
visions and arriving at school

AN: honestly been struggling on how to write this. While I enjoy the movies and ready ff about it, I find It difficult to put my words into the screen in this universe.

I hope this keeps you all sustained until I find another way to write for this book, as I don't want to abandon it.

Will probably End up making him a musician of some kind. Give me ideas about what song(s) you'd like to see and the reactions garnered by the twilight cast

Enjoy the chapter. Idk if it will be long. I'm just gonna write until I feel like I don't have anything else to say :/



I and my family have moved back to forks. The place we truly felt at home.

While the gossiping teenagers at school were a bit of an issue, it wasn't new. It always happens when we come into a place.

Looking over my family I see my parents, esme and Carlisle reading in the kitchen. I'm ever grateful for both of them.

Next I see emmet and Rosalie snuggled into the couch, a normal occurrence in the household.

Lastly, I look to see My other family members returning from a hunt, my mate jasper. A civil war era soldier who was forced to fight other vampires.

Edward, the gloomy broody brother of the bunch. And although it gets on peoples nerves, everyone knows he means well. He just goes about it wrong, reading peoples mind.

Last but certainly not least I spot Rosalie's 'twin' Mia. A beautiful girl who gained the ability of speed. Even Edward can't keep up with her. She's like a cheetah in a human body.

Her eyes are big and her blonde hair goes down her back. She definitely got attention at school, too bad the boys who approached her were ruthlessly shot down.

People called Rosalie the ice queen, but the simply called Mia a bitch. Not that she cared. She was indifferent to everyone. Even our family to a point.

I'm broken from recounting my family when I am hit with a vision.

Unlike many of the visions I've had though this one is odd. I can see a black haired figure with crimson read eyes and a shadow over his face literally disappear from view. The man moved faster than anything I've ever seen, faster than Mia ever thought about going.

Next I see a a pretty brown haired, brown eyed girl and Edward in an embrace, as if they're dancing. That shocked me. Everyone knew Edward didn't date.

Slowly I feel myself coming back to consciousness as see my family all around.

Finally I regain my bearings to see Edward have a pensive expression. Whether that was from the speedy red eyed vamp in my vision or of his mate, for im sure that's who I just saw with my brother, remains to be seen.

I decide to talk about the vision, "okay, we have some things to speak about. There's a new vampire coming to town."

That made everyone tense up. Mostly Edward. For he, like I had seen the speed in which he moved. Even for my supernatural eyesight and other senses, he blurred away.

I just hope we're ready for the unknown vampire by the time he arrives.



As I drive to school and pull up to then end of my driveway, I pull out the mp3 with my playlist I wished for, and put my headphones in. with my radio turned all the way down and my windows rolled up, I begin a shuffle play of my old playlist.

Hearing the beginning of the post Malone song, I begin to tap the steering wheel in time with the beat while speeding up down the wet road on my way to school.


A 10 minute drive accompanied by beerbongs and Bentleys put me in the right mood for school.

That and a bloodbag I slurped down on the way. But cmon, that's just breakfast.

I pull into a spot near the exit of the parking lot, both for convenience when leaving and because I don't want any dumb teen driver to scratch my car. That'd lead to a rather painful end.

Thinking about that I can feel my vamp try to break free when I smell the 'cold ones'.

The smell like winter snow. I don't know how to describe the smell, but my nose doesn't lie. They're clearly different from the slight bo and unwashed tuna permitting the school.

Pushing that out of my mind I see a red/orange truck loudly pull into the lot just as I make my way to the door.

I let out a sigh and decide to be nice. Even if Bella's nuts, she goes through quite a bit. Even if a good deal of it is self inflicted.

It takes me a minute to walk to the truck. But by the time I reach her she's already out and thrown her bag over her left shoulder.

"Bella!" I call out to her and see her turn her head my way.

Awkward as ever unless you're a broody cold one she responds, "hey, stiles right?" She asks with genuine sincerity.

"That's me. Let's go. New blood has to stick together right?"

She gives a small smile and nods, seeming to be happy to have another person to draw attention away from her arrival. Something that isn't hard to understand. From the movie I remember her arrival being insanely big news, something not too surprising given how small this town is. Less than 4,000 people.


As Bella and myself make our way through the hall the classic Eric scene happens. While I won't rag on him for doing what all teenage boys do, try to get laid, I'm also impatient to begin the day. The multitude of heartbeats I can hear is already a lot to handle.

I grab his shoulder and make sure Bella can't see my eyes or hear my voice, "have some class. It's her first day. Now show us to the office. Then forget about what you've seen."

In a daze he nods before coming back to reality and smiling at us, leading the way.

As we make our way to the office, a scent catches my nose that almost makes me vamp out completely. A beautiful cinnamon smell. One that smelled like grandmas homebaked whatever. It was Divine. But I knew I couldn't look. My eyes were as red as the blood that I survived on and the veins in my face made their usual rounds.

I pull my hood on and follow Eric and Bella's heartbeats to the office, hoping I can stay away from that smell. Because I don't know how I'd stay human around it.


After getting my schedule I make my way to the chemistry class about 5 minutes after the first bell rang. Thank goodness I'm not too late. I also used this time to get myself under control.

Slowly but surely my eyes returned to their normal brown while my fangs slowly became teeth again and my veins took a break.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Only waiting 5 seconds before an admittedly beautiful teacher answers it.

I speak before she can. "Hello, my name is stiles O'Brien. I'm new and was just given my schedule."

"Ah yes the office informed me of your impending arrival Mr. O'Brien. I'm mrs. Gray, Please come in so I can sign your sheet as well as giving you a seat." She replied to me with a happy smile that i retuned.

Walking into the class o see about 20 students in there with no seats open. 'Damn it-' I begin to think before mrs. Gray's voice rang out. "Alright class, this is Stiles O'Brien. He's a new student. Please stiles, tell us something about you while I find a seat."

I look at her in complete confusion, what the hell is this? A kindergarten class? Sighing and keeping my anger in control I look to the gathered students and speak. "Something about me? I mind my business. If all of you do the same well get along great. I doubt you'll even know I'm here."

Before even hearing the teachers words about where to sit I walk to the only seat I spotted open. The only issue with it is theres someone I recognize sitting in the seat beside me. Alice Cullen.

Our eyes meet and she gives a smile I barely return before speaking, "hi, I'm alice cullen. Nice to meet you. I do hope we can be good lab partners."

I glance at her before speaking, "hello Alice. I'm stiles. I assure you, we will have a very good grade in this class."

And that was the start of my new life.

AN: there we go. Decided I want Margot Robbie as the pairing. I think her cold demeanor will go well with the face cam as well as she's a seductress, which will help teasing my boy stiles.

Will try to write more of this soon, but I honestly get major writers block with this fic. Maybe I just need to stop whining and push through. But that's easier said than done.