

It has been a few days since Kaguya left Dawn Island in search of adventure, now we see her on her small boat drifting along at random while practicing her katas for muay thai and practicing her chakra control.Over the past few days she has also been practicing using her haki.

On the horizon she spots 4 marine ships getting closer to her little ship.' I wonder where they are heading to, I'll just ignore them '

As she nears them, she can sense about 30 marines on each ship but she doesn't think much on it because they are all weak.She suddenly hears a cannon go off and she watches the ball get closer little ship and she realizes that it is going to hit her.

The marines cheer as they see the cannon ball hit the little ship and watch it explode.

Marine Captain: whoever was on that ship should know better to than to cross a marine ship.

Kaguya: I see, so this is how you marines operate.Such a corrupt organization.I don't think anyone will care if I rid this place of your presence.

Marine Captain: who said that?!Show yourself!

Kaguya appears on the front of the marines boat and stares at them.

Marine Captain: who are you and why are you on my ship?

The other 3 captains from the other ship join the marine Captain that is yelling at Kaguya.

Kaguya: why should I introduce myself to such a lowlife like you?As for why I am on this ship, you just attacked mine.I see no reason why I should not commandeer yours as compensation.

Marine Captain 2: You can't just take what doesn't belong to you!That is acting like a pirate!!

The rest of the marines agree by shouting " yeah" " that's right " while Kaguya just stares at the captains.

Kaguya: I see that this conversation will go nowhere.I will just take it by force and kill the rest of you.

She instantly appears in front of the captains and shoves here hand through one of the captains hearts.All the marines stare in shock as the captain screams out in agony as he coughs up blood.Kaguya just stares at him with no emotion and throws his body down to the rest of the marines.The marines draw there weapons and rush at Kaguya while the captains attempt to draw there swords only for Kaguya to disappear and appear in front of the marines on the deck and focuses her charkra into her hair and shoots out her hair like needles into all the marines and the all drop dead soaking the deck in their blood.

Marine: she is a monster!He says with a shaky voice.

Marine Captain: marine, escape and report this to hq.She can't be allowed to roam free.We will hold her off.

Marine: Sir!

As he is about get on a small boat to leave Kaguya appears with a random sword she picked up from a dead marine and cuts the marine captains head off.

Marine captain: why are you doing this?!

Kaguya just looks at him like he is stupid." you attacked me first, this is just retaliation.You started this "

The marine that is about to leave on the dingy shouts in pain as he falls over dead from the sword kaguya threw into his chest.

Marine captain: Who are you!?

Kaguya just stopped holding up the other Marine Captain by his neck and looks at him." I am Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and you will die here here today because your foolish comrad attacked me first " the Marine Captain watches as she breaks the captain neck and drops him.

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As Kaguya is walking up to him he starts to back up as he sees her hold her hand up and a ball of blue energy starts to form in it.

Marine Captain: What is that!?

Kaguya: a ball of energy that will kill you.

She appears in front of him and shoves it into his chest and he screams as he is thrown into the center of the marine ship as the ball explodes and sinks the ship.She is floating in the air and see 3 more perfectly in tact marine ships.

Kaguya: 'I only need one of these ships'

Kaguya picks up a sword from one of the remaining ships and tries to focus her Haki into it and it turns black.She does a few practice swings with and sighs in disappointment ' this is a poorly made sword, it should work until I can find a weapon Smith to forge me one.' she swings the sword in a downward slash and cuts the other two marine ships half.She makes a few shadow clones and tells them to scour the marine ship and man the stations.As they go about doing their assigned tasks the real Kaguya decides to head to the map room and tries figure out where she is at.

Once she gets her barings she decides to go to the first island near her which happens to be conomi Island.

Kaguya: I guess if luffy isn't there by the time I get there then I will do something about the Arlong problem.

It has been a few days since she has been heading toward Conomi Island and she has been practicing her katas for kendo and muay thai but we skip over a random marine who escaped the slaughter of the marines and he is contacting HQ for the marines.

At the HQ for the Marines we see a den-den mushi ringing and a marine answers it.

HQ: This is Marine HQ, what can I help you with?

Marine: I am a marine in the East Blue and I am here to report the killing of 4 marine captains and their crew by one person.

HQ: Do you know who committed this crime and recount what happened so I can make a bounty accurately.Upload a picture of the criminal as well.

The marine does as told and tells what he saw while uploading the picture.

HQ: her bounty will be posted in the next paper.

Now, we skip back over to Kaguya as she can see her destination ahead of her.She hears a newscoo above her and she uses a beli that she found of the ship to purchase a paper.As she is reading the newspaper she sees that she has a bounty now.

Kaguya: when did they even take a picture?

She looks at how high her bounty is and is a little shocked by it.The picture is of her with after the fight and has a bit of blood on her hand.

White Demon Kaguya wanted dead or alive 80,000,000 beli reward

Kaguya: I didn't think I would warrant such a high bounty yet.

As she nears Conomi Island a Fishman of the arlong pirates jumps on her ship demanding what she is doing here.

Kaguya just looks at him with emotionless eyes.

Kaguya: my business is my own and if you don't get off my ship then I will kill you.

Fishman: I am a Fishman, we are superior to you humans!For your disrespect I will kill you now!

Before he can register what happened he feels a pain in his chest, as he looks down he sees a white hand going through his chest.He looks up and sees Kaguya in front of him.She removes her hand and he drops dead.

Kaguya: I guess I will need to eliminate Arlong if his crew attacked me first.He has started this and I will end it.

She stops her ship on the coast near cocoyashi Village, as she gets off her ship carrying the dead Fishman she nears the village and everyone stares at her in fear since the saw her bounty and she is carrying the dead Fishman and She is confronted by a woman with blue hair and a tattoo on her right arm and chest.

Blue hair girl: why are you here and why are you carrying that Fishman?Are you allies with Arlong?

Kaguya: I am here to restock my supplies originally, that was until this Fishman had the audacity to attack me.Since he is an Arlong pirate he has declared war on me and the captain is responsible for those under them.Now I am here to kill Arlong.Who are you?

Blue hair girl: my name is Nojiko and you should leave, Arlong will kill you.

Kaguya: my fate is nothing for you to worry about.Which way is Arlong?

Nojiko: I'm not telling you so you can go to your death!

Kaguya: fine, I'll find him myself.

She activates her observation haki and finds him.Kaguya starts walking in that direction.Nojiko is startled that she is walking towards Arlong Park and tries to stop her.

Nojiko: why are you going there?!

Kaguya just looks at her " why does it matter to you?I have nothing to do with you or your village.Once I finish restocking and kill arlong then I'll be on my way." she continues to walk off.

Nojiko shouts that it is there problem to deal with and you should leave then alone getting in front of you again.Kaguya just looks at her for a minute." what did he do to you? "

Nojiko is a little shocked to be asked that but tells about their lives ever since Arlong showed up.After telling Kaguya everything Nojiko is crying and on her knees.

Kaguya drops the dead Fishman on the ground and crouches down and hugs Nojiko.

Nojiko: why are you hugging me?Aren't you a pirate just like Arlong?

Kaguya: you need a hug and I may have a bounty now but I just want adventure and the marines blew my little boat up for no reason, so since they attacked me first, I just retaliated.It's their fault.

Nojiko stops crying and moves aside." it's your funeral if you go there "

Kaguya just stands up and grabs the dead Fishman and drags his dead body behind her as she walks to arlong park." they started this fight, I'm just ending it "

Cocoyashi village just watch her walk off not knowing what to do.

After 12 minutes of walking she sees the gates to arlong park and she throws the dead Fishman through the gate and it flies off the hinges and hits a few more Fishman.This alerts all the Fishman there and arlong walks to see what the commotion is and sees a few dead Fishman." who killed them, show yourself now!

Kaguya walks the the gates and looks at everyone, " you are all pathetically weak, I am here to inform you that due to this Fishman, who attacked me earlier today, that I am going to kill you all for starting a fight with me. "

Arlong looks at her and angry but notices that she is the new 80,000,000 beli bounty and is excited to claim that bounty.

Arlong: I will kill you for attacking a superior race!

Kaguya just shoots her hair at them all of them die except hachi and arlong.This just angers arlong and he charges at you intending on killing you.As he gets in arms reach of you, you just punch his face and he flies to the other side of the park.Hachi seeing this decides to flee.

The villagers and Nojiko show up after hearing the crash, see kaguya just standing there with a lot of dead Fishman around her and Arlong getting up with blood dripping down his lips.They are shocked that all of them are dead and you look fine.

Arlong: I will kill you!

Kaguya just unleashes her conquers haki and Arlong fall the ground passed out foaming at the mouth.The villagers see this and are shocked about what they just witnessed and watch kaguya walk towards a downed arlong with a blue ball of energy forming in her hands.As she gets to arlong, Nojiko watches her shove the blue ball into his chest and the explosion that follows shocks every one.The villagers are overjoyed that their nightmare is over and they can finally have peace again.Kaguya decides to leave arlong Park and head to her ship when Nojiko stops her and offers her food and bed for the night.Kaguya greatfully accepts her offer and they all celebrate while Kaguya decides to sleep.

We find Kaguya waking up and looks around to find herself in an unfamiliar room and she remembers accepting to sleep in Nojiko's home.She looks around and sees a picture of a woman with pink hair and 2 young girls, one is Nojiko and the other girl has orange hair.As she is looking at the picture, Nojiko walks up and sees her looking at the picture.

Kaguya: who are they?

Nojiko: they are my family, the woman with pink hair is Bellemere and the other girl is Nami.Bellemere died when Arlong took over and Nami has been forced to work for Arlong ever since drawing maps for him.She had to get 100 million beli to buy the village from him.She is close to that amount but now she doesn't need to continue and she can do what she wants to now.When she next comes we can tell Nami the nightmare is over and she is free.

As Nojiko was telling her story she had tears falling from her face, Kaguya was listening but payed more attention to the crying woman beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder and lightly squeezes it.

Kaguya: Do you miss her, Bellemere I mean?

Nojiko: I do, we both do, but she is gone.There is nothing that I nor Nami can do to bring her back, all we can do is keep her in our memories.

