
OPM: It's Hero time

After getting hit by Truck~kun, Ren Nakamura reincarnated in one punch man world. Stuck in a crazy world where life can end by simply going out for a grocery walk, MC decide to change the world for the better. ... SI (Self-insert) No harem. ... My first fan-fic. 1 chapter per day. ... Author note. I've read many OPM fan-fic some good some bad and realize in OPM why do you need an overpowered ability? since you'll never be as strong as Saitama or why do u even need to be as strong as Saitama, so I made this book, I don't know if it will turn out good or bad, I guess we'll find out in time.

Rovontheus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

It's Hero Time.

A-city around a certain Meat industry.

A car suddenly flew, blasting away at a nearby building.



"IT'S A MONSTER RUN" Yelled a middle age man.

The nearby civilians started screaming while running away from the scene.


A wall suddenly shattered from a strong impact.

From the dust emerged a bulky looking monster, it had the head of a bull with sharp horns, while breathing, smoke came out from his nostrils.

He had a dark brown skin with its tail swaying around, it had thick legs with hooves unlike normal bull, it stood tall with its two legs.

While its upper body was huge and had a massive biceps like he was on steroid, it was five meters tall with a menacing look.

It howls towards the sky.

"Mooooooooo" a strong sound rang out, shattering the nearby windows while bursting the eardrum of nearby civilians…

It started rampaging around the area while destroying many buildings.

Many passersby and workers started evacuating the area.

The bull, feeling unsatisfied with his performance, it started walking towards a bigger building.

Cracking the ground with his footprint, it kept walking forward.


'sob' 'sob'

"A monster!"


"Somebody, please help me" she screams her lungs out with tears running down her cheeks.

A distant cry was heard by the bull, as he approached he saw a woman on the ground with injured legs and a bleeding ear.

The bull breathes out and smoke unnaturally came out.

Excited, it slowly steps forward while his hooves produced a certain sound.

Hearing the sound of the bull coming towards her, the woman panicked and starts to crawl her way forward.

The bull hit his right leg on the ground multiple times and suddenly accelerated with his head down the bull tackle her with extreme speed.


The ground caved in, creating a larger crater with dust rising.

Feeling something, the bull looks around in the crater.

After the dust settles, it didn't manage to find the woman he had tackled.

Looking around, he saw a man with a gold armor standing a few hundred-meter away from him while holding the woman.

"Who are you, Goldie? The bull questioned while smoke came out from his nostrils.

"Who am I? Hmm, you can call me Seigi no ken" Ren replied while his voice sounded deep.

"Sword of justice? What a stupid name" mocked the Bull.

"Listen here Goldie, I go by the name demon Bull, I was once a regular guy selling bull meat to this stupid company until they terminated my contract out of nowhere"

"Left with no choice over the loss and debt I incur, I ate all the bull meat I couldn't sell and become a magnificent Demon bull"

"I will have my revenge and destroy this company and their lawyers, They will feel my horns" the demon Bull growls with extreme hate.

"So don't get in my way if you don't want to die" the demon bull grunts coldly.

"Could you wait one minute" Ren said calmly and flew away with the woman and drop her among a crowd and rush back to the same place.

"Now where were we? Right Demon bull I the Seigi no ken will stop you from this madness" Ren said with a deep voice while feeling amused that the bull actually waited for him.

"Goldie, let's see if your Armor can withstand my magnificent horns" the demon bull said.

Its horn started glowing red with heat coming out.

As it smacks the ground with its right leg a couple of times and charged forward with a burst of speed.



Ren got hit directly by the horns and got tackled away, destroying 3 buildings in the process.

Feeling slightly disoriented, he got up from the debris.

"That wasn't so bad for a test run" Ren mutter with no damage on his Armor, quickly he sprints towards the monster with a burst of speed.

Within seconds, he reaches the bull location and saw him standing there with full of opening.

Clenching his right fist, Ren punch at the bull face.


The bull got flung straight away and crash on many buildings, creating a long trail.

"That was pay back, but I'm not done yet" Ren said with a satisfied tone as he dashed towards the bull.

The bull quickly shook off the disoriented feeling and saw him approach, it got ready to fight.

