
OPM: It's Hero time

After getting hit by Truck~kun, Ren Nakamura reincarnated in one punch man world. Stuck in a crazy world where life can end by simply going out for a grocery walk, MC decide to change the world for the better. ... SI (Self-insert) No harem. ... My first fan-fic. 1 chapter per day. ... Author note. I've read many OPM fan-fic some good some bad and realize in OPM why do you need an overpowered ability? since you'll never be as strong as Saitama or why do u even need to be as strong as Saitama, so I made this book, I don't know if it will turn out good or bad, I guess we'll find out in time.

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15 Chs

Chapter 5

Author note.

It's Independence Day for us Indians, so I made an extra chapter for today :)

Be warned though I rarely re-edit my work after writing them so if you spot a mistake or stuff do tell, since I don't feel like re-reading my work.

I don't have an editor.


Ren POV. (12 years old)

It took me 7 years to develop arc reactor, although I didn't fully focus on it since I'm training my body, studying various subjects and went to university.

But overall, I managed to improved my knowledge database I guess I'm like a living Google right now but better.

I've been hiring these past few months, people who were once good in their field like army, bodyguard, security etc

Mostly involving physical activity since I'm planning to get myself a small army of super soldier, let's say around a thousand.

Yup, I managed to figure out super soldier serum formula, easy-peasy.

But on to the case, I wanted people good in their job but were fired due to unfortunate circumstances.

However, I mainly searched for people with decent morality and do a background check and help them out.

In their darkest hour I'll be the beacon to them guiding them and get loyal subordinate.

So to accomplish this I'll need a lot of money since I'll hire a lot of personnel who'll take care of my devices.

In a few months, my space bots will connect a portal with the asteroid B-715, and I'll get tonnes of gold and metal.

Should I sell materials? Nah.

It's better to invent weapons and improve medical facilities and sell those stuffs.

Once I hire enough people.

I'll release a storm in the pharmaceutical and medical care business around the world. He thought as he looks ahead.

In a large underground cave, there stood a tall teenager in a lab coat inside what seems to be a command center with transparent glass shielding.

Below it stood thousands of humanoid robots with various size and many aircraft.

"Guardian, what's the status on Team Miner on space?" Ren spoke while busily encrypting in the monitor.

"Status report: Team Miner will reach their destination in about 49 days if there are no unexpected events" Replied a mechanical voice.

"Keep me posted on their situation" he replied while shifting his attention back to his monitor.

"Dully noted sir" His AI replied. (Guardian)

A few days later.

Inside an underground lab.

Ren looks through the monitor, in which a video of kids playing together around the age of 12.

'It's good that I'm about the same age as Saitama, giving me plenty of time to prepare myself for the storm'.

He found out about it a long time ago, but he still monitors him for unexpected events since he doesn't want to change his destiny.

Without a one punch man, the world is surely doomed.

After mastering all martial arts available, Ren decided to visit famous masters such as Bang, boom, suicho, gouketsu, orochi and atomic samurai to further expand his knowledge on martial arts.

He paid them money and asked them on how to train while making them display their core technique, some refuse to which he just spied on them while they're practicing with micro bots.

On a tight schedule, he couldn't learn everything from them while staying as their students.

So he left with a promise saying he will visit every once in a while to check his progress in their technique.

With no doubt, it was easy for Ren.

Ren who had an eidetic memory quickly managed to memorize them and understand them all.

He even left micro bots on famous martial arts to spy on their techniques from a distance.

And although his body is fit and had superhuman physique he couldn't train intensely like he wanted since he had a good deal of research to do so he withheld it while only perfecting his martial arts.

Although Ren trained physically he never left his research behind, he learned various subjects and manage to invent many things.

Which was enough to change the structure of society, he could even arm the whole planet in the future if he wanted to but decided against it.

On a side note, he had gained a little fame in his workplace calling him a once in a generation genius, although he never revealed any dangerous medicine or technology.

He's been working with his family company for a while now.

He had developed a body regeneration pod call HL 130 fluid which can heal anyone even cut of limbs could be rejoined.

Sadly, for now, he kept everything a secret.

Inside the secret underground base.

Ren walks inside a soundproof room and removed his metallic earbuds.

"ahhhhh" instantly he screams his lungs out while holding his head.

His head hurts while his ears kept ringing he heard all kid of sounds the traffic, humans talking, dogs barking and many other random noises.

He had noway to stop the sound unless he learns to control it.

Time passes as Ren reinforced his will power.

