
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Derivasi dari karya
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67 Chs

Surprise and Surprise

Harry woke up in the evening feeling more refreshed than he had before. He looked around to see that it was only Petunia who was there at that time. She was sitting beside Harry's bed in a chair with a book propped open on her lap while she seemed to be sleeping. Not wanting to wake up Harry slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. He then proceeded to close his eyes and feel his magic. To his dismay, his magical reserves recovered only about one third of his full capacity. 

The spell had drained Harry's magic like water. This made him question, was it really some accidental magic that had led to those injuries? While treating Abigail, he had found traces of magic in those wounds, but the magic was too powerful to be Abigail's. It seemed very ancient and evil magic; Harry was glad that she was able to survive but it bugged him. The magic in those wounds was too powerful for Abigail's magic to defend against. Whatever saved her would have to be almost equally powerful, otherwise it would be impossible for Abigail to be here right now. So what or who exactly saved her?

Harry was so deep in thought that he did not notice Petunia waking up and coming near him. Petunia put her hand on Harry's shoulder, jerking him awake from his thoughts.

"Is everything okay, Harry?"

"Yes Mom, I was just thinking about how it will be a pain to catch up with my work back at Hogwarts"

Petunia smiled, helping Harry get up from the bed. She waited while Harry changed his clothes and soon the two reached the reception area. Harry looked up towards the clock on the wall which read, 7:04 pm. He had slept quite a while. 

Both Harry and Petunia, Floo'ed back to their home, where Vernon, Sirius and Abigail were waiting for them. Vernon immediately pulled Harry into a hug, "Never scare me like that again Harry". Harry just smiled and nodded. Soon they were sitting around the dinning table eating and talking. Harry let them know about his adventure in the Forbidden Forest and how he came across the Aurora Petal. Petunia, Vernon and Sirius were shocked beyond measure at learning about Lumos. 

Soon after the short dinner, Vernon got up to announce something.

"Harry, I have got a surprise for you", he said smirking at Harry.

Sirius got up, "I too have a surprise for you Harry". Both men looked at each other, and smirked at each other. Silently trying to compete on whose surprise was better. Both of them got up and left the room to go and fetch whatever their surprise was. 

Vernon was the first to be back with a long sleek package but he waited for Sirius to get back before going into the kitchen to give it to Harry. Sirius returned holding a similar package. Both of them gaped at each other, looking at the package each held. Then they burst out laughing.

"Well this is quite the surprise don't you think Sirius. I just hope we got different models", Vernon laughed. 

Sirius joined him agreeing. They both went into the kitchen, hiding the package behind their backs. Harry and Petunia looked at the pair, wondering what was so funny that they could barely hold their laughter.

As Harry and Petunia observed the amusement shared between Vernon and Sirius, the two men seemed to be engaged in a friendly competition of surprises. The atmosphere buzzed with curiosity as they approached, each concealing a long, sleek package behind their backs.

With synchronized grins, Vernon and Sirius revealed their surprises simultaneously, presenting Harry with two identical packages. Laughter erupted in the kitchen as the uncanny coincidence unfolded.

"Looks like we've got a twin surprise for you, Harry," Sirius chuckled.

Vernon joined in, "I hope we picked different models, or this will be quite the unexpected turn of events."

Amidst the shared laughter, the anticipation grew as Harry received the gifts, unwrapping them to discover the contents. The room held a contagious energy, with the unexpected camaraderie between Vernon and Sirius turning the moment into a memorable, light-hearted episode for the family.

Harry's eyes widened as he unwrapped the gift from Vernon, revealing the sleek contours of a broom handle. When he fully uncovered the surprise, a gleaming Nimbus 2000 emerged, its polished wood and streamlined design making it a sight to behold.

Vernon grinned, "Thought you might want to try your hand at some proper flying after your incidence with the school broom. Just be careful not to end up in St. Mungo's again!"

The room echoed with laughter as Harry expressed his gratitude, holding the Nimbus 2000 with a mixture of awe and appreciation. Sirius laughed out the loudest, "Looks like its quite an uncanny coincidence Vernon."

Vernon groaned as he understood what Sirius meant.

As Harry unwrapped Sirius's gift, a sense of déjà vu washed over him. To his surprise, nestled within the wrapping was another Nimbus 2000, identical to the one Vernon had just given him.

Sirius, looking somewhat sheepish, scratched his head and said, "Well, it seems great minds think alike! I guess we both had the same brilliant idea."

Laughter erupted again in the room as Harry found himself the owner of not one, but two Nimbus 2000 broomsticks. The unexpected turn of events added a delightful layer of humor to the evening, and Harry couldn't help but appreciate the uncanny coincidence. But what would he do with the two brooms?

