
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasi
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472 Chs

Chapter 284: Going to mermaid kingdom part 6

Inside the room, there are two things that immediately stands out.

One, is the fact that there is a giant orb, somewhat akin to that of the goddess orb, but larger and the colour is bluish, like that of clear sea water. It's pulsating and keep radiating something strange. This thing also give out the feeling that it is alive

The second thing that out is some old looking man, covered in blackish miasma that you'll often find associated with the devil. Given how the important looking person bring us to "him", we knew that this bald but long beard looking old mermaid is in fact, the mermaid king himself. He's bedridden and is in dire condition. With so much thick blackish miasma, I'm surprised how he is still alive

"I'm removing it" [Mahsuri]

"Don't... You'll get it as well..." [Mermaid king]

His voice is weak, like someone on their dead bed weak, but nevertheless, we could make out what he is trying to say as he prevents Mahsuri from doing it

As he keeps trying to say something to Mahsuri, he accidentally looks at our direction, and once he saw me, his expression took a sudden change

"Charlotte?" [Mermaid king]

"I am. How did you know who I am?" [Charlotte]

I'm 100% sure I have never set my foot at the mermaid kingdom, and yet the citizen and the king itself knew who I am. It strange, it really is strange for me

"Mahsuri, don't you think I should know what happen? I am feeling rather confuse right now" [Charlotte]

I just can't stand this feeling anymore. It's making me sweat as there are many questions that I don't have the answer to. More importantly, I begin to question whether I am truly the Charlotte they're looking for

"In a sense, you're without a doubt, the mermaid princess, but, that doesn't mean I am your mother..." [Mahsuri]

That sentence, that's rather confusing. Since I am close with Sis Diana, I thought what she wanted to convey is that our relationship is similar to Sis Diana and Zaidi's mother, the fourth queen

"Once upon the time, during the era of peace after the sealing of the fallen god, the third homunculus was created, but her magic core was a strange one. Her magic core is unique in that it doesn't allow the ability to absorb others mana, and at the same time, it keep growing in size" [Mahsuri]

As she said that, she keeps rubbing her hand to the against the giant orb

"The homunculus, is also a unique homunculus. I said created, but unlike other homunculus during the time, she was born from the love of the first Saint and Saintess as their second child, or supposed to be born, but a tragedy occur, and the saint and saintess, with his first three years old child was killed by certain someone who was seeking revenge for the fallen god. The homunculus, who was still in her mother's womb, have zero chance to survive if nothing was done to her, and thus..." [Mahsuri]

This time around, she look at me straight at eye, which makes me rather uncomfortable, but the three of us still listen to.

"Sigh..." [Mahsuri]

For the first time ever, I see Mahsuri out of all people letting out a sigh. It's a worrisome sight. The mermaid king, who is lying around, try to encourage Mahsuri to talk

"Urghh...!" [Mermaid king]

Mermaid king is suddenly suffering with so much pain, as the blackish miasma finally cover all of his frail body. He began to develop a seizure like movement, a violent seizure as his skinny body flop up and down, all the while letting out a painful groan. Mahsuri stop her story telling and immediately started to absorb and throw away those blackish miasma from the mermaid king.

Having the blessing of the ten heroes, the three of us also decided to help Mahsuri. We don't have any holy mana yet, but our mana, once activated through the blessing, is an effective tool to fight against the fallen god and her minion, thus, we think that we have a shot at helping the frail mermaid king

Unlike Mahsuri who try to remove the blackish miasma out, we can simply dilute it, as to make it easier for Mahsuri to remove it. At first, we have our doubt whether we are really helping or not, but seeing as to how Mahsuri able to scoop out more and more miasma at one time, we are convinced that it is working, and the mermaid king might have a chance at surviving this ordeal

"!" [Kara]

"Shit!" [Mahsuri]

"Kara! Are you alright?" [Elise]

The mermaid king suddenly grab Kara's hand, and toss her across the room. In response, Mahsuri quickly grab her sword and stab the mermaid king directly in the chest, with blood spurting out violently as some of it find itself staining the door across the room

Elise, who quickly check on Kara, find nothing wrong with her other than few bruises, and as for me, I am preparing a spell, just in case the mermaid king act out of control and needed to be put on a strain. The important looking person beg me not to harm the king, but I can't promise him that. If this continues, I'm afraid the mermaid king will be consumed by the blackish miasma, and when that happens...

(Is it just me, or is the miasma surrounding the mermaid king suddenly becomes larger?) [Charlotte]

I have a bad feeling about this, and without a pause, I fire a strong water cannon spell at his direction, all while Mahsuri is still stabbing him. The important looking person try begging me to stop, but Mahsuri instruct otherwise

"Neptune! Get a grip of yourself! You're once the holy beast of water serving Goddess Achalasia! Don't fall so low as to become the dark beast of fallen god!" [Mahsuri]

Dark Beast of the fallen god. What is that? As I keep throwing spell after spell, a claw like that of a giant crab tries to pincer me. If it wasn't for Kara quick reflex, I will be sliced neatly in half

"Why you!" [Mahsuri]

Feeling that what she's trying to do is useless, Mahsuri pulled out her sword from the chest and try to decapitate the mermaid king, but

"Try again next time" [Mermaid king?]

"Looks like I really have to kill you now!" [Mahsuri]