
Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 13

"Go fetch our daughter." The scene was now in a garden with 4 people. "We finally have a day off so go fetch her." The man with black hair and black eyes sipped his tea and sighed out in relief.

"Honey. We do have a day off but do you think she'll want to see us?" The woman next to him who had black hair and black eyes aswell spoke out. "We haven't seen her in over a million years. I'm sure she misses us just like how we miss her..."

The man looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and stared. "It can go both ways. She either wants to see us or she doesnt..." The lady sipped some of her tea and looked up at the 2 pink women.

"If our daughter doesnt want to come back home then that's fine. Just tell her that we miss her atleast.." Rev got up and stretched his wings out. His horns glowed a bit when he did.

Persona also got up and her wings stretched out. "You can count on us. We will do our best." The pink one with light green hair said while kneeling. "We will be back soon. Please wait for us.." The other pink one with light blue hair also said while kneeling.

"You...Are dismissed..." Rev stared at them and they disappeared.


"What are you two doing here?" Kaida stared at the two pink woman and they kneeled down. "Your parents have finally gotten a day off from their work so they would like to see you princess Jasmine..."

They both stared at the ground and we all became silent. "Jasmine?.." I looked up a bit and Kaida looked at me. We stared at each other for a while then she said "Oh! That's me! Sorry....I haven't heard that name in a while..." She laughed out a bit which made the two pink women look at each other.

"So Mommy and Daddy have gotten a day off? Well...It doesnt matter. I dont want to see them." She then looked down at me. "I...Want to stay with Master!" She held onto me tighter and smiled. The two pink people then shot their head up and one said "Master!?"

They both stood up and stared at me. "Yes! I found a Master and I love him very much!!" She giggled out and they continued to stare at me. "Princess Jasmine. How could a foolish human with barely any magic become your master..."

Here...We go again. "Dont call Master Foolish! And Master is the Time Master so his so dont Diarespect him Again!" She cutely screamed out at them and they rapidly nodded. "Scanty. Kneesocks. You can go back now. You made me mad..." Kaida horns glowed a bit and they shook their head rapidly.

"Wait. Kaida, You haven't seen your parents in forever right? I thought that you wanted to see them.." The pink people who were about to leave stopped themselves when they heard my question. "Mommy and Daddy...They don't love me. They use me for my powers...Nothing more and nothing less..."

Her voice became a bit quiet and I nodded. "That isnt True! Your Mom and Dad love you very much!" The light green haired screamed out at us. "They thought that using your powers would make you happy like they do when they use theirs.."

What? That...Doesn't make sense I think. Is it like...Wait nah. That just doesn't make sense. "I made my decision so leave now!" The pink women started sweating and one said "O-Okay! We will leave now!" They then glowed a bit and disappeared into particles.

"I only love Master, Mommy, Nero, and Asta! I will never go back to those two people who claim to be my parents!" She screamed out into the sky and we all smiled. "We love you aswell Kaida..." She then looked back down at me and smiled.

Asta then came up behind us and said "I heard my name. Did something happen?" We looked over at him and shook our heads. "Your done with the door?" He nodded at me and I nodded aswell. "Alright. Lidia, Nero and Kaida. You go to the dungeon and level up."

I took Kaida off of my head and she frowned a bit. "Where is Master going?..." She made a cute frowny face and I said "I'm going to train Asta personally..." I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. Kaida slowly nodded at me Lidia grabbed her small hand.

"Dont worry. We'll see them later..." She smiled at Kaida and they slowly started to walk away. We waved them off and they soon disappeared into the horizon. "So Kenji! What are we doing!?" He screamed right in my ear and I sighed.

Why...Cant he be shorter. If he just over 5 foot in the anime then hes about 5'7 here. Still....Short?...but definitely taller. "You know about that forest right?" I stared at him and he slowly nodded. "If every monster in that forest dies then...That's fine. They all regenerate back 3 hours later..."

I walked away and he starred at my back. "Dont tell me..." I smiled over my shoulder and said "Yep. Your going to kill every single monster in that forest. Your going to repeat this for the rest of the day for 3 weeks straight." I turned my head back and kept walking.