On the ground Ren lay down with blood flowing down from his nose, while holding his head he crawls over to reach his earbuds.

Somehow he grabbed it and quickly put it in his ear.

"Huff, hufff"

"That hurts, I could never get used to that" he said with a pain expression.

When Ren started growing older slowly his sense started getting better his sense of smell was tolerable, but it seems like he heard all the sounds produced from the city.

Making it difficult to live without his magnetic sound disruptor aka earbuds.

"I can still hear many sounds from here, but it doesn't affect me much, I wonder how long will it take me to master my hearing sense" he sighs directly

"Sometimes too much power can be a cursed"

"What meditation that's all bullshit, it doesn't work at all" he cussed out loud frustrated.

He got annoyed and let out his frustration in the training room.

It was a massive space filled with various kinds of equipment.

He started punching a huge metal in a shape of cylinder non-stop.

He only stops after a while.

Atop the metal, 2390 digits appear, indicating tons.

Even though he dealt so much damage, there was no visible dent on the metal.

It was a special metal Ren made which can absorb kinetic energy.

Although it slowly spread a small shockwave after a brief interval with minimal effect.

Making it almost like vibranium.

Hence, he dubbed the metal name vibranium.

Kind of unoriginal but well it's easy to remember and cooler.

Ren strength kept climbing without training, which made him lose an interest.

Though, he still keeps training his martial arts techniques to hone his fighting skills.

"Guardian activate TD-303 I need a sparing partner" he said

"Affirmative" a mechanical voice rang out.


A corner of the wall inside the training room suspended and a robot walk out.

The robot had a structure like human, with all of its parts design for performing human martial arts.

The robot slowly approaches the training ground and stops a few meters away while taking a martial arts stance

"Come" Ren shouted.

He sprints toward the robot, throwing a swift punch.

The Robot reacted and counters when the punch came, it quickly uses its left arm and knock the punch sideways.

While throwing a punch with his right arm aiming for Ren face.

Ren having already predicted this outcome quickly did a backflip.

With his hands on the ground while his feet was midair he pushed the ground hard and his foot managed to get a clean hit in his stomach.

He wanted to hit his jaw, but with his height, he couldn't reach that far in that timeframe.

The robot quickly got up and charged forward, to exchange blows after blows.

The TD-303 made out of vibranium manage to deal quite a bit of harmless damage to Ren.

It kept blasting kinetic energy making it tricky to get into close quarter combat.

Ren suddenly backs away and started moving high speed and circle around TD-303 while leaving behind after images.

With his momentum Ren charges forward with a punch he knocked TD-303 across the wall making a dent.

T-D 303 tried to move but got stuck.

"Sir, I don't think it will be able to get out on its own" Guardian mechanical voice rang out.

"Oh well who told me to make the wall out of adamantium" Ren said in a helpless tone.

"Sir, you were going to collapse the whole underground if we hadn't made it with a strong and durable material like adamantium" Guardian said in a cold emotionless tone.

"Whatever man I'm spent, by the way, use a different voice stop using that mechanical voice" Ren said.

"Understood" said a deep voice with a serious tone.

"Are you trying to annoy me?" sigh.


Morgan Freeman Narration POV.

Ren Nakamura, a wonder boy or should I say a reincarnated being.

The child walks out from his base as he looked up it was still day time and the sun was about to set.

With blue shield covering his base in a massive shape of dome.

Using retro reflective panels as a basis he incorporated a cloaking field like Wakanda making it invisible to outside world.

I gotta hand it to him.

He made his base just outside A-city and even bought the whole forest turning it into his base.

It seems he needed a place where he can experiment and store his Solaris (Robots) kinda lame name if you ask me but hey they recharge with solar power, so I guess it's doable.

Sometimes explosion happen if he experimented on stuff, so he built many bases.

Although, he's working on connecting to his base via underground.

Within just a few years he managed to achieve so much, it's a wonder how he doesn't even get tired.

The boy doesn't even have friends, even though he's not socially awkward.

Makes me wonder what's wrong with his brain.

But he had great potential, and I'm sure he will change the course of history.

I wonder what he will build next?

"Huh did I just hear Morgan Freeman voice?" suddenly Ren tries hard to enhance his hearing but all he heard was random noise.


Author note.

Thanks for the response @Nooh_Shifan I've corrected some of the spelling and grammar mistakes you mentioned and Re-edited the chapter.

TD-303 TD means training dummy.

One punch man timeline won't be that accurate with many events omitted in cannon.

Ren can notice subtle change and maybe break the fourth wall? Who knows.