
Order and Chaos: Harbinger

_hael · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter Five: Arrival

 Nova city has always been one of the strongest cities. One reason was because it was home to hundreds of powerful mages , another was its geographic position which made it almost impenetrable. On a map, the city resembled a slightly disfigured bean with the long rear end surrounded by mountains and valleys that was ironically home to several creatures and the sea to the north.

The Serpent Fangs' hideout was located in a cave deep in one of the valleys far away from the areas covered by the guilds and the city guard. Inside the vast cave was what appeared to be a dome-like structure where most members stayed. A room on the highest level of the dome held a meeting consisting of the five highest members of the Serpents. 

"So how are we going to do this?", asked one of the overall clad people.

"Well, our spy reported that the top guilds are on the move", responded another.

"That means we are already behind", a feminine voice said.

"No matter we can easily take whatever treasures they find in the dungeon", said another.

"You think we can take on the combined forces of the three strongest guilds and the city guard?", the woman asked rhetorically.

"Relax Tif, we won't have to", replied another woman.

"What do you mean", Tif asked.

"According to the information we got, the dungeon is ranked A, meaning it's already going to be hard then there's signs of a mutant ", the woman named Claudia said .

"That means there's no way they're coming out unscathed", a man named Sloan stated.

The others seemed pleased by these odds but Tif simply wondered how strong a group of people would have to be to survive a dungeon that could potentially be A ranked.

"No matter, if they do prove to be formidable even after their expedition, we'll simply use one of our newly acquired pets", said another man.

"If there's nothing else to discuss, this meeting comes to an end", Sloan said.

As Tif walked towards the door, a loud thud could be heard outside. 

"You can't interrupt their meeting", the goon who stood outside said.

"Tell mistress Claudia that it's important ", the thug said.

Tif opened the door startling the guard and the thug.

"What's wrong", she said.

Both goons started sweating profusely as they realized they were in the presence of a very intimidating individual.

"T-there was-s an incident a few days ago", the thug said stuttering.

"Ooh, isn't that a member of Eli's group?", Claudia spoke from inside the room. 

"They were one of the few groups sent out to find potential members and hideouts but they never reported back", she explained further.

"We got into some trouble and the rest got arrested", the thug explained.

"Was it the city guard?", Claudia asked.

"Yes, ma'am ",he said but they noticed he was hiding something.

"Hmm....you go to the infirmary, I'll need a full report from you later", Claudia said.

"Yes ma'am ", he said.

As he walked away, Tif noticed his arm and immediately sensed the strange mana from it.

"Stop!", she ordered.

As she inspected the arm she noticed the thug couldn't feel anything at all, even after she subtly infused mana into it.

 "Tell me what happened, exactly as it happened", Tif said.

 • • •

Nightfall came quickly in the city but that didn't mean the city went to sleep as well. It was just as lively as during the day. Rio and Cain met by the dumps as planned and made their ways from there. The route they chose was secluded enough to not draw the attention of guards and other guilds patrolling and a bit busy to avoid shady individuals and gangs altogether.

"So tell me more about this plan of yours", Cain said as they got to the outskirts of the city.

Already expecting this Rio replied," Well ever since I found out about my condition I've been studying different books on the structure of mana cores and the fundamentals of the mana circuit (vein-like channels throughout the body that mana flows through)".

"So you think you can fix yours based on the stuff in those books?", Cain asked.

"It's actually been attempted before, fifty-five years ago to be precise ", Rio stated.

"And you're confident you can succeed like they did?", Cain asked.

"Well they failed though...", Rio said quietly.

What followed was awkward silence for about five seconds before Cain burst out laughing.

"So you mean to tell me that we're going on a suicide trip", He said still laughing a little before quickly switching to panic.

"Do you know how messed up that is, what makes you think this time will be any different?", He screamed still panicking.

"Relax...magic research has come a long way since then and besides I have this", as Rio said this he lifted his arm and a floating symbol immediately appeared. 

"What does it mean?", Cain asked.

"It's a simple healing spell", Rio answered.

"Since when have you been able to do this", Cain questions.

"Honestly, for as long as I can remember ", Rio replied.

'Hmm... This settles it I must report this to them', Cain thought.

"Enough about me, what brings you to nova city?", Rio asked.

"Well... I needed a change of terrain", Cain lied.

"Anyway, enough chitchat we're about to enter the mountain range we might pass some monster territories so we have to be quick and quiet ", He said cutting the conversation short as they began to move quicker.

Back at the Silver Talons guild preparations for the dungeon raid were complete. Everyone was preoccupied with something, some with their equipment while some went over battle strategies and others sent out messages to their friends and families. Everyone was keeping themselves busy to avoid thinking of the fact that not all of them would return.

Just then everyone in the main hall received an alert on their gauntlets, it was a message from the guild leader saying that the raid had begun.

The plan was simple. The allied forces were divided into seven squads and each squad were approach the dungeon from different directions, this was to take care of other monsters that would have migrated due to the presence of the dungeon.

As they left, Reina wondered if she should have talked to Rio before leaving but she comforted herself with the resolve that she was going to return safely. She was no way aware of the surprise that awaited her at the dungeon.

A while after the raid began the city seemed to calm down from all the tension. A luxurious car stopped at a hotel then a middle aged man stepped out dressed in regal and obviously expensive suit the kind that instantly screamed money and most importantly authority.

As some of his bodyguards took his luggage inside the hotel and checked in, He simply strolled down the street and thought "I wonder how much you've grown my brilliant nephew".