All the monsters in the forest are like level 10-15. That's not that high but with around 1,000 monsters in the forest, he should level up quiet easily and quickly. If he repeats this for 3 weeks then he should be close to level 50 when it's time.

Asta soon ran up behind me and we walked to the forest. We got to the entrance and I looked at the little guard. "Your everywhere arent you." I grabbed the top of his helmet and picked him up. He squirmed all around but soon gave up.

"How are you everywhere?" I took out a coin and handed it to him. "How long will you be staying here?..." Just ignore me I guess. "The whole day actually." He slowly nodded at that and I sat him down.

Me and Asta then walked in while waving to the little guard.


"She...Doesnt want to come back huh?" Rev sighed out a bit while moving his cup of tea around. "And what's this about her being 'Tammed' by the Time Master?" He turned around to the two pink women and stared.

"Yes sir. She was all attached to the Time Master and didnt even think twice about declining your offer." He stared at the light green haired pink woman and said "The Time Master tamed my daughter huh? I'm quite surprised actually. They don't usually tame monsters, much less dragons..."

He took a sip of his tea and persona said "Well...From what I've been hearing, this new Time Master doesnt act like the others..." She patted her husband's shoulder and Kneesocks said "Princess Jasmine also forget that her name was...Well..." They nodded at her and sighed out.

"Did you catch her new name or?..." Rev and Persona both stared at the two pink women and they gulped. "W-We heard the Time Master call her 'Kaida.'" They stared at the two pink women and started walking away. They reached this huge door and said "By the way, You didnt do anything to disrespect the Time Master did you?"

The air become a bit cold and Scanty said "W-We called him a puny human! But we didnt know he was the Time-" Scanty got up unconsciously and started choking herself. Her pink sister tried to help but stopped as she sken that she would end up the same way.

"We dont disrespect the people that our daughter respects anyhow. What was different this time that made you think you could?..." Rev eyes glowed a bit as he looked at them out of the corner of his eyes. "W-We're Sorry Sir! Please forgive us for acting out of order!"

She begged him and he scoffed. "Persona. Let's go meet this Time Master so we can apologize..." She nodded at him and smiled a bit. They then sprouted wings and jumped up. They went through the ceiling and disappeared.

"The Time Master.....He was kind of hot.." Scanty coughed out a bit and said to her sister. "Yeah. It's a shame that he seems to be taken already..." They both then looked at each other and smiled. They then sprouted these red transparent wings and flew up aswell..


I was sitting up against a tree now. I had an apple in my hand with a bite mark on and I was watching Asta. "Asta...." I put my left hand out and A small block of earth appeared in my palm. A little flame appeared. A small wind tornado appeared and a small water ball appeared.

"Which element do you want now?" I bit down in my apple and he sliced down on a slime. "Wind Please!!" He ran over to a zombie looking creature and attacked at it.

I nodded at him and bawled my hand. I then opened it again and a huge air tornado was coming out. "I just learned this Asta so it may be kind of dangerous..." It slowly moved out of my hand and went at him. The trees around were slowly being uprooted from the ground when it did.

Asta then stared blankly at all of this and said "T-Too Much.." He slowly backed away with his sword out. "It wont kill you...It will probably fling you across the whole forest tho.." He forced out a laughed and gulped.

I then looked up and said "Who...Are you two?" I saw this man with black hair and black eyes and I also saw this woman with the same palette. "We are 'Kaida's' parents. I'm rev and this is my wife, Persona." The slowly jumped down in front of me and I got up. The dude was a little taller then me while the woman was about the same height as Lidia.

"So your the parents who neglected and used their child.." I walked up in front of them and stared. "N-Neglected and Used!? That's absurd!" The woman screamed out at me and came up to me. "Used? What did we use her for?" Rev made a thinking face and I said "Instead of actually treated her like a child, you used her portals to help in the dungeon right?"

Their eyes winded and I smiled. "But hey. It's your child so I dont really have a say now do I?" I sighed out a bit and sat back down against the tree. They both stared at me and Persona said "We...Tried our best but we couldn't always be there for her..." I stared at her and said "Do you...Even remember what she looks like?"

They looked at each other and put there heads down. "We....Dont..." The woman started sniffling a bit and I said "When I first met Kaida, She thought that her parents were neglecting her but I reassured her by saying that they were working for her. She nodded at that but I could tell that she knew otherwise..."

I got up once again. "Your daughter...My...Daughter...Really does love her parents but...She just wishes that her parents felt the same way..." I walked passed them both and they stared at the tree. "We....Need to talk with Jasmine. Now." They both then disappeared and I smiled a bit.

I then saw Asta flying in the air while screaming out. 'I guess it was too much huh?' I then caught him in a blue ball and he appeared on the ground in front of me. "Your getting earth Next...." I smiled at him and he instantly got up. He ran away and I put my hand out.

He was soon being chased by rock pellets. I laughed out at his whiny screams and though 'I hope that they can make up..' I sighed out a bit and stared out into the sky. In that moment, I saw those two pink people floating over to me.

'Never really noticed before but why are they wearing clothes like that?' They had bdsm type clothing on on which was weird but...Good looking? They both then landed on the ground in front of me and we stared at each other.

"Is there a problem?" I walked up to them and continued to stare. "We are Sorry for disrespecting you. Please forgive us." They both kneeled and bowed to me and I said "Your Excused. Weak people will always make the same mistake..."

I laughed out and touched their shoudlers. "Weak?" The one on the right said "People?" The other one said and they got up. "I think we should teach him a lesson Sis." Their red tails were wagling in front of them both.

"Yes, I think we should.." I then jumped away and stared at them. They each had a hand on their waist with a smile on their face aswell. Their transparent wings showed a bit and they started moving around. One started taking off their...Panties?...While the other one pulled down their kneesocks.

They were saying some stuff but I was too busy looking at something. Scanty or whatever her name was panties started shining and they formed into Revolvers. Kneesocks or whatever her name was kneesocks started shining aswell and they turned into scythes.

"I always wanted to fight a Time Master.." They both smiled at me and I said "Your going to lose. Give up." They frowned at this and disappeared. I then did a backflip and dodged the slice of the scythe.

She kept slicing at me but failed to hit me as I dodged them all. "Your pretty good..." She sliced at me again and I caught it. "Are these your real kneesocks? May I have this if it is?" I took the scythe out of her right hand and jumped away.

I was then shot at and it headed towards the space between my eyes. I moved the scythe and sliced the bullet in half. I them moved the scythe around in my fingers and swung down. She immediately blocked with her scythe and smiled at me. "I'm taking this back..."

She kicked me in my stomach and I let go of the scythe. I then flew back into a tree and came to a stand still. "If you like her kneesocks then you'll love my panties.." She appeared in front of me and placed her gun into my mouth.

She then pulled the trigger and shot out. My head exploded and she stared at my lifeless body. Kneesocks then came up beside her and said "Its a shame we couldnt go all out..." She sighed out and her sister nodded.

"He was a good opponent. Well, he was able to keep up with us atleast.." They both stared at my bloodied body and I said "Your both too naive..." They shot their heads around and I froze them. I then opened the bubble up a bit and took their weapons.

"Everyone falls for the old air clone trick..." I turned their bubble around and they saw it fading away. I then turned them back around and said "And these...Your panties and Your Kneesocks..." I put the weapons up to my face and started inhaling them. "Yes. This is who I really am. Dont judge me..."

I rewound them back a bit and they turned into into actually panties and kneesocks. "Oh? It's two pieces of panties? Must be hard to wear those everyday.." I inhaled them some more and sighed out in pleasure.

"Where did you even get these? A scythe that could kill anything and A revolver that could do the same?...." They could probably hurt old man jesus up there if they got a hit on him. Too bad their snails compared to him.

