It's a fanfic like any other, with MCU powers and adult scenes, ECCHI, maybe some Harem. I'm not a professional, I use the translator to bring it to you in your language, try to enjoy this reading.
After a while we reached the tracks of an underground train and traveled with the trucks for a few minutes until we reached the base where there were a large number of girls.
Some widows carry drills and hammers that seemed to be recently used.
"Oh shit I forgot that I left the doctors and soldiers stuck to the walls." I said in a low voice looking at the girls who were still in charge of taking them off.
I jumped leaving the huge trailer behind and fell in front of the girls.
"Let me help." I said while I control the concrete and take out a doctor who is gagged with cement.
Meanwhile the trucks park on the train tracks.
"I'm sure he's been without water for a whole day, how lucky he's still alive." I said and a widow took the guy.
"The next ones I'll create concrete handcuffs for." I said while I took out several soldiers and doctors to take them away.
Melina had gotten off the big truck with several widows to watch the show.
"They're still alive." One of them said.
"That one over there I think died." I pointed with my finger at one of the young widows who came to greet us.
"And that one over there will die soon."
"Dehydration, I think he died of starvation."
I looked at the women with a guilty face "I forgot that I stuck them to the walls, I had a lot to do… "Holy shit!" I screamed surprised because only then did I remember that there is a group of 9 women that I captured in a base.
"I forgot about those girls completely, I'll be back in 1 hour!" I said screaming and waving goodbye as I jumped and ran to the surface.
I covered the huge hole where the trucks entered and ran to the destroyed facilities, I took out several widows from under the ground.
They were all very weak but breathing, as for the humans I captured only two had died from lack of oxygen.
"Damn." I said as I took out the officers and left them on the destroyed area without anyone noticing my appearance.
After giving them something to drink, the girls looked at me in fear.
"Damn, almost a day without drinking water and in total darkness, I'm surprised none of them bit their tongue."
"I really need a team, I'm very distracted, so many girls and my mind wanders elsewhere, I should stop thinking about my member."
I try to fix the damage by taking one of the girls by the back while I give them a nutrient solution. The girl begins to swallow the solution while other girls drink some of the water she creates.
"I'm really a very bad agent."
"I'm sorry, I won't take off your handcuffs yet, I'll take you to a safe place." I said as I took the women to the base.
Back at the base the women were eating and making barbecue.
Only a group of 9 widows looked at me from afar with resentment while they ate like they were starving.
"I thought they were dead." Natasha said looking at the women.
"How could you forget about them?" Melina asked beside me.
"Yesterday was a great day and there was a cute girl who kept hugging me, time flew by."
"Sure, where is the general?" Melina asked, the fake mother who was assigned to Natasha, Yelena and the Red Guardian for a mission in the United States 5 years ago.
"Me?" Natasha asked as if what I said was a complete lie.
"Yes, you." I said directly looking at Natasha who changed the subject and said "Yhelena is torturing him in a cell" she said looking at Melina
"That bitch didn't say anything." Melina said before excusing herself and leaving, a little Yelena followed her after.
"Well, what's the plan? Or are you going to feed us turkeys every day for Christmas?" Natasha asked with her arms crossed as we looked at the women eating and opening the boxes full of products that I brought with me.
"Turkeys, it would be nice to bake some turkeys"
"I'm serious Marcus, there are more than 140 widows here between 15 and 34 years old who completed assassination, infiltration, sabotage missions and more than 240 girls who are completing training"
With what Natasha says, more widows look askance in our direction and some of them become interested in the topic of conversation.
"In my opinion and with some classified information I would recommend that all older widows train the younger ones so that they can survive on their own in the future, the world is changing, every day more subjects appear with powers, super strength but they can still be killed using martial arts and weapons"
"Are there more like you? Who? Where?" Several widows asked at the same time approaching me and Natasha.
"How did you get those powers?" One of them asked to my right
"Solar radiation". I said seriously but Natasha to my left rolled her eyes.
"What will we do next?" Natasha asked
"Whatever you want, you can start by creating false identities for everyone, multiple false identities, the more the better, then you can move, choose where you want to live, how will you make a living? As I said before you are free"
"I don't understand, why are you still with us if you don't plan to use us?" Yhelena asked, who I didn't know when she appeared among the group.
"With great power comes great responsibility, from the moment I decided to save you, I decided that I would protect you and help you until you were completely safe. There are many 11-year-old girls there, the youngest is 9 years old, they won't be able to take care of themselves, but there are also some of you who are 40 years old, it doesn't matter, I won't abandon you."
"I'm 30." Said Yhelena, the blonde with big breasts that I rescued from Dreykov's hands on that train. She is the girl who wore the military uniform.
"Yeah, sure." Natasha whispered.
Natasha dropped her body on my arm and I felt a nice warmth.
I didn't notice that many girls were smiling and some showed expressions of complaint, maybe some of them are thinking of killing me, I still don't know.
To break the ice a widow spoke up "Who is 40? I am in my 30s, I am serious." Yhelena said with an expression of feeling offended.
"That's what I said, 30"
"Well, for now we will focus on training them all, this will take time Mr. Marcus, are you willing to provide us with what we need?" A dark-skinned widow asked next to Natasha looking at my face.
"Yes, that seems fine to me, I can give you gold, money, diamonds, rubies, whatever you ask for, just don't buy a nuclear bomb and detonate it in the city, I wouldn't like to see them in the future killing innocents or children"
"I understand." The woman said turning her body towards the other widows who were now around us.
"I'm serious when I say there are more like me out there, some will be used by government agencies, that's why I advise you to stay together, as I said few are impervious to bullets"
"You heard me, no murders of innocents, the rest are fine"
'something like that I guess it's good that they don't kill without reason'
Note from the author of the fan fic: for every TWO ROCKS of power I will publish a chapter EVERY TUESDAY.
If you would like to make a donation I leave you my paypal, I hope you like the reading, I don't know if I did it right.
Thanks to frank_acosta, Brandon_Gonzalez_3740, ErrorHuman4, King_In_The_North, Dragaim, nide_Oficial and Anide_Oficial for sponsoring chapter 46 and Kickedelm0 for the stones.
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