
Chapter 36

I woke up to birds singing. It was 6:00 am and I had to get ready for school. I got out the bed and put my clothes on. Wait, why were they off again? I then look back and see momo sleeping like a dead person. I go up next to her and kiss her on the cheek. Huh? Wheres toga at.

"Get back in bed honey." Momo then pulled me on top of her. I was fully naked and my dong was slapping her pussy. Wait, that doesn't matter. Who the hell Is this women. Dosent sound like momo but looks like her...

Oh shit.

"Mrs. Yoyorozu?" I said. "Call me candice baby. We dont need formalities after all the naughty things you called me last night."

(AN: thinking back to like, a chapter ago, I regret calling this women candice. Everytime I do, I just cant get serious)

I actually did it with her. My girlfriends own mom. That wasnt me last night. It wasnt me. "I have to get ready for school." She looked sad and said " But school doesn't start until 8:30." I looked at her and said "That's true but I like to exercise before school starts." This was a lie. I could eat all the food in the multi-verse and still be fit. "Fine.. But come back before you leave." I shook my head and got up. She moaned loudly when I moved.

She told me that I could use her bathroom so I did. I arrived at the bathroom...Are you serious? It's the size of my own apartment. Well, atleast i know eri wouldnt find it better than ours. I got on the shower and did shower things.

I got out the shower and dried off. Hey! Stop looking at me women. If you want some come get it. No kenji, no. I then put all my clothes on and stepped out her room. When I opened the door, I saw eri sleeping on the floor with her thumb in her mouth.

"Shit. How did I forget that she couldn't sleep without me being close to her when I said it myself." Author must have been drinking last night if he forgot that. Anyways, I picked eri and placed her in my arms. "Eri. Wake up." When I said that, she slowly woke up. She yawned a little bit and had some tears in her eