
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 19 A New Yakuza's Group Name

(Two hours later at the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza Hideout).

Kiyozawa: ...

(In his mind).

"Boss never tells me these things I wonder what is his plan on making money? I doubt anybody will buy from us?"

Mumbles it to himself while sweeping the floor. Hearing footsteps of other members walking back and forth. Everything seems peaceful.

(Out of his mind).

Yūsaku: I heard he was opening a store across town maybe that would rack up some money for us.

Looks over at Kiyozawa.

Kiyozawa: Who would buy something from us? We're Yakuza everyone is afraid of us and also hates us since we're under the Demonic Category.

Looks down slightly since the thought of his boss's plan might be a bust for the whole organization.

Yūsaku: Boss said we're no longer Yakuza anymore so stop saying that.

Looks at him annoyed since the boss didn't want to hear the word Yakuza.

Kiyozawa: Oh I see...

Looks at the fellow member who's currently talking to him.

(In his mind).

"Boss wanted to remove the organization? But I did so much to keep us on top..."

(Out of his mind).

Clutching his fist tightly since after everything he has done it was all for nothing. The thought in mind made him wonder if his boss is doing the right thing or not.

Yūsaku: By the way, Boss said don't do anything stupid or you will regret it.

Looks at him calmly as he places his hand on his shoulder while leaving the room. Stopping slightly to look back at Kiyozawa. Remembering what his boss had said to him.

(Flashback in the living room).

Zentarō: I have a job for you I want you to look after Kiyozawa since I have a feeling he's doing criminal acts again even though I did tell him not to do it. But please keep him in line.

(End of Flashback).

Kiyozawa: Got it...

Looks down slightly for a short moment before placing the broom back into the closet. Clutching his fist tightly and immediately punches the wall causing a massive hole out of anger and frustration. After everything that he had done might've been all for nothing. Tearing up slightly since throughout all his life he was always in the Yakuza but now everything seems to be torn down into nothingness.

Hearing his phone ringing and noticed multiple messages coming from Satanic Slaughter Yakuza.

(In his mind).

"Satanic Slaughter Yakuza?"

Opening up the messages and noticed photos of his clan members being brutally killed by Kaito and his members. Clutching his phone tightly after witnessing the pictures.

"I have to tell the boss!"

About to tell him but immediately stopped after noticing a message from the phone.

The message: I doubt your boss would do anything since you guys are no longer Yakuza am I right? So that means there's nothing to worry about.

The message continued to spam his phone with pictures of the deaths of the members over and over again.

The message: How is your boss going to survive without money? Isn't that how the world works? I mean you helped your boss throughout your entire life. You dedicate your life to him since he's the one who took you in is that right Kiyozawa?

"Boss why he wants to end the Yakuza? I mean everyone is afraid of us more than ever... And yet he wants to end it? Doesn't he realize how much money we were making to survive? Sure kidnapping children is wrong or is it wrong?"

After hearing his own words the thoughts in his mind. Wondering if what he said was the right thing to say since Orbmanity hadn't reached him at all. Even ever since he was told that he was adopted.

(Flashback back at the meeting room).

Zentarō: Since you're older I guess I'll tell a truth that I kept from you. My wife couldn't have any children since there were complications so I decided to adopt a baby and that baby was you.

Looks at him wondering how his adopted son would react if he knew the truth but not the whole truth, especially the lengths he has to go to to adopt a child also Kiyozawa's real father still weighs down on him.

Kiyozawa: I see but I'm glad that you did...

Smiles at his boss since he feels grateful for being adopted by someone who cared for him.

Kiyozawa: My question is how did you get me? Was it from an orphanage?

Looks at his boss curious since that thought appears in his mind. That question could be the end of him or maybe it was correct about his theory being adopted in Orphanage.

Zentarō: ...

Staying quiet for a short moment wondering if he should tell him or not. Clutching his fist tightly he looks at him.

Zentarō: There was a man with twenty-three kids he only favored a few but you weren't one of them. He told me he was planning on selling you to the Demonic Dark Web platform for pedophiles. I didn't want that to happen so I adopted you.

Looks down slightly since the thought of telling him the full truth would hurt him. Looking up slightly at him as he noticed the expression on his adopted son's face.

Kiyozawa: ...

Tearing up slightly after hearing that. The thought of his real father wanting to sell him to pedophiles made him upset.

Zentarō: ...

Standing up from his chair as he walked over to him.

Zentarō: Don't cry I see you as my son.

Pats his head gently as he smiles at him.

(End of Flashback).

"Boss... I'm sorry but I can't tell you."

(Out of his mind).

Clutching his fist tightly after looking at his phone for the one last time. Immediately growing out his wings and flew off heading towards the forest that was supposed to be Satanic Slaughter Yakuza Hideout.

Yūsaku: Damnit!

After hearing the flaps of the wings which made feel so frustrated. Growing out his wings and immediately flew right after Kiyozawa.

