
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 8 Problems

(At Orbmerica in the white castle in the presidential room).

Ryūken: Humans are so annoying.

Looking through the media from the human world on his laptop. Watching both news media from the left and the right.

Ryūken: It's mostly fake news however only if you are human they're the only ones to fall for it. The human news media is a joke.

(In his mind).

"It's heartbreaking to see America being destroyed even though there's nothing I can do if I do step in that means I'm invading but changing America to be just like Orbmerica wouldn't be that bad but who knows for sure."

(Out of his mind).

Scrolling through the human news media and stopped at a certain topic about the interview that's between him and Jordan Brian. Clicking the play button to see what this human has to say.

A Female News Reporter: Jordan Brian seems to have more freedom for us Americans than Orbmericans. How can Orbmerica's people be satisfied with a fascist ruling them?

Ryūken: A fascist? Am I a fascist I always thought that humans are fascists.

Looking at the human news media once again.

Ryūken: For some reason I want to take over human America.

He says calmly to himself while closing the laptop as a bunny appears right in front of him.

Mr. Bunny: But you can't my King! Going against the laws of God is against the rules. Orbs like us can't go into the human world!

Looks at him while eating a carrot.

Ryūken: Us Orbs are sinners but pretty sure I could change the human world America for the better I just have to get rid of a few bad apples.

Looks at the bunny calmly.

Mr. Bunny: I forbid it 'cause you can't run another country since you said you don't do foreign affairs. So let the human world America handle their problems and you focus on Orbmerica. Since hours ago Dark Orb King attacked Orbran.

Showing him the newspaper that he had on his back.

Mr. Bunny: Dark Orb Kingdom and Sin Orb Kingdom are the only wealthy countries for Demonic Orbs. I wonder why would Yusuke attack another Demonic Orb?

Looks at his King while eating a carrot and holding the newspaper.

Ryūken: Yusuke killed off the Bad Luck Orbs seventeen years ago.

(In his mind).

"Teaming up with Yusuke may cause intentions with God Orbs but there's a reason why I did this. I have to protect Orbmerica at all costs."

Looking out of the window to see his people doing normal things like a normal person would do.

"I guess he's right but I hate to see my human counterpart fall right before me. I hope the humans see the evil in what they're doing and fix it before it's too late. In the time being I'll fix Orbmerica and its flaws it has."

(Out of his mind).

(Meanwhile at Orbussia in Orboscow).

Walking down the street heading towards his mansion.

Yusuke: ...

Remembering Blue Cross sealing up the super nuke.

(In his mind).

"Has he gone out of retirement it would be surprising but I highly doubt it even after so many years of not being there."

Remembering Blue Cross protecting Orbran including the Queen.

"Why would he would save a Demonic Orb? Why would he save my Kingdom?"

Clutching his fist tightly but stopped after remembering Blue Cross's words.


Haruki: Killing so many people who are innocent in this. Demonic Orb or not I shall protect those who needed the most.

(End of Flashback).

(Out of his mind).

Yusuke: He's a strange one...

(At Middle Corporation in Orbxico in the laboratory).

Ashton: So interesting.

Looking at the chemicals that are mixed with a newborn baby's blood that Kiyozawa successfully gave to him about a few minutes ago.

Ashton: You work fast I didn't expect a quick response.

Cutting open the newborn baby in half with a bone saw.

Kiyozawa: It was easy since there are poor Demonic Countries.

Says it calmly while looking at his smartphone for a short moment to see if his boss might be contacting him.

(In his mind).

"Pretty sure Boss doesn't know what I have done right?"

Feeling a bit worried about what his boss would think about the money he just earned.

"What would I tell him about the money?"

(Out of his mind).

Clutching his phone tightly wondering what should he do about his current situation.

Ashton: The case is filled with cash but it seems you're in a bit of a problem.

Looks at him calmly while throwing the newborn baby into the garbage.

Kiyozawa: It's nothing, to be honest, but I'm happy to do business with you.

Looks at him calmly yet a bit nervous about what to do with the money that he just earned.

Ashton: I tell you what the money will remain here but I'll keep it for you. Every time you need cash I'll give it to you.

Looks at him calmly while putting the case into a safe.

Kiyozawa: ...

His eyes widen looking at him wondering why would he do that for him.

Kiyozawa: Thanks for doing this for me I appreciate it.

Bows down to him to show him respect.

Ashton: Anything for a fellow person who's under the dreaded Demonic Category.

Looks at him calmly even though it's right behind the gas mask.

Kiyozawa: Thanks again.

Smiles at him.

(At the Plaza).

Azriel: So where does this kid live?

Looks at the boy who's feeling a bit comfortable around them.

Young Boy: I'm from Orbestine and my mom needs money to survive so please help her.

Looks at everyone, especially Hiromi.

Azriel: Orbestine that's so far away!

Looks at the kid in annoyance.

Hiromi: Let's go there since we the police can't ignore a child in need.

Looks at him with determination.

Azriel: Seriously? Hiromi we're a bunch of criminals I doubt these guys would want to help this kid.

Looks at her in annoyance.

Hiromi: Criminals can change even the ones who have fallen. All of you can change!

Looks at them with determination and the belief that they changing into something greater.

Avichayil: Fine let's do it.

Smiles slightly while looking at the others who seem not to be interested.

Avichayil: Let's all try doing something good for once in our lives since who knows maybe it will change us for the better.

