
Orochimaru's Will

Why has Orochimaru's death caused such a stir within the the hidden leaf village

Hyuga_Tobirama · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 3: The Hidden Village of Sound

The Shinobi of Konoha rushed as they followed the large group from Oto as they escorted the golden blond that had not only his world but theirs turned around. Many felt like traitors to the Jinchuuriki when they heard and saw the harm they had accidentally caused.

" The Rasengan?" A sound Jounin nearly yelled with disbelief.

" It's true, Naruto-kun almost killed me with the Rasengan." Kabuto said with a smile as the Oto nin looked at Naruto with awe. They knew the silver haired medic was one of the strongest members in Oto and now they learned their new leader had bested him when he was only a thirteen year old Genin. They felt a wave of security fill them as they heard more stories about Naruto's adventures before leaving his former village.

" Wait he saved princess Koyuki? I thought you said Sasuke did it?" Ino told Sakura.

" I assumed it was Sasuke-kun, I mean Sasuke-kun had the Chidori, and that's stronger than the Rasengan right?" Sakura asked making Jiraiya laugh.

" The Rasengan was made by a genius, Kakashi only created his Raikiri because he was trying to change the Rasengan. It's not even an original technique, just a goal that Minato was trying to reach that Kakashi failed at. The Rasengan is an assassination jutsu that uses limited chakra, no seals and can be triggered in the blink of an eye. The Raikiri is extremely unstable, takes a ton of chakra and time to form and has a great flaw... you need the Sharingan to use it. Otherwise you're a sitting duck with a flashy jutsu that is more trouble than what its worth." Jiraiya said making Kakashi get depressed while the other Konoha nin were shocked that such a powerful technique wasn't so powerful.

" Has Naruto mastered the Rasengan?" Neji asked.

" Just about, it won't be long until he can fully form two in both hands." Jiraiya said making Kakashi look at the man.

" But he still needs clones to do it." Kakashi said making Sakura nod her head.

" If you say so." Jiraiya said as they hurried to catch up with the distance their conversation had created.

" He still needs clones, right?" Kakashi asked Sakura who only shrugged her shoulders.


" Open the Gates!" A shinobi yelled as they reached a place Jiraiya didn't know existed.

" Welcome to the Real Otogakure, Naruto-kun." Kabuto said as they entered massive stone walls that had metal spears on its top and sides preventing anything from climbing over.

" Orochimaru used Konoha as a foundation to build it. We also have some temporary basses spread out through out the country. This here is where the majority of our Shinobi populaces stays at. The other bases are to help our patrols, and to teach our Shinobi to not get spoiled with the luxuries of home. It makes them treasure it even more. We have all available Earth using Shinobi to help us create a larger mountain system than that of Konoha. It will also double as our shelters." Kabuto said as they walked into the city.

" The Konoha Shinobi are to be our guest." A Jounin that had been escorting Naruto said as he waited for the Konoha nin to be checked in. He quickly lead them to where Kabuto was going to take Naruto.

" Whoa, this place is bigger than Konoha." Naruto said with admiration.

" When you rule the country its easy to decide how much land your capital will have. Unlike Konoha this place wasn't founded by a handful of clans. Orochimaru had dreams of Otogakure being a true great Shinobi village, one that can rival Iwa soldier per soldier and Konoha skill per skill. This Naruto is the Legacy Orochimaru has left for you to fulfill." Kabuto said as Naruto looked at everything with awe.

" All the Shinobi is accounted for Kabuto-san. Your group was the last one we waited for." A masked Jounin said making Kabuto nod his head.

" Have word spread that all Shinobi, from the academy to the ANBU Captain are to meet in the stadium. Have all chakra barriers and sensors on full alert." Kabuto said making the man nod his head before he vanished with Shushin.

" It is time for your grand entrance." Kabuto said with a smile as he lead Naruto to the new and very expensive arena that had just been built.

The Konoha nin on the other hand were too busy learning how much better this place was than their own home. Everything they had and grew up with Oto had it only better.

" No wonder they were so loyal to Orochimaru, this place used to look like crap." Jiraiya said making the group he lead to look at him. " The Capital of Rice was a disgrace because of its Daimyo. I never thought I would see the day when Orochimaru killing somebody would be a good thing." Jiraiya said making the Jounin in front of him upset.

