
Chapter 91

I was lying in the bed now with Gasper. It was 7 in the morning and we should have been getting up but we decided to stay in bed a while longer.

He had his hand on my chest and I had mine over his back. "Kenji. Will we do a thr-thresome?" I looked down at him in surprise and kissed his forehead.

"Well.. it depends? I have to ask her but I'm fine with it." He nodded and stared at the TV. There was some hero news with...Aizawa!? I shot up and stared at it. "Pro hero: Erasure head, found with the smile hero: Ms.Joke, in a coffee shop."

I sighed and layed back down. "What's wrong kenji!?" I laughed a bit and said "I thought I recognized him that's all."

He was caught with Ms.Joke? Good for you man. How did they even find you tho? Your not the type to go in public while doing this.

"Oh? Okay." He smiled a bit and kept watching. At first I though he thought he died or something. That could have been bad for the planet If that was the case.

"Kenji your hard again." I laughed a bit. Wait no. No no no no no! It's not like that I swear. It happens out of no where. Even I cant control it.

"We should fix it then." He giggled a bit and I threw the covers up.


"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 76 annual tournament!" Holy shot! The crowd was huge. It was atleast triple in size to the one at U.A.

The crowd cheered loudly when the headmaster said that. He waited for them to die down which took 8 minutes.

"We will now present you will the competertors!" He put his hand out and everyone looked up us. There were 12 people in line right now including me.

"From class 1-F, Kenji Skies! From Class 1-F again, Recall jets!" The crowd cheered only a little. I guess we dont have the best reputation as a class.

"From class 1-E, Mars Newman. From class 1-E again, Madison luck." The crowd cheered a little louder when they were presented. (AN: You can see the pattern.)

"From class 1-D, Clinton grud. From class 1-D also, Jeff bozo." The crowd cheered even louder. (AN: It hurts me every single paragraph.)

"From class 1-C, Jaylen Johnson and Lamar wayne." The crowd got even hyper.

"From class 1-B, We have Mary Jane and Peter panker." The crowd was almost at its peak.

"And the top students in the grade, From class 1-A, Claudia smith and Jordan fall." The crowd basically butted. The cheers were so loud the ground shook. Who is this Jordan guy? I thought her brother was stronger but alright.

"These 12 will be participating in a tournament. They will fight each other until one is unconcious or one gives up. Killing is not allowed but breaking limbs are." We took everything in face first. I saw some people in the crowd starring at me but I ignored it.

"In 20 minutes, We will begin." He dropped the mic and left the stage.

"Hey Bell. We got this alright?" I put my fist out. He eyed me down but eventually smiled. "See you in the last round right?" He stuck his fist out and I shook my head.


"I'm glad your okay with this Gasper." I was in a back room with gasper. "You said it yourself Kenji. It'll be too easy with me and you so its fine." He put his hand ontop of mine.

I only sighed and nodded. With Featherine in Claudia's body, she can use her quirk even better than normal. Having Gapser out there now would probably make him become even stronger.

We talked for a while longer before my watch started beeping. "What's that kenji?" I put my arm out and stared at it. "It checks our heart rate or something. It also tells us when to stop fighting." He nodded and I got up.

"It also means that it's time for me to go." He fliched for a moment and got up. "Win Kenji!" I smiled at him and patted his head.

I walked out the room and met up with bell. We decided to walk to the stadium together. We got outside and noticed that we were the last ones to arrive.

We heard some...Not so fortunate words from the crowds. There were even children who were getting on our heads. Atleast henry seemed happy.

"Now that everyone is here, well discuss the brakets!" A screen slowly came down from the sky. It turned on and showed the order in which we'll fight.

(AN: Holy shit this is gonna be hard to explain. I tried a picture from google but that shit mad confusing.

Future me from the next couple of paragraphs. This shit was not hard at all to explain. I'm just an idiot.)

1. Kenji Skies.

2.Mary jane.

3.Lamar wayne.

4.Jordan fall.

5.Peter panker.

6.Jaylen johnson.

7.Jeff Bozo.

8.Mars newton.

9.Recall jets.

10.Madison luck.

11.Claudia smith.

12.Clinton grud.

Okay then. I dont even fight first. "This is the list! We have chosen these matchup carefully! Every person in each bracket has a chance to win to make things fair!"

Okay old man. Yeah okay. "Kenji Skies! As you can see, you are not fighting first! Join the other and wait!" I nodded at him and walked away.

Mary and that Jaylen dude stayed and went to the opposite sides of the arena. I went to the waiting station with bell and watched from a tv.


"State your name and quirk!" He then threw the mic to mary. "Mary jane. Quirk, mind exchange." Intresting quirk. Just hope you use it better than a certain someone.

Well shes hot so it dont matter.

She then threw the mic at lamar. He caught and put it up to his mouth. "Lamar wayne. Quirk, petrification." Is he allowed to use that?

He can... undo it right? He threw the mic back at the headmaster and he stated. "No killing! You win when the other is unconcious or has passed out! Any questions!?"

He looked at the both of them. Lamar raised his hand and said "Is pushing people out of the arena count?" The obvious question that shouldn't have to been said. "It does not."

Nevermind then. "Any more questions!?" He looked at the both of them. They looked at each other then shook their heads no.

"Then...Begin!" He floated away and the match started. Lamar's eye glowed green while Mary stood their.

