Yamato: I am fine with it.More fun for us if you know what I mean.

Kaguya blushes a bright red at the innuendo there.

Kaguya : I see.Then if she is fine with it then I see no reason why I would not be fine with it however I am a very wanted criminal.I have a rather large bounty and she may be in more danger at the surface if others come to learn of her affiliation with me.

Otohime: Then I wuppose you will have to toughen her up, won't you?

Shirahoshi: Does this mean that I will be going to the surface with my knight?

Otohime: If that is what you wish then when they leave you can accompany them.

Shirahoshi: What about my size?

Kaguya: That isn't a problem for us at all.I can make a seal and apply it in the form of a tattoo and place it on you and link it to you by blood so that you can alter your size to be smaller or original all you want.

Otohime: Are these seals how you would create a safe place for Fishman?

Kaguya: Indeed.Seals are a very versatile aspect of my abilities.Imagination is the limit for seals.

Othime: That is very powerful indeed.I look forward to working with you in the future for providing a safe place for my kind to dwell on the surface.

Yamato: We will send a note to you or will come personally to invite you to the surface once we have some territory established.

Otohime: So, should I not expect grandchildren from Shirahoshi?

Everyone goes red at that thought but Kaguya answers all the same.

Kaguya: It isn't like I can't have Myself, Yamato, or Shirahoshi able to get pregnant with each other but that would mean them developing a Chakra system which could be very dangerous for them.It would make them targets.

Otohime starts to walk off and towards her husband Neptune.

Otohime: well, I look forward to grandchildren.

With The Kaguya Pirates

They are all sitting around Shirahoshi and her Family getting to know each other better when Jimbei walks in and joins them.

Jimbei: Vanderdeken is caught and is currently being held in a cell.

Kaguya: Otohime, What will you do with him?

Otohime: He has threatened the life of Shirahoshi through this farce.To think that he thought we would allow Shirahoshi to be wed to such scum.He will get his punishment but I would like to hear suggestion from all of you?

Kaguya: hmmmm

Yamato: how did anything he throw always end up finding Shirahoshi?

Jimbei: He ate the mark mark fruit

Yamato: Well, why not have him touch his own shoulder or something and then force him to throw things?Won't they come back and hit himself?

Valen: Why would a Fishman even eat a devil fruit?

Jimbei: Vanderdeken is a fool.

Valen: Can't we just go find Hordy and have him his crew and Vanderdeken just fight it out with each other under the pretense of being free if they survive and then execute the winner and totally crush their spirit?

Raki: You are evil... but I agree.I was going more along the lines of disembowment.

Muret: You all are all evil buy we are pirates and Kaguya herself has a list to her name already.We aren't exactly saints.

Otohime: What do you mean?Kaguya has a list?

Nojiko: Oh you know, a list of everyone she has killed though I don't think she personally cares about who she has killed.

Kaguya: There would be no list of people that have died by hands if those foolish marines would have just left me alone.

Neptune: You never aimed to be a pirate?

Kaguya: No.I just wanted an adventure.

Shirahoshi: Then why are you a pirate now?

Kaguya: Some marines attacked me for crossing their path and I ended their lives.

Raki: Now you have one of the highest bounties in the world.

Valen: I would place her at number 5.

Shirahoshi: What exactly is your bounty?

Kaguya: 3,479,000,000 beri last time it was updated.Since then I have formed another alliance and have been here where I seem to have formed another alliance with the royal family.

Everyone except for those that knew her bounty was shocked about the number.

With the Marines

Garp: Does anyone know where Kaguya and her pirates are at right now?

Vice-Admiral Tsuru: Last known location was Sabaody though I don't think she would have stayed their long.She should be in the New world by now.

Aokiji: Is Akainu still out?

The doors to the meeting room slam open and in walks in a pissed Akainu with a missing arm.

Akainu: I am here and have heard that Aokiji is nominated for the fleet admiral postion.

Sengoku: Yes, he is the one I have chosen to take over

Akainu: The Gorosei think I should have this position.

Garp: It doesn't matter to me.I am retiring once Sengoku steps down.

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Akainu: You should step out of my way Aokiji.Under my control those filthy pirates and especially that Filth Kaguya will die.

Aokiji: I have no plan to step down.

With Kaguya

It has been two weeks since they have been at Fishman Island and Kaguya has created a seal that allows Shirahoshi.Vanderdeken has died by Valen's idea.The Kuro Megami has just finished getting her coating to make the trip to the surface and the royal family as well as Jimbei are waiting seeing then off.

Kaguya: Two years and Luffy will make his way to here Jimbei, will you join his crew then?