Kaguya stays quiet thinking.' I plan to stay about a month and train my chakra control so I can get a better feel for it and to get better control over my Haki.I have the knowledge and can use them both but training them will be beneficial to me. '

Kaguya: Can we visit Bellemere's grave?I'd like to pay my respects to a strong woman.

Nojiko: yeah, of course we can.

She looks at Kaguya with a slight smile and leads them to a grave sitting at the top of a hill overlooking the ocean.Kaguya puts her hands together in front of her chest and says a silent prayer to the grave, after 5 minutes of looking at the grave Kaguya turns to Nojiko.

Kaguya: I will be staying here for about a month to train my abilities and refine them to a higher degree.I'll have my ship moved to be in front of Arlong park and I will be there training after I destroy that detestable building.If you need me then I will be there.

Nojiko: okay Kaguya.Don't train to hard.Thank you again, for saving our village and Island.You have no idea how grateful we are to you for this.

Kaguya: you're welcome.He started the fight, I just ended it.

Nojiko starts to descend the hill and head to cocoyashi Village.Once she is out of sight Kaguya creates 10 shadow clones and tells them to move her ship to Arlong Park.Kaguya heads there herself and upon arriving she destroys the building, the walls to park and only stops once nothing of Arlong remains.She puts everything in a pile and flies the hand signs for the great fireball jutsu and keeps it up until everything is destroyed and a pile of ash.It's about noon and she takes a small break and sees her ship pulling into the bay.She disperses the clones and gets the memories of them.

She sits in the middle of the newly open area and creates 1,000 shadow clones and has 100 practice chakra control exercises, she has another 100 start training in basic medical ninjutsu, 100 practice fuinjutsu, she has 100 practice her katas for kendo and muay thai, 500 practice elemental control, she has the last 100 with her to train her Haki.

It has been 6 hours since she started training and we see Nojiko walking up to what used to be Arlong Park and her her jaw drops to floor when she sees over a hundred Kaguya doing different things.After some time she regains her composure and walks up to a kaguya and asks where the main one is.The clone suddenly pops and then they all pop and she sees Kaguya looking like she just got out of a fight.Her clothes are dirty and look a little scuffed up.Nojiko walks up to her with a little concern.

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Nojiko: are you okay Kaguya, you look a little rough.

Kaguya: I am fine, this is just the most efficient way for me to train in my month long stay.Why are you here?

Nojiko looks down looking a little bashful.

Nojiko: I was just coming to check on you and see if you were okay.Will you be staying here tonight or will you sleep in my home once again?

Kaguya: I was planning to sleep on my ship and stay here until my month of training ends.What have you been up to?

Nojiko looks down before looking back up with a determined face.

Nojiko: I want to get stronger, I don't want to be weak.Will you allow me to stay here and train with you?

Kaguya: I don't mind but what do you want to train in?Weapons training, hand to hand, how do you want to get stronger?

Nojiko: Hand to hand, weapons, and physical training.

Kaguya smiles at Nojiko and offers her hand.

Kaguya: Alright, then while I am here and you are training with me then you will also be staying on my ship.

Nojiko takes her hand smiles brightly.

Nojiko: Okay, I accept your conditions.

Kaguya grabs Nojiko's soft hand and leads her to the ship.Once on the ship Kaguya takes her to a weapons room.

Kaguya: stay here and looks through these weapons and try them out and once you find one that suits you we will train you in it and you can keep whatever you choose.

Nojiko looks around the room and at all the weapons, she picks up a few but didn't like the guns or the swords, as she is looking she sees a weapon that catches her attention.She reaches for the weapon and grabs it and it just feels right to her.

Kaguya is watching her look at the weapons and sees her pick up a double bladed pole-arm.She is a little surprised about her choice because it is a rather unorthodox weapon.She walks up to Nojiko and looks at the weapon as well.

Kaguya: a double bladed pole-arm, it is an unorthodox choice but once you master it you will be a tricky opponent to deal with.

Nojiko: this one just feels right.

She smiles brightly at Kaguya

Kaguya: I'll make you a wooden version so you can train with it without cutting yourself or worse.Now since it is just me on this marine ship, feel free to choose any of the available rooms.I will be up writing things out that I would like you to read in your spare time.

Nojiko: okay, then I shall take my leave and get some sleep for tomorrow.

Kaguya: good night Nojiko, my room is the one with my name on it.I shall be in there until tomorrow, I'll wake you up for breakfast before we start.

Nojiko: good night Kaguya.

As they separate we can see Kaguya writing on a scroll about the three types of Haki for Nojiko to read and ways to train it and what it is.

A week has passed by with Nojiko and Kaguya training as hard as they can all day and both growing closer to each other, Nojiko has read the scroll about Haki and asked Kaguya questions where she demonstrated what they were.As they are eating their lunch Kaguya decides to bring up a sensitive topic with Nojiko.

Kaguya: Nojiko, I have a personal question to ask you and I am afraid it is quite sensitive for you.

Nojiko is curious but also a little weary

Nojiko: okay, go for it.

Kaguya: If someone has the ability to bring someone back to life, completely restored to the state they were in before they died, would you want for Bellemere to be brought back to life?

Nojiko is startled by this question before answering.

Nojiko: I would like for her to be brought back but no body would do something like that for free, so I would have to know the price of such an exchange.

Kaguya: I see.I have such an ability, and it would cost you nothing at all.You are my friend, my first and only friend so far.She was a good woman, and Sue was taken from this world to soon.

Nojiko looked at Kaguya shocked and tears started to fall from her eyes.Kaguys leans forward and wipes the tears from her face gently with her finger.

Kaguya: I will leave this choice up to you.I will respect your wishes.Take your time and think it over, I will be training if you need me.

Kaguya left to train and Nojiko thought about the offer for the rest of week while training too.At the end of the week Nojiko approached Kaguya and knocked on her bedroom door.

Kaguya: come in.

Nojiko: I have thought about your offer to revive Bellemere.I want you to bring her back.

Kaguya: Okay, then I will Leave tonight to revive her, I will bring her here when everything is done and she is alive once more.

Kaguya gets dressed and departs for Bellemere's grave as Nojiko sits at the ship and pondering if this will work and hoping for it.

As Kaguya gets to the grave she makes a shadow clone and has her dig up Bellemere.She activates her rinne-sharingan and uses her outer path ability to revive Bellemere.After this technique is completed and Bellemere is breathing and fully revived, Kaguya sits beside her and meditates until Bellemere wakes up.After an hour has passed Bellemere shows signs of waking up and it takes another 30 minutes for her to open her eyes and sit up.Bellemere freaks out as the last thing she remembers is being shot by Arlong and dying.

Bellemere: What happened?Where am I?I died by Arlong!!What is going on?!

Kaguya puts a hand on Bellemere to calm her down.

Kaguya: please calm down Bellemere.I will explain everything that I know to you shortly but I would like to run a check on you to make sure that you are perfectly healthy.I am no doctor but I can check your well-being for now.

Bellemere nods while wondering what happened and is a little shocked when Kaguya emits a green light around her hand and scans her body.

Kaguya: okay, you are healthy and everything is functioning right.If you have questions go ahead and ask but ask one at a time.

Bellemere: okay, first, who are you?

Kaguya: my name is Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.I won't lie to you because I respect your daughter, Nojiko.I have a bounty of 80,000,000 beli at the moment.

Bellemere gets put on guard at finding out she is a pirate and becomes weary.

Bellemere: What happened here?Last I knew was dying because of Arlong.

Kaguya: Arlong took over this Island and payed off the Local marine branch captain to leave this place alone and he ruled this place.Nojiko can explain more about what has happened to this place.

Bellemere: Where is Arlong now?

Kaguya: he is dead.I killed him.He is responsible for his crews actions and one of his crew attacked me, therefore I retaliated and killed him and his pirate crew, though I believe one Named Hachi has escaped.

Bellemere is shocked to hear about his death and that you killed his pirate crew and him.

Bellemere: What is your purpose here and have you harmed anyone?

Kaguya: I am staying here for another 2 weeks to train more and once that is over I will be leaving this island.I have also been training with Nojiko at her request.I have not harmed any innocent person and only attack in retaliation although I may attack marines on site now since they attacked me first to begin with.

Bellemere: can I see Nojiko?Where is Nami?

Kaguya: You can see Nojiko when you want to and I have no idea where Nami is.You can talk to Nojiko about her when we get there.Would you like to walk there on your own strength and stretch your legs or would you like for me to carry you?

Bellemere: I will walk but I don't trust you, those with a bounty are not good people.

Kaguya: I understand and think of me how you want but you have my respect and I won't harm you, Nojiko, nor Nami or anyone on this island.Follow me and I'll take you to Nojiko.

Bellemere follows Kaguya back to her ship while getting used toovong her muscles again.When Bellemere sees the ship she turns to you with sharp eyes and glares at you.

Bellemere: you stole a marine warship?

Kaguya: yes, I did.

Bellemere: Did you kill them?

Kaguya: yes, they attacked me first unprovoked so I defended myself from four foul captains who sunk my ship for simply crossing their path.

Bellemere: I am sorry for their behavior.Marines are meant to protect the innocent.

Kaguya just nods and motions with her hand to the ship.

Kaguya: Nojiko is on their at the moment waiting for you.It was her choice for me to bring you back.I will stay here to give you both your privacy.Feel free to stay here with Nojiko and catch up or you both can to your home and catch up there.

As Bellemere walks on the ship to catch up with Nojiko, Kaguya stays outside and starts to train some more.She has made great progress in everything so far and is proficient in fuinjutsu.

The next day we can see Nojiko walk up to Kaguya with Bellemere following behind.Nojiko walks behind Kaguya and hugs her and cries into her back.

Nojiko & Bellemere: thank you for bring me/her back.

Kaguya: you're welcome.You can go back with Bellemere to your home and wait for Nami to return.I will remain here for another week and half and leave.

Kaguya pulls out a scroll and pushes chakra into it and out pops Nojiko's double bladed Pole-arm and hands it to Nojiko.

Kaguya: it is your weapon.Keep it.You can keep training with me if you want for my remaining time but you should spend it with Bellemere.

Nojiko: Thank you.

