
Cat’s Backstory

This is a story of my Oc Cat ; she's a demigod ; daughter of Ares ; this is hoe she got to camp half-blood!


From an early age, Cat led a relatively ordinary life with her mother, unaware of her divine heritage. Her mother, unaware of Cat's true parentage, had always suspected she had been involved with a god but didn't know which one. It wasn't until Cat turned 10 that she discovered her father was Ares, the god of war. This realization came about as a result of Cat's behavior, particularly her tendency to engage in fights and confrontations at school, which had drawn attention and concern from those around her.

One day, after returning home from school, Cat and her mother found a moment to have a serious conversation. Sensing the need to address the growing concerns, her mother took a deep breath and spoke up, initiating the long-awaited discussion. "We need to talk," she said, preparing to delve into the truth of Cat's heritage and the extraordinary circumstances that had shaped her life.

Cat looked up at her mother, her curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension. Uncertain of the nature of their conversation, she cautiously responded, "Okay..." She set her school bag down and made her way to the couch, taking a seat while keeping a watchful eye on her mother. Cat couldn't help but notice her mother maintaining a slight distance, a sign of nervousness that hadn't gone unnoticed. Her mother had become increasingly aware of Cat's fiery temper, which added to her own unease about broaching certain topics.

began, trying her best to maintain a calm and composed demeanor. "I want to talk about something important," she started, her voice gentle yet tinged with a touch of concern. "It's about you, Cat, and... well, it's about your father." She paused for a moment, carefully choosing her words, aware of the potential impact they could have on her daughter's emotions.

Cat nodded slightly, her curiosity piqued. "What... about him?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Growing up, Cat had always sensed that her mother held back information about her father, leaving her with a lingering curiosity about her paternal lineage. She had yearned to know more about the man who played a part in her existence but remained a mystery to her.

"Well, as you know about the Greek gods, right?" Her mother asked, seeking confirmation. Cat nodded, her interest piqued further. She had learned about the Greek gods in school and had a basic understanding of their roles and stories. However, she couldn't comprehend how this was connected to her father. Before she could inquire further, her mother raised a hand to pause her and proceeded cautiously, "I know I've told you that your father had to leave us, and that was true. But your father is... the Greek god Ares." The revelation hung in the air, leaving Cat stunned and speechless for a moment.

"Ares?" Cat repeated, her mind racing to match the name with the corresponding Greek god. After a few moments of contemplation, realization dawned on her. "You mean the god of war?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of astonishment and confusion. Her mother nodded, observing Cat closely to gauge her reaction.

Cat leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest, her mind swirling with a mix of emotions. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. Her mother sighed, understanding the weight of the revelation. "I thought you were too young to fully comprehend it, and I didn't want to overwhelm you. But lately, I've noticed your tendency to get into more fights at school," she explained. "I thought it was important for you to know the truth about your real father."

Cat's frustration was evident in her response. "Other kids started the fights too!" she protested, feeling the need to defend herself. She let out a sigh, realizing that arguing wouldn't change the situation. With a hint of resignation, she chose to remain silent, allowing her thoughts to settle.

As Cat grew older, she continued to engage in occasional fights at school. Her mother, now married to her stepdad and with a stepbrother in the picture, kept a close eye on her. Despite her tendency for aggression, Cat found solace and a soft spot in her heart for her little stepbrother. She adored him and took on the role of a caring older sister. Cat would read to him, ensuring he felt loved and protected. When he had nightmares, she would welcome him into her bed, providing comfort and reassurance. Having always desired a sibling, Cat cherished the bond she had with her stepbrother and embraced the role of a loving sister.

In the dimly lit room, Cat sat gazing at the stars, her mind lost in contemplation. The walls of her room were painted a deep shade of red, almost resembling the darkness of night. Although she tried to keep her room tidy, it often succumbed to a touch of chaos, like the scattered books and clothes that lay strewn across the floor. A desk nestled in the corner, adorned with paper and pencils, testified to Cat's creative endeavors. Her bed, pressed against the wall, displayed an unmade appearance, with pillows scattered haphazardly and blankets partially draped off the bed. It was a space that reflected her inner thoughts and the ongoing battle she faced against the monsters that lurked outside.

