
Chapter 38

Ida and ojiro then came back to the waiting/watch room. Everyone congratulated them and praised them. "So kenji, is there anything we did wrong?" said ida. He was moving his hands in a robotic motion. "No, not really" was all I said back.

I then walked over to momo. "Good luck out there. He's a tough opponent and should be very weary of him." I then patted her head. She nodded her head and blushed. "Todoroki.. Cover for her. That ice of yours will help block out his vision." (AN: I think? His ice isn't see through right?)

He stared at me. He then proceeded to walk towards me. He bent down a little and put his head towards me. He's acting weird again. Dont tell me... "Todoroki and Momo. Please report to the fighting grounds."

Thank you present mic. He looked up at me and left. All that abuse must have left him brain dead. "Izuku. I think you hit him a little to hard." I said while starring at the monitor. He was beside me, watching the whole thing. "I dont know.. He's always been like that. Remember when he-" Your not finishing that sentence. I covered his mouth but he kept talking. I look at the screen and see momo and todoroki arrive.

'Let's see what's different' I thought it myself.

Hey! Stop tickling my hand damnit.


Aizawa was standing on a telephone pole. I guess that we was looking for momo and todoroki. I look over at another screen and see Momo walking in front of todoroki. She was talking about a plan while todoroki listened.

While they were talking, aizawa jumped out from some bushes. He activated his quirk and stopped them from using their powers. He then let out a little smile that apparently I only saw. It looked.. kinda cool, considering his red eyes.

He then quickly wrapped his scarf around todoroki and momo. He proceeded to hang them from a pole line. They were dangling like a pair of ball sacks. "Should have been more foucsed" said aizawa. They struggled a bit before 'Giving up'

Aizawa saw this and gave a disappointing face. It look creepy with his eyes bulging open. He soon let down his guard and blinked. In that brief moment, todoroki let out ice. It went toward aizawa foot and froze it a little bit. Aizawa grunted a bit but managed to jump back toward a house. Momo then made an item that was capable of getting out the scarf.

She struggled a little bit but eventually got out. Todoroki on the other hand used his fire. He increased it alot to the point were the scarf melted off him. They both fell down to the ground and stumbled a bit. They caught their breath a little but aizawa wasted no time. He rushed at them and was about to use his quirk but todoroki made a huge wall of ice.

Aizawa jumped back even farther than last time to avoid the ice. It almost pierced his arm but he managed to dodge it. On the other side of the ice, momo and todoroki were panting hard. "Nice job. I though we were goners for a second." said momo. Todoroki smiled a bit and looked at a camera. I fliched a bit because of the weird look he was giving. Izuku also flinched. He guess that he was looking at me and started chuckling.

I then kick izuku in the stomach. He fell to the floor and had to go to recovery girl. Uraraka glared at me and left with izuku in her arms. Reverse princess carry huh. Wait. How is she even able to pick him up. Oh wait I forgot. She can make things float.

(AN: I deadass forgot she could do that. Me and mc are kinda retarded.)

I look back at the screen and saw momo creating weapons. I told her for training that she should study alot more weapons but shesh. She made RPGs, grenade launchers, and some other stuff.

"He's coming." said momo. "How do you know?" questioned todoroki. She then looked back like she was having a flash back. She was having a flashback.


"Momo. Since he's fast and unpredictable, put something on him so you can track him." I said to her. This was a conversation we had while watching tsuyu and Tokoyami match. I didn't write this down because of plot convenience. She asked me for a way to 'defeat him' and I told her this. She then made a thinking face and after sometime, she nodded.

End of flashback.

How did she put one on him? I replayed the last couple of hours in my head and found out how. Damn, that's cheap but smart. She put a tracker on him while he was watching the match. She must have somehow touched him in order to do that. Dont think to hard about. Even the author doesn't know.

"I see" said todoroki. She explained to him how she did it. He then looked back at a camera. 'I'm telling aizawa on you.' I thought to myself. He ain't gonna like the fact that todoroki was not focusing on the match.

Aizawa arrived at the crime scene. "Smart play. You almost had me." He smiled a little bit. Momo then coughed a little bit. Aizawa heard this but did nothing. That's kinda obvious momo. Todoroki who heard her cough let out another wave of ice. Aizawa easily dodged this time and activated his quirk.

Todoroki fell down to the ground and died.

Todoroki then stopped making ice and signaled momo. She then pulled out a gun from her... How do they always do that? Anyways, this is a problem right? He ain't bullet proof. How is he gonna dodge this.. She then pulled the triggered and fired at aizawa eyes. He fliched and barely dodged. Aizawa looked frightened. He was not expecting that in the slightest. He thought that she didn't have anymore weapons for some odd reason


Todoroki used this chance and created an ice chain. When the hell did he learn that? That's actually impressive, considering that he doesn't do shit with his ice besides making a wall. He then wrapped up aizawa who was jumping back. He looked surprised at getting caught. Todoroki quickly pulled aizawa towards himself and momo before he could activate his quirk.