Harry thanked them both. They were trying their best to hold their laughter but failing miserably. Petunia just shook her head in disappointment, as the two grown men were rolling around the floor laughing like children. Abigail too was laughing, well nothing but just because everyone else was laughing.

Harry smirked to himself, what should he do with two brooms now and each of them were the top model Nimbus 2000. He couldn't give it to Abigail as she didn't like flying much, which is quite the surprise as Harry didn't know why she didn't like flying. He somehow couldn't wrap his head around how someone could dislike flying.

"Well quit your laughing and tell me what should I do with two brooms?" Harry looked at the two men.

Both shrugged and looked at each other. 

"Maybe you can keep one as a back up?", Vernon said.

"Or maybe you can use one for experiments", Sirius added. 

At the idea of experimenting with the broom, Harry's eyes gleamed. Petunia saw this,

"I don't think so young man", she said sternly. "I forbid you from experimenting and ending up at the hospital wing again"

Harry looked at Petunia with pleading eyes. 

"No use showing me those puppy dog eyes, Harry. I absolutely forbid you from using the broom as an experiment. Last we know you would enchant the broom and be out of the country in matter of minutes"

Vernon and Sirius laughed at this but Petunia sent a glare towards them to shut them up.

Harry, still processing the amusing turn of events, grinned, "Well, I suppose I could use one for everyday flying and Quidditch practice. The other... maybe I'll keep it as a spare or, who knows, I might gift it to someone in need."

Sirius, now recovered from the laughter, added with a wink, "Or you can have one for each hand and fly like a true wizarding daredevil!" earning himself another glare from Petunia.

Vernon, still chuckling, agreed, "A backup broom is always handy. Just make sure not to crash this one into any Whomping Willows."

Harry nodded as he remembered Sirius telling him about his dad crashing a broom into the Whomping Willow. Soon the dinner ended and after saying goodbye to his family, Harry Floo'ed back to Hogwarts with his two brooms. He walked out of the fireplace in the Headmasters office, to see that Dumbledore was writing something. 

Dumbledore looked at Harry with a twinkle in his eyes. 

"Well Harry, glad to see you are back. How are you now?"

"I'm feeling better sir. But I still have to continue to take potions much to my disappointment" Harry said. 

Dumbledore chuckled, "Well I suppose you will have to continue taking potions even if you dislike it. Well but you seem to have ended up with quite the haul here", eyeing Harry's brooms.

Harry sighed and relayed the incident of how both Vernon and Sirius had gotten him the same gift as a surprise. Dumbledore chuckled at that. 

"Well Harry it's quite late now I think it's best you make it to your dormitory. I am sure your friends would like to see you."

Harry nodded and got up to leave, just as he was about to reach the door,

"Oh and Harry you might have another surprise lined up tomorrow", Dumbledore said with the same twinkle in his eyes. Harry looked quizzically at Dumbledore but knew he would say nothing more so he left wishing the headmaster a goodnight. Harry made it towards the Gryffindor common room. 

The Gryffindor common room welcomed Harry with a cozy ambiance. The crackling fire, plush armchairs, and the familiar chatter of his fellow Gryffindors created a comforting atmosphere. As he entered, a few heads turned, and whispers of "Harry's back" circulated.

Ron and Hermione, who were engrossed in a game of Wizard Chess, looked up simultaneously, their expressions shifting from concentration to pure joy as they spotted Harry.

"HARRY!" Ron exclaimed, nearly knocking over a chess piece in his excitement.

Hermione's eyes gleamed with relief and happiness. "We were worried about you. How are you feeling?"

"Better," Harry replied, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "Still have to take potions, but I can manage."

Ron eyed the brooms in Harry's hand. "What's with the double broom action?"

Harry chuckled and narrated the amusing tale of how both Vernon and Sirius had independently chosen the same gift for him, leading to a comedic surprise.

"Can I fly one of them once?", Ron asked shyly. 

"Of course Ron. You just take it whenever you want. I'll keep one for the Quidditch, we can use the other for leisure flying." Harry said. 

Ron was delighted at this. After looking at Ron's delighted expression Harry smiled. He knew Ron would never accept if Harry gave him the broom but he could let him use it whenever he wanted. That night they went to sleep after talking for a some time. Harry was happy to notice the small glances Hermione sent Ron's way when he was not looking and much more delighted to find that Ron did the same thing when Hermione was looking away. It seemed that Harry's plan to get them closer was unnecessary after all. Harry fell asleep that day, thinking about the surprise Dumbledore told him about. What could it be?