" Welcome people of Sound!" Kabuto's voice said as the Konoha nin entered the Arena. It was massive and looked like it was able to house every citizen of the village. Since the was exactly what the place was doing. The Shinobi stood on the ground in a neat order while the civilians watched on with awe.

" It pains me to tell you that our master, our lord... Orochimaru-sama has passed on." Kabuto said making the Stadium fill with shock and the sound of a thousand gasping breathes. The Konoha nin couldn't believe some children cried over the death of the traitorous Sannin.

" However Orochimaru-sama foresaw such a tragedy and has chosen an heir to lead us. A man that has lived the pain of our master and has gained the strength to rival him. A man that Orochimaru-sama has entrusted with the well being of our people and our country. I give you the new leader of Sound, The Nindaime of Otogakure! Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto!" Kabuto said making the stadium fill with disbelief when Kabuto said Namikaze.

" Is that really Naruto?" Ino asked as they saw the golden blond come out.

He had black sandals with white bandages around them. Black Shinobi pants and a black leather belt with a belt buckle that had the symbol for sound. Around his stomach was white bandages while the upper half of his chest was exposed. It allowed the people in the stadium to see the Shodaime's necklace and a new platinum chain that had a music note made out of diamonds and platinum. On his arms were white bandages that ended at his knuckles, he had a black short sleeved Kage coat that was hold together by platinum snakes attacking each other. The coat had purple flames on the bottom and on the edge of the sleeves. Naruto also wore a hat similar to that of the Kages, however this one was mainly black with a purple diamond in the front. In the Diamond was the Kanji for Sound. On the edge of the hat was a black silk with a purple edge to hide the sides of Naruto's face. Naruto turned to say a few things with Kabuto and everyone had been allowed to see his back. Made out of purple flames was the Kanji strokes for A Fresh Start. Which many felt was what they got when they joined with Oto.

" No way." Sakura said as Naruto looked like nothing she had ever thought possible.

" That Kage style hat really fits him." Hinata said with a smile.

" A real Kage hat like the Hokage's would have been better. Damn the council for all the crap they tried to pull with Naruto." Jiraiya said with a growl.

" If Naruto would have been more patient perhaps he would have been made Rokudaime." Kakashi said with some regret.

" Naruto would have made a great Hokage. Tsunade-sama isn't going to be happy when we get back." Neji said making the Konoha nin flinch.

" You guys won't believe what I just heard." A villager whispered after he reached his family. He was a bit late and had passed the talking group from Konoha before rushing to spread the news.

" What is it?" His wife said as his three children looked at him. They had gotten front row and center seats making the man pass by many that had given him their attention.

" I just heard some Konoha nin talking. Seems like our new Nindaime was a Hokage candidate. It wouldn't surprise me if they were sent here with hopes of taking him back. Orochimaru-sama must have gotten someone of great skill and power to protect us if they sent four teams to take him back." The man said making the villagers gasp before spreading what they heard. It was a miracle that the information didn't change and was completely passed around the arena in mere moments.

" A Hokage-candidate?" A teen with red hair and glasses said with disbelief.

" You better believe it. Near the front doors is the Sannin Jiraiya, Copy Cat Kakashi, Green Beast Gai, Guardian Sarutobi, the Ice Queen Kurenai and their students. Some big names with even bigger bounties." A Jounin said as the Shinobi looked back to see the Konoha group.

" But what are they doing here?" A female Chuunin asked.

" Either they are here to take him back or are here to congratulate him. I recognize the group of younger fighters. They are known as the Konoha twelve back in Fire country. Suppose to be made up of Rookie Genin that succeed in reaching the preliminaries during their first Chuunin exams. In fact Sasuke is suppose to be a member of the group and apparently so is our new Nindaime..." A member of the ANBU said before his eyes grew. " Our Nindaime is the blond that defeated the Kazekage during the war." the man said with awe making everyone look at Naruto. He had recognized Naruto's face but had just figured out where he had seen it.

" I thought that was only rumors, for a Genin to summon Gamabunta it would mean he would have god like chakra reserves." Karin's said before she closed her eyes and looked at Naruto with her eyes mind. Her eyes grew with disbelief as she let out a gasp and stepped back making the Shinobi move to catch her. She had nearly fallen from the shock she just discovered.

" It's endless, his chakra is easily twice as much as what Orochimaru-sama used to have." Karin said making everyone look at Naruto with disbelief.

' But what is that darkness residing in his chakra?' Karin thought as the Shinobi returned to their spots. Kabuto and Naruto didn't notice since the two were still talking.