Aizawa tried activating his quirk but momo pulled out pepper spray. No one could go against that. She took his goggles off and aimed the spray at his eyes. Aizawa was impressed that they managed to capture him. Seeing him in this state, momo and todoroki cheered a bit. That was a mistake.(kinda) He used his scarf and almost capture them both. Luckily, momo and todoroki was prepared for it.

You could even say that they baited him. She quickly made a fire proof suit that could withstand even endeavors flames a little bit. Todoroki then used his fire on aizawa scarf. Wait. This is bad. He could get seriously burnt.

Aizawa, seeing this, looked scared? Before the flames even reached him, aizawa shouted "I surrender!" Todoroki quickly recalled his fire. He then looked down at his left arm in shame and anger. "I-I almost burned you.."

He was moving his hand in a weird way like he was on crack. Aizawa then said "You were just reacting to the situation. I would have been fine anyways."

Liar. Your heart says otherwise. It was beating like you just got caught stroking your chicken. Todoroki then looked up and aizawa. He smiled weirdly and released aizawa from the ice chains. "Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yoyorozu are the winners."

Aizawa got up and congratulated both of them. While that was happening, izuku walked backed in. "I was just joking Kenji." I looked at him and laughed a little. "Believe it or not, there was a bug on you. You know how I am with bugs." He stared at me. "Sure there was. Sure." I turned back around towars the monitor.

Bruh. If you dont stop starring at me...


"Goof job out there guys." I was 'congratulating' the both of them. "Todoroki. That was a close call man. You shouldn't have released all of that fire on him. Only a concentrated amount at his scarf would have been enough. Momo, you shouldn't have been that obvious when trying to signal todoroki. I'm sure aizawa sensei noticed this but he let it slide." They both looked at me and nodded.

Momo seemed kinda down so I did what anyone would do. I touched her boobs. I mean, I patted her head. Todoroki was doing weird shit again so I did the right thing. "Aizawa sensei. Todoroki kept looking at us student during the fight. He completely thought that the match was unimportant."

Todoroki fliched. He tried running away but aizawa got to him. They left the rooms and the next thing I knew, screams were being heard. 'Did endeavor give him permission to do that?' I thought to myself. "Thanks a lot Kenji. I didnt get to see the fight." Said izuku while walking back through the door with uraraka. Your not slick man, trying to blame this on me. "Hey. I came by the nurse room to come get you but, I saw you and uraraka doing something so I left."

He stared at me confusingly and blushed. "N-No kenji. Me and uraraka were just talking very closely. I couldnt hear her very well at the moment sonic asked her to come closer." said izuku. I nodded and said "But I heard some weird noises. Like somebody was stirring macaroni."

He blushed even deeper and tried to hit me in a playful way. My stomach then started making sounds. I then chopped izukus neck and left towards the bathroom. The next match with uraraka and Aoyama was gonna be boring so I decided to sit this one out.

I arrived at the toilet stall and walked in. I was about to pull my pants down when.. "Hiya kenji! Nice weather today huh." I almost shitted myself. Mirio was in the toilet, looking at me. "What do you want?" I said while adjusting my pants. " I heard you guys are doing battle trials. I knew something like that would bore you so I waited for you to come." he said to me.


(A lightbulb appeared on my head. It was a weird idea but hey. I need views. I pulled my pants down and face my butt towars mirio. I then pooped on his face and he ate it.)

"Leave. I gotta shit man." Mirio then left throught the toilet pipes and appeared in the sink. Phasing is a cool power but it's very hard to control. Surprised he even managed to develope it this far. I closed the stall doors and sat down.

I got back up and went to the stall next to mine. Something about sitting on that toilet seat now bothered me.


"Mirio. Stop watching that stuff mane." Mirio was in the stall that I was in at first. He was watching kids playing around at the park. Now, I know he means well but cmon. That just not right to watch for fun. I now know why he looked weird with eri in the actual anime. Izuku should have been the one around her this whole time.

"What? I love kids. You know this." I dont know this. Well.. wait no. I still didn't know this. How could I? I just met you and we barely talk. "I'm gonna report you." I knew he liked kids because of the anime but the me in his head should not know about that. "Relax kenji." He then put the phone away. "So, when school ends, wanna fig-"

"Hey izuku. What did I miss?" I was now at izukus side. He jumped a little then said. " When did you get here? Anyways, I can see why you left." Damn izuku. That's harsh to say. He not wrong tho. The fight was so boring that the creator of mha didnt feel like writing it in.

Well, not the first part of the fight at atleast.

The match then ended after 3 more minutes. I was in the bathroom for awhile so the first part of the fight must have been slow.

"Izuku. I'm gonna be hungry later so get me a pizza from your job." He looked at me with lines for eyes. He looks like that emoji. "Your going to be hungry later? Not now but later? Yea not hap-" I glared at him "Fine, I'll do it."

Is this bullying? Nah, he owes me anyway. I could have showed everyone that 'raw footage' of him and uraraka in the nurse room.

(AN: Get it? Raw, because they.. That was funnier in my head. Probably should have kept it their.)