
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs

Tag Teams: Creative measures

Chapter 34

Michael: C'mon Aiden, wake up! This isn't funny anymore!

Aiden: When...was sleeping a joke?

He rubbed his eyes.

Michael: It's our turn next, get up.

Aiden: Fine. Wait, what happened in Akeru and Crysta's fight?

Micheal: Dad won, low-mid difficulty, and then threw them into a tree that he turned into pillows.

Aiden: Heh, that sounds kinda funny.

Aiden stood up and then stretched.

Aiden: *Sigh* Ohhhh yeah! That is what I needed! Aiden brightfil's back baby!

Michael: Glad you're awake, so what's the plan?

Aiden: I was asleep how would I come up with a plan while sleeping?

Richard: I can give you time to think of something.

Aiden smiled.

Aiden: Mikey...

Micheal: Yeah?

Aiden: Keep up with my rizz.

Michael: Hm?...Oh, Heh, sure.

Richard: Wait, you're done thinking of a plan?

Aiden: Don't need one.

He blasted flames at his dad.

Richard:[ Ice magic: Ice water]

Aiden's flames and Richard's water collided and steam engulfed the environment.

Richard's POV

He went in without thinking first, careless.

Aiden cleared the steam.

Aiden: Hehe.

He shot rapid-fire balls at his dad.

Richard put up a see-through barrier.

Aiden: Hey, Micheal, How do we win this again?

Michael: *Cough-Cough* We have to hit him once.

Aiden: And how do we lose?

Micheal: Forehead tap, you didn't even ask and ran off.

Aiden: Hehe, I got hyped.

Richard: [ Water magic: Condensed water balls.]

Small droplets of water formed behind him and shot at Aiden with neck break speeds, Aiden dodged them and headed straight for Richard.

Richard: Closing the distance while dodging? Let's see you try.

He controlled the water bullets to track Aiden's movements.

Richard: The moment you stop moving even for a second you'll get hit by those.

Aiden smiled.

Aiden: [Fire magic:Heat skin]

Aiden's covered his body with magic heat and the water bullets that got closer evaporated.

Aiden: Hehe, and I just made this spell up right now.

He reached his dad and tried to punch him but Aiden ended up hitting the barrier.

Aiden: Ouch!!!! My hand!!

Richard: You should have checked.

Aiden: Hehe, yeah, I probably have sent a stray blast to check huh? Well, no matter.

Aiden covered his hands in flames and drove his fingers into the force field.

Richard: Canceller flames...

Aiden: Nope, regular ones.

He tore open the barrier with his bare hand. Richard looked surprised.

Richard: I shouldn't be on defense all the time.

Aiden tried to punch him but Richard redirected his fists with wind magic.

Aiden:Heh, so that's how it is?

Aiden jumped backward

Richard's POV

what's he...?

Aiden: [Fire Magic: Dragon's Roar]

Aiden blasted a giant wall of flames toward his father.

Richard's POV

Is this supposed to distract me? Better be careful.

[Water magic: Cool down]

He used a low-level water spell and put out Aiden's flames.

Richard: It's time I ended this.

He looked around Aiden was nowhere to be found.

Aiden: Hehe.

Aiden fell from the sky at tried to hit him but Richard's had his barrier up.

Richard: How did you...? Michael's spatial magic.

Aiden stood on top of his barrier.

Aiden: Yep and I've got you right where I want you.

Richard: What?!

Michael opened up portals that surrounded Richard and opened one next to Aiden.

Richard: What are you planning?

Aiden: We didn't plan this, we just went with the flow and now, it's time for us to win this.


Akeru's POV

Now I know what they're doing, they're forcing Mr. Brightfil's into a corner by surrounding him with the portals, blocking all escape routes with the portals, and using Aiden's Canceller flames to destroy the magic behind the barrier so when the flames get through there's no magic Mr. brightfil can use to get maneuver his way out.

But...will it work?


Richard's POV

I can't believe they didn't plan this and it's going so well, If all goes right he may be the "one"... But he's still too inexperienced, I'll have to escape this.

Aiden shot a large amount of his Canceller flames into the portal next to him, All the flames came out of the ones surrounding Richard.


There was a massive explosion.

Aiden: Wooooaaaaahhhhh!

Aiden got pushed into the lake.

Michael: Did we get him?

Richard: Not quite.

Micheal looked behind him and saw Richard standing next to a tree.

Michael: What the?

Richard: I'll give you credit, that was cunning of you to put me in a situation, where I would be Immobilized like that, but you're still far from beating me.

Micheal: How did you get out?

Richard: Teleportation magic, something similar to your portals but only on myself without the need for a gateway.

Micheal: Aiden gets out of there and helps.

[Meanwhile, Aiden is at bottom of the lake]

Aiden's POV

Oh? I can't swim. I'm having cramps now, it hurts!!! If I were in my former world this would have been a serious problem, lucky I can hold my breath for a long time...but how do I get out?