Looks at the ones who seem to be not interested in the quest.

Dennis: Fine whatever.

Rolls his eyes slightly.

Radiša: Fine let's go.

Nodding in agreement.

Hiromi: Question how do we get there?

Looks at them wondering how are they going to get to Orbestine.

Radiša: Dennis...

Looks at him calmly.

Dennis: Oh right I guess.

Using five percent of his energy to create a portal to Orbestine.

Dennis: Usually my portals can go to whatever place I have been at. If I was a King I would do whatever my heart desires.

Going inside of the portal along with everyone else.

(At Orbestine in Orbaza).

Azriel: Orbaza I heard Mikhail runs Orbestine.

Says it calmly while remembering Mikhail for a short moment.

Young Boy: In this country, everyone is pretty not smart since nobody knows how to run a hospital or an ambulance. We have to rely on the other country that's nearby.

Says it sadly.

Dennis: That's heartbreaking, to be honest.

Feeling a little bit sorry for the kid.

Hiromi: It's okay let's go find your mother.

Says it calmly while holding onto the young boy's hand. Looking around the area just to see people sitting down on the streets being hooked on drugs, not a single person doesn't seems to be happy.

Azriel: Mikhail should've done better.

Mumbles it to himself.

(In the background).

Standing right next to a broken down building.

Mikhail: Why police officers are doing here?

Watching the police officers walking away but noticed a young boy with them.

Mikhail: Someone has been naughty.

Says it to himself.

(Meanwhile in Orbpan in the store for Demonics).

Kai: I think this should be good.

Grabbing the bandages but noticed someone watching him which was a woman who was seven feet tall.

(In his mind).

"Is that Klaudia wait no since her energy is more sinister than hers."

(Out of his mind).

He glanced at the woman but noticed that she disappeared. Looking in the direction where he saw the seven-foot-tall woman but felt the energy standing right behind him. Eyes widen looking back suddenly to see the woman standing right in front of him.

Kai: Who are you?

Pulling out his sword but felt a powerful energy that was more powerful than his energy. Trembling uncontrollably trying to stand his ground his sword shakes since the energy coming from the woman is so scary.

(In his mind).

"No way I can't be afraid."

(Out of his mind).

Anastasia: You have someone I want.

Grabbing onto him by his neck and lifting him into the air.

Kai: ...

Struggling to break free from her grasp but couldn't.

Anastasia: You're just a child it almost reminds me of Kaien. I know you could be my second slave I'll use your suffering to make millions but nobody could replace Kaien.

Placing her hand down his pants.

Kai: Stop!

Trembling uncontrollably feeling so completely terrified.

Anastasia: You're under the Demonic Category so meaning nobody is going to help you and that's a good thing.

Chuckles a little while feeling his private area.

Kai: Stop, please!

Tearing up crying as he continued to tremble.

Anastasia: I think I should take you back.

Looking back slightly to see herself being frozen in time.

Takumi: Hands off him you Bitch!

Looks at her with a glare of hate and disgust.

Kai: Takumi!

Looks at him scared.

Anastasia: You know who I am right?

Chuckles looking at him while using her energy to break free from the time freeze.

Takumi: Sin Orb Queen.

Using his energy to freeze time but only for the woman who's still holding on to Kai.

Anastasia: Your time freeze is incomplete which means it's useless!

Breaking out of the time freeze once still using her energy she immediately kicks Takumi in the stomach sending him flying.

Takumi: Tch.

Landing on top of a building and using fifty percent of his energy.

Takumi: Time Style Ultimate Move: Ultimate Time Freeze!

(In his mind).

"I can't let her hurt Kai so I'll do everything in my power to protect him."

(Out of his mind).

The entire world has completely been trapped in time.

Takumi: I can't believe I have to use an ultimate move.

Walking slowly towards the woman who's still holding onto Kai but stopped after noticing movement.

Takumi: No way!

Anastasia: Is that all you got even for a ultimate move? How pathetic even for a King like yourself.

Breaking out of the time freeze by breaking all of her bones. The time freeze slowly stops causing the rest of the world to go back to normal.

Takumi: That's impossible...

His eyes widen looking at Anastasia in disbelief that his power wasn't enough to stop her.

Anastasia: How sad but nice try.

Smiles at him so dark and twisted.

Anastasia: What happens if I rape him right in front of you?

Laughing manically at him while still holding onto Kai.

Anastasia: Your power is useless since a King who hasn't been training it must suck to be this weak.

Pulling Kai's pants down as she was about to pull down his boxers.

Kai: No please don't!

Tearing up more as he continued to tremble.

Kai: Takumi!

Looks over at him crying.

Takumi: It's okay Kai.

Gathering up his energy to about five hundred percent.

Takumi: There's no way I'm giving up now!

(Meanwhile at Orbaza).

Azriel: Did anyone feel that?

Looks at everyone wondering if they felt what he felt.

(In his mind).

"It felt like I've been stuck in time."

(Out of his mind).

Looking up and a broken down house that seems to be abandoned for years.

Young Boy: This is my home.

Says it sadly as he came inside looking around to see everything broken.

Dennis: Are you sure this is your home?

Looks at the small child who's going to a room but overheard a woman groaning in pain.

Hiromi: I think it's time to do our jobs.

To be continued on next chapter

I'm currently working on the App Called Random Fanfiction. So it might be updated soon.

Mr_Mysophobiacreators' thoughts