
Chapter 65

I woke up with the sun beaming on my face. Or a women with a yellow bra on with huge boobs.

"What are you doing here aphrodite?" She was in my bed, sleeping on my chest. "I told you to call me honey. Anyways, the gods upstairs dont excite me anymore after Ive meet you~."

I sighed and said in my head 'This is a random way to start the chapter.' I got out of her grasp and got up. I was butt naked for some reason but I didnt mind it. I opened the the curtain and looked out of the amazing view. I had the perfect view of the whole island basically.

"Leave aphrodite. Dont roam in this world any longer than needed." She booed and slowly faded away. I was doing this for her own good. Whenever a god comes down to the mortal world, there lifespan decreases for a odd reason.

Well I knew why but I cant explain(literally). I walked away from the window and went to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and got it. It felt amazing just like last night.

I got out after a while and put some clothes on. I brushed my teeth and was out the door.


'This is some amazing breakfast.' I was inside the buffet zone in the hotel. I got to eat for free so I couldnt let this opportunity go to waste.

While I was eating, I heard whispers. "Isnt that him? The man who held up every single person he defeated by their necks?" Is that what they remember me for? Sure, I did do that but seriously?

I sighed and continued eating. I had some eggs with bacon and a side of toast. Apple juice aswell. While I was picking up my apple juice, my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked it.

"Kenji. We just boarded the plane." I replied with "What time will you be here then?" After a while, he texted me back. "Around 10. That's what the flight crew says atleast." I replied with a thumbs up emoji and continued eating.


I was at the stadium again. I wanted to see if there was anybody else who could be a good fight for me.

"Does anyone want to challenge the man who has won 63 matches in a row?" The crowd was shocked and silent. I was aswell. John was my last good opponent yesterday so after him, I just stopped caring about how many I won.

The crowd started mumbling but that's when a hand came up. "Come on down." The person with horns then started walking down the stairs and eventually arrived in the arena.


"My name is ace. My quirk is minor controll over the weather. I dont need to explain it do i?" Me and the announcer both shook our heads no. "Now lets begin!" The women floated into the air and said "Begin!"

He turned into air and disappeared. I looked around quickly but to no avail. He then appeared in front of me and made a sword out of..hail? He slashed at be but I jumped away. When I did, he put his hand out and wind came at me. I flew towards a wall mid jump and crashed into it.

The man then started running around in a circle. He created a small circle of wind until it turned into a huge tornado. He slowly crept towards me. I was about 9 feet away from him when I started getting dragged into it.

I quickly anchored myself and waited. The wind was strong but I could manage.

After a while, the man started slowing down and eventually he appeared. He looked very tired but he was still composed. I jumped out of the ground and was above him now. I then came down directly on his face and he was sent into the ground.

When his back was a inch away from the ground tho, he turned into dust and disappeared. I looked all over and then ran towards a spot in a corner.

I grabbed out into 'nothing' and caught him by the collar. He turned back into a person and had blood coming out of his nose and eyes. I smirked at him then turned around. I then threw him into wall but this was made of metal.

He crashed into it and made a dent. He fell to the floor and seemed to be unconscious. He wasnt tho.

I came up to him and kicked him in the chin. He flew into the metal wall again but he was still conscious. I grabbed him by the neck and continued slamming him into the wall. I could hear some people who were disgusted by this but it was necessary.

He was very durable so I was actually doing this to make sure that he was going to pass out. The man was screaming a little but he eventually stopped. His body twitched and he passed out. I carried him over to the center of the stage and threw him down.

"T-The winner is Mars once again! Does anyone think they could challenge him once more!?" The crowd got passed the fact about what I did to ace and started clapping.

"I would like to challenge him!" A little boy around the age of 8 raised his hands. The crowd went silent and looked at him. "Then come on down kid!" That announcer doesnt care about age at all.

The kid looked happy and came down. He tripped a couple of times but I found it kinda cute. "I will defeat you mars! I have been watching you since yesterday and now I know a way to defeat you!"

I smiled a little and said "Sure kid. If you can beat me then I'll give you anything that you want." He nodded cheerfully and accepted.


"My name is lance. My quirk is eye beam! I can shoot beams out of my eyes. That's all." Everyone nodded at what he said. "Then let's start!" She floated up in the air and gave the signal to start.

Lance eyes lit red and he shot beams of energy at me. I put my hand out and the beams flew into it. The beams continued disappearing in my palm until he stopped. "I-Impossible. My beams can cut through anything!"

I put my hand back down and said "My quirk allows me to block anything." The kid rubbed his eyes because they were a little watery. "Fine! I guess I'll have to use my secret move!"

He shot another wave of energy at me but this time I just moved to the side. The beams shot by me and went towards a wall. "What's this secret move of yo-" The beams went to the left and shot back at me.