Kaguya just nods and watches them walk back to cocoyashi Village before she gets back to training.

It has been a week since Bellemere and Nojiko left to go back to the village and now we look on the Horizon and see a Caravelle sailing towards conomi Island.Nami pulls up to the shore and heads to visit her sister.As she nears the village the vibe of the place surprises Nami as she sees children happy and playing and adults going about their business with a smile on their faces.She gets to Nojiko's with the money she stole and opens the door.

Nami: Nojiko, I am back!

Nojiko: Welcome back Nami, I am in the Kitchen with someone you will want to meet!

Nami walks into the kitchen and sees Nojiko talking with a woman with pink hair and a smile on her face and tearing up at the sight of Nami.Nami drops her beli and covers her mouth with her hand and starts crying.

Bellemere: hey Nami, I am glad to see you again.How have you been?

Nami breaks down and runs to her and hugs her afraid that she will disappear.

Nami: how are you here?I watched you die!Why is everyone so happy!?How can you all smile while being oppressed by Arlong?!

Nojiko: a lot has happened since you last left.We are freed from Arlong, all of the beli you were forced to steal is yours.There is no need to give it away now.Have you heard of the ' white Demon kaguya '?

Nami: the highest bounty in the east blue, I remember seeing her wanted poster.What does she have to do with anything?

Nojiko: she has everything to do what has happened recently.One of Arlongs crew members attacked her when she was close to conomi Island and she killed him.She came here in retaliation to Arlong for attacking her and she freed us by killing Arlong and his pirates.Arlong park is gone, she destroyed everything.She also revived Bellemere with an ability of hers.

Nami: is she still here or has she left already?

Bellemere: she is still here but only for a few more days.She will leave again soon.If you want to see here then head to where Arlong park used to be.You has been training there.

Nami: okay, will you both come with me, since you both know her?

Bellemere & Nojiko: of course!

Nojiko: she is very nice despite or bounty and name of white Demon.

All three women head to arlong park or where it used to be and Nami starts tearing up as she can no longer see a tall building or even a large fence wall.As they get closer They can see a woman with pale white skin and two horns meditating.Nami blushes seeing her thinking she is beautiful and feeling a little intimidated given what she has done and her bounty amount.

Kaguya can sense the three women getting closer and recognizes two of them as Nojiko and Bellemere but not the third.She opens her eyes and looks at them.

Kaguya: it is nice to see you again Nojiko and Bellemere.I presume this lovely lady and Nami?

Nami: yes, I am Nami.I wanted to thank you for helping free us and this place.Now I no longer am a slave to Arlong and can pursue what I want.

Kaguya: he started the fight.I just finished it.I will be here for a few more days to finish my training before I leave but I do have a gift for you.I will need a drop of your blood though for it to work for you though.

Kaguya pulls out a slip of paper with a weird looking seal on it.Nami hesitates but hands her hand to her.Kaguya pokes her finger with a her nail and drops her blood on the seal.The seal glows for a second before a new seal takes its place.

Kaguya: Do you have any beli on you Nami?

Nami: I have a little but what do you want it for?

Kaguya: place the slip of paper with the seal on the beli and put a drop of blood on the seal.

Nami hesitantly does and watches in shock as her blood is absorbed and the beli disappears.

Nami: where did it go!!

Kaguya: place another drop of blood on it.

Nami does as told and the beli appears once again and Nami shrieks about just happened in surprise.

Kaguya: this is a blood storage seal that I created.It has an unlimited capacity and it is easily portable.It is also waterproof so it won't ruin if it gets wet.The paper is made by a special wood that I made so it is highly fireproof.I asked for your blood on this seal so that it will only react to you and no body else.

Nami smirked at the thought that she can store anything she wants with this seal.She then thanks you.

Kaguya: what will you do now, that you are free?

Nami: I don't know, Luffy wants me to join his pirate crew as their navigator.They will probably arrive pretty soon.

Kaguya: the choice is yours, you can keep that seal tag since it is linked to you.If you do join him and luffy plans to go to the grand line then they will need to get much stronger, there are enemies there that are stronger than you all are currently.

Nojiko: you sound like you are leaving soon?

Kaguya: I will be leaving in the morning.

Nojiko looked sad about this.

Bellemere: Nojiko, can I talk to you... in private?

Nojiko nods and they walk a short distance off.

Bellemere: do you want to go with Kaguya?

Nojiko looks down and slowly nods her head yes.

Bellemere: you should do what you want.We will be okay here and Nami is probably going to leave too and fulfill her dream.

Nojiko just nods and walks back to Kaguya and Nami with Bellemere.

Nojiko: kaguya, would you be opposed to me joining you in your voyage?

Kaguya: I don't mind, I would honesty love to have my first friend on my adventure.It will be dangerous and you will probably get a bounty at some point and we will have to fight many different people along the way.

Nojiko: I am okay with this.We both want adventure, so let's have a good time and have each other's back along the way.

All four women smile and have a small feast with each other through the night and Kaguya and Nojiko await their next adventure.

On an Island in the New world we see a woman in a cell with a collar on around her neck waiting for her chance to escape.As she is waiting we see some people walking down toward her cell to taunt her some more.

Guard 1: When do you think she will learn to just obey her father and stop rebelling?

Guard 2: I don't know, but he is getting tired of her rebelling against him.I heard he is think of just executing her.

As the guards keep talking with the woman listening to their conversation the guards get to her cell and start their usual taunts to her and they get to close to her cell.She moves and grab their necks before either can react or scream for help she snaps their necks and drops them to the floor.

Woman: you should have stayed further away, they must be new if they got that close.

She searches them for keys to the collar and her cell.Luckily, she finds them on the second body she searched in a pocked in his pants pocket.As she unlocks her collar and opens her cell she starts to walk away in search of her mask and club.

Woman: He wants to kill me now?So much for being a great father but he has never been a father for me.

She searches for half an hour before she opens a room and finds both her mask and club, grabbing the mask first and putting it on over her face she then grabs her club and rests it on her shoulder as she walks out.

Woman: now I just need to find a way to escape.

She leaves the castle and has been searching for a way off the island for a couple hours now.She is on the coast and sees a small boat

Woman: it is not the most reliable in these waters but it is better than bring executed here.

She gets in the small boat and starts heading out.

With Kaguya and Nojiko

It is the next day at noon and we see Nojiko saying her farewells to Nami, Bellemere, and Gen.

Nojiko: take care and stay safe.Look after the tangerines Bellemere.If you set sail Nami, maybe we'll run into one another.

As they are saying bye to each Kaguya has made some shadow clones and started getting her stolen marine ship ready to leave.

Kaguya: Nojiko, we should head out soon.

Nojiko: okay?Do you know where we will head to?

Kaguya: Loguetown.Then to the grandline but we will need supplies so a stop is a must.

Nojiko: okay, I'll guide us on our way so we don't get lost.

Kaguya: I appreciate that.When I set out it was just in a random direction.

Everyone just jawdropped at her, shocked that she had no direction to go.

Kaguya: Come on, it is time to go.

Nojiko gets on the ship and gets on the wheel and they start to head in the direction of Loguetown.As they are leaving Kaguya waves farewell to Nami and Bellemere.

Kaguya: you should know that I won't spare most marines I come across if they attack me.Are you okay with this?

Nojiko is deep in thought before she answers.

Nojiko: The marines never helped my village or our Island as long as Arlong ruled.I have no qualms about engaging marines.

Kaguys nods in understanding.

Kaguya: you should carry your weapon just in case though.

Nojiko: I will keep it on me from now on.

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It has been a few days since they left and they see a small boat heading towards them.Kaguya uses her oberservation haki to sense if the boat is empty and sense a weak person on it.She tells Nojiko to pull up beside the little boat to check it out.As they get to it, they see a passed out woman wearing a mask and a club in the boat.Kaguya creates a shadow clone and the clone picks her up along with her club and put her on the deck of her ship.Kaguya runs a check on her and finds that she is hungry, other than that she is fine.

The woman wakes up and slowly checks her surrounding to find that she is on the deck on a marine ship and notices a blue haired woman on the wheel of the ship but she doesn't look like a marine.Nojiko notices that she is awake and turns to her.

Nojiko: hello, How do you feel?We found you passed out on the small ship.

Woman: where am I?Who are you?Why is this a marine ship?

Nojiko: well, you are in the east blue.We are heading to Loguetown before we head to the grandline.I am Nojiko and I set out with Kaguya a few days ago.This is a marine ship because some marines attacked Kaguya before she arrived at my Island she took it.

The woman relaxes a bit when her stomach growls from hunger.

Nojiko: would you like to join us for lunch?It is just the two of us, three if you count yourself.

Woman: okay, I will join you.

Nojiko leads her to the kitchen where Kaguya is seen setting the food on a table for them to eat.When the woman sees Kaguya she feels that she is strong but also she blushes from how beautiful she think Kaguya is.

Kaguya: lunch is served Nojiko and masked woman.You can join us if you want but what is your name?

They all sit down and start eating when the woman removes her mask to answer the questions that Kaguya has.

Woman: my name is Oden.

Kaguya looks at her with a blank face.

Kaguya: while I believe that you go by that name, it isn't your given name.Can I know your given name?

Oden: my given name is Yamato.

Kaguya: that is a good name.A strong name.Why were you on that boat?

Yamato recounts her story for them and looks as if they will fear her for her relation to her father.

Kaguya puts a hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture.

Nojiko: we don't care who your father is.

Yamato: really?!

Kaguya: of course not.Kaido is an emperor and if he or his crew attacks me or my allies then I will deal with him.I am sailing just for the adventure although I have a bounty so I am bound to be attacked and by extention those with me.Nojiko is the same, we want to have fun and explore.What is your goal?

Yamato was shocked that they have the same goals that she does.

Yamato: I to wish to adventure with trusted friends and to free wano from my father's control.

Kaguya: you can join us if you wish, I can't turn down a beautiful woman and if you want to take down Kaido then we will need to get much stronger.Do you know Haki?

Yamato: I have all three Haki.I would like to join you.

Kaguya: I see.That makes two of us that can use all three haki.Nojiko, it looks like you will need learn at least armament and observation Haki.