Michael: Aiden, get out here the fight's not over!

Aiden's POV

Does that idiot realize that his voice distorts on the way down here so I don't know what he's saying...

Michael was dodging Richard's attacks or sending them back to him Via portals.

Michael: Aiden!

Aiden's POV

I got! If I can't swim out, why don't I just walk out? This lake is pretty wide though but I think I can manage.

Aiden: Hrahhh!!!

He started to increase his temperature, the lake began to boil.

Aiden's POV

Almost....there, I just have to release enough that it evaporates the water and not too much that I destroy this entire place.

Magic control is hard!!


He released too much of his magic at a go and evaporated the entire lake in a second and scorched half the trees and land.

The steam formed a large cloud and then dispersed.

Crysta: That idiot.

Akeru: Hehe, Aiden.

Michael: Big bro...

Richard: Son...

Aiden: Hehe, sorry.

They paused the sparring, Michael went to the lake and used his magic to restore all that was lost, and used water magic with Crysta to fill the lake back up.

Michael: Be careful next time, you know you always have to hold back your magic output since you can't control it very well.

Aiden: On a normal note I can but when I have to do something that requires precision it becomes hard.

Michael: That explains why you can't reduce your attacks any smaller than a bowling ball.

Aiden: Hehe, looks like my strength might be my biggest drawback.

Michael: So a "Suffering from success" kinda thing?

Aiden: Hehe, I wouldn't know what analogy to use, but, sure let's use that, Haha.

Richard: Do you want to continue?

Aiden: Yeah, I want to beat you once.

Richard smiled.

Richard: That'll be the day...

Aiden and Micheal stood up.

Michael: Do we have a strategy this time?

Aiden: Nope, just go with the flow.

Michael: This guy...

Aiden and Michael moved 10 meters away from Richard.

Richard: Ready?

Aiden: Yeah!

He shot a fireball out of his palm. It flew so fast and vanished.

Richard's POV

Huh? Did his spell get--

Richard dodged the fireball that came out of nowhere.

Richard: Again with the crazy strategies.

Aiden kept shooting flames at his father, each one faster than the last and they kept disappearing into nothingness.

Richard was about to put up a barrier but remembered their last attempt.

Aiden ran towards him and launched fire attacks at his father. Richard looked away to find where the flame would appear next but this one didn't disappear before it could hit him. he made a small barrier around himself.


He got pushed back.

Richard's POV

He's fiesty.

Maybe they'll win... or not.

Aiden coated his fists in canceller flames to get through his stunned father's barrier.

Aiden: I win!

He threw the punch but only hit the air.

Aiden: Huh? Where is he?

He felt a kick on his side.

Aiden: Gah!!

He slid back.

Aiden: Dad?

His dad could no longer be seen by the siblings.

Michael: Looks out!

Aiden: Huh?

A wind spell blew Aiden and he crashed into the forest trees

Aiden: Argh!

Later Richard could be seen again.

Richard: Speed magic, second fastest magic after light... dependant on its user.

Aiden: Where were my soft pillows?

Richard: I must have forgotten.

He chuckled.

He walked up to Aiden and touched his forehead.

Michael: You'll never touch mine!

Richard: I already did.

Michael felt his forehead head and saw red paint on his hand.

Richard: And that concludes our Sparring session for today, Wow, it was fun wasn't it?

He smiled.

Aiden: Not for me though, I got blown into a buncha trees.

Richard: A little evaluation for the both of you. First, Aiden. Aiden, your ability to come up with random ideas on the fly is going to be a great asset to you one day, but as of now you have to think of your goal before jumping in ahead, you might have an idea of how to frustrate and corner your enemies, but you don't have a plan for what you want to do, when things go south, your strategy only works if the other person understand what you're trying to do, if it's only you who knows what to do and refuse to elaborate it can lead to errors, What if your brother didn't understand what he was meant to do, then what?

Aiden: Good point...

Richard: But you thought of two plans to corner me and that will come in great for when faced with powerful foes.

Crysta's POV

There's something about the way he's talking that I don't like, he seems to be training us for something, no one we've seen in this world has nearly enough power to even stop Michael on their own but he keeps saying "foes" like some foreshadowing or something.

Maybe I'm overthinking things.

Richard: And as for you Michael, I wouldn't say anything about you since you're still young.

Michael's POV

Yeeessss! I don't get a lecture!

Richard: Okay we're done let's head back home so Crysta and Aiden can head to school.

Aiden: And Akeru.

Richard: Hm?

Aiden: Akeru's part of the exams and we already signed up as our third member so he has to come to school with us today.

Richard: There was a change at your school?

Aiden: I'll explain later, but for now, I WANT BREAKFAST! I CAN'T MOVE! AND I'M TIRED!

Richard chuckled.

Richard: Fine let's go home.

Aiden/Michael: Yaayy!

They went home went home to have their breakfast.