
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · Fantasi
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15 Chs

Chapter 1 Video Recording

Hayden as the narrator: Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place.

(At Orbmerica in the white castle in the meeting room).

Ryūken/Good Luck Orb King/The Leader Of Orbmerica: Being here with the one and American President Jordan Brian it's a pleasure to meet. Welcome to Orbmerica.

Hearing whispering in the background about protesters are vandalizing statues. Which makes him frown after hearing about that. Knowing it's not his people it's probably the humans.

Ryūken: Before we get things started I have a question for you? What do you do to people who cause a violent protest?

Looks at him calmly yet keeps on hearing about people getting into fights.

Jordan Brian: Protesting is a symbol of freedom of speech everyone can a voice. No matter what it is.

Says it calmly yet looks like he's about to sleep.

Ryūken: So you do nothing to them? Nothing at all? If someone is promoting terrorism you do nothing?

Looks at him already getting annoyed.

Jordan Brian: Freedom of speech everyone can have a voice.

Says it sleepily.

Ryūken: Good thing we're both opposite since this type of behavior shall not go unpunished. If I was president of America the ones who promote terrorism will lose their citizenship and be deported immediately but that's just me of course.

(In his mind).

"Is this what the human president is like damn his country has fallen. I don't even want to know about any of his other policies pretty sure is all full of shit. However leaving the meeting will not be a good look on my part so I'll leave it to Bottom Corporation."

(Out of his mind).

Looking back at Benjamin and nodded to him.

(Peace Orb King/Bottom Corporation Leader).

Benjamin: ...

Nodding yes to him as he leaves the room heading outside hearing some type of chant that seems to be gibberish to him.

(In his mind).

"Why does the meeting has to be today? The cameraman is already here to record the recruitment video for the potentially new recruiters. Now this video is going to be with annoying humans yelling about something that has nothing to do with Orb World."

(Out of his mind).

Coming out from the building and noticed a few of his top officers already handling the job.

(Sound Orb King/Rank Three).

Gabriel: I can't use my powers I don't want to hurt the humans it will look bad in the video. They'll think Bottom Corporation abuses criminals.

Trying to stop some humans from attacking people.

(Wine Orb King/Rank One)

Michael: I think the people already know this but I also missed a meeting with another King just to take care of this problem.

Controlling the wind to blow away the signs and flags away from the humans just to disburse the protests.

(Light Orb King/Rank Two)

Sebastian: Then go back to your Kingdom and let us handle this.

Controlling his light energy at least two percent to create a dome around each protesters trapping them inside.

Already hearing sirens of demonic vehicles which are ambulances coming including the demonic vehicle police force.

Benjamin: Good work pretty sure this would be a good video to get more recruiters. Bottom Corporation is always here to help Orbmerica and his Allies.

The camera man edits the video by putting a intro video first.

Bottom Corporation is a world organization police force that will serve and protect those who are allied with Orbmerica. Bottom Corporation are found in different countries such as Orb UK, Orbmerica, Orbland, Orbrazil, Orbermany, Orbrael, Orbssia and Orbnada. Join us and together we'll make a safe place.

The camera man puts a thumbs up to show them that the video footage is good.

Sebastian: Alright then I'm heading out to Middle Corporation to see someone.

Blushing slightly while walking away from them.

Gabriel: Say hi to Ashton for me.

Waves bye to him.

(At Middle Corporation in Orbxico in the laboratory).

(Middle Corporation Leader/Disease Orb/Earth Orb King)

Ashton: The Orbilence is a infectious disease.

Says it to himself while holding a test tube that has children's blood inside. Hearing a knock at the door which made him turn slightly for a moment.

(Good luck Orb/Assistant)

Akane: Uhh Sir the camera man is here to take video of Middle Corporation...

Says it outside of the door doesn't want to bother him from working on who knows what.

Ashton: I'm actually busy today so you do the video and make sure he doesn't come into the laboratory it's highly confidential.

Says it calmly while looking at his test tube once again. Wondering what is the cause for the Orbilence.

(Outside of the laboratory).

Akane: ...

(In her mind).

"He's seriously making me do a video!?"

Getting nervous and noticed the cameraman also getting a bit awkward especially since Middle Corporation Leader supposed to be in it.

(Out of her mind).

Akane: Middle Corporation Leader he's busy at the moment but pretty sure he wants you to be in his Corporation. We're a friendly place since our Corporation watches the worlds that can't handle itself on it's own. We protect people and other worlds.

Smiles while talking to the camera man who's holding the video camera.

Akane: Middle Corporation is also a police force for Orbxico and other countries who are allied with Orbxico however that list when be in the intro.

(In her mind).

"My boss is always busy I mean what is he even doing in there? I always wondered why did I get rejected by Holy Corporation?"

(Out of her mind).

Looking up slightly to see a familiar face.

Akane: Sebastian I mean looks who's here.

Smiles nervously while looking at the camera.

Sebastian: Heh I'm from Bottom Corporation and I'm also the Light Orb King that rules over Orbrazil anyway you could say I'm a pretty big deal since I protect those who are in need. Anyway enough about me I know your here for Middle Corporation Leader.

Says it with a smirk but looks over at the door.

Akane: Wait wait wait you can't go inside since Boss wants his privacy.

Looks at him a bit nervously but heard footsteps coming moving out of the way after hearing the door about to open. Watching the door open and noticed her boss.

