
Origins Revenge - DxD

The origin of all witnessed the creation of existence. As he watched worlds be created and destroyed he came to hate living beings, he wants to destroy existence and recreate it in his image. ------ First world - Highschool DxD ------ I don't own any of the anime's, characters and the cover photo.

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Floating in the infinite darkness is the ego of the most powerful being to exist and will exist. He is in a dormant state to save as much of his power as possible. He travels with one purpose, finding a soul that can handle his ego to be reborn.

It takes an unknown amount of time to find a soul that fits his requirements, taking over the soul is easy for a being so ancient, so continued his wait till the time he was reborn into the world of the living.

'HAHA I have finally been reborn' Lying in a cot is a baby with black hair and eyes that look like they absorb the light, if you stare into his eyes too long you can be lost in the darkness his eyes hold. He doesn't know how long it has been since his sealing but that doesn't matter anymore. Using the knowledge he kept and some of his remaining power he was able to figure out what world he is in. To the average person this world appears just like any other but it actually is a supernatural world. Gods, demons, angels it has it all, the reason they aren't known to the average population is due to them living secretive lives or being in other dimensions. As his time as an omniscient being he remembers lots of information including the future this world will go along.

Now there is one problem, the thing is he was born an orphan not that it is a bad thing or he really cares, no it is where he is. He is in Washington, America and the place he needs to be is in a town called Kuoh in Japan. On another note he has been given an actual name for the first time in his infinitely long life time, Jack Wellerman and he fucking hates. The creator of existence has such a basic name so he plans to change it in the future, he doesn't know what to though.

'This orphanage is massively holding me back, if I wasn't here I could have trained in magic power manipulation. The people here don't even have any use for me currently, what I would like to use the people present for is to make a philosopher's stone but I don't have the materials for that. Sigh, it is alright I will leave the first chance I get, I will use magic to stimulate my growth rate to speed up the aging process of my body.'

The power system Jack uses is different from that of the people present in this world. There are two types of energy he can use, magic power and divine power. Magic power is similar to that of most worlds just there are two uses for it, first is magic circles which work off calculations. And second is the direct manipulation of elements and raw magic power. Divine power is what makes someone a God. There are many ways to get it, stealing it from others, belief, growing stronger, understanding of different laws. If he wants to get back to his body he will need divine power he doesn't need to worry though there are many Gods in this world. Even if they are weak, divine power is still divine power.

— 3 years later —

Sitting on a bed is a boy with black hair and eyes that look like the abyss, he appears to be six years old coming on seven, with a cute face and a well built boy for a six year old. This Jack and he is actually only three coming on four years old but through the use of magic he accelerated his aging process. He is currently packing up all of his belongings due to him running away to go to Japan.

His time at the orphanage has been nothing interesting, when he was old enough to be able to move around himself he cast a spell to make all the people here not bother him and avoid him. Allowing him to do whatever he wants so it wasn't too detrimental to his growth. What interested him greatly though was one of the children in the orphanage had a sacred gear.

Sacred gears are a type of soul bound weapon that humans can be born with. There are different rankings of sacred gears but the most powerful are the 13 longinus class sacred gears. Scared gears were made by the biblical God for humans to protect themselves.

Jack was easily able to extract the sacred gear from the child without killing him. Even if he is weakened he is still the creator extracting something so pathetically done is easy for him. The way the sacred gear was attached was a mess, it was like someone took a bit of string and stitched it until it stayed in place, if it was a true soul bound weapon it would be many times harder to extract it let alone leaving the host alive.

The sacred gear he got from the boy is called 'The Band Of Denial'. It is in the form of a bracelet with 5 beads on it. Its power is to take the power from an attack and transfer it all to one of the beads destroying it in the process, the beads regenerate over time. It is a mid tier sacred gear that is heavily defense focused, it basically allows you to tank five extra attacks but if the attacker is a lot stronger than you then more beads may be consumed.

Sacred gears are something that Jack holds some interest towards, mainly the ones that were made from items that have legends behind them. He also wants to get his hands on legendary artifacts for various purposes.

Anyway Jack plans to leave the orphanage, take a plane to Kuoh town, Japan and use magic to have a family adopt him over there so he can have a cover of sorts.

Climbing out of the window Jack jumps down and uses magic to slow his fall, touching the ground without a sound. Taking off towards the direction of the city he plans the route he has to take to get to the airport near Washington. Oh on another note Jack has decided on his actual name…..