Nojiko: why?

Yamato: it is the main force used in the New world and it is the best counter to logia devil fruit users.

Nojiko: oh... I suppose I need to learn them.

Yamato: I can train you in the meantime, if you would like.

Nojiko: Thank you Yamato...

Nojiko looks between Kaguya and Yamato multiple times and stands up quickly and yells at them.


kaguya and Yamato just look at her then each other and back to her.

Kaguya/Yamato: so, what is your point?

Nojiko: I feel left out...

As they finish eating they go to the deck and continue to head to Loguetown but with an additional member now.Kaguya takes the wheel while Yamato teaches Nojiko about Haki.It takes a few more days before they can see Loguetown and the whole time the three have spent it getting to know one another and training.

Nojiko, Yamato, and Kaguya are looking at Loguetown as they get closer to it.

Nojiko: Do you think they will try to take this ship back?It is kind of their property.

Kaguya: they lost all claim to it when I took it from them.We have more important things to do here.

Nojiko: true, we need to get supplies for our ship and we need to get maintenance material for our weapons.

Yamato: true.Kaguya, what weapon do you use?

Kaguya: I use a odachi.I haven't found one yet, but I will look in weapon shops while we're here.Also, a marine Captain by the name of Smoker is stationed here.He shouldn't pose a problem for you two since you don't have bounties so you can move about freely.

Yamato: why bring him up?He can't be a large threat if he is in the east blue.

Kaguya: not to you and me but for Nojiko.He can pose a problem since he is a logia type.

As they continue to talk they pull into the docks and they all go their separate ways.

Kaguya got to a weapons shop and walked in.

Shopkeeper: Welcome my little shop, what are you looking for?

Kaguya: I am looking for an Odachi.

Shopkeeper: ah... I see.I only have one but... no body has wanted to buy it since it seems to choose it's owner.At least that is what others have said that tried to hold it.

Kaguya: I would like to see this weapon.

The Shopkeeper just nods and walks in the back and comes back with a box that is 7 1/2 feet long.As he sets it on the counter he opens it and Kaguya sees a long thin blade that is silver and has a wrapped black handle.She reaches for the blade and grabs the handle with one hand and it seems to want her energy.

As this is going on the shopkeeper feels an oppressing feeling come from the young woman he is with as her hand hold the odachi becomes black and the blade slowly becomes black too as a white outline can be seen just on the top of the black.

Kaguya makes the blade submit and it stops taking her energy and accepts her.After the little struggle she turns to the shopkeeper and pulls out 20 million beri and hands it to him and walks out the shop leaving a stunned shopkeeper.As she starts walking to the place where Gol D. Roger was executed she places the Odachi named Masamune on the small of her back horizontally.

With Nojiko

As she left the little group of her friends and crewmates she heads to the market to buy food and supplies for their trip into the grandline.As she is walking she bumps into a girl with a sword and a pair glasses and knocks her over.Nojiko offers the girl a hand to help her up with a friendly smile.

Nojiko: sorry for knocking you over, are you alright.

The woman accepts the hand and gets up.

Woman: no problem.Where were you going?My name is Tashigi, what is yours?

Nojiko: my name is Nojiko and I am just heading to the market to buy some food and other goods.

Tashigi: ah, then do you mind if I come with you?I need to get some things too.

Nojiko: you can if you want.

They continue to head to the market and they talk and Tashigi tells her that she is a marine.

Nojiko: ah, you are one of them...

Tashigi: do you not like the marines?

Nojiko: No, I do not have a very high opinion of you marines.

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Tashigi: can I know why?

Nojiko: you marines left my village and Island to be ruled by a pirate for years and never did anything about it.As far as I am concerned you marines are as bad as most pirates.

Tashigi was shocked hearing this.

Tashigi: I am sorry that your people had to deal with that.

Nojiko: what's done is done.The problem was dealt with.Arlong is dead along with most of his pirate group.

Tashigi: who dealt with him?If I may ask.

Nojiko gets a fond smile on her face and wonders if she should tell her.

Nojiko: a pirate that they happened to attack although they are a newly emerged pirate.

Tashigi hearing this makes a fist and her knuckles become white from squeezing so hard.

Tashigi: who was this pirate that you seem to be so fond of?

Nojiko sensing the hostility puts a hand on her double bladed pole-arm and turns to face Tashigi.

Nojiko: Kaguya but her bounty poster says 'white Demon Kaguya'.

Tashigi sees her grab her weapon also grabs the handle of her sword.

Tashigi: do you have any connection with her?

Nojiko brings her weapon up and gets ready to go on the offensive if she needs to.

Nojiko: She saved my Island and Village and also did the impossible.I decided to join her in her goal since we both share the same dream.

Tashigi: then you are a pirate as well.You joined a monster.She killed 4 entire crew!!

Tashigi charges at Nojiko and swings her sword in a downward strike when Nojiko intercepts her sword and tries to coat her weapon in armament haki and it becomes black.

Nojiko: I guess that haki training with Kaguya and Yamato really helped.

Tashigi attacks again and Nojiko dodges her blade and brings her black blade down and breaks Tashigi's sword and then kicks Tashigi into a building.She wants for a few minutes before walking away to the market like nothing happened while the citizens of Loguetown town just look stunned that Tashigi is down and knocked out from one hit.

After Nojiko gets the supplies of fruit, meat and vegetables she heads to put the produce and supplies onto the ship.She is happy to see that training with Kaguya and Yamato has yielded results and wants to improve.

With Yamato

After Yamato left her little group she just walked around eating candy and seeing the sights.As she gets to the executioning stand she sees Kaguya and walks up to her.

Yamato: watcha doing Kaguya?

Kaguya: just looking where a great pirate died.Kaido is strong so I wanted inspiration to become strong enough with you to defeat him.

Yamato just looks at the stand as she absorbs what Kaguya said.

Kaguya: I was thinking.While we are at it and taking down Kaido, why not Big Mom too?Take over one of their territories.

Yamato just looked at Kaguya as if she was crazy and just smiles broadly.

Yamato: your a crazy woman Kaguya but I like it!Let's do that then and fight all the strong people we can.Maybe even whiteboard too.

Kaguya just smiles at this and nods.As Kaguya is smiling and having a good time, this unfortunately came to end.

???: 'white Demon Kaguya' you are under arrest for attacking and killing 4 marines captains and their crew.

Kaguya and Yamato turn around and see Smoker with his Jitte walking up to them and both laugh at the captain.

Kaguya: Do you want him or me?

Yamato: rock, paper, and scissors for it.

As they are playing to decide who fights Smoker, Smoker calls for back up.His experience tells him that these two are not to be taken lightly.

Yamato won the game and Kaguya looks bummed out.

Kaguya: I really wanted to test my new weapon out but tou won.I guess I'll deal with the small fries.

Yamato just holds up a peace sign and smiles victoriously as Kaguya.

She holds her club to her side and stares at Smoker and her weapon gets a black sheen to it.She disappears from Smokers sight and his eyes widen at the sudden disappearance.As he looks around he sees Kaguya point behind him.He looks behind him only to get smashed by her club and a crater forms in the concrete from the impact.

Yamato: that was disappointing.

Nojiko: We are in the calm belt now.

Kaguya and Yamato come to the front of the ship and look around to see that they have stopped moving.

Kaguya: well, this is as good a time as any to decide on our jolly roger and name of this little pirate group.Any ideas?

Nojiko and Yamato adopt a thinking pose while Kaguya surveys their surrounding for sea kings or marine ships.

Nojiko: we can be known as the Kaguya pirates.

Yamato: I like it, it fits since you are our captain.

Kaguya: okay, now we need a flag for us.

Yamato pulls out a drawing.( picture at top )

Yamato: what about this for our jolly roger?

Nojiko and Kaguya look at it and they both like it and Kaguya creates a clone to paint it onto the sails of the ship.

Nojiko: now that that is solved, how do we move through the calm belt?

Kaguya creates another clone and has it do a some hand signs and does the great breakthrough.

Yamato: problem solved now!Hahaha

Nojiko: I suppose so.

While a clone is steering the ship all three of them decide to do a little training to get better at Haki or to test their abilities.Kaguya is at the crows nest meditating and sense something off in front of them and checks it out.

Jumping from the crows nest to the front of the ship gets the attention of Yamato and Nojiko and both come to see what got your attention.

As everyone is at the front looking ahead they see a marine heading to them.

Kaguya draws masamune and focuses her haki to coat her sword and inside her sword.It takes on a black sheen with a white glow around it with white lightning jumping from it.

Nojiko is shocked seeing how far Haki can be pushed and can feel the pressure from it.

Yamato just readies her club and has an excited look to see what you will do with it.

Kaguya opens her eyes and moves masamune and lines it up with her chest and looks like she is going to thrust her sword forward.

Kaguya: let's see how some marines deal with this, they should be fairly strong considering where we are.

She thrust her sword forward at the marine ship heading for them at a speed Which neither Nojiko nor Yamato can see and they see a white energy blast forward from the tip of her sword and head to the marine ship with so much velocity they the sea beneath it is splitting and it looks like the water is being split about 50ft deep.

With the marine ship

They saw a marine ship with a pirate flag on it and this made them angry.

Marine: Sir! We can't let them defile what we stand for like this!!They are pirates and it is our duty to arrest them!

Vice-Admiral: We will deal with them, set course to intercept them.

Marines: Yes sir.

Marine: Vice-Admiral Momonga sir, I have identified them.They are an upstart group.Bounty total is 130,000,000 million beli.3 known bounties.White Demon Kaguya with 80,000,000 Yamato with 35,000,000 Nojiko with 15,000,000.Their capabilities are unknown but captain smoker said Kaguya never made a move against him due to losing a game with Yamato.

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Momonga Watches the ship and gets a telescope and looks at the three women and sees the pale woman with three eyes and two horns draw a sword larger than she is and watches as the sword gets a black coating and white lightning jumping off of it and gets nervous because she is using haki.


He jumps to the front of the ship and draws his sword to intercept whatever she is going to try and he coats his sword is haki as well.

All the marines on the ship are confused about his urgentness but does as he says while watching the other ship.They suddenly see a white beam on energy heading towards them and coming in really fast.