Jimbei: Yes, I will.

Nojiko: Give my regards to Nami when you see here then but don't be surprised if she hates you.Her and I have a history with Arlong.

Kaguya: I forgot about that fool.

Jimbei: I will apologize when the time comes.It is my fault he went there.

Nojiko: No problems.

Otohime: Are you sure you want to leave with Shirahoshi?You will be safer here with us.

Shirahoshi: I am sure.I can become strong near them and they can protect me.

Kaguya: Yes, she will be safe with us and if we come across a particularly dangerous opponent then I will send her back to you through the seal I have placed on your hand.I don't see us having any opposition unless we come across the Beast pirates or the Big Mom pirates.

Otohime: Just teach her to defend herself.

Kaguya: We will all teach her the things we know.We are all fairly powerful.Sending her back will be a last choice thing though.She must become used to danger being who she seems to be engaged with.My life isn't easy on the surface with bounty hunters, other pirates, and the marines trying to take me out.

Otohime: I will hope you have no need to send her to me.

Shirahoshi: I will go nowhere.Where you go Kaguya, I will go as well.

In the time she has spent around the Kaguya Pirates and Kaguya herself she has become more confident in herself and some small quirks have been picked up by being around the pirates.

Kaguya: I don't think I will send you away.Not much up top can threaten me.

Yamato: We will all be there as well.

Nojiko: I bet Nami is super jealous of my bounty compared to hers.

Kaguya: I don't think she has broken the hundreds yet.

Nojiko: I am sure she can handle herself though.She is resourceful.

Kaguya: true.It is time for us to depart.I shall come back to invite you the surface once we have gained a bit if territory.Our main focus with be on ruling Wano at some point but I am afraid that venture will be very dangerous when the time comes.

Nojiko: Whitebeard is getting up in numbers maybe he will just hand his territory over to you.

Kaguya: I doubt it.He would demand an all out battle with out lives on the line.I don't want to kill the old man.He should die on his own terms not over some petty squabble over land.

They all say their good byes and board the pirate ship and head to the surface.

Shirahoshi: How long will this trip take?

Shirahoshi is the same size as Yamato because of the seal.

Nojiko: Some hours.We have time, you can take a nap or whatever you want until then.We can't risk training much because we don't want to pop the coating.

Muret: We can get her started on Haki though.

Kaguya: True.I will be in my room resting until we get to the surface.I have a feeling that it will be interesting once we get there.

Yamato: I will join you then.Ah Shirahoshi, you may place any of your belongings in our room as well.You being engaged to Kaguya makes our room yours as well.

Shirahoshi: Okay.

After getting to the surface they emerge only to find a fleet of marine ships surrounding one familiar ship with Akainu at the helm.

Akainu: Jewelry Bonney you will be captured along with that traitor Gion today.You will not escape again.Your crew has been dealt with.You and Gion are alone.

Akainu throws a giant magma fist at them.

Kaguya: Muret and Raki I want you to take out the surrounding marines, I'll save Bonney and the traitor I guess.Yamato, Valen and Nojiko please keep Shirahoshi safe.

With that said Kaguya disappears and stands in front of Bonney and the traitor Gion.

Kaguya: Now I can't have you going and capturing one of my allies now can I?

Kaguya draws masamune and Cute the Magma fist in half.

Akainu: Kaguya, You have finally reappeared.You will die for taking my arm!!

Kaguya: Yeah yeah, revenge this and revenge that.Throw your tantrum somewhere else.If you refuse to leave now then I will take your life and stay around to make sure you die.

Bonney: Kaguya... thanks for saving us.

Gion: Yes, Thank you for saving us.

Kaguya: We can talk more about this once we are out of danger.If you can make your way to my ship then Yamato, Valen, and Nojiko will keep you safe there along with the princess.

Gion nods and grabs Bonney about to leave for her ship.

Bonney: He killed my crew.I want to end Akainu's life.Just incompacitate him please.

Kaguya looks at her and just nods.

Kaguya: He will be yours to deal with.We can help you get to the level to where you can achieve this goal if you wish.I am sorry that we didn't get here sooner.

Bonney: Thanks.

Akainu: I will not run from some lowlife pirate scum!

Kaguya: I don't have time to deal with you and melodramatic self.

Kaguya Disappears and chops Akainu on his neck and he passes out.

Kaguya: You are no longer my target to kill.Your life belongs Bonney.She will take you out.Just like Yamato will kill Kaido.You dirty dogs of the celestials will leave at once or I will kill you all.The choice is your.We will you 5 minutes to decide.

With that she left for her ship.