As she stood up from her contemplation, Cat's determined gaze shifted towards her closet. Opening the creaking door, she knelt down, rummaging through its contents in search of a duffel bag. After a brief moment, she located one and rose to her feet, shutting the closet door silently to avoid disturbing the slumbering household. With measured steps, Cat returned to her room and began packing her bag, carefully selecting the essentials. The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air; she knew she should inform her family, but the recent arguments with her mother and the thought of disappointing her beloved stepbrother made her hesitate. Ultimately, she believed that leaving without causing further pain would be the best course of action.

Cat's heart skipped a beat as she finished zipping up her bag and prepared to leave. Just as she approached the window, she heard the faint sound of her bedroom door opening. Turning around, she saw her stepbrother, Michale, standing there with a mixture of confusion and concern on his face. With a hushed voice, she asked him why he was awake at this hour.

"I had a bad dream," Michale admitted, his tiny voice quivering slightly as he rubbed his tired eyes. Cat's heart softened, knowing she couldn't leave without addressing his needs. She crouched down in front of him, her expression filled with both determination and tenderness.

Cat's heart sank as Michale wiggled out of her embrace and approached her bag near the window. His innocent question pierced through her, and she knew she couldn't leave without explaining it to him. She stood up and walked over to him, her voice filled with a mix of sincerity and reassurance.[I] "Yes, I am leaving," she admitted gently, crouching down to his level. "But it's because I want to protect you from all the dangerous things out there." She looked into his eyes, trying to convey her love and concern. "I promise I'll write to you and keep you updated on everything. You're my little brother, and I want you to be safe." Cat's voice quivered with emotion.

Michale's frown deepened, but after a moment of hesitation, he tightly embraced her. Cat hugged him back, feeling a mix of sadness and warmth in that moment. "Now, it's time for you to go back to bed," she whispered, gently pulling away. She watched as Michale walked back to his room, holding back tears, and prepared herself to leave, knowing that she had made a difficult but necessary decision.

Cat stood there, torn between her decision to leave and her love for her stepbrother. Seeing the sadness in his eyes, she couldn't bear to leave without leaving something behind for him. She walked back to her room and grabbed a notebook and pen, finding solace in putting her feelings into words. With a heavy heart, she sat down at the window sill and began to write a letter, pouring her emotions onto the page.

Once she finished writing, she read the letter over, making sure every word conveyed her love and the reasons for her departure. The letter read:

"Dear Michale,

I hope this letter finds you well. I want you to know how much I care about you and how important you are to me. I've always cherished our moments together, and you hold a special place in my heart. I'm writing this letter because I've made a difficult decision. I've decided to leave for a while to protect both you and our family from the dangers that have been threatening us. It's not an easy choice, and it breaks my heart to do this, but I believe it's the best way to keep everyone safe. Please understand that I am doing this out of love for you. I want you to grow up in a world where you can feel secure and protected. I promise I'll keep in touch through letters, and you'll always be in my thoughts. Remember, you are strong and capable, and I have faith in you. Take care of yourself and listen to Mom and Dad. They love you dearly, and I know they will take good care of you. I'll be thinking of you every day, and I'll be counting the days until I can see you again. Stay strong, my little brother.

With all my love,


Cat closed the notebook, tears welling up in her eyes. She hoped that her letter would provide some comfort and understanding to Michale, even in her absence. With a heavy heart, she carefully placed the letter where Michale would find it in the morning and continued her preparations to leave, knowing that this journey was both a sacrifice and an act of love. With a small sigh, Cat mustered up her courage and made her way towards the window. She grabbed her bag and positioned the strap over her shoulder, allowing it to rest against her hip. Carefully, she climbed out of the window, mindful of not making any noise that could wake anyone up. The ground was a bit of a distance away, but luckily, a sturdy tree stood nearby.

Silently, Cat approached the tree and assessed the branches, searching for one that would support her weight. She moved slowly and cautiously, testing each branch before placing her trust in it. Finally, she found a suitable branch that extended towards the roof. Step by step, she made her way along the branch, ensuring its stability before descending further down the tree. With each careful movement, she gradually reached the ground, her feet finally making contact with the soft grass below.

Feeling a mix of apprehension and determination, Cat glanced back at the window, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She knew she had to embark on this journey, for the sake of her loved ones and herself. With a final look, she turned away and started walking, disappearing into the night, carrying her bag and a bittersweet mix of emotions with her.