Momonga watches as the sea breaks apart from the incoming attack that seems as dangerous as one of Mihawks attacks.He swings his sword coated in his haki and intercepts the attack but feels it pushing him back and he grits his teeth as he tries to deflect it towards the sky and away from his ship and away from his marines below him.

The marines see momonga struggling with this attack would have surely killed them and watch as he barely forces the attack toward the sky.They see the clouds part as the white attack pierced it and kept going.They look back to momonga and see that he is bleeding and his sword broken.

Back with Kaguya

Kaguya: Do you two want to go and say hello?See who defelcted my attack?

Both Yamato and Nojiko are still shocked that her attack cleared the sky of clouds.

Yamato: Hell yes I do !!

Nojiko: Sure, why not but how are we going to get their?

Kaguya makes one of her truth seeker orbs appear and expand in front of her.

Kaguya: we will get their by standing on this and floating to them...

They both jump on and Nojiko readies her weapon.As they get closer Kaguya can see the Vice-Admiral Momonga barely standing.When they get to the ship the marines tense up seeing all three looking perfectly fine.

Momonga: White Demon Kaguya, what do you want?

Yamato: why would we tell you that?Weren't you going to attack us?

Marines: you stole our ship!You defile everything we stand for!!

Momonga sees Kaguya grit her teeth and Nojiko coat her double bladed pole-arm in haki.


Kaguya: you know, you marines never did lift a finger to help Nojiko's island and village be free from the tyranny of Arlong.You marines attacked me first when I just so happen to cross their path.I didn't have a bounty at that point.So tell me what you marines stand for when all I have seen you do is bully and use your position to get away very crude acts.

Yamato: we are going to sink this ship after we take what we want from it and if any of you try to attack us then we will kill you all.

Momonga: I can't let you do this.

Kaguya: I commend you Vice-Admiral Momonga for being one of the few good ones.For that alone, I will allow you to keep your honor.

Kaguya disappears and chops momonga on the back of his neck and he crumples to the ground knocked out.

Kaguya: now, the rest of you I won't think twice about killing.Now, we'll take all the beli you have on this ship and all the cannonballs as well.

She creates 30 clones and they get to work while Nojiko, Yamato, and Kaguya watch the marines.One of the marines draws his sword and charges Nojiko and tries to stab her only for her to turn around and cut his arm off.

Kaguya puts her hand on Nojiko's shoulder in a comforting manner.

Kaguya: Hurting others is never easy, killing even less but don't let defending yourself and weigh you down.Where we are going, no one will hesitate to harm or take your life.Taking the life of an innocent however will bring great shame to the Kaguya pirates.

Yamato: you have your sister to still see, don't you?So, just stay alive.

Nojiko hugs both of them and smiles as the clones drop all of the cannonballs in the sea.

Kaguya makes a platform with her orb again and all three jump on they head to their ship.

Yamato: when the Vice-Admiral wakes, let him know that the Kaguya pirates spared him.

When they got back to their ship they sailed past the other Marine ship and kept going.

With Momonga

It has been a few days and Momonga wakes up in the infirmary.

Medical Officer: good, you're awake.

Momonga: how long have I been asleep?

Medical officer: you have been out for 4 days.

Momonga: get me a transponder snail.I need to speak with Sengoku about those three pirates.

Medical officer: They called themselves then Kaguya pirates.

He hands Momonga a snail and he calls Sengoku directly.

With Sengoku at the Marine HQ

Sengoku was in his office talking to Garp when he gets a call.

Sengoki: This is Sengoku, what is so important that you needed to call me Vice-Admiral Momonga?

At this Garp pays attention because of how odd this occurrence is.

Momonga: I am calling to report an encounter I had with the Kaguya pirates in the calm belt.

Sengoku: White Demon Kaguya again.Who is in her crew?

Momonga: White Demon Kaguya, Yamato, and Nojiko from what I know.

Sengoku: Is it safe to assume that You dealt with those upstarts?I doubt they pose that much of a threat yet.

Momonga goes silent for a few minutes before he responds.

Momonga: I just regained consciousness.We lost.It only took one attack from Kaguya.

Sengoku was shocked as was Garp.Just then Aokiji walked in.

Momonga: I believe all three know Haki.Kaguya for sure knows Haki and displayed armament haki but I think she knows all.

Sengoku, Garp, and Aokiji are all deep in though about this new information.

Aokiji: to be able to deal with Momonga in such a manner and to not have any damage done, Kaguya is definitely a threat.The other two are threats as well.

Garp: youngsters these days are crazy!!Hahahaha


Sengoku takes his rice crackers and eats them all.

Sengoku: momonga, what do you think?You have dealt with them personally.

Momonga: I don't think Nojiko is as much of a threat as Kaguya and Yamato.I just feel that those two alone are powerful enough to fight off an admiral on their own if they had to but I don't think Kaguya has really displayed anything of what she is capable of.While Nojiko is not in their league yet, she is strong enough for the grand line with no problems.

Sengoku: very well, then I will have will issue their new bounties personally.

With the Kaguya pirates

They have just left the calm belt and it has been a week since their encounter with Vice-Admiral Momonga.A newscoo is flying above them and Kaguya buys a newspaper.As she is reading she sees the new bounty posters and their are four that catch her interest.

Kaguya: Nojiko, your sisters captain has a bounty of 30,000,000 beli.She doesn't have one yet though.

Nojiko reads the bounty name.

Nojiko: Monkey D. Luffy.Odd name.

Yamato: any relation to Vice-Admiral Garp?

Kaguya: I believe he would be the grandson of Garp.

Kaguya looks at the other three bounties that caught her attention.

Kaguya: it seems that the Marine HQ gave us new bounties after dealing with the Vice-Admiral.

Yamato/Nojiko: what are they now?

Kaguya hands them their wanted posters.

Wanted Dead or Alive 'White Demon Kaguya ' 473,000,000 beli

Wanted Dead or Alive Yamato135,000,000 beli

Wanted Dead or Alive Nojiko92,000,000

Kaguya: why is mine so high?I haven't proven much of a threat to the world government.

Yamato: no clue... but why is mine so low?I need to do more.

Yamato gets a fierce look in her eyes and Nojiko does too.

Nojiko just laughs at them.

With Nami and the strawhats

They just left Laboon the whale with Ms. Wednesday and her partner when Nami sees a newscoo and Nami buys a newspaper.She sees the new Bounties and is shocked by her sisters bounty since it is higher than Luffy's bounty.

Nami then smiles knowing her sister is okay and shows luffy the new wanted posters.

Nami: Luffy, my sister got a new bounty and it's higher than yours but her captain and this Yamato also have higher bounties than you.

This gets the attention of the strawhats and they all want to know who her sister is.

Luffy: shishishi I can still beat them.

Sanji just has hearts in his eyes at all three, Zoro is looking at Kaguya and her sword.

Zoro: I wander how she stacks up against Mihawk.

Nami: if we come across them then you can fight them.I am sure that Kaguya won't attack us first from what she has told me but I know for a fact that she will retaliate.

Luffy: as long as she doesn't eat my meat then we'll be fine.

Usopp: They are scary!!!The paper says she defeated a Vice-Admiral!!!

I realized that there are two sabaody in one piece so they are currently at whiskey peak.

With the Kaguya pirates

They just arrived at whiskey peak and Nojiko and Yamato are watching Kaguya draw weird shapes and patterns and symbols on a scroll of paper.

Nojiko: Kaguya, what are you doing?

Yamato: Kaguya, is there a reason that you decided to try drawing?

Kaguya: it is a fuinjutsu seal that allows storage of something.It is similar to what I gave to your sister Nami for her beri.

Nojiko: so what are you going to use this one for?

Kaguya: our ship because I would prefer to not leave it unguarded and I think we all want to explore a bit here.

Yamato: that's true.I have heard there are a lot of bounty hunters here.

Kaguya: there are and since we have high bounties for this section of the grandline they will try to take it.

Kaguya finishes her seal and pumps chakra into it and Yamato and Nojiko watch shocked and amazed that their ship just disappeared.

Kaguya: so, who wants to carry the scroll?

Yamato snatches the scroll and puts it in her a pocket hidden by her obi.

Yamato: I'll take it.

Nojiko looks at Yamato with amusement and nudges her shoulder.

Nojiko: is there a reason a you want to be responsible for it?Like... I don't know... maybe impressing a certain white hair captain?

Yamato blushes a deep red and glares at Nojiko.

Yamato: I don't know what you're talking about.I just don't want us to lose the scroll if you happen to get beaten.P

Nojiko gains a tick mark on her forehead and glares back.

Nojiko: I may have the lowest bounty out of the three of us but I will not be beaten by some no name lackies.

Kaguya is watching off to the side and wraps her arms around both of them and starts walking towards a town.

Kaguya: A rivalry is good and all but if we all start fighting with each other I am not sure this island can withstand Myself and Yamato.You are coming alone Nojiko, but you still need to develop your special techniques.

Nojiko nods and looks at the town.

Nojiko: there are bounty hunters on here but No body seems to be a threat.I doubt anyone is even at marine Captain level.

Kaguya: well, we will stay here for about a week.Luffy and by extention your sister might arrive here within that time frame.

Nojiko looks excited about seeing Nami and curious as to what her progress is.

Yamato: Why the interest in Luffy?

Kaguya: I met Nami after staying at Nojiko's place and reviving her dead step mother.Nami is a friend and I am curious about her progress as well.If Luffy is coming then there is a good chance that Nami is with him.

Yamato: so what happens if we meet them?

Nojiko: nothing really, maybe form a small alliance later on but with our bounties it could be more of a detriment to them than help them at the moment.Especially with Kaguya's bounty.

They get to the town and see everyone look at them wearily.

Kaguya: everyone here is a bounty hunter and might spike your drinks and food so I will be using the stash from my personal reserves until we leave.

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Everyone Nods and agrees.

Nojiko: so, why don't we take over the tallest building as a temporary base for is to wait in.We can have Kaguya post clones as guards and keep watch while we wait in peace.

Both Kaguya and Yamato agree.

Kaguya: well, why don't we just take over the tallest building?