"I'm winning this whole thing lady." He pointed at his chest with his thumb. She only stared at him with a blank face.

Lamar didnt seem to like this so he slowly started running at her slowly. He picked up pace and soon was infront of her. He punched towards her face while his eyes turned greener.

She dodge the punch and caught his forearm with her left hand. She then used her right and punched him in the stomach. He coughed up vomit and flew back a bit.

He landed on his back and instanly froze. She walked up to him and stood over his body. She then bent down and touched his nose. "W-What are you doing!?"

He freaked out and tried backing away only to stop. Her body then fell to the floor besides him.

Lamar soon stood up with a blank stare. He extended his arm out and used his other to break it. He then broke his legs and fell to the floor again.

Mary's body twitched and she slowly got up. "I win." She walked back a bit and waited. "I'm still-" His eyes widened and turned greener. He started screaming out with foam coming out of his mouth.

"Whaa.." He couldnt even finish his sentence before going unconcious. His body moved weirdly a couple of times when he did.

"The winner is Mary Jane!" The headmaster came down to the stage and held her hand up. "Wow. He didn't even get to use his quirk. Poor guy." I looked over to recall.

"His seemed like he was about to use it from the beginning. I guess that he has to be in contact with the other person for it to work tho." He nodded at me and we looked back at the arena.

She took over his body and broke his limbs herself. She must not feel pain when doing things like that. It's a pretty good quirk to be honest. She strong and fast which makes up for her quirk.

Since she has to touch the person's nose to go into their body, she has to be faster than them.

"Will peter panker and Jaylen Johnson come down to the stage!" I looked over and saw them both getting up. They left the room together and soon arrived at the arena.

The headmaster told them the rules again and passed them the mic. "Peter Panker. Quirk, Spider." He passed the microphone to Jaylen. (AN: Most unpredictable thing I've wrote huh.)

"Jaylen Johnson. Quirk, Air controll." He then threw the mic to the headmaster. Spider? Like spiderman I guess. And air control? Like that bald headed kid?

"Do either of you have any questions?" He looked at the both of them. They however stared at each other and shook their heads no. "Then...Begin!!!" He floated away again.

Jaylen then stretched his hands out and started floating. Peter only rubbed his wrist.

After a while of boos and harsh words from the crowd, they started. Jaylen threw some balls of air that couldnt been seen. Peter swiftly jumped over them however. He then stuck his hand out and some white stuff came out.

It was super fast web shooting I have to admit. Jaylen however counter it bu trapping it in balls of air. Jaylen then flew towards peter very quickly. He jumped off the air and punched at him. Peter did a backflip while shooting out webs.

Jaylen reacted quickly by moving his hands all over and he eventually sent it back at peter. Peter kept jumping away from it and landed on the ground softly. Peter then shot out multiple webs again.

This Jaylen guy only needs one move to defeat this Peter guy but he doesnt use it. "You're not gonna hit me with that lame attack." Jaylen kept dodging it while sending out air balls.

Peter dodge them aswell and this continued forever. Jaylen then moved his hands all over again and pointed at peter. An invisible whip caught peter quickly to which he struggled to get out.

"This move again huh?" Peter squirmed a bit and broke the..Air? He then shot out a web that caught Jaylen.

He swung him around multiple times before pulling him in closer. He got to his face and Peter punched him. He undid the webs after he punched him and he flew into a wall.

Peter quickly shot multiple webs out and stuck him to the wall. "Give up. You can't escape and you know it." He slowly walked up to him.

"Why would I give up when I've won." Peter's eyes widened and tried to jump away but it was too late. Their was invisible strings all in the air and they caught peter. "When did you!?.." Peter's head raised up on his own and his body started twitching.

It seemed like he was being exercised. He kinda was actually. Air was coming out if his body slowly. "You should give up before you die." Peter didnt say anything back. Surprising huh.

After a while, his body slowly stopped. "Y..ant...ki-" His body fell limp to the ground. The webs around Jaylen fell down and he was able to get out.

He walked up to peter and touched his head. "Your not dead. You still have some air in you." He removed his hands and walked away. "The winner is Jaylen Johnson!" The crowd cheered loudly at this.

Peter could have won if it wasnt for a draw back tho. His spider quirk is weak against the cold which makes him weaker. Jaylen used cold wind attacks the whole time so that's why he wasnt able to sense those invisible strings.

"We need a medic however!" He said that with a smile. The medics did however come out and they took care of them.

"Okay then. Mars newton and Recall Jets. Onto the stage please." I looked over at him. He seemed nervous. "Its okay bell. Just...Dont lose that's all." Must not have been the best advise because he got even more nervous.

This mars guy...His quirk was powerful yet it came with a serious draw back. Like it could probably kill him if he uses it too much.

"If you win then I'll get you ice cream. Deal?" His face shot up at me. He has the mentality of a child with things like this. "Really!?" I nodded at him and looked away.

"I'll win for sure then!" He got up out of his chair and left. 'Good luck man. You'll need it.' I sighed and kept looking at the stage.


(AN: Hey guys. It's me, Author. Let's talk for a second.

I grabbed your shoulder and we walked to a room. There was a fire place with 2 chairs in front of it.

"Sit down in that seat for me please." You nodded at me and we both sat down.

"So I have school monday." You started to bawl.

"No, dont cry. It'll still be the same although writing may...Decrease? Increase? Who knows.")

God, i'm cringey.

"You are."