

"We have a problem!" A police officer came up to all might and he showed him a phone. "A...Problem?" He grabbed the phone and looked at it.

He watched it and his eyes were slowly widening. "When did this happen!?" He screamed out and got up. "We just caught it on camera 10 minutes ago sir!"

All might nodded and picked his phone up. He made a call to somebody and started explaining the details.


Blinded by rage, I jumped at them. They quickly reacted and made these whips of light "No matter..."It moved them at me and the ground broke. They got close to me and tangled me up.

I struggled to get out for a while. "Hes not in control anymore."It laughed out and threw me into the ground. I hit the ground and quick speeds and coughed up some blood. My eyes went white and a voice came into my head.. "Can you be my friend?..."

I heard his voice move around in my head. "Get stronger?....Okay kenji!" I saw his smile and my eyes went back to normal. I shot out of the ground and sped at them.

A huge boulder then came at me and I twirled around it. I kept going at them and its eyes widened "Hes too fast!"I punched it and it went flying into a nearby mountain.

I kept going at them. "I finally have a quirk!" I landed onto of them. "I'm jealous of you!" Its eyes widened and I put my fist up. "Dont go!"

I swung my fist down and it crouched up blood. I hit it over and over and over until its eyes turned black. I then stood up and picked it up. "I want to protect you." I ripped its arms off and it screamed out.

I ripped them all out and it roared louder. When it did, a needle made of earth popped out of the ground and pierced my chest. It flew me into the sky and I started down at them.

"I'm not taking him alive!"

"He wants him alive so we have too!" It started talking to itself. I then started moving myself of the needle. "Fuck it!" Its limbs regrow and it put its arm out.

I broke off if the rock needle and charged at it. I cocked my fist back and it smiled. "Fool.."I instantly moved mid air and went back. My eyes widened a bit. "Is this who you love?" They made a realistic figure of...Eri.

The figure smiled at me and ran up to me. A smile appeared on my face and I opened my arms. The figure ran into my arms and I hugged her. "Eri.." She giggled and I pulled her back.

"Your such a idiot father.." Her face melted and and flash went off. The figure exploded and I flew back. I crashed into multiple trees and rocks. "Ken..ji..? I looked over and saw him.

"Why...arw you still here?..." He slowly crawled over to me. He then placed his hand on mine and we stared at each other. "Your...Fine.." I let out a sigh. We he passed out, his heart was slowing down at a quick speed.

"You need...To leave..." He got up to me and placed his head onto my chest. He passed out again and my eyes widened. "No..." His heart...stopped. "Hey..Wake up...Wake up!" I screamed at him and pushed him.

He didnt respond however and I backed up against the rock even more. "No...This..And i...I promised-" I stopped myself and whiped my face. I touched his face and slowly smiled.

I took him off me and got up. "I'll be number one. You can be my sidekick." I shot up and it looked surprised. It wasted no time however and made multiple walls of earth.

I shot threw them all and appeared infront if its face. It struck down at me and I moved to the side. I pucnhed at its side and connected with something. "Fool.."I hit a barrier but it didnt bother me.

I then moved around its body and grabbed its neck. It instantly roared out and quickly pulled my hands back. I then turned around and kicked me and I flew to the ground.

I sunk into it and it appeared next to me. "A body should be good aswell right?"It smiled at me and and made an axe. I turned my body and it swung down.

I jumped out of its bath and the ground beneath me broke more. I was then raised into the sky and I started looking around. I then felt somethi warm on my neck and I Instantly swung at it.

There was no one there when I did. I then coughed up some blood and held my stomach. My vision was getting wobbly and I felt kinda tired. It then appeared in my face and i was hit in my face. It hurted like hell.

I flew back into some walls and got back up. I stammered a bit when I did. That hit felt like a mountain crushed me in one specific spot.

I then started screaming out. "Hes lost it huh.."I dug my fingers into the ground and grunted. I started picking it up and an huge wave of ground went at them.

It started laughing and it stuck its hands out. The ground wave then turned into feathers. "Is that all?"I appeared through the feathers and it became surprised. "ILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Their sweat went up and bawled my finger sup more.

It started piercing my skin but I ignored it. "W-WHAT ARE YOU!?"" Its eyes bounced around and I punched it. My fist sunk into its head and it screamed out. I kept going into it and blood soon went up.

Its head exploded and I shot through it. There were some floating rocks around and i landed on them while making my way down. I went towards izuku and went on top of him.

I covered his body and frowned. All the rubble came down and I sighed. I got from over him and layed down next to him. I then picked up his hand and appeared in front of the users.

"What the hell was they for!?" I walked up to the fourth and put my finger into his chest. "You almost killed your own ally. What's your problem." He can use danger sense by himself that much.

But if it gets out if controll like earlier, he can instantly turn it off. "I tried to but he kept it on himself." He pointed to izuku who was sitting in a chair. He had his eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping.

He was on deaths door but they pulled him in here before he died. I walked up to him and stared at him. "I'm grateful for what you did. Yo saved him but you put him in this position.."

He said izuku kept it on himself but no. He would have turned it off immediately if he could. He knew how dangerous the situation was so do you really think he would have kept it on and prevented himself from fight.

"Ken..ji?.." He slowly opened his eyes. "Is everything fine!?" He got up from the chair and I stared at him. I smiled and said "Its fine. Everything's fine now." I gave him and big smile and he came up to me.

"I'm sorry...I was useless to you and..." I put my arms out and hugged him. I patted his head and said "You weren't useless. I was able to pull through because of you." I said this and soon heard sniffles.

"Kenji..." He cried into my chest and I smiled. "Aw..That's cute." The users started talking behind us. I patted his head and looked up. 'What would I have done if..' He hugged me tighter and it made the thought go away.