Yamato: easy or the fun way?

Nojiko: what's the difference?

Kaguya: let's go the easy way and expose Nojiko the effects of conquerors Haki.

Yamato: Okay, she'll need to learn to withstand it with the major players so why not?

Kaguya: Nojiko, brace yourself and try to stay awake.I am not sure which of ours is stronger but Yamato will release her Haki and then I'll clear out the building.

Nojiko Nods in agreement and braces herself for whatever is about to happen.

Yamato releases her Conquerors haki and Nojiko feels an oppressing force on her and struggles to stay standing and awake.

Kaguya watches as everyone falls down passed out and creates clones to clean the tallest building out of everyone and then has some stay to keep watch over the entrances and exits of the building while Nojiko is regaining her strength.

Yamato: You did well, but mine isn't the strongest out there.Kaido and the emperors have stronger and we will face at least one of them.

Nojiko nods and accepts that they are weak to the stronger powers of there.

Kaguya sits at a desk and looks at Yamato and Nojiko.

Kaguya: Nojiko, While we wait I want you to focus on improving your Haki control.You can coat a weapon but I want you to try to send your Haki into your weapon this time and using your observation haki.Yamato, find some small things to throw at her while she is training and throw them at her.Nojiko, you have to dodge all objects thrown at you or block them while trying to infuse your haki in your weapon.I will be attacking Yamato while she tries to attack you.Yamato and I will not be using weapons and no Haki, we want this building to stay standing.Everyone can attack me at the same time but out goal is to get better and stronger.In the basics of things like hand to hand for Yamato and me.You are going to catch up to us in haki control and usage.

Kaguya creates a clone and the clone goes to a room to do her task.

It has been a week since they have been there and Nojiko has made great progress as have Kaguya and Yamato.All three are on top of the building just talking to each other when Kaguya gets the memories of a clone.

Kaguya: it seems we may have a small problem.With Luffy's small brain and lack of any sort of forethought or strategy the mayor of this little town has made us seem like villains that rule this town with an iron fist.The strawhats are on their way to deal with us as we speak.I doubt it will actually come to a fight once Nami sees us but just in case grab your weapons and we'll stay up here and wait for them.

They both nod and do as she says and they all sit on the edge of the building and wait for the strawhats to arrive.

After waiting for about 30 minutes Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji arrive with the mayor and residents of the town at the tallest building.

Kaguya: Nami, it has been a while.How is Bellemere doing?

Nami looks up and immediately brightens at the sight of Nojiko and Kaguya.

Luffy: Nami, you know these people?

Nami: I know Kaguya and Nojiko but not the other woman.

Nami: Bellemere is doing well, and I joined these guys after they came to get me.What did you do to get your bounty so high?

Nojiko: She attacked a vice admiral and beat him but surprisingly left him alive.

Kaguya: as much as I would like to catch up and everything, it would seem that some of your fellow pirates are hostile towards us.Specifically your captain.

Nami looks at her captain and sees him ready to fight.

Nami: well, the townsfolk say that you took over this town and oppress these people.

Yamato looks at them in disbelief.

Yamato: you don't know anything about this town do you?

Zoro: We just got here.

Yamato: then allow me enlighten you pirate hunter zoro.This is a town full of bounty hunters.We were going to leave later today since our logpose has already set some time ago.We were just waiting for Nami to arrive since there was a chance you would come here.

Zoro: I thought it was weird for a town to welcome pirates with open arms.

Nami: why are you waiting for me?

Kaguya let's go of her sword and relaxes a bit.

Kaguya: I wanted to give you 3 books I wrote that will be of use to you if you can learn them since it is a fundamental for the new world.All three of us know them and can hold our own.The level you all are at, you are no threat to any of us.I believe Nojiko can beat all of you with out Yamato or my help but if you decide to attack us then we will defend ourselves.

Luffy: You can't beat me!

Before Nami can stop him Luffy disappears from her sight and appears in front of Kaguya and tries to punch her.

Luffy: Gum Gum no Pistol!!

Kaguya catches his fist with no trouble and pulls her fist back and it turns black.

Kaguya: Nami, this is his fault and he needs to become stronger, come inside and my clone will give you the books on stuff you and your fellow pirates will need to learn at some point.

Kaguya then launches her fist forward faster than any of them could see and punches luffy in his stomach and he is launched to the other side of the town knocked out.

Nojiko appears behind Nami and hugs her.

Nojiko: remember Nami, this town is full of bounty hunters under the employ of a sichibukai.You should recover Luffy and stay on guard here.

Nami hugs her back and nods in thanks.

Yamato: we won't fight you lot yet and not in a serious manner but just know that any dibs on the emperors especially Kaido, he is ours to take down.

The strawhats are shocked with what the Kaguya pirates are going after.

Nami looks at Nojiko worried for her safety.

Nojiko just pats her head and hugs her tighter.

Nojiko: don't worry to much we are still gathering a crew and we are getting stronger.By the time we get there, we will be strong enough to take them out.Also, from the looks of it your cook is a womanizer, if he tries anything.He won't survive long against any of us.

During all of this Usopp was shaking and scared about having to fight someone with a bounty over 400 million bounty.Sanji was blushing and trying to flirt with Nojiko while being ignored and Zoro was watching Kaguya and her sword.

Zoro: Before you all leave, I challenge Kaguya to a sword fight.I want to see where I stand against her.

Kaguya regards Zoro for a bit before agreeing and jumps down while everyone clears the area and Luffy stumbles back is about to attack when Nami puts a hand on his shoulder.

Nami: calm down Luffy.They aren't our enemies and they are good people.Kaguya helped my Island and Village with out demanding anything.

Luffy sits and watches the fight.

Luffy: where do we stand in terms of power against them at the moment?

Nami is taken back with the level of seriousness in Luffy.

Nami: I am not sure but I believe their weakest member, my sister Nojiko, can take us on and win.Kaguya did give me 3 books with techniques that would aid us in getting stronger if we can master it.All three if them can use it.

Zoro draws his swords and charges to attack Kaguya and she just coats her hand in armament haki and blocks his attack.

Kaguya: until you learn more as a swordsman and of Haki then you will not be a challenge to any of the greater swordsman but you are on your.You have potential.

Zoro: another that I am not ready to take on.Mihawk is my goal and I will be the greatest swordsman.

Kaguya: you will get there but If I see Mihawk then I will challenge him as well.

Kaguya: Nami has three books that you would be interested in.

The three Kaguya pirates turn and starts to walk off before Kaguya stops and turns to Nami and hands her a seal.

Kaguya: if you encounter a miss valentine then put this seal on her and a drop of your blood.It will send her to me.I want her to join me.

Nami nods and agrees and they all depart.

With the strawhats

Luffy and the others watch as the Kaguya pirates walk off towards wherever they are headed.

Luffy: Nami, is Kaguya a good person?

Nami: I can't say she is good, nor can I say she is a bad person either.As long as she is left alone then I don't really see her attacking anyone first.

Usopp: Just Kaguya alone would be enough to take us down, but The only other one to make any kind of move was Nojiko, your sister.The other woman didn't make a move but she kept a watchful eye on all of us.

Luffy: They are strong and we will have to beat them eventually.Zoro!!We have to get stronger so we don't lose again.

Zoro: She said that Nami has books that would interest me.Nami, what books did she give you?

Nami looks at the books and reads the titles.Conquerors Haki, Armament Haki, and Oberservation Haki.

Nami: Something about three types of Haki.

Zoro is thinking about how quickly he lost and that Kaguya never drew her sword.He clenches his fist and looks at his white sword with determination.

Zoro: I'll get stronger and make you use your sword against me.

With the Kaguya Pirates

It is Now night time and they are all in the map room of the ship talking about if they should use the marines maps to navigate to an Island that they want whether than rely on a logpose when a poof of smoke appears and they all see a blonde woman a little banged up passed out.Kaguya checks up on her and can see that they are just superficial wounds and will heal.

Yamato: Is this the woman that you wanted to join us?She doesn't look like much.

Nojiko: None of us exactly appear to be threatening with High bounties do we?

Kaguya: No, we don't.She is the one I want to join us.She ate a devil fruit from what I know and has a lot potential with it that she wastes just by floating and droping on her target.

Kaguya looks at the woman in the yellow sundress with disappointment.

Nojiko: So what you are saying is, we will have to train her in basic hand to hand combat.

Miss Valentine wakes up to see that she is in an unknown room and there are three females talking about her.She recognizes them as the Kaguya Pirates and pales when she notices them looking at her.

Yamato: Well, she looks scared of us.I wonder what the world Government has said about us.

Nojiko: I mean, it could be our bounties.

Kaguya: Maybe, but Miss Valentine I have have offer to make to you.Keep in mind that you can refuse and we will let you go free with no trouble as long as you don't try to attack us while on this ship.You are not a crewmate to us and we will retaliate.

Miss Valentine regains her confident attitude and looks at Kaguya.

Miss Valentine: What is your offer, I doubt that you want to face my boss.

Kaguya looks amused about facing her boss.

Yamato: Is she talking about that worthless warlord?

Nojiko: Crocodile, I believe.He is pretty weak when compared to us or even the other warlords.

Miss Valentine: HE IS A WARLORD!!How would you know you can beat him!?

Kaguya: I don't think he can take a Vice-Admiral and one shot and I find a pirate that wants to rule a country to be pathetic.We are pirates and roaming on water and fighting is what we signed up for as pirates.As for my offer, I want you to join us.Become the fourth Kaguya Pirate.

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Miss Valentine: I can't, Crocodile will send assassins after me.

Kaguya: Then join us, train with us and become strong.You have great potential with your devil fruit, but you waste that potential with your preferred method of fighting.You lost against Luffy, or Zoro of the strawhats.They are weak but around Crocodile's level.

Yamato: So, you joining us or what?

Nojiko: If you do join us, you should know that we will be in danger as our target is not someone to be taken lightly and Crocodile is a pebble when compared to them.

Miss Valentine: Who are you targeting?

Kaguya: Kaido is our target.We will train you to use Haki if you join but you have to put in work.It will be hard and you will be the weakest of us for now and your bounty will probably jump us if you are affiliated with us.

