

Taboo_Stranger · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


Evan and the others were taken to a van and were driven to the facility. When they entered, it took them about 5 minutes to get to the chamber. The g-force training looked cool, there was a rocket engine on the opposite side of a room with seats inside. Evan was first. When he went inside it smelled like death, he could see a very faint stain of throw up from the previous passengers. He was buckled in and after a 2 minute maintenance check, they began the countdown. 5, Evan's mind began to overwork itself. 4. Evan began to panic internally. 3. 2. Evan felt as if his chest was about to burst. 1.

The engine fired up, roaring, shaking the building. Within 2 seconds Evan was experiencing 2 g's, (he passed out in 1.5 g's.) his eyes were still open however so they thought he was awake and so they kept accelerating. Until at around 8 g's, his eyes finally closed. When they stopped, nobody opened the door. They went to bring him out of the little room and realized that he was still passed out. They took him out and laid him on the floor, and saw the large dent in Evans chest. Evan began to awake, he could barely see. It was as if he had cataracts. In the blurry vision, he could see a red cross in front of him, he felt a suction on his chest. Like as if it was being pulled up, Evan passed out from the pain.

He woke up in a hospital bed. "W-what happened?"

"You've been under for about 5 days, time flies. You still shouldn't move, your chest is still healing"

"Stephan Cull?" Evan said in a scratchy voice.

"No, it's me, Stephan Cull."

"No way for real for real on god for real?"

"Nah blud, wuts good?" Stephan said with an accent

"Nuttin much blud how abouchoo," Evan said in what appears to be a Moroccan accent.

"Nah blud, yo chest is gone brudda."

"Nah you lyin." Evan spoke, still in a Moroccan accent

"Nah blud u tripping foo, check urself"

Evan begins to flatline.

"Yo doc! Help this guy!" Stephan yelled

"Someone get a defibrillator!" The doctor yelled

"We can't use the defibrillator on him, his chest has collapsed and he's got metal everywhere!" said the doctor's assistant.

"Bluddy's dyin' right now foo."

"H-h-help, m-me." Evan managed to speak whilst choking on his own blood.

Stephan hopped on the bed and metal wires began shaving from his body and entering Evans body.

Evan inhaled sharply, and shot up out of the bed. "The pain is gone?" Evan said in a perfectly fine voice. It was a miracle, his chest dent is forming back to normal. There was no bruising afterwards, he was perfectly fine.

5 Days Later

Evan decided to go to the dorms to find his flight sergeant, and Stephan trailed along behind him "Yo blud u got an armor chest now foo." Stephan said as an informant.

"What do you mean?" Evan questioned.

"Yo blud, you got cold, hard steel in yo chest as a fire alternative to a ribby"

"You're saying that I got steel in me because of your horrific body?"

"On gyatt for real for real no joke blud" Stephan said admittingly

When they finally reached the barracks, they found their sergeant and asked him what the hospital stay and accident would do to his career in the air force.

"Seeming how yer perfectly fine, but considering how ab-so-lutly terrible you were at the g-force trainin' the commanders are thinkin' a' kickin' ya' out."Said the sergeant

"What!? No."

"Don't worry son, you're bein' transferred"

"To what?" Evan said hopefully.

"To the… dirty marines. The Necrons squadron."


The Necrons squadron was the most elite and physically active marine division in the world, and Evan was being accepted into it. "How? How could I get into such an elite place?"

"You were doin' unbelievably good on the physical activities and PT That you could've been on the most elite air force squadron, but. Since that horrific accident, you were deemed unfit to fly aircraft and they put you in the, Mawinnes" Sergeant said mockingly

"Yo yung blud," said Stephan Cull, by far the best character


"Alright, No.1 Noob"


"Fine… No.1 Nooby McNoob Pants."


"Fine. Sarge. I would like to join Evan in going there, to the Necrons."

"You guys got identical scores on both the physical activities and the PT, so I guess I could let you go with him. Let me check wit duh commander(Mr. Dental Tools)."