" If he is the one that defeated Gaara then he must be Jiraiya's new apprentice. Orochimaru-sama had reported many times on Sasuke's rival. A blond that was being molded to surpass the Yondaime." A female Jounin said making everyone look at Naruto.

" If his name contains Namikaze it must means they have some kind of connection." A Chuunin male stated.

" He almost seems like a clone but his chakra is too stable for that. My guess would be that he is the son of the Yondaime." Karin said making her words flow through the arena.

" The Son of the Yondaime of Konoha is our Nindaime? Does that mean he is strong Mama?" A boy said making the Konoha nin look at the mother and child.

" Yes dear, the Yellow Flash was a very powerful man, I have no doubt that his son is even stronger. Orochimaru-sama has selected a wonderful man to protect us." The woman said with a smile.

" They already figured out he's the Yondaime's son? Why the hell is it taking Konoha over fifteen years?" Jiraiya said with rage and instantly frightening and shocking the Konoha nin.

" People of Otogakure. My true name is Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto, however I prefer to go by the name Uzumaki Naruto. Growing up I was denied the gifts my father left for me." Naruto said making the Shinobi look at him with disbelief. " I was raised as an Uzumaki, I fought as an Uzumaki and I will die as an Uzumaki. The Yellow Flash's name means nothing to me. All I know is that he was a man that fought a war, and died sealing a demon into his own son." Naruto said making the Arena fill with shock and whispers.

" There is nothing to fear my fellow citizens." Kabuto said as he spoke up. " The Yondaime was a seal master of a quality like we have never seen before. He was the only man to ever enslave the Kyuubi and the power of his seal is that of the Shinigami himself. A seal that can never be broken by the demon fox." Kabuto said making the people calm down. Kabuto's words once again throwing Jiraiya into a blind rage. He couldn't believe that a village that knew of the Yondaime's power second hand could trust his seals while Konoha continued to doubt him. There was a reason Minato used the Shinigami's power and that was to ensure the seal was going to work.

" I tell you this because I refuse to hide my secrets from you. If I am to lead you then I will gladly tell you my burden. Some of you might hate me, some of you will fear me. But I swear on the name of my clan and by the tittle Orochimaru has given me to always protect you. Orochimaru was a powerful and intelligent man, he was very resourceful and knew what he wanted. He picked me to lead you, and I plan to do my best. As long as you will have me." Naruto said making the people of Otogakure to go silent.

" Yeah!" A little boy yelled with excitement and approval, he was soon joined by others. Before Naruto knew it the entire civilian populace was cheering. The Shinobi of Oto clapped in silence while the stronger Shinobi studied Naruto's reaction. Wondering if he was anything like the darker leader they knew.

" I told you they were going to accept you." Kabuto said as he placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. A warm feeling spread through out the arena as the people of Otogakure took in their new leader. The peaceful and joyful atmosphere was suddenly pierced by the sound of a thousand birds chirping. The Konoha nin instantly turned to Kakashi only to see him just as confused. They then followed the sound to see Sasuke with the deadly technique ready.

He stood on the roof across Naruto and glared with rage as his Sharingan spun with power.

" Kabuto you traitor!" Sasuke yelled with rage. " I'm more deserving to lead Sound than that Dobe, and I'll prove it by killing him and becoming the real Nindaime." The arena filled with shock as Sasuke disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only the seasoned Shinobi were able to see Sasuke appear in front of Naruto. Kabuto tried to protect Naruto only to have the blond side step him. Sasuke smirked as he went to finish his rival that was once again surpassing him. His curse seal activating as his attack gained power.

" He just got bitch slapped!" Kiba said with awe after Naruto had suddenly backed handed Sasuke into the walls of the arena. In the blink of an eye Naruto had struck with a speed that Sasuke couldn't follow. The only reason Kiba knew what happened is because his own mother stood in the same pose as Naruto after administrating such a blow agaisnt him.

The Konoha nin filled with disbelief at Naruto's sudden power and speed.

" Looks like the Gaki doesn't have a reason to hold back." Jiraiya said with pride, his eyes had been able to keep up with Naruto's overwhelming speed. The reason being was that he had helped Naruto gain that speed. With the world soon learning Naruto's heritage it didn't matter if they boy displayed his hidden skills.

" What? What just happened?" Karin said as her, along with the majority of Oto, were stuck looking at Naruto while in a stupefied trance.