Miss Valentine: I can't go back to baroque works, I failed and now I am captured.It is safe to assume that they think I died.How did I get here anyways?

Kaguya: I asked Nami, of the the Strawhats to send you to me with a technique I know.

Miss Valentine: can I have some time to think about this?

Nojiko: Sure, but you are stuck on board with this Marine ship with us at least until we arrive at our next destination.

Miss Valentine nods and is about to stand up when Kaguya uses the Mystic palm and heals her wounds.

Kaguya: There are plenty of clothes around here, though not very fashionable since I took this from the marines but feel free to take a shower and pick a room.Our rooms all have our name on them.

Nojiko looks at Yamato smugly.

Nojiko: Although some of us prefer a certain horned white haired woman's room.Yamato looks at Nojiko in horror that she was caught sneaking into Kaguya's room and turns bright red.

Kaguya: Yamato, I already knew you go in my room.I don't mind either.Now, back to the purpose of us in here.Where to next.

Miss Valentine is watching the three pirates that the world government labeled as menacing and evil and knows that they are wrong about them but going after an emperor is insane.She gets up and leaves to leave and find a room and shower.

Kaguya: So where are we going?Water 7 will be a good area to get a custom pirate ship and I will be providing the wood for our ship there but that is a ways off.I would like to contact whitebeard pirates but that would mean going to Arabasta for a short time.I also want to go to the Sky Islands.There is something I want up there.

Nojiko: What has your interest in this Sky island place?

Kaguya: There is a devil fruit user up there with a God complex and U want his fruit.The goro goro no mi, If I am not mistaken.His followers also know observation haki, it would be a good test for you up there.

Yamato: hmm Isn't that rumored to be one of the strongest logia types?

Kaguya: Yes, it is.I don't want to eat it myself but it could be useful to a doctor when we get one.

Nojiko: Okay, so first to Arabasta shortly to find your way to contact Whitebeard.

Nojiko and Kaguya agree and walk out of the map room to find Miss Valentine to get her eternal logpose.

It has been a week and Miss Valentine has been watching the three interact and train.She even started to train with them after learning they were to head to Arabasta for a short time for something.They are all eating food that Miss Valentine made and they all agree that her food is amazing.

Miss Valentine: Kaguya, Nojiko, Yamato.I have made my decision about your offer to Join you.

The three women look at her waiting for her answer.

Miss Valentine: You all seem so carefree and confident in your abilities and training for the past few days with you all has been an eye opener.You are strong but don't force yourself onto others.I am a confident and cruel person but you still want me to join you.I think going after Kaido is crazy but you must have your reasons.I would like to join your pirate group Kaguya.

Kaguya and the others all have a soft smile on their faces and accept her into their little group.

Kaguya: That's great!!Welcome to well us.The whole cruel thing, we don't really care.Be cruel to our enemies to your hearts content!

Nojiko: Also until you can protect yourself from a weakling like Crocodile and his goons we will help keep you safe.Not that Kaguya will let anything happen to us.

Kaguya: Nope, I will protect our little family with my life and send you all away if comes to it.My life for yours seems fair enough.


Kaguya: I will, but I mean, we are the Kaguya Pirates!!We won't let anyone get the upper hand on us, will we?

Nojiko smirks as does Yamato.

Yamato/Nojiko: Of course not.

Miss Valentine: I would like for you all to just call me V from now on or Valen.The whole thing is to long.

Everyone agrees.

Valen: How long until Arabasta?

Nojiko: a couple of days, we have time to get your hand to hand to a decent level before we work adding your devil fruit ability to it and then learning haki.

Valen: okay, will learning this help me become a better fighter?

Yamato: of course!!

A few days pass since Valen has officially joined the Kaguya Pirates and they can see Sandy Island coming closer.

Yamato: How will you get into contact with the Whitebeard pirates here?

Kaguya: I do believe that one Fire-Fist Ace is here at the moment.

Yamato looks excited to see her old friend again.

Yamato: Can I go with you to look for him then?

Nojiko: we are all going.

Kaguya: yes, we are all going.My goal is to at least not be enemies with the whitebeard pirates.

Once they land on the Island and Kaguya seals the ship in a scroll to the astonishment of Valen who watched a huge marine warship go into a tiny scroll.

Kaguya, Yamato, and Nojiko try to sense the strongest person here since they should be Ace but don't feel him on the island but is heading towards it.

Kaguya: we will stay here until he arrives.

Valen: How can you already tell that he isn't on the Island and how can you know he is heading here now?

Nojiko: Observation Haki allows us to sense our surrounding and all things around us.I can't sense as far out as Kaguya or Yamato yet but I will get there.If you train it enough then Kaguya says you can look into the future for a short time.

Kaguya: Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates uses that to predict his enemy attacks.

Yamato hands Valen three books while the others start to set up a small camp and wait.

Yamato: those three books will explain Haki to you.Haki is the counter to all devil fruits and will allow you physically attack a logia type.

Valen starts to read the books with interest since it is useful to know.

After a few hours they finally start to eat when they hear a little speed boat rocket thing getting closer.

Ace gets to the Sandy Island and finds a group of four women on the beach eating and three of them turn and look at him.He is about to greet them when Yamato disappears and brings her fist down on his head and it meets the sandy beach and a small crater is formed.

Ace: What the hell was that for?

He looks up only to see a face he didn't think he would see for a long time.

Ace: Yamato, why are you here?I though you were in Wano?

Yanato: I was but I escaped after learning that my father wanted to kill me.

Ace: Ah, sorry.

Kaguya: Fire Fist Ace, why don't you join us for lunch or dinner?I'm not really sure what this counts of but food is food and I have things to discuss with you.

Ace looks at Kaguya and immediately goes on guard.

Yamato sees him guarded and just chuckles.

Yamato: Kaguya is my captain, Ace, she isn't here to attack you.Though I would be curious to see who come out the winner.

Ace: You joined her!!Why?

Yamato: We are going after Kaido, and she has agreed to helping me take him down.

Ace just looks at her and then at Kaguya.

Kaguya: You have my word that she is protected.If it ever comes to a situation where they are in danger of losing their life then I will protect them, even if it cost me mine but we are strong and it would take quite a bit for them to be in danger of that kind.

Ace sits opposite of the four women and accepts the offer of food.

After they eat and have a good time getting better acquainted and Ace feels better about the Kaguya Pirates after meeting them personally.

Ace: You have business with me Kaguya?

Kaguya: Yes, I do.You help me out and I will help you out.

Ace: What makes you think I need help?

Kaguya: you are the second division.Commander of the Whitebeard pirates.No big name pirate like you would be here in the grandline unless you had a reason and judging from the way you look, I would say that you are hunting someone down.

Ace: Have you seen or heard of teach?

Kaguya: No, but I might know where he will be in a few weeks.You help me, then I will help you.

Ace: okay, what do you want from me?

Kaguya: I want to get in contact with Whitebeard.I would prefer him as an ally rather than an opponent and If I am to cross his territory in the New world then I don't want to have to attack you whitebeard pirates just to get through.

Ace: you would attack us?

Kaguya: Only to defend myself, we are pirates after all.I will not take an attack lying down.

Ace: Fair enough.Your bounty is to high for this area, why is that?

Yamato: She destroyed some marine ships, stole a marine ship, killed plenty of marines and beat a Vice-Admiral with a single attack and then robbed them.I guess the big wigs see her as a decent threat.

Ace ponders this for a moment before he pulls out a transponder snail and calls whitebeard.

With whitebeard

Marco: You have to rest pops.

Whitebeard is about to comment when his snail rings and he answers it.

Whitebeard: Ace, have you found that traitor Teach yet?

Ace: No, but I encountered a pirate that wants to talk and meet with you.

Whitebeard: you are in the grandline, what pirate could possibly want to meet me?

Ace: The White Demin Kaguya wants to meet you and talk with you.

Whitebeard: Why would an upstart like her want to meet with me?

Ace: I have no idea, she says something about being allies and not wanting to attack us when she crosses through our territory in self defense.

Marco: She is made out to be pretty evil, what is she really like?

Ace: Pineapple!!Is that you?

Marco: I hope you drown in soup!!

Ace: They are all really cool, they are strong except the one of them but that could be because she is a recent addition.Kaguya herself might be able to take on a few commanders at once of she got serious.

Whitebeard: Tell her we will meet in water 7 in a few months and I will bring my commanders with me.

Ace: She agrees and looks forward to meeting.She has to get her a ship herself since she is tired of sailing in her stolen marine warship.

Hearing this whitebeard just laughs as does Marco.

Whitebeard: Sengoku would be so upset if he heard this.

With Kaguya

Ace: The meeting is set in a few months in Water 7.Now, where is Teach?

Kaguya: Teach will be on Jaya in a about month.Although I would suggest sticking around here for some time for you.

Ace: Why is that?

Yamato: Your brother, Luffy will be making his way here shortly.

Ace gets an excited grin and agrees to staying for a short time to meet up with Luffy.

Kaguya: My business here is done, so we will be heading out soon.Don't do anything foolish Ace and don't underestimate Teach.His devil fruit can negate yours.If you know Haki, use it.

As they all walk to the shore with out Ace as he is watching the leave, he sees Kaguya pull out a scroll and a marine warship appears out of nowhere and his jaw hits the floor is surprise as they start to sail away.

With Whitebeard after the call

Whitebeard: Marco, what do you know about this 'White Demon Kaguya'?

Marco gets a serious look on his face and thinks for a while before responding.

Marco: We only know what the newspaper has told but we both know that it is a severely bias thing to go off of.We know that she has a small Crew from what Ace has said, herself and 3 others who seem capable.She has a large bounty for that part of the grandline of 473,000,000 beli.We would have to meet her to get a better idea of what she is like as a person.

Whitebearda appears to be thinking about things when the rest of the commanders come in being loud and joyous.

Marco: will all of you be quiet in here?

Juzo: Why?

Before Marco can answer Whitebeard begins laughing.

Whitebeard: Gurararara!!I think when we meet in water 7 I'll test her a bit.

Izou: Meet who?

Whitebeard: The 'White Demon Kaguya'

Vista: Why are we meeting an up and coming pirate?