Ashton: I thought I heard an annoying voice.

Frowns looking at Sebastian with hate and disgust even though it was right behind the black gas mask.

Sebastian: See this Middle Corporation Leader and he's also my bottom since we're destined to be.

Smirks slightly having a huge ego about it.

Ashton: The bottom part is false since I don't really care that much about romance and also having new members will be a waste of time since there's so much to do and little time to train the newbies.

Says it calmly while looking at the video camera that the camera man was holding.

Sebastian: What a sassy bottom.

Smirks at him once again but blushes slightly.

Ashton: Be quiet.

Sighs slightly while walking away from both of them. Heading back to his laboratory as he closes the doors.

Akane: So what do I do now?

Looks at the camera man.

Camera Man: Uhh I'll head over to Holy Corporation but I'll send edit the awkward video in the process.

Turns off the video camera and walks away.

Sebastian: Ashton is probably starting to warm up to me.

Smirks slightly but blushes slightly to the thought of it.

Akane: Aww your in love with my Boss but too bad he's not really interested in a relationship right now.

Looks at him with a smile.

Sebastian: My life force says different it flashed back then... And now I know Ashton and I are meant to be well anyway I'm going to leave since my kingdom is calling me but I'll be back.

Smiles slightly while disappearing into the light.

Akane: His life force flash? So that means did Boss life force flash too?

(In the light).

Blushing red as he felt so frustrated about what he had said earlier.

Sebastian: Damn I'm so bad at this...

(Few Minutes Later At Orbpan Holy Corporation Outside).

Editing the video for Middle Corporation and sending it to the recruitment station.

Camera Man: So frustrating.

Remembering the other Police Officers leaders and their videos.

(Flashback at the Raging Flamingos Hideout in Orbland).

(The Ragging Flamingos Leader).

Kiyoshi: Tch I don't really care about new recruiters but if you really want to join then don't be a lazy asshole or I'll kill you!!!

Yells at the video camera very angerily.

(End of Flashback).

(In his mind).

"He was scary."

(Flashback at the Holy Doves Hideout in Orbrael).

Camera Man: Well it's really been an honor being in Orbrael since the great Blue Cross is here.

Says it in gratitude while holding the camera.

(Holy Doves Leader)

Danielle: Blue Cross has done so much for everyone here including everyone across the world.

Smiles at him.

Danielle: We're here to serve everyone across the world just like our great leader Blue Cross. Anybody is welcome to serve and protect.

Smiles at the camera.

(End of Flashback).

"I should've stayed in Orbrael just to say thank you to Blue Cross but I guess I'll wait for another time."

(Flashback at the Peaceful Rabbits Hideout at Orbgypt).

(The Leader Of The Peaceful Rabbits).

Valentin: Oh there's no need for a video since we're full at the moment.

(End of Flashback).

"Well Holy Corporation and the Flaming Chicken is left so I wonder how is this is going to be."

(Out of his mind).

Coming inside of the building of Holy Corporation and noticed a man with spikey gray hair watching porn videos.

Camera Man: Uhh...

(Holy Corporation Leader).

Rin: Don't pay attention to him anyway I'm Rin I'm Holy Corporation Leader and well our police force is similar to Orbrael's police force. We protect everyone across the world. So want to make big changes to Orb World? Then Holy Corporation is the right choice for you. We pride ourselves to keep everyone safe and sound.

Looks at the camera man who's holding the video camera that's currently recording.

Camera Man: ...

Giving her the thumbs up as he stops recording pretending the fact that he didn't saw someone watching porn in the work place.

Rin: Please edit that out cause since we don't allow this type of behavior in the work force.

Looks at him bit nervously thinking it would be in the video.

Camera Man: Yes of course.

Nodding yes to her as he quickly editing the video.

(Holy Corporation Rank Two Nickname Silent Killer)

Itachi: Oh crap I didn't think he'll start recording.

Quickly turns off the computer.

Rin: We'll talk later.

The Camera Man gives her a thumbs up as he begins to leave the corporation.

(In his mind).

"Next the Flaming Chicken Hideout."

(Out of his mind).

(A hour later in Orbpan in the forest).

Standing outside of the hideout as he slowly knocks on the door.

(In his mind).

"Is the rumors true that this group is mostly..."

Looking up slightly to see the door opening to see a man who's muscular that has black hair wearing a white tank top and black pants.

Hayden: Camera Man sup but I did video already by myself since we both know that nobody wants to join the Flaming Chicken since the rumors.

Hands him the video and immediately closes the door.

"I see..."

(Out of his mind).

Using his energy to send the videos to the recruitment center for potential police officers who wants to join the following groups.

Camera Man: I wonder who's our next generation?

Walking away from the building.

(At the recruitment center outside).

(Age 14 and Strength Orb)

Hiromi: This must be the place...

Looking at the center calmly feeling a little bit lucky thinking she'll find a good squad to be in.

Hiromi: I could do this...

Holding on to the cross necklace that's a shade of blue similar to blue cross symbol.

(In background).

Takumi: It's time to move out...

Says it calmly while looking at the recruitment center.

Evil comes in all walks alike.

To be continued on next chapter

I started over since I felt like the story is getting way off than what I wanted it to be. Plus I add new characters to it so yeah.

Mr_Mysophobiacreators' thoughts