"Oh. You cant respond huh? I forgot..." I unfroze them and the fell to the floor. They caught themselves and we stared at each other. "White Nails. It matches you both perfectly..." They both looked between each other then back at me.

"Your a Pervert. How does our Princess put up with you?" They stared at me and I shrugged my shoulders. "Im her Master. She does whatever I tell her too.." I smiled at them both and tossed them their panties and kneesocks.

"They smell good by the way. Let me use them again some time okay?" I waved them off and turned around. "Wait." They both said and I turned around. "What is it?" I walked up to them and stared at them. "We just wanted to say..." They both shyly looked away. "We...Got You Know!!"

They both jumped on me and I hit the ground. "You Took Our Weapons And Played With Them. It's time For Pay Back." Kneesocks then got up and went behind me. She stretched my arms out and pinned me down. Scanty then started touching over my crotch.

"Sorry Ladies. I would usually let this happen but uh...We just met." My body turned into air and they looked up. They saw me leaning against a tree and they frowned. "You used our weapons in such a manner and we cant do this!?"

They both got up and looked at me. "Uh...Yeah. I can do this because I wont get caught." I put my hand up and swung her revolver around. Scanty made a surprised face and checked under her skirt. "He gave us fake weapons Sis. Did you not see how I didnt have mine on?"

Kneesocks looked over at her sister and Scanty said "That...is true..." I then placed the revolvers in my pockets and the scythes on my back. "If you want these back then you'll have to earn them..." I stopped leaning against the tree and walked away. "You also wont tell Rev and Persona about this right?"

I put my finger over my lip and winked back at them. They both then blitz at me at my back but I kept walking. They both went for the scythe but failed as their hand went through me. "Another Clone!?" They both started looking around and I laughed.

"No, No. I just moved that fast.." I laughed and kept walking away. They then attacked me again and again and got 'tired' after about 3 hours. The forest behind me was destroyed basically and I said "Strong even without your weapons huh? Maybe I should keep them since it seems like you'll be fine without them..."

They were panting a bit with some sweat on their forehead. "This....Isnt fair! Give them back to us now!" Scanty whined out but I ignored her. "Please Time Master. We understand that we dont stand a chance against you so please?.."

I turned around at them both and stared. "Your Panties and Stocking are losing their flavor so sure. I will be back in an hour to get them so make sure there seasoned again." I took out her revolvers and threw them over to her. She caught it and nodded.

I then threw the scythes at her and she caught them aswell. "This....Might be the last time we see each other actually. It was fun however." I looked over at her and smiled. "That's fine. I...Had fun aswell.." She smiled at me and I looked at them both.

"I cant wait to see the both of you in the future. Maybe we could become friends then.." I waved at them for a final time and disappeared. "Sis. I like that guy..." They both slowly looked at each other and stared. "I dont know why but...I just have this feeling in my crotch area that he is the one..."

She then touched her lower area and Kneesocks said "I understand. Out of all the men and women that we've been with, he is the only one who seems...Genuine." They both smiled a bit and started walking away.

I teleported to Asta and said "So? What level are you now?" He should be around level 38 I think. "Level 40."

A monster.

I know I signed up for this but I'm raising an actual monster. "T-Thats good. Keep going..." I forced out a laugh and he said "Well I have to wait 3 hours for the monsters to respawn so I might aswell catch some zzz's.."

He then layed up against a tree and put his sword away. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off. I looked at this scene and turned around. I stared into the sun while thinking about some stuff.

If he is level 40 right now then he'll be level 50 in no time. I do feel kind of bad for Lidia tho. Shes been practicing since 5 I think and was just passed up by someone who has been in this world for a little less then a week.

"Well...That just means that she has to get stronger..." Shes the normalest one in the group isnt she? I have Time Magic which is broken. Asta has Anti-Magic and an Xp boost which is broken. Kaida could destroy the world if she wanted too. Nero's sealing magic is also broken aswell. She also has an Xp Booster which will make her even stronger.

"Oh Lidia, A regular person who is trying to keep up with the rest of us..." I then put my hand out and said "I...Wont let you fall behind. I promise..." I cant write characters to save my life but I can make them stronger with Bs reasons.