Throwing a punch, the two started a contest of pure physical brawl.

Exchanging blows after blows, the impact could be heard.

Both had around the same physical attributes.

"You have sturdy Armor Goldie, just wait for me to tear it apart" the demon bull growl.

"You're quite strong yourself, in between tiger and demon category" Ren said as he started getting serious since he couldn't take him down easily.

Jumping back from the bull, Ren stood in a martial arts stance.

The bull with its horn heating more and more as time goes by got stronger and charged reckless at Ren.

As the bull rush towards him in a reckless, abandoned manner.

"Water stream, rock smashing fist"

Ren punch towards neck, armpit, elbow, thigh, knee, and lastly it's face with a burst of speed invisible to the naked eye.

The demon bull quickly fell down flying with a broken right arm and leg.



It screams in rage with a bloodshot eye it stood up, and his body suddenly started growing up to 7 meter with all of his previous injury gone.

Ren finding his power up strange quickly dodge the charge and the bull after missing its target stomps the ground creating a crater.

The bull started speeding up in a zig zag manner, circling Ren with high speed.

Ren eyes darted around, although the bull was strong and fast it always charge in straight line and with its momentum, it couldn't stop himself.

But now with his power up, it actually learns and started to stomp the ground to stop its momentum while charging again without decreasing his speed.

The bull became harder to deal with.


Ren got sent flying away, although his Armor took the impact with its kinetic absorption ability, it hurts his pride struggling to deal with such a low-level threat.

"It's time to end this" Ren said in a serious tone.

The bull charge again with both it's feet and arms on the ground, it came in a zig zag manner.

Ren punch out at the bullhorn while releasing all the Kinetic energy it has absorbed since the start of the fight.


The bull was sent flying a few kilometers away with blood spurting out of his mouth.

"Phew, that should do the trick" Ren said and went flying towards the bull.

Among the debris, the bull was lying down unconscious.

Ren took out a strange disk and from the inside a chain came out, and he started binding the bull.

A few minutes later a jet hover near him,

It slowly descent and humanoid robots came out and took the unconscious bull inside the jet.

The jet slowly took off while turning invisible.

Ren scans the people and found that a few people die from the bull rampage, along with his fight there were some unexpected casualty.

A pang of guilt hit him.

'No! Don't dwell on this, you can't always save everyone' he console himself.

As he flew away into the skies.

At Valhalla inside one of the prison cells various equipment binding the demon bull.

Ren looked at the monster with a cold gaze.

"You're the first monster I've collected, you should be grateful that I didn't kill you immediately, from now on, you're just a lab rat" Ren said with a cold gaze.

"You used to be a former human, I don't understand why you lost your morality is it because of your mutation? Or you didn't even have any morality in the first place?"

"You still retain fear, anger, and joy meaning you still have emotions so it makes me wonder how your morality went away" Ren said coldly.

"Morality? What good would that do for me?

I got cheated out of my business giving me a massive debt, I don't have a life as a human anymore so why bother staying as a good guy"

"Let me out and see how I tear you apart" the demon bull growled in a bloodthirsty manner.

"Let's speak logically here, you gain powers after a company did you wrong, and you started killing its workers who have no idea or didn't even participate in antagonizing you"

"By that logic you're the same as the guy who wronged you, you killed his subordinates and made his company suffer, but the person was unharmed, meaning he didn't lose much from the incident"

"All you did was harm innocent people" Ren said while trying to figure out human-monster thought patterns.

"Kekekeke, I don't care whether innocent people die or not, I suffer and that's the only thing that matters, all I want is the bastard to die a painful death" The demon bull spat while thrashing around trying to break free from the restraint.

"Don't bother, even if you break those restraints the walls holding you are made of the strongest material on the planet" Ren spoke coldly.

'Looks like Humans who turn into monsters have extreme selfishness and obsession which makes them ignore all sense of morality' Ren thought while looking at the monster.

"Anyway, good luck spending the rest of your life in prison" Ren said as he slowly walks away.

"LET ME OUT!" the bull scream, thrashing around.


Author note.

I don't know how you feel about the fight scene, since I don't have much experience in writing them.

I'm open to suggestions.

Oh, and a power stone would be nice :)