"You can move in here freely." The first came up to me and I turned my head. "We didnt give you permission and yet.." The others walked up to me aswell. "You...Are now one of us..." They smiled at me and cheered.

I was confused tho. What does he mean by one of them? "Your probably confused huh?" The first snapped his fingers and some chairs appeared. We all sat down and izuku...Didnt move away. He was paying attention tho.

"When we all accept someone then we can let them use our powers and Visa versa.." I stared at him and said "Then why now? You said you trusted me last time so why now?" The first looked at the others and continued.

"We still had one more test. You stood up for him and confronted one of us. You spoke your mind and we appreciated that." He smiled at me and I stared out.

Izuku heard this and his face...Had mixed emotions. He was happy that they all trusted me but was sad that I have to take the burden aswell. "You can use our powers bit only one at a time. We can use your power aswell with the same rule."

I nodded and got up. "Now that you have passed our final test...You can be one of us. A temporary...User per say." I nodded and he got up. They all did actually. "Now...Good luck..." They all touched me and I appeared back on the battle field.

I was panting a bit and I sat up. "Kenji?" I looked over at him and smiled. "Yeah, I'm here..." He smiled and came up to me. He clung onto me and buried his face into my arm.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA! YOUNG SKIES!" We both looked up and sighed. We saw a buff all might running to us. "ARE YOU FINE!?" He checked us then smoke went up. He turned skinny again and continued.

"We're fine.." My vision was moving all over. I think that im...about to die... I coughed up some blood and this surprised them both. They then called out my name but it sounded like they were mumbling.

"I'm...Fine..." Izukus tears were getting on my face and all might picked me up. He got bigger and jumped away. We flew through the skies and soon arrived at the hospital I think.

He called some people over to me and they seemed surprised. 'Holy..Shit..." The whole in my stomach was massive. How am I now noticing...

The people put me on this table and rolled me over to a room. They tried putting me to sleep but it didn't work. They all made the decision to keep on going and they operated on me.

They used some healing quirks but that only stopped the blood. Nothing sealed up the hole in my chest tho. They then said some stuff and gave me a look of sympathy.

I then heard the door open and saw izuku. He had tears in his eyes and was trying to get closer to me. He kept yelling my name and our eyes locked. 'I'm fine.' He frowned even more and was taken out of the room.

The doctors all sighed and looked at me. They told me that they were bringing someone in but it'll take a while. They were just worried if I'll live until she got here.


A little girl came into the room and my eyes widened. "Eri?..." She stared at me and said "How do you know my name mister?" I guess she wouldn't recognize me with my face covered up by a towel.

I then pointed to a picture on the wall and she nodded. She then came up to me and the doctors smiled and waved at her. "Okay mister." She placed her small hand on me and her horn grew.

It flashed yellow and she sat back. "Well?" I instantly shot up which spooked her. I checked all over and nodded. "Thank you. I'm...Healed." She smiled and got down. The doctors thanked her and she walked out of the room.

I was very proud of her. It's only been 2 weeks since we left but she was already doing things like this. It makes me proud. "We have to do some more tests but after that, your free." I nodded and layed back down.

... 2 days later.

I showed up at the rusted house and looked at it. 'I fought naked didnt I?' Weird thought to have in this moment but it is truth huh.

I opened the door and closed it. As soon as I did, I fell down to the ground. "Kenji!" He held onto my chest and looked at me. "Geez. Your going to send me back to the hospital.." He laughed a bit and got up.

His face turned back dead however. I guess it natural now.. "How did you know I was coming home?" I got up and patted my clothes off. "I can tell when your close by now." I nodded at him and walked over to the fridge.

"Are you serious?..." It was still empty. Well, there was a block of cheese but that's it. "All might will be back. We just have to wait." I nodded and sat down. He had a drink in his hand and I took it.

I then drunk from it and let out a sigh of relief. "We have the mission together tommorow right?" He nodded at me and took the drink back. "Yeah, All might said that theres gonna be a tough villian so he wants us to rest well.." He drunk from it and I took it back.

"I've been asleep for two days now. I think he wants /you/ to rest up.." He slowly nodded and we stared at the TV. Apparently hes been doing more missions these past two days.

I dont see anything wrong with that besides him not getting a single ounce of rest. "Hey, maybe you should-" He fell onto my shoulder and stayed silent. "Rest..." I guess he was really tired after all.

I picked him up and tucked him under the covers. "Your pushing yourself too hard.." The black bags under his eyes showed it. I stared at him for a moment then sat back down at the edge of the bed.

I watched TV for a while then heard a knock. I went up to the door and opened it. I saw all might and walked away. "Geez. Not even a 'Hey?'" He walked in with some groceries and sat them down by the fridge.

"I see you got young midoriya to sleep." He walked over to him and patted his head. I started putting the groceries in the fridge and he kept talking. "You know..I made a promise to his mother... To take care of him and here he is..." He sighed out and walked over to me.

"Im protecting him by pushing him away from everyone. Do you think it was the right choice?" He stared at my back and I said "Yes. Yes it was the right choice." I continued and he sighed.

"I'll be going now then....Say hey to young midoriya for me when he gets up." He waved me off and left. I kept putting the groceries up until I finished. After I finished, I put the bags in the drawers. Gotta save these y'know.

I then turned around and looked at izuku. He had his mouth opened a bit and was breathing kinda fast. I walked up to him and touched his warm face. He soon calmed down and smiled a bit.

I then walked away but was grabbed by black whip. It pulled me into the bed and I sighed. "They play too much." I could see them all having a laugh on the inside. "Kenji..." He said my name and turned to me.

He held onto me and I stared at him. I then slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.