I smiled at my personal thoughts and teleported away.

... 3 weeks Later.

I woke up with the weight of 5 people on me. "Im....Going to suffocate..." I tried moving but failed ultimately. I sighed out a bit and just layed there. 'It was fine before but with these two here..' Scanty And Kneesocks managed to convince Rev and Persona to stay.

'We can become stronger King Rev so please, Let us stay with the Time Master. We can also watch over Princess Jasmine while we're at it.' Is what they said to them. You know, a part of me thinks they accepted to repay me.

Yes, to repay me. Sending over 2 hot pink women to repay me for helping their family problems.

"Not complaining about all of this but...I really might die." As I said that, I felt the weight on my face lift off.

"kenji. What the hell were you doing under there?" The pink woman with glasses stared at me and I said "Dont say that like I did it on purpose." Kneesocks stared into my face and sighed. "Here. You want to feel them right?"

(AN: I...Have a weird pet peeve.

Is this a pet peeve?

Not knowing when to put the right "There", Annoys the actual hell out of me. Sometimes I feel like I put the right one but if I dont feel like it then I cry.)

She then popped a tit out and held it. "I want to see what the Time Master can really do." She gave me a weird smile and put her boobs back in my face. She then place her bare nipples on my face and moved them around.

"Get...Off of me..." I bit down and she shot up with a blush. When she did that, She kicked Scanty in the face which woke her up. "The fuck!? Why the hell did you kick me!?" She then jumped onto kneesocks and they both started fighting.

They fell all on the sheets which woke all the other girls up. "I...Need to step up my game. They're getting to you before me.." Lidia got up and held the back of her head. "Noisy..." Nero stared at the fighting duo on the floor with a...Mad face? Couldnt tell as she looks the same with every emotion.

"Your hair tickles Master.." I fliched a bit and tilted my head up. Kaida was sitting behind me. I had my head between her legs and she said "Master....Are we going to do it here?" The whole room went silent and they all stared at me. I started sweating a bit and layed up.

"S-Shes talking about...A massage! Yes a Massage! Nothing else.." I laughed awkwardly and they stared at me. Such a lame excuse is not going to work and I know it...

"Stop Lying." I stared at Scanty. "You two are waaaay too touchy feeling.." My world broke down as I thought they would be like 'Oh? Thats it? Okay then.' But nah...Ive...Lost. "Yes. Me and Kaida are in love with each other. We're running away together and getting married."

I moved my hands behind my head and picked Kaida up. I turned her around and held her over my face. "Really Master!? Can we have children aswell!?" Her eyes had sparkles and I gulped. "Y-Yes?..." She got even happier and looked at everyone else.

"I win!" She stuck her tounge out and they all sighed. "Oh Kaida. You love your Master too much..." I brought her down to my face and rubbed our noses together. She giggled out and said "I love Master just enough!" We smiled at each other and the others coughed.

"That is a child man.." I looked over at Scanty. "How about you try out some experienced Pussy. I promise you that you wont regret it.." She spread opened her legs on the floor and winked at me. "Sadly...I cant. I probably wont be able to match up against the people who's been in their....."

I became a bit sad and layed up. "W-What?..." Scanty stared at me and Kneesocks said "Great. You made the only guy you ever loved sad. Minus points for that sis.." She patted her head and got up. Scanty pouted at this and got up aswell.

"He said all of that without even giving me a try. But who knows? I have taken someone as big as ●□ Up there.." She felt under her mini skirt while sighing.

"Today...Is the day huh.." I got up from the bed and sat next to Nero. I then placed my hand on her thighs and said "It is...And your ready for it...."

She then put her hand above mine and placed her fingers in between mine. "Its all...Thanks to you..." She gave me a little smile which made me smile. We then leaned on each other and stared out of the window.

Nero was level 47 now. She should be able to get in however. It cost 10 platinum for each missed level so we will have to pay around 30, 000 coins. Asta was level 55. Lidia was level 52. Scanty was level 153. Kneesocks was level 134.