" Didn't you hear? The Nindaime just bitch slapped Sasuke, the Elite of the Uchiha Clan and apprentice of Orochimaru-sama." A Genin said with awe, the lone Uchiha had taken a lot of time to make the people of Oto to understand his rank in the world.

" We know... but it doesn't give you the right to use such words." A jounin said after slapping the genin in the back of the head.

" Dobe?" Sasuke said with confusion as Naruto didn't bother to look at him. He wanted to get up but the initial hit and the impact with the wall made it impossible to move. Not to mention Kabuto made a seal to deactivate Sasuke's Curse seal.

" Anyone else wishes to test me?" Naruto said with a serious tone making everyone look at him with disbelief.

" Take him to the infirmary." Kabuto said making a few medics carry the injured Sasuke away.

" What should we do with him Nindaime-sama?" Kabuto asked.

" Nothing." Naruto said making the arena fill with awe.

" He was Orochimaru's student and was given a great amount of liberty and has become spoiled. However if he ever focus his attention on anyone else in the village I will kill him myself. Let that fool challenge me, the end results will never change." Naruto said making Kabuto nod his head.

" Seems like Sasuke-chan is destined to always be your burden Naruto-sama." Kabuto said with a smile. " You could always return him to Konoha." Kabuto said making Naruto's eyes focus on his former comrades.

" I hate to say it but we need the power of the Sharingan." Naruto said with a sigh making Kabuto look at him with disbelief. "The power of such a clan will help our village grow. If only I could recruit Itachi instead that would make my life so much easier." Naruto said making Kabuto fill with shock.

" But Naruto-sama that man tried to take you to Akatsuki where they would have killed you." Kabuto said making Naruto chuckle.

" True, but no one has driven me closer to the point of death than Sasuke. He did drive two Chidori's through my chest." Naruto said making Kabuto nod his head. The Shinobi of Sound filling with shock and disbelief that the blond had survived two attacks from Sasuke's most dangerous jutsu.

" How did you survive that? As far as I know almost all Jinchuuriki would have died with such a blow." Kabuto said making Naruto close his eyes and sense around him.

" I have three hearts." Naruto said making Kabuto look at him with disbelief. " According to the former head of the hospital in Konoha it was a common Uzumaki trait. It wasn't a bloodline but just some form of evolution that developed in our family line. More than likely started from a mutation long ago. It was rumored that the home of the Uzumaki's was hit with a great catastrophe* long before the discovery of chakra." Naruto said making Kabuto wonder what others secrets Naruto's body held. He would later make sure to make a polite request to study the blond so that it can lead to bettering the village and its leader.

" Interesting, but for now lets continue celebrating your position." Kabuto said with a smile making Naruto smirk before he began to mingle in with the masses. It helped that the silver haired medic pointed out that Naruto could use Kage Bunshin to meet more people. A few clones had been set aside to take picture with anyone twelve or younger. Something that those children will use to brag about since the clones weren't posing with anyone older than the age limit he placed. After all he spent many years bragging over the fact he had many picture with the Sandaime when he was alive. The golden blond even had a picture from when he was a child with the Daimyo of Fire and his twelve guardians.

" Look at him go." Shikamaru said as Naruto spoke with the skills a politician would kill for.

" What do you expect?" Asuma said making everyone look at him. " Naruto was secretly groomed by my father to succeed him." The bearded man said making everyone but Jiraiya to look at him with shock. " The reason Naruto was never good in the basics at the academy is because he spent too much time learning how to lead a village. I still remember the mind games he played with the Fire Daimyo when they first met." Asuma said making the teens look at him with shock.

" Never heard the man laugh so much, if he had learned the truth about Naruto's treatment I have no doubt the man would have taken him away. They spent one week together and the Fire Daimyo was treating Naruto like a nephew. If I remember correctly he was eight and my father took Naruto to the the Capital for a month after the Uchiha Massacre." Asuma said before lighting a smoke. " Naruto only meet the Daimyo by dumb luck."

" So what now? I don't think he plans to give this up any time soon." Ino said making the Konoha nin frown.

" Let me talk to kid, I'm sure the council has yet to swear him in." Jiraiya said making the Oto Jounin next to him to turn.

" Actually the Civilian and Shinobi council are nothing more than advisors. They have limited resources and only make decisions on the smallest things that can't do too much harm to the village. Everything else is dealt with by the Otokage." The Oto Jounin escort said making the Konoha nin shock.

