
Origins Revenge - DxD

The origin of all witnessed the creation of existence. As he watched worlds be created and destroyed he came to hate living beings, he wants to destroy existence and recreate it in his image. ------ First world - Highschool DxD ------ I don't own any of the anime's, characters and the cover photo.

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4 Chs

New Family

Sitting in the first class section of an airplane is Azathoth. To most people a child sitting in the first class section of an airplane may seem weird but most people seem to not even notice he is present, whilst the people who do have a dead look in their eyes.

"This is a lot better than being stuck in an orphanage, more appropriate for the creator of existence." said Azathoth, the thing is Azathoth is incredibly prideful but he knows not to let that get in his way he has seen countless kingdoms fall due to pride.

He is currently two hours away from Osaka International airport where he will go to Kuoh town vea train. He has already created his identity in Japan prior to coming here.

You might be wondering what family he plans to have to adopt him. Well it is the Hyoudou family due to having most of the future events happening around a member of that family. It's not like there is much risk involved in it; he is confined that even Great Red can't see through him and he is strong enough to fight lower middle class enemies at the age of three.There are also other advantages, like being able to watch his growth, have a connection and also to make an epic entry he is the creator of existence so a cool reveal is necessary.

After a lot of travelling and a shit ton of magic he eventually reached Kuoh town and made his way to the orphanage where he controlled the people there to believe he has always been present.

Getting settled into his temporary room he starts to go through the items he has gathered for his grand project.

What he plans to make is a philosopher stone, it comes with many advantages but the main one is that it will act as a magic organ like a dragon's heart and constantly produce magic power for him to use. The problem is, it is resource heavy so it has taken him a while to gather the necessary materials and he is still missing a single item well two if you count the souls, no what he needs is a form of crystal to acts as a basis he would use a diamond but it must be magical in nature but apart from that it makes no different what crystal.

This is where the future will come into play, the devil who is ruling kuoh currently will die in the future and he plans to extract the evil piece from the servant due them being made out of the crystals from Agreas island but that isn't for a while.

Seeing that he has a few more hours of light left he decided to go out and find the Hyoudou family.

After walking about for a while he eventually finds all three of them at the local store buying food for dinner. He uses a basic mental suggestion spell so when they wake up they want to adopt a child so they go to the local orphanage and when they see Azathoth they choose to adopt him pretty simple.

And that it was, the next day they all arrived at the orphanage and upon seeing Azathoth they chose to adopt him and due to Azathoth being prepared in advance all the papers were filled out that day and he went home with them.

"Welcome to your new home Azathoth." said Gorou, Azathoth's new father.

"Here let me show you to your room." said Miki, Azathoth's new mother as she took his suitcase from him and made her way upstairs with Azathoth and the other two following behind her. Opening a door and walking inside Azathoth looks around at what will be his room, it is nothing special, a bed, wardrobe, blue walls, gray carpet and a desk along with an ensuite bathroom.

"This is perfect, thank you." said Azathoth with a smile, which was surprisingly real. The thing is he has never had something like this before, when he was in his true body he was always in the nothingness and in the orphanage the rooms aren't the best so something like this means a lot.

"I'm glad you like it son." said Gorou whilst patting Azathoth's back.

"We'll leave you to get settled in, we will have dinner at six so come down when you are ready." said Miki.

"Okay, thanks." said Azathoth whilst the other three start to head downstairs.

Four people are sitting round a dinner table, they are Issei, Gorou, Miki and Azathoth Hyoudou.

"Hey, do you want to come play with me tomorrow? I just made a new friend called Irina. He is pretty cool." said Issei to Azathoth, "Yeah sure sounds fun." responded Azathoth. 'So he has met the future angel, I should probably have a good relationship with her considering she will be the unofficial messenger of heaven.'

"That sounds like a good idea, why don't you invite this Irina boy over here to play." suggested Miki.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea, what do you think Azathoth?" asked Issei.

"Yeah, let's do it." said Azathoth. 'Acting like a kid won't be a bad idea, it will help give me a cover.'

"Azathoth, how are you so tall even though we are the age?" asked Issei.

"Issei!" said Miki in a tone that said don't ask that.

"It's fine, I just grew fast or maybe you are just small." said Azathoth with a teasing grin.

"I'm not small, you are just tall." said Issei whilst pouting.

"Sure" said Azathoth whilst laughing.

Currently Issei, Azathoth, Mike and Gorou are getting ready to head to the park and meet Irina.

"Hurry up Azathoth we are going to be late." said Issei whilst doing that jumping thing kids do when someone takes too long. (You know what I mean.)

"I'm just putting my shoes on, it will only take a minute." said Azathoth with an irritated tone, who was he? The fucking creator of existence and this kid is complaining to him it totally isn't because he is getting tired of all this kids bullshit like an old person.

"Finally!" shouted Issei as he bolted out the door and the other three followed after him just walking instead of running.

What Azathoth was unaware of was he was about to meet one of the people who would completely change him.


Author Notes -

Irina is the best girl in DxD, fight me.