Apparently, Demons have it easy, level 1 through 100 but after level 100, they go up in levels like humans. For demons tho, they are considered very powerful. "Nero..." I turned my hand around so now our hands were locked with each others. "I'm proud of you...I hope you know that..."

She was sad or atleast I think she was about being the only one to not get passed level 50.

She then held my hand tighter and we drifted apart. We then stared at each other in the eyes and she said "Thank you..." I smiled at her and we went towards each other. Our foreheads touched and we both smiled.

I then undid my hand and sat up. She lifted her head up aswell and I cupped it. She then moved her face into my hand and closed her eyes. "You guys are too romantic. Just fuck and show your true feelings..." Scanty said with her arms crossed.

"Yeah. I'm going to have with sis here. You've slept with all of us for the past 3 weeks but you haven't done anything past touching. You must not be confident down their if your acting like this.." The two pink sisters stood next to each other and snickered at us.

They arent exactly wrong to be honest. I have been acting like a beta Male for the past couples of weeks but that's because I was busy.

I'll change it all tonight tho. I shall transform into an alpha male and..

(AN: You...Ain't doing shit author so I'm stopping you there...)

I undid my hand from Neros face and walked away. I then went over to the dresser and opened it.

I looked around for a bit and grabbed a certain outfit. I wasnt in those rags anymore as I was getting bashed for it. "All this talk about sex is making me horny. Help me sis.." Scanty jumped onto her sister and I looked out of the corner of my eye.

They both started kissing each other and I sighed. They always did this but never went past groping and kissing. Fine by me tho as I get a Perfect Yuri scene almost every morning. I then took my boxers and shirt and sighed out. "Your staring too hard. Just continue doing your porn shoot..."

I then put on another pair of underwear with some black trousers. I put on some black boots aswell and tapped the floor. I then grabbed a white t-shirt and put that on. I picked up my black jacket that had a golden interior and put that on aswell. I placed chest plate armor on aswell as pauldrons and joint protection.

I placed a sword onto my back and turned around. "Well? How do I look?" They all stared at me with drool coming out of their mouths. Even Nero had some but she quickly whiped it away. "Its...An interesting Sytle. I like it tho." Lidia came up to me and looked all around me.

Scanty then got off of Kneesocks and came up to me. "The black and gold really do match you huh?" She looked all around me aswell while nodding in approval. She then came up behind me and said "Why a sword tho? You dont even know how to use one.."

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Your Right. The revolver suites me the best..." I spun her revolver around in my fingers and she gasped. She then lifted her skirt up and said "You only took one? Thats fine I guess..."

I looked over my shoulder and stared down. She was hairy down there which was intresting as I havent done it with someone with hair since..."Its fat and juicy. Everyone loves it and I bet you will too..." She moved her leg to the side and lifted her skirt up even more. She then moved her single thong to the side and I saw it.

It was truly fat and it looked juicy. "Looks great doesnt it?" She spread it out and I saw the bright pink. "It does. A shame I wasnt the first..." I sighed out and she slowly put her skirt down. She then put her head down and said "You...May not have been the first but you can still be the one that makes me feel the best..."

My face squeezed a bit and I said "Okay. It does look good tho. I cant wait-" I stopped myself and everyone slowly looked at me. I then back away to the door with some sweat coming down. "You cant wait for what?" Lidia said while coming up to me.

"Tonight! Tonight I'll show you all!" My voice cracked a bit and I opened the door. I then ran out of it while slamming the door behind me. I then layed up against the door and sighed. 'I'm only one guy here. Can I even keep up with them?' 2 demons, 1 Surpeme Dragon, One Swallow Tail, And one human that cant even be affected by my god tier technique...

Im...Truly blessed. I always wanted a challenge in life. I thought it was fighting but maybe it isnt. Maybe....Its sex.

I laughed at my stupid thoughts then walked down the hallway. "Asta. Get up and get ready. We're going to leave in a bit.." I then walked down the stairs and into the tavern.