I quickly turned around and caught the beams in my hand again. That would have worked on anyone else besides me. The kid then shot multiple beams at me.

I dodged some of them and even had to jump between two of them. As I was doing that, he shot another at me but I couldnt do anything. I took the beams head on and it dragged me to a wall.

The beams kept hitting my chest and was starting to go through it. "Give up mister. I can increase the heat of these you know?"

Yea I know but that makes your eyes.. He then increased the heat of them. They went through my stomach and then through the wall behind me.

The beams disappeared and I only saw the kid. I stared at him then looked down at my bloodied stomach. My whole outfit below my nipple was covered in blood.

Just then in that moment, a alarm went off inside of my head. I checked it and saw the time. It was 10:00.

My eyes widened and I looked back up. "Lance. You defeated me. Congratulations." I then put my hands up. "What!?? Mars, who had won 64 matches has now given up to a kid!?" The crowd was also surprised.

I walked up to the kid with my right hand on my stomach. "Good job kid. Guess your beam of energy is the only thing I cant heal from." I patted the little boys head.

"Mister.." The boy eyes then started watering. I guess that his quirk was taking its toll now. "I'm sorry mister!" He kid bowed to me and rubbed his eyes.

I laughed a little and walked out of the stage. I went in the bathroom and immediately walked out. I was healed now with clean clothes.

I then started walking to the airport. It was a long way away so I decided to call a uber. He arrived in a couple of seconds and I got in the car.


"I'm sorry guys. I was just helping an old lady cross the road." My whole class was starring at me with daggers. "I'm telling the truth you know." They still didnt believe me. Damn you kakashi. I don't know how they always accepted your bs lies.

Wait, was the excuse I said even said by kakashi? Anyways, "Well I'm here now so why don't we leave." The class shook their heads and went back to normal. I guided them to the i.d. clarification zone so they could get into the island.

It took about 10 minutes and they were done. "Young skies. Young midoriya! I need you both to come with me." Geez all might, can you choose one. Kenji or skies. You gave been saying both the whole story.

Me and izuku looked at each other and nodded. "Sorry guys. I'll show you around later." I waved them off and walked away. Izuku did the same.


"So all might. You cant use your buff form for more than 5 seconds right?" I asked him because I wanted to know if he was going to be able to fight that magneto guy. All might laughed a little and started transforming. "You see young skies. Your daughter healed me so I can stay in this form for about 2 hours."

I was surprised. All might didnt even mention this at the hospital. I did notice that he seemed younger tho. "She did? Wait, why only 2 hours? She has good controll over her quirk and could have sent you back into your prime."

All might then turned around and said "I cant be a hero forever you know. I already played my role and now it's your turn."

I was satisfied with that answer. All mights been through alot so I could see why he just wants to 'settle' down now.

While we were discussing this, a whole bunch of people ran up to us. "Omg! It really is all might!" There was many things said that was similar to this. I grabbed izuku hand and ran away. I don't want to be all up in that.

"Hello young citizens! It is indeed me! All might!" People started squealing and yelling when he said that.

"I guess we have to wait huh?" Izuku sighed and nodded. We sat down on a bench that had a roof and waited for him.


"Are you done old man?" All might had lip stick all over himself. "Uh yes. I am done!" I sighed and got up. I shook izukus shoulder and he got up. He fell asleep somehow.

"Uncle might! Your here!" That blonde hair woman was yelling in the distance. She was riding a pogo stick by the way. "My beautiful neice! How have you been?" She jumped off the pogo stick and into his arms. "I'm doing well! Me and dad missed you!"

They talked for abit then stared at us. "I'm melissa sheild. Nice to meet you!" She came up to me and extended her hand. "I'm Kenji skies. It's a pleasure to meet you aswell." I smiled and took her hand. We needed up shaking hands for a while.

"You can stop now." She snapped out of it and scratched the back of here head. She then came up to izuku and introduced herself again. He responded by doing the same.

"So uncle. Which one of them is your protege." All might flinched then said "It is young midoriya. He's the ones who I decided to pass my legacy onto." Izuku blushed a little when he said that.

"Then who is he?" She then pointed at me. "He's young midoriya's friend! He's trained him better than I ever did and also supported him better so I decided to repay him!"

Repay him? Your lucky I'm here old man. Also, you put your self down all might. You taught him about the air bullet thing I think.

"So does that means he knows?" All might shook his head. I guess they were talking about Ofa. She knew about how he passes it down to someone but not about the other vestiges and how they pass on their quirks aswell. (I wonder if there is a plot hole in this)

"Well melissa. We should go meet up with your dad! He still doesnt know that we are here right?" She shook her head. "Yep! We want to surprise him after all."

We then started walking away. She talked with all might the whole time while I just told izuku about some of the fun spots. He told me that he wanted to take uraraka out on a date so he asked me to tell him where some good spots were at.