" You mean he has absolute power and no one can oppose him?" Kurenai asked making the man think before he nodded his head.

" That's right... The Hokage has become a political figure head since the death of the Yondaime. I forgot about that." The man said making many of the Konoha nin to glare at him.

" I mean no offense but it isn't a secret that they have to walk on egg shells to prevent any political backlash." The man said with hopes of calming the foreigners.

" He's right, and there is nothing we can do to change it. Damn that Danzo." Jiraiya said with rage.

" My people." The real Naruto said as he returned to the stage. " Although it pains me to say this but for now my time with you is done. For now I must meet with the Council and speak about our future." Naruto said with strength making many accept him as their leader.

" Gather, the Five strongest Jounin, Chuunin and Genin. Make sure they are viewed by their peers as leaders. I plan to have them spread word about the meeting. Don't include yourself or Sasuke in that equation." Naruto said making Kabuto confused.

" Sasuke, at the moment will be in a cell." Kabuto said since it was a clear law that it was not a good idea to fight the Otokage.

" I plan to beat Konoha in something they have never accomplished." Naruto said making Kabuto confused. " Create a loyal Uchiha clan for our village." Naruto said with a smirk making Kabuto's eyes to widen before he gave a nod.

" Right away." Kabuto said before leaving with a simple Shushin.

" ANBU..." Naruto said making four figures to appear. One had a dragon mask, another a phoenix, the third a tiger and the last a turtle.

" We are the only four ANBU Captains, individually we lead a team of our own that handles all black op missions." The Dragon masked woman said making Naruto nod his head. The thing Naruto liked was the fact that there wasn't a large gap in leading Shinobi and Kunochi, one thing he respected about Orochimaru was the man was never racist... he hated everything equally. But he did respect power and talent, his only flaw was that he treasured talent more than power.

" Lead me to my office, once there I will need your help to get familiar with the Ninja system for our village." Naruto commanded making them escort him through the crowd, many waved at him while his clones continued to socialize.

" Kame, I need you to gather your team and have them return the Shinobi into a state of emergency." Naruto said making the ANBU look at him with shock.

" I have no doubt that potential enemies are here wanting to know what happened. I want them found and kept alive for interrogation." Naruto said as he reached the exit near the stage making the more armored ANBU nod his head.

" What of the Konoha nin?" Tora asked.

" They know better than to try something, but that doesn't mean we can allow them to do as they please. Have five teams of Jounin to keep an eye on them." Naruto said making the ANBU want to hesitate before answering.

" Sir, we don't have that many Jounin." The phoenix masked nin said making Naruto raise his eyebrow. " We lost most of them during the attack of Konoha. But we can place just as many Chuunin as you requested."

" I see, How many are available?" Naruto asked.

" Eleven and that's including Kabuto and Uchiha Sasuke." The Dragon said making Naruto frown.

"And Chuunin?" Naruto asked with a bit of worry.

" Over two hundred strong. Orochimaru didn't want to risk his campaign to fail which is why he only used experienced ninja to attack. We also have thirty Tokubetsu Jounin and forty five Genin none older than the age of fifteen. We'll inform you of the ANBU in a more secured location." Kame said making Naruto want to sigh.

' Damn, even in Oto I'm the oldest Genin.' Naruto thought while his pride took a devastating blow.

" Nine of the Jounin lead Chuunin on A rank missions, while the Tokubetsu Jounin are spread through out the village as the military police, village guards, medics, instructors and any other job our government requires." Tora said making Naruto nod his head.

" And how is the academy looking?" Naruto asked.

" We have thirty students in the graduating class, the village's budget will only allow us to graduate twelve." The Phoenix said making Naruto raise his eye brow.

" Missions have been coming in slow thanks to the Akatsuki become more public." Dragon said making Naruto nod his head. " This year has been a bit harder than the rest."

" Has the Hospital and orphanage suffered thanks to this problem?" Naruto asked.

" The hospital is operating fine, Kabuto is in charge of that. The orphanage can always use a little more help." Kame said as they came upon the largest building in the village. They traveled in silence as Naruto thought about what his ANBU Captains had told him.

" Tora I need you to get me the most recent financial reports on all divisions in the village. Make sure everything is reported in or that missing department won't get any funding. Talk to their head or do whatever you have to do, in the end make sure I have everything." Naruto said making the Tiger masked nin to nod his head before disappearing.

