
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 10 Similar Energy

Mr. Bunny: Orbmerica first!

Holds the Orbmerica flag waving it.

Ryūken: You got that right.

Says it calmly.

Mr. Bunny: Good!

(At Orbaza on the battlefield between Azriel and Mikhail).

Mikhail: Are you planning on attacking but remember my ultimate move is still on.

Black Figure as the Narrator: Ultimate Moves are for Kings and Queens only. It's their last resort in combat in case a battle gets too serious or when they want to end it quickly. A few Kings and Queens have multiple ultimate moves and a few have different versions of an ultimate move.

Azriel: Yeah I know but using your people as shields is fucked up dude. It's not right.

Showing off his flames even though fighting Mikhail would be impossible since the way he fights will be tricky.

Mikhail: I'm surprised that the other members haven't shown up or maybe they're afraid of what I can do.

Walking slowly towards him still showing off his third eye preparing for a counterattack if need be.

Azriel: ...

(In his mind).

"This sucks since I can't think of anything at the moment if I do attack then he probably use a shield. I have to blind the third eye!"

Using his energy to create flames aimed it toward Mikhail's third eye.

Mikhail: ...

Uses a small girl as a shield.

"Oh no!"

(Out of his mind).

Azriel: You Bastard!

Quickly ran towards the child trying to protect her from the flames but stopped after noticing a rainbow of energy passing him up in an instant. His eyes widen thinking that Blue Cross has shown up.

Hiromi: It's okay I got you.

Grabbing the young girl before the flames got to her.

Mikhail: ...

His eyes widen realizing that someone has taken his shield away. It was so fast not even his third eye couldn't see it.

(In his mind).

"A girl is faster than my third eye? No this can't be women are not as fast as men and that's a fact."

Clutching his fist tightly but noticed rainbow energy surrounding her body that was similar to Blue Cross's energy.


(Out of his mind).

Azriel: Hiromi how did you get here?

Looks at her surprised.

Hiromi: It's not that hard.

Looks at him confused since the battle was happening outside.

(Flashback in the young boy's house).

Hearing explosions coming from the outside including screams of innocent people.

Hiromi: I have to see what's going on!

About to leave but stopped after remembering about the young boy and the situation that they're currently in.

Dennis: It's fine we'll handle this here and besides I'm always up for violence.

Smirks slightly while holding his camera.

Hiromi: Don't kill them just restrain them!

About to head outside but felt a tug on her arm looking back slightly just to see the small boy.

Young Boy: Please don't go.

Trembling slightly looking at her.

Hiromi: It's okay my friends will protect you so don't worry.

Smiles at him.

Young Boy: Okay come back quick.

Lets her go.

Hiromi: Don't worry I will.

Heading outside just to see one of her comrades lying down on the floor bleeding.

Hiromi: Avichayil!

Looking over to the flames going towards a small girl.

Hiromi: ...

(In her mind).

"It's that man from before."

Clutching her fist tightly.

Gathering up energy to ten percent and immediately starts running heading straight toward the young girl. Grabbing her away from the man who's holding her.

(End of Flashback).


Mikhail: For a second there I thought you were Blue Cross but you were a girl who's about to be killed.

Looking over at the teenage girl who's holding one of his civilians that he uses as shields in case of an enemy attack.

Gathering up two percent of his energy.

Hiromi: Why won't you stop using your people as shields and fight you, coward?

Looks at him with a glare.

Mikhail: Police Officers should know their place since I don't want to kill God Orbs.

Says it calmly while using the second version of the third eye. Changing the wounds from Avichayil to the small child that Hiromi was carrying.

The young girl's eyes widened as blood went on the floor.

Hiromi: What just happened?

Her eyes widened as she looked at the small girl bleeding out. Trembling slightly yet confused over what just happened. Looking up slightly just to see Mikhail's third eye glowing red.

Mikhail: This is my ultimate move it's called Third Eye Fate Switch. The second version.

Smirks slightly while watching the small child dying slowly enjoying the sight of it.

Avichayil: You are a coward!

Getting up slightly since her life force is completely healed due to the fate switch.

Mikhail: Very true I am. I'm not going to lie to you.

Says it calmly while looking back at the woman but then looks at the teenage girl.

(In his mind).

"Is this Blue Cross's kid or something? Wait no I remember he had a son, not a daughter so who is she?"

(Out of his mind).

In the background hiding from the destruction that was currently happening.

Orbrael Ambulance: What's happening?

The vehicle looked up slightly just to see what was going on. Trembling slightly he noticed light blue energy going around him. Looking back slightly to see his King.

Orbrael Ambulance: Haruki!? I was trying to do my job but Mikhail was in the area so I couldn't get close!

Looks at his King nervously explaining it to him.

Haruki: It's fine don't you worry.

Smiles at him.

(Meanwhile at the underground facility).

Kaien: I think it's time for me to go...

Trembling slightly while clutching his wound as he slowly heals himself.

Mochizuki: It's okay I could protect you.

(In his mind).

"Takumi, Kai, and Klaudia were all taken out? No that can't be!"

Panicking immediately thinking that Sin Orb Queen must be really powerful if she manages to defeat all three. Clutching his fist tightly wondering what should he do and how he was going to win.

"I have to try something."

(Out of his mind).

Hearing movement inside the room he looks back slightly just to see Anastasia standing right behind him.

Anastasia: You have something I want!

Gathering up energy and puts it around her sword.

Mochizuki: Kaien get behind me.

Pushing him to stand right behind him as multiple colored flames begin to appear around him.

Mochizuki: I'm going to pretend that your Heaven Orb King!

His eyes changed color to pure black just to match the flames that he was currently using. Laughing manically after the thoughts of Heaven Orb King standing right before drives him to act out.