Cat found temporary refuge in a shelter, where she stayed for a couple of months. She understood the importance of not staying in one place for too long, knowing that it could potentially put others in danger. With a heavy heart, she bid farewell to the people she had met and moved on, continuing her journey.

Throughout her travels, Cat remained true to her promise. Despite the challenges she faced and the uncertainties that lay ahead, she made sure to keep in touch with her stepbrother. She wrote him letters, sharing her experiences, assuring him that she was safe, and letting him know that he was always in her thoughts.

Cat found solace in the act of writing, as it allowed her to maintain a connection with her stepbrother and provide him with a glimpse into her world. Though physically separated, their bond remained strong through the written word.

As Cat continued to navigate the unpredictable path before her, she drew strength from the knowledge that her stepbrother was still a part of her life, even if they were separated by distance. The letters became a lifeline, reminding her of the love and connection she cherished, and inspiring her to keep moving forward.

Breathing heavily, Cat held the broken branch tightly in her hands, ready to defend herself against the pursuing Minotaur. The adrenaline coursed through her veins as she assessed her surroundings, searching for any advantage she could use in this perilous situation.

With determination in her eyes, she squared her shoulders and faced the charging beast. As the Minotaur closed in, Cat swung the makeshift weapon with all her might, aiming for its vulnerable spots. The branch connected with a resounding thud, momentarily staggering the creature and buying her a precious moment to gather her thoughts.

Cat knew she had to act quickly. She darted to the side, avoiding the Minotaur's retaliatory strike. Taking advantage of its momentarily off-balance state, she swiftly maneuvered behind it, striking with calculated precision. Each strike of the branch was fueled by her fierce determination to protect herself and keep the monster at bay.

Although the odds were stacked against her, Cat fought with unwavering courage. She dodged and weaved, utilizing her agility and training to stay one step ahead of the Minotaur's relentless pursuit. With each blow, she channeled her inner strength, refusing to let fear consume her.

As the battle waged on, Cat's perseverance and resourcefulness became her greatest assets. She utilized her knowledge of combat and the terrain to her advantage, delivering swift and calculated strikes while avoiding the Minotaur's powerful attacks.

Time seemed to slow as the clash between mortal and monster raged on. Cat's determination burned bright, her heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and exhaustion. She knew she couldn't back down; she had come too far to let the Minotaur defeat her.

With a final burst of energy, Cat delivered a decisive blow, causing the Minotaur to stumble and falter. Sensing an opportunity, she seized the moment, swiftly retrieving her duffel bag and sprinting away from the wounded creature, leaving it behind in the depths of the forest.

Breathing heavily and covered in a mixture of sweat and dirt, Cat felt herself drop to her knees from exhaustion.

She stayed on the ground for a few minutes when she heard a noise, she grabbed the tree branch she had used and stood, glancing around the forest when she saw someone walking over. It was a satyr. "Are you alright?" The satyr asked, he had seen the whole thing but had stayed back having seen Cat had it under control. Cat lowered the branch slightly with a small nod. "I'm fine." She said.

"I'm Grover. Come with me, I'll take you to a safe place," Grover said to the girl. Cat hesitated for a second, unsure of whether she should trust him. Grover noticed her hesitation and approached cautiously, maintaining a slight distance. "I'm taking you to a camp where you'll be protected from other monsters. You're a..." Grover's words were interrupted by Cat. "I know," she interjected. "I know my father is Ares, and that the creature chasing me was a minotaur." Grover nodded understandingly. "Then let's go. You'll be safe at the camp, and you'll have the chance to meet other campers," he reassured her, taking the lead and starting to walk.

Cat hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded, gripping her bag tightly as she followed Grover to the camp. As she entered the camp, she couldn't help but look up and notice the Ares symbol glowing above her head. The sight both surprised and confirmed her heritage, marking her as a child of Ares.

Grover observed the fading Ares symbol above Cat's head and nodded. "Guess you were right about your father," he remarked, acknowledging the truth of her parentage. His attention then turned to Chiron, who approached them at that moment.

Grover informed Chiron about Cat's parentage, and Chiron nodded in understanding. "Well then, let's get you settled into your cabin," he said with a smile. "And welcome to camp!" he exclaimed, expressing his excitement for Cat's arrival.