" Phoenix I need you to write me a basic report on why the members of the two councils have a seat and how they have personally affected the village. Be honest and make any comment that you see necessary." Naruto said making the bird masked ANBU to nod her head before disappearing. To his pride Kame had already left to do the task Naruto had appointed him.

" Then I shall begin to inform you on how the ninja of our village are graded for their promotions." Dragon said before Naruto listened to her.

The requirements to be a Genin was the same as Konoha but in Oto they needed one defensive and one offensive elemental jutsu. They trained with their team until they have gained enough d-rank missions until a Jounin is put in charge of them. Chuunin are graduated during the exams and are of average skill from what Naruto understood. The Jounin must have a certain number of B-rank missions before they qualify for an evaluation to get their rank. However once they do they are tested by the ANBU to see if they are able to lead. In the end the grading policy is the same as Konoha but Orochimaru had them a bit more prepared, Naruto figured that thanks to the many bloodlines in Konoha, was the reason the village defeated such a powerful force.

" Your thoughts my lord." Dragon said as her mask was at the side of her head. She had long purple hair reaching her waist a more brighter color than that of Anko, her skin was nicer looking and her body frame was extremely fit with the average curves a man could easily fall in love with. She carried a Samurai style Katana in her left hand. It was plain looking but Naruto didn't doubt its quality, the sheathe had a magnetic clip to attach to her ANBU belt.

" Impressive, I expect no less from those that had sworn their loyalty to Orochimaru." Naruto said making the woman fill with pride.

" Nindaime-sama." A Chuunin said after knocking on the door making Dragon put her mask on before disappearing into the room with a jutsu.

" Come in." Naruto said with a smile as he put up his notes in a drawer.

" How's the chair?" Kakashi asked as the Konoha nin came in. At the moment he was the only one able and willing to say something. Three of the Jounin frowned as the team of Chuunin escorting them refused to leave. They could sense four more teams around the building waiting for them to cause trouble.

" Very comfortable, a lot better than the one back home." Naruto said with a carefree smile showing he was speaking the truth. Many wondered how he knew the difference, but those that knew Naruto knew he had sat on the Hokage's chair just as much as any Kage that had previously held the job. He even had more time on it than the Yondaime during his term in service.

" Is this your decision?" Jiraiya asked.

" Yes, you've seen the people here and their Shinobi force. I don't want them to be destroyed because of someone like Sasuke. There is a lot of good I can do here, and much more than I can ever accomplish in Konoha." Naruto said making Jiraiya frown.

" Konoha's council won't stand for this." Jiraiya said making Naruto to smirk.

" I would like to see them try anything. They can't declare war without the permission of the Daimyo of Fire. And I doubt my dear uncle will allow them to harm me after he learns the truth about my heritage." Naruto said making the Konoha nin fill with shock.

" The man owes his life to the Yondaime, a debt he can pay through the man's son. Besides who do you think Suna will side with... Konoha or the best friend of their Kazekage, the same man responsible for turning a blood hungry psycho into a hero and bringing him back to life with the Technique Lady Chiyo used." Naruto said with a fox grin showing them he already knew the answer.

" We still have an alliance with Waterfall and Spring country, both have their own Shinobi army." Sakura pointed out with a smirk.

" Ah yes... good old Shibuki... tell me Sakura how is he?" Naruto said making Sakura confused. Shikamaru and the Konoha Jounin already knowing what was coming. Another political victory for Naruto.

" You don't know?" Naruto said with confusion before a smile formed on his face. " Of course you don't know, you never spoke to him after getting held captive during the invasion of his village. I on the other hand have kept in contact with him on a normal occasion, thanks to the toad summons. They make incredible messengers." Naruto said making Kakashi and Sakura to look at him with shock.

" And lets not forget my precious Koyuki-Hime..." Naruto said with a warm and caring smile that made the females blush at the tone he used. " How I love that woman..." Naruto said with a nostalgic tone. " You know she made me into a man before I returned to Konoha with Jiraiya-sensei." Naruto said making the Konoha nin fill with shock while blushing their embarrassment at his actions.

" I knew it!" Jiraiya yelled like a child while pointing at Naruto in an accusing way. He used both hands to make it more dramatic, the white haired Sannin looked like a savage monkey that had jumped out of a closet. ( Guess where this came from. If you can't shame on you)

" Why-wha Why? I mean when did you sleep with that princess?" Hinata asked with a venomous tone at the end.