Kaien: W-What's happening?

Trembling slightly because he couldn't see anything all he could feel was the heat of the flames.

Anastasia: Give up already you can't win.

Laughing at him.

Mochizuki: Shut the fuck up! I don't give a shit if I win or not! All I care about is protecting Kaien!

Glaring at her with hate.

Kaien: It's okay you don't have to fight for me.

About to reach out to him again but felt like being carried bridal style once again.

Mochizuki: I want to.

Says it softly while carrying him bridal-style the flames weren't burning Kaien.

Anastasia: Teen love is a pitiful thing.

(In the background).

The Black Figure: How interesting.

Stays in the shadows watching those two yet feels more interested in Anastasia.

(In his mind).

"Let's see how Mochizuki fights against an Orb Queen who finally reached her limit."

(Out of his mind).

Both glaring at each other with hate.

(Meanwhile at the other side of the city in Orbpan).

Klaudia: Damnit...

She woke up slightly but felt pain in her stomach.

Marcel: Don't move okay?

Says it calmly while healing her with the combination of his energy and her energy.

Klaudia: Dark Universal Orb King I didn't expect you to be here and also why are you helping me?

Looks at him weakly but wonders why he is doing here, especially since they're in two different groups.

Marcel: It's because I want to and it's wrong to leave a woman behind. That wouldn't be a gentleman of me if I just left you behind. I have morals to help women who need help.

Smiles at her.

Klaudia: A gentleman? I don't want your help!

Looks away from him.

Marcel: There's nothing wrong with asking for help you know.

Smiles at her even though it was right behind the black face mask.

Klaudia: Tch fine but make it quick! I have to help my friends!

Gathering up energy to make the healing process faster.

Marcel: Alrighty.

(At Orbxico in Middle Corporation in the laboratory).

Removing children's body parts analyzing if each organ has been tainted with the Orbilence.

Ashton: The Orbilence is getting worse than I thought.

Holding up a heart in the light but heard footsteps coming into the room which caused him to hide the findings.

Creation Orb King: Don't bother hiding it I'm mainly more of a friend.

Says it calmly while stepping into the room and standing in the shadows.

Ashton: A friend? I highly doubt it usually people don't step into a room uninvited.

Says it calmly while activating his energy but stops since the person in the room hasn't attacked him yet which he finds off.

Creation Orb King: Have we met before? I'm not sure but anyway I'm going to cut to the chase I want you to join a small-time group for the time being.

Looks at him calmly.

Ashton: A group? I'm not interested since mainly groups always lose members especially when a powerful police officer or certain Cross will maybe make an arrest I don't want it since there's a high chance that I'll be arrested if they see me in a group of criminals I'm not risking that.

Looks at the person who's standing in the shadows.

Creation Orb King: Are you sure about that? There's a possible chance you'll get away with it just like those demonic children you have killed. Nobody makes saves for anyone lately so you still have a chance to join that specific group and also I am not taking no for an answer.

Glares at him while stepping out from the darkness just to face him but puts some distance between them in case of an attack.

Ashton: Give me some time to think about it since I don't know if this affects my research.

Says it calmly while glaring at him right behind the gas mask.

Creation Orb King: Highly doubt it but please do think about it since this will give you an opportunity.

Disappearing into the darkness.

Ashton: An opportunity?

Looking over at his research including the dead bodies of the dead children that he recently killed. Wondering if enjoying the group will destroy the research or help it gain more information. But the biggest question is what group is he talking about.

Ashton: I guess time will tell...

Using his energy to make the bodies disappear including the blood that was on the table and floor. Making everything spotless before Akane or someone will shows up. Hearing footsteps coming up right behind him as he looked back but frowned slightly right behind the gas mask just to see Sebastian and Akane.

Sebastian: There's my precious bottom.

Smirks slightly as he placed his arm around him.

Akane: Boss it's almost closing time.

Looks at him calmly yet smiles slightly since Sebastian is making gay love right in front of her.

Ashton: I see okay then tell the employees I'll see them tomorrow.

Looks at her calmly yet feels annoyed being with Sebastian maybe because he keeps calling him his bottom.

Sebastian: You're too cute Ashton.

Smiles at him.

Ashton: Don't you dare call me that!

Blushing slightly right behind the gas mask.

Akane: Awe you're so cute together!

Smiles happily.

Ashton: No we're not!

Sounds a little bit flustered yet glad that the gas mask is hiding his face.

Sebastian: I guess we are.

Smiles happily at the thought of what Akane had said.

Ashton: Have you heard about the news about Orbmerica leader Ryūken about what he said to the human counterpart?

Looks at them both trying to change the subject.

Sebastian: I saw the list I have to admit it's a little harsh but that's his opinion. I have to respect it but his people found out and shouted Orbmerica first.

Says it calmly while remembering when he was at Bottom Corporation.

Akane: There were so many bunnies holding Orbmerica flags. I thought it was adorable how they changed into their animal form just to protest.

Remembering when she was at Orbmerica watching people changing into their animal forms just to wave the Orbmerica flag.

Sebastian: Ryūken said he's going to leave alone the human world and their bull shit.

Says it calmly.

Ashton: I see.

(In his mind).

"Who would've thought one simple question would make them forget so quickly?"

(Out of his mind).

To be continued on the next chapter

I must clarify that each character has their own opinions and emotions on certain topics so yeah. And besides, without controversy, the story will be boring.

For a certain character, Ryūken will probably not talk to the humans anymore so the list will always be incomplete.

Anyway, I'm just gonna focus on some fanfics for a bit since it needs to be updated like can't escape fate.

Mr_Mysophobiacreators' thoughts