(In the background).

Zentarō: ...

Shaking his head slightly as he grows out his wings.

(In the air).

Yūsaku: Kiyozawa!

Screeching loudly trying to get his attention.

Kiyozawa: ...

Looking back as he gave him the death glare.

Kiyozawa: I'm not doing anything bad!

Growls at him while turning around to look at him.

Yūsaku: How am I supposed to know that? It's obvious that you were rushing into a hurry!

Screeching loudly while saying those words to him. His screeching doesn't harm anybody since his ability is to force someone to submit to his will.

Yūsaku: I command you to stop this instant!

Screeching loudly while sending the sound waves straight towards Kiyozawa.

Kiyozawa: Damn you!

His eyes widened after realizing that his body had stopped instantly. His body couldn't move at all like someone was controlling him.

Yūsaku: Are you kidnapping children again? Answer me!

Screaming while asking him the commands to tell him the truth.

Kiyozawa: ...

Struggling so hard to keep his mouth closed since he didn't want the truth to come out.

Yūsaku: Shall I force punishment on you?

Appearing right in front glaring at him with hate and disgust while pulling out a sword from his mouth. Aiming it at Kiyozawa's life force to force him to talk.

Yūsaku: Submit now to me submissive.

Glares at him with lust.

Kiyozawa: I kidnap children Master...

After hearing the last word that came out of his mouth his face turned blue.

(In his mind).

"Why did I just say?"

(Out of his mind).

Looked at him surprised but noticed the smirk on his face.

Yūsaku: Someone is a bad boy! Kidnapping children again I see let's see when the boss hears about this!

Laughing manically while looking at him. He doesn't have any control over his power the naughty side of him is taking over.

Kiyozawa; You asshole I'm only doing it for him! That boss needs to know that nothing in this world can't survive without money! We're under the Demonic Category remember! It's impossible to live a normal life!!!

Yells at him in anger while removing his mask by forcing himself to move even though it hurts like hell.

Kiyozawa: Haven't you seen the Demonic Orbs who are used as slaves since they couldn't find a decent job? The Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza are the reason why nobody wants to mess with us! The police force is afraid of us!

(Thirty-nine people have died).

Clutching his fist tightly after remembering the Demonic Orbs that are trapped in God Orb countries are being treated as slaves, abused slaves, and sex slaves just to earn money to survive.

Kiyozawa: I don't feel remorse about what I've done!

(Eight people have died).

Looks at him with a glare but noticed Yūsaku smirking slightly like he was looking at someone else than him.

Zentarō: Is that so?

Standing right behind him while everyone was still in the air.

Kiyozawa: ...

His eyes widen after hearing his boss's voice trembling slightly. Turning around slightly just to see his boss frowning at him.

Zentarō: I thought I told you before that the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza is no longer a group but more importantly kidnapping children again how many times do I have to tell you?

Looks at him with a glare.

Kiyozawa: You don't get what I'm doing! I'm just earning money just for all of us! I want to keep this organization it's the only safe place for me!

Clutching his fist tightly after remembering what he told him about what would happen if he didn't get adopted. Especially the facts about the police force not saving the Demonic Orbs including the children. The thought appears in his mind thinking that he'll end up with that fate.

Kiyozawa: The rich Demonic Orbs can buy their way out of the Demonic Category so if I kidnap enough children I can buy all of us out of it.

Looks at his boss hoping that he approves the plan that he wants to commit.

Zentarō: I regret adopting you. If only I knew you'd end up being like this...

Crossing his arms giving him an emotionless expression.

Kiyozawa: ...

Eyes widen looking at him and looking down sadly. Clutching his fist tightly while tearing up.

Zentarō: I'm sorry for this but you're out from the Angels Of Slaughter. Even though the Organization is long and gone anyway.

Looks at his former adopted son and notices dark purple mixed with black energy going around his body.

Kiyozawa: I was trying to make everyone's lives better for the Angels Of Slaughter! Especially for you!

Looks at his adopted father with tears.

Kiyozawa: You saved me I just wanted to repay you by saving you!

Screeching loudly sending sound waves throughout Orbpan. The sound waves cause trees to fall including animals being killed in the process.

Kaito: Yes let your anger out!

Laughing manically while appearing right between Kiyozawa and the former boss of the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza.

Kaito: It seems like the Angels Of Slaughter is no more is that correct?

Smirks while demonic symbols appear around Kiyozawa.

Kiyozawa: Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza is no more that's fine but I just have to make my own Organization.

(In his mind).

"Boss I'll continue doing my plan despite you disowning me."

(Out of his mind).

Kiyozawa: Deadliest Slaughter Yakuza I will make my plan into a reality.

To be continued in the next chapter.

Paying a tribute to Overhaul since Kiyozawa is somewhat similar to Kai but different.

Mr_Mysophobiacreators' thoughts