Marco: Ace called a few minutes ago and met up with the Kaguya pirates and said the she wants to meet us about forming an alliance of sorts so that we don't attack each other when they get into our territory but she doesn't seem to be put off about fighting us if needed.

Vista: Then she wants safe passage?

Whitebeard: I don't think she wants safe passage.I think it is just a ruse to have a meeting with us but it could also be the truth that she doesn't wish to fight with us.473,000,000 beli bounty isn't anything to worry about but many of you may have a hard time dealing with her.

Marco: Anyways, we will meet in a few months at Water 7 since she needs a new ship made and is tired of using her stolen marine one.

All of the commanders laugh at the thought of the Akainu throwing a fit about a marine ship being used by a filthy pirate.

With The Kaguya pirates

They are sailing the waters in the grand line and decided to just use the marines maps to get to Jaya instead of heading around and waiting for the logpose to reset.

As they are sailing peacefully, Valen is seen practicing some Katas that Kaguya showed her and starting to use her devil fruit in the Katas at varying weights to get used to applying it in a single part of her body while keeping the rest light or heavy to fit the situation as needed.Nojiko is practice with her double bladed pole-arm and using Haki while Kaguya and Yamato are playing rock paper scissors to further their observation haki when a clone dispels itself to let Kaguya know that a ship has been spotted ahead of them.

Kaguya: Yamato, there is a ship seen ahead of us.Get your weapon and let the other two two.I'll be at the front of the ship.

Yamato: Okay.

The Kaguya Pirates gather at the front of the ship gaining on the other ship and ready for battle if it comes to it.Kaguya, Yamato, and Nojiko all notice that they haven't noticed them yet so Kaguya decides to go on their ship and see who it is.

Kaguya: I'm gonna board their ship.Yamato, your in charge while I'm not here.

Yamato: Alright, we'll catch up as soon as we can.

Kaguya nods and then disappears and appears on the front of the other pirate ship alerting the pirates of her presence.

Kaguya stands in a relaxed stance with her hand on the handle of masamune while staring at then.

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Random Pirate: Who are you!?!

Kaguya ignores him and senses for the strongest on the ship and finds them walking to see what the commotion is about.

Random pirate: don't ignore us!!We'll kill you!!

Random pirate: Do you know who we are!?

Kaguya: Ah, so the captain finally shows up.I was wondering who this ship belonged to, now I know.Will you be a problem for me?If not then we will leave you be and not harm anyone in your crew.

The captain looks at Kaguya and remembers seeing her wanted poster.

???: Why is the 'White Demon' on my ship?We have done nothing to you yet.

Kaguya: true but my crew were minding our own business when we saw your ship ahead of us and I wanted to know if you would attack us on site.

???: If we will attack?

Kaguya just smiles innocently.

Kaguya: I'll kill all of you or just wait until the rest get here and have them deal with you.

The captain considers her options quietly while watching Kagiya warily.

Random Pirate: Captain!You can't just take this lying down.Her bounty is just fake.Look at her!She looks pathetic!!

???: SHUT up!!You know nothing and your lack of experience is obvious if you can't see her as a threat!

Random Pirate: if I had known you would be such a pathetic excuse of a pirate then I would have never joined you ' Big Eater'!

He went to draw his sword to cut her down when Kaguya used her conquers haki and he passed out foaming at the mouth.

Bonney: What did you do to him?

Kaguya: Utilized an ability I have and he couldn't handle it.

Bonney: I have no intention in attacking you or your crew.I am sure at this point in time we would not be able to do much against you.

Kaguya takes her hand off her sword.

Kaguya's ship pulls up beside them and Yamato, Nojiko, and Valen join Kaguya beside her.

Bonney: I see.We would only be able to deal with two of you at most.

Nojiko: Kaguya, are they a threat to us?

Yamato: Nope.They might be able to fight against Valen but she has the least experience and lacks Haki.

Valen: Hey!!I JUST joined ... like a couple weeks ago!!

Kaguya: You have made great progress Valen, don't let Yamato tease you to easily.She was born and raised in the New world.We both taught Nojiko Haki and trained her and I have been training for a long time.You will be ready in no time!You have potential.

Bonney: So what now?Typically when two pirates meet it is all out war til one side wins.

Yamato: Kaguya can't be bothered with that.As long as you don't attack her and aren't a marine then she will usually mind her own business.

Bonney: then, we can continue?

Kaguya: Of course!I was just making sure you don't attack us for passing you.

Bonney relaxes and decides to be a good host and offer alcohol and food before they separate.

Bonney: Stay for a while and eat and drink with us.As a sign of no hostility between us.

Kaguya agrees and pulls out a scroll and Bonney just looks at it as Kaguya puts chakra into it and a bunch of food and alcohol appear.

Bonney is shocked that she had so much food and drink just appear from paper.

Yamato: You do that just for the reaction, don't you?

Nojiko: Wouldn't you if you could do it?

Valen: I would.

Yamato: Can't Nami do something similar?

Kaguya: She can but only because of a seal that I used that allows her blood to act as the key rather than my ability.

Bonney: Would you be able to teach me to use something like that!!I could store all the food I could ever want and it would always be fresh and I would never have to go hungry!!

She says all of this while drooling with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Kaguya: I can make a scroll specific for you to use only and it would only work if you used a drop of your blood.

Bonney: What do you want for such a thing?

Kaguya sits and eats while everyone else is partying and thinks about it.As she is thinking Yamato sits beside her and puts her arm around her and leans her head on her shoulder.

Kaguya: An alliance between the two of us.We won't call on your crew to fight with us because we are going after a pretty big fish but we are willing to help you out if you have need of us.

Bonney thinks over the offer while eating at a very quick pace.

Bonney: I agree to your offer of an alliance between us.

Yamato: Great!Now, of you see Kaido then let us know so we can come and kill him!

Bonney chokes and spits out her food.

Bonney: you're going after Kaido!!Are you crazy!

Valen: Probably but we have our reasons.

Kaguya: since you agreed then I'll give you a few things and tips to help you out.I would recommend learning this as it is important.

Kaguya unsealed three books on Haki and hands then to her.

Kaguya: the books are on Haki and the three types of haki as well as how to infuse it into weapons and stuff.It is the main power in the New world and a definite counter to devil fruits.

Bonney nods in appreciation and puts the books down and watches as Kaguya pulls out an ink well and brush and a blank scroll and starts drawing symbols and stuff on it.When it is done she hands a dagger to Bonney and instructs her to put a drop of her blood in the center.

Bonney: Why?

Kaguya: This will register you as the only allowed to use and store things in this scroll.No one else will be able to open it or anything and it is only responds to you.

Bonney nods her head and applies a drop of blood and Kaguya goes over how to use it and she practices by sealing and unsealing some food.

Bonney: I hate showing gratitude and the like since it is weak but I'll thank you.

Kaguya: You're welcome and showing gratitude is no sign of weakness and will help out in some situations.

They spend a couple days partying and getting to know each other and Bonney dealt with the pirate after he woke up and now it is time for the Kaguya Pirates to depart and Kaguya hands Bonney a dagger.

Bonney: What is this for?

Kaguya: If you are ever in trouble and need a quick escape then add a drop of blood to the symbol on it and you will be transported to wherever I am and be safe but it will only work for you and no one else can come with you.It is truly a last resort kind of thing.

Bonney nods and puts it away.

Bonney: where are yall heading to?

Yamato: We are heading to Jaya and the sky islands.

Bonney: they aren't real, are they?

Nojiko: No clue but Kaguya says there is something she wants from up there and believe they are real.

Valen: Either way, we will be heading out and finding out.

They all wave good bye and are about to leave when someone shouts about a marine ship heading for them.They all decide to take a look when Kaguya and Yamato get a wary look on them.

Kaguya: Yamato, who would have thought that we would have the misfortune to run into him here?

Yamato: it isn't good, that's for sure.What do we do?

Nojiko: Who is on that ship that has you two wary?

Kaguya/Yamato: Akainu.

Every one freaks out about him chasing them.

Yamato: He'll catch and kill the Bonney Pirates and probably severely would Valen and Nojiko at their levels.I'm not sure how either of us will hold up against him.

Kaguya seals her pirate ship in a scroll and hands it to Nojiko.

Kaguya: Bonney, can you provide my crew with a short trip while you get away?

Bonney: Why?Are you going to hold him off as we get away?

Yamato, Nojiko, and Valen all look worried remembering what she told the strawhats.

Kaguya: Nojiko, once you are far enough away unsealed the ship and head for Jaya.

She gives Yamato a dagger and tells her to hold onto it and keep it on her.

Kaguya: Bonney, good luck on escaping and whatever happens just keep going.He won't catch up.I'll promise at least that much.

Bonney nods and Kaguya draws her sword and puts Haki into it and white lightning is seen jumping off the sword and gets and a low stance and hold the blade level with her chest in a thrusting motion.

Kaguya: Piercing White.

After she says this she thrusts forward and a beam similar to the one she used against Momonga is seen leaving the sword and heading towards Akainu.

Kaguya: I'll stall him and at least make sure he can't pursue us.

Yamato: Let me fight with you.You will have better odds that way.

Kaguys relents and allows Yamato to join her and Hands the dagger to Valen.

Yamato smiles and bids farewell as Kaguya places a hand on her shoulder and the two disappear in a flash and land on the Marine ship that has a broken mast after Akainu was thrown through it.

Akainu gets up passed and walks forward to see who attacked him and sees two pirates with large bounties on their head.

Akainu: You pirate scum should all die under my Absolute Justice.

Kaguya: Admiral Akainu, dog of the pathetic worms called Celestial dragons.

Yamato: If we can't handle some dog, then we have a long way to for our goal.

Kaguya unleashes a powerful blast of conquers haki and everyone aside from Akainu pass out foaming at the mouth.Kaguya and Yamato draw their weapons and focus armament haki in them while Akainu starts to turn his fist to magma.

Akainu: You will die today, filth.

Kaguya: If you survive this fight then I'll just kill you next time we meet.

Kaguya disappears and swings her sword at his head while Yamato appears in front of him and swings her club at his face and Akainu coats both arms in Armament haki and intercepts and blocks both attacks.