
Opening a pawn shop in cultivation world

Qin Feng found himself in the world of comprehension and inherited a pawnshop that was on the brink of bankruptcy Fortunately, the lending system had awakened, and with a change of signboard, Qin Ji Loan Shop was established. Qin Ji Loan Shop was established. The locals were skeptical about borrowing money in this world, considering it foolish. Moreover, some believed they could default on their loans without consequence, thinking, "I won't pay back the money, what can you do with me?" However, they were in for a rude awakening as the system punished defaulters with a one-star penalty One such defaulter was shocked into compliance when they realized their debtor status and begged for more time to pay their dues As the pawnshop flourished, Qin Feng gained valuable rewards upon completing various loan contracts, including mystical powers, cultivation periods, and supernatural abilities One day, a fairy appeared, but even they could not stand up to the terrifying power of shopkeeper Qin Ji. Qin Feng had one simple rule: "The money you owe me can't be less than a dime!"

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Store opens everyone who comes is a customer

In this world, where martial arts can be practiced, the uncertainty of lending is too high. If you lack strength, collecting debts can lead to courting death. On the other hand, if you are a martial artist, the speed of making money is not slow. There is no need to waste your energy on unnecessary things. However, Qin Feng wants to use it as a golden opportunity.

"Okay, young master, then I'll contact Mazi right away, and I'll take care of these things," Li San's voice suddenly came from behind while Qin Feng was still pondering.

"Wait," Qin Feng put his hands on Li San's shoulders and stopped his steps. "The plan has changed. Let's keep these tables and chairs for now. Actually, I suddenly had an idea. Let's change the pawn shop and open a loan shop in Qinghe County. Also, we will change your name."

Li San was taken aback, his pupils widened. "Good guy, a money lending shop? What kind of new concept is this, what kind of shop? Young master... Does the boss also want to come out?"

However, he only needs to obey orders, other things should not be considered by servants. Li San scratched his head. "Good owner, what should I prepare for this loan... shop?"

"Well, let's create a new plaque first, and then print some advertising papers. Oh, let me explain to you what a money lending shop is first..."

After a day, the sound of crackling firecrackers sounded from the bluestone board in front of Qin Ji's pawn shop. The pawn shop had been replaced with a brand new plaque. It's called Qin Ji Loan Shop.

Qin Feng looked at the brightly colored flower baskets and the crumbs of firecrackers flying all over the sky and nodded in satisfaction. This is the taste of opening. This lively atmosphere also attracted many people to come and watch

"Which novelty does this loan shop offer?"

"Have you not seen it? There are related introductions on the bulletin board next to it. You can borrow money from Qin Ji and agree on a repayment period. Then, repay it according to the excess interest rate when it expires."

"What? Isn't this just borrowing money and paying IOUs, but instead of borrowing from an individual, you borrow from Qin Ji?"

"Hiss--these days, even relatives and friends don't dare to borrow money. Do you think Qin Feng is out of his mind by lending money to strangers? It sounds like you'll make a steady profit with the principal plus the interest rate, but have you thought about the possibility that others may not pay back the money at all?"

"You're young and haven't faced the harsh realities yet. In my opinion, the Qin family will be completely ruined in Qin Feng's hands. His brain is worse than his father's..."

That's correct. Even banks are afraid of doing any lending business in this world. Qin Feng's idea, in the eyes of most people, is simply whimsical. You must know that Zhao Guo is not a peaceful world. In addition to the power of the royal family, there are also many cultivation sects that have the right to speak. There are even a few major sects that dominate one side, and they are basically the local emperors. In this case, law and order will obviously not be very good. Otherwise, the Qin family's pawn shop in Qinghe County would not have been ransacked a few days ago, and there would be no clue as to who the murderer is.

After the short bustle of the opening, the shop was quiet again. In the empty hall, Qin Feng was sitting on a chair with his eyes tightly closed. Although no one in Qinghe County was optimistic about his new business, he was not worried. He had Lao Lai's punishment panel, and he had a lot of confidence in his heart. He valued the reward given by the system after the contract was reached more than the interest rates.

A man with narrow, triangular eyes and slender eyebrows was standing outside of Qin Ji's shop, reading the notice on the door. After a few moments, a smile crept onto his face. A loan? Such a good opportunity? He could hardly afford to eat anymore, so why not take advantage of this chance to get some money to spend? At worst, when the repayment period comes, the reporter would arrest him. He wasn't afraid of going to prison because he'd save a few meals. With this thought in mind, the man entered Qin Ji's shop.

As he entered the gate, Li San, who was standing nearby, straightened up and prepared to greet him. Though he wasn't sure what the transaction was, he knew it was bad if the shop was deserted. Therefore, he would entertain any guests that came in.

"Welcome, on your side..." Li San began, but his voice trailed off as he recognized the person in front of him. It was Zhao Wuming, a well-known street beggar in Qinghe County. He was used to sneaking around and living in a daze. When he finally had a few pennies, he'd spend them on casual drinks and not bring them until tomorrow. Doing business with such a person would not be profitable.

"Zhao Wuming, what are you doing here?" Li San's complexion darkened. "This is not the place for you to play wild! If you dare to be presumptuous, then no wonder my fists don't have eyes!"

Zhao Wuming's body trembled, and he shrunk back at the threat. With his thin body, he really couldn't resist Li Sanliang's punches. Although he had received a lot of beatings on weekdays, he didn't like being beaten.

"Why... how... isn't it written on the plaque at the door that as long as you dare to borrow, Qin Ji will dare to lend money?" he stammered.

"After all, it's just watching people play games."

"Well, never mind. It's not surprising that you won't borrow from me."

"When I leave, I'll make sure to tell everyone how Qin Ji treats its guests!"

After speaking, Zhao Wuming planned to run away as fast as he could.

He knew he was in the wrong, as he came here with no intention of paying back the loan.

"Hey, Brother Zhao, hold on a moment."

Qin Feng's voice echoed through the hall, "Who said that Qin Ji doesn't lend money?"

"Everyone who comes here is a guest."