" We ran into her when she was visiting the land of Iron to gain some Rounin Samurai to move to her country. We couldn't wear our traditional Shinobi gear making Jiraiya and I travel in Kimonos. Apparently she was captivated by my charming good looks." Naruto said as the Kunochi pictured him in such an outfit it was easy to do for those that had seen him during his last visit of Tankatzu. " While telling our adventure in snow Ero-sensei grew bored and went to find pleasure in a whore house." Naruto said making the man nod his head. Clearly showing he had no shame.

" Before I knew it Koyuki-hime was drunk and I helped her home, since she didn't want her guards holding her. She developed a trust issue after a fail coup by her unknown cousin." Naruto said making the Konoha nin to fill with shock.

" She offered to make me better and I accepted... the rest is a very pleasant history I love reliving." Naruto said with a smile. " I have no doubt she will see my way of thought." Naruto said with confidence. " And in case she decides not to help me I can always call upon Shion and demon country." Naruto said making the eyes of Neji to grow. " After all... She will soon give birth to our child." Naruto said making the mouths of the Kunochi to drop while the males blushed with disbelief and jealousy. Kakashi giggled at the fact Naruto had known exactly what the priestess wanted, while Jiraiya furious scribbled in his note pad. Naruto had just dropped a gold mine in research material.

" Had this not happened and Konoha had butchered my dream later on..." Naruto said before glaring at Sakura making her flinch. " I would have resigned due to a law Shion was going to use to have me marry her. Now I don't have to worry about my former home tying me down." Naruto said with a smile, he couldn't wait to give Shion the good news.

" What? When?" Sakura asked as her voice sounded heart broken.

" What's wrong with her?" Sasuke said as he went in with Kabuto and the ninja Naruto had requested. His appearance instantly making the Konoha nin push the things Naruto said to the back of their mind.

" She just found out the priestess of Demon country is having my child." Naruto said with a smile.

" What? You got someone pregnant before me?" Sasuke said with disbelief. The young Uchiha couldn't believe Naruto beat him in accomplishing one of his goals. His eyes instantly grew with disbelief when a certain thought popped into his head." You better have not killed Itachi! OR I"LL KILL YOU!" Sasuke said with rage.

" I didn't kill him, but I did fight his clone. You promise to behave and I'll give you a full report on the fight." Naruto said making Sasuke nod his head.

" Don't." Naruto said as the Konoha nin kept looking at the Uchiha that had recently fled Konoha.

" In his will Orochimaru transferred his Sannin right to Sasuke. You can't touch him." Naruto said making the Konoha nin look at him with shock.

" Damn, I should have never made Sensei add that to our tittle." Jiraiya said making Naruto smirk while Sasuke look at him with disbelief.

" What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked.

" As a Sannin, a ninja is permitted to travel outside their village without any problems. A Sannin that commits a crime can be pardoned as long as they swear to never step foot into the village again. Orochimaru made sure that Konoha can never go after you again if he died. As of this moment you are a free man and can reestablish your clan here in Oto." Kabuto said making Sasuke look at him with disbelief.

" What do you say Sasuke? Fight at my side once again or have the shinobi villages hunt you down to use as a breeding tool or attempt to kill you if you don't see things their way? Either way is fine with me, since I officially brought you back to Sakura, but she can't take you back or Konoha will kill you." Naruto said making Sakura's heart fill with pain. Everyone was shocked at how carefree he had said his words. In reality Naruto had done what he promised to Sakura, he defeat Sasuke and brought him back to her. He bitched slapped him during his first speech and then had Kabuto escort the raven haired teen to his office. Sasuke at the moment was only as dangerous as a civilian with some martial arts training.

" If you stay in sound you will be one of my three advisors and become the Shinobi Commander." Naruto said making Sasuke's eyes to grow.

" Shinobi Commander?" Sasuke asked with a bit of awe.

" Yes, you will be in charge of keeping the Chuunin and Genin in line, Kabuto over the hospital and academy, while I will focus on the Jounin and ANBU since they are the smaller group. You will also be burdened with training a new group to replace the old Sound Five. Who will become my personal guards just like the originals." Naruto said making everyone in the room to look at him with disbelief.

" In fact, the Shinobi Kabuto has gathered are the ones best suited for the job. They are loyal to the village, powerful and can fill the role of leaders. You may pick one Jounin, two Chuunin and two Genin." Naruto said making the Shinobi he spoke of look at him with excitement.

" The rest I will have Dragon train them so that they can be promoted in the next exams they will want to take." Naruto said making the Oto nin fill with awe even if they aren't selected for the special rank. They could easily accept the runner up price.

" Do you accept Teme or will I have to find someone better to fill the job?" Naruto said with a smirk.

" Don't be stupid, Dobe... no one can recreate the sound five like I can." Sasuke said with arrogance.

" Is that a yes?" Naruto asked with a knowing smile.

" Of course it is, I don't have any plans of going back to that shitty village. I don't want nor need anyone to kiss my ass anymore." Sasuke said making Naruto nod his head. Naruto figured it was one of the reasons why Sasuke didn't talk to people, too many would rant about his skills or envy him for it. Naruto just wanted to surpass him which was something he already did.

" But, you have to swear that an Uchiha might one day become Otokage." Sasuke said making the older Konoha nin look at him with shock. Naruto grew a serious face as he stared down Sasuke.

" The only way an Uchiha will take my place is over my dead body..." Naruto said with a dark tone making Sasuke want to kill him. " Or I see that person can do my job while letting me retire with a clear mind. As long as they are worthy and have the strength then they can one day take my place." Naruto said with a smirk making Sasuke calm down and accept his terms. They were after all quite reasonable and the standard for any leader to pass down his tittle.

" Of course with me in the lead in establish a clan means that my descendants have a better chance of becoming the next village leader." Naruto said in his traditional pranking tone.

" Fuck you Dobe!" Sasuke growled.

" You're thinking about the wrong type of human to try to have babies with... and I can do so much better than you." Naruto said making Sasuke fill with rage before both smirked, showing that nothing had really changed since their battle.

" Nindaime-sama I have brought the reports you requested." Tora said as he appeared in the room that still had it's doors open.

" Thank you, has our council finished assembling?" Naruto asked.

" They are just about done, I expect them to be ready in thirty minutes." Tora said making the blond nod his head.

" Have someone prepare tea and snacks I plan to speak to them for a while." Naruto said making the ANBU to disappear. Naruto made a clone take the financial reports and start studying them. Jiraiya mentally laughing at how Naruto overcame the Demon Lord known as Paper Work.

" Shinobi of Oto." Naruto said before looking at the fifteen ninja Kabuto had gathered. " I want you to assemble at the walls of the meeting room. The order will be Jounin, Chuunin and then Genin, make five teams with this combination. Make sure the space between each of you is even enough so that you can cover all the walls." Naruto said making the fifteen Ninja nod their heads before leaving.

" Lucky for us none of them have to be in a council chair." Kabuto said making Naruto nod his head. Kabuto instantly went to Naruto's side to look at the Konoha nin and Sasuke did the same.

" We don't have much time." Naruto said as he started to write on something. " I ask of you to take this to Tsunade-Oba-chan. In it are somethings I wish for her to go over. You can bill me through messenger hawk when you successfully get there." Naruto said before tossing the Scroll to Kakashi making the Shinobi confused.

" Jiraiya-sensei." Naruto said with a serious tone. " I would like you to join me in this council meeting. Not as a Shinobi of Konoha but as the Godfather that abandoned me." Naruto said making Jiraiya hang his head in shame.

" Until the next time we meet. Have some rooms provided for them, they are free to stay three days and two nights as long as they don't cause any problems. I will pay for the rooms myself." Naruto said making the Chuunin escorting the Konoha nin nod their heads. Kakashi had wanted to say something but got a sign from Jiraiya saying for him to drop it. There was a reason Naruto wasn't making them leave after spending the night.

" Here is the report you required about the Council." Phoenix said after appearing in the room when the doors of the office closed.

" Well then we have a battle to get ready for. Dragon, Phoenix you are free to help me prepare or continue on your regular duties." Naruto said with a smile making the two female ANBU to do their best to help.


A/N: * ( Naruto's condition is not a bloodline, but a mutation caused by the nuclear radiation leaking into the air and waters of Japan... in other words I turned Japan into the foundation of Uzu. What I said more than likely won't happen but its nice to imagine such a thing could. I mean... if you can get the Hulk from Gamma rays then what's stopping another person from improving the human body into something that would make them into our evolutionary superiors. This is Fan Fiction people... I can do what I want... its completely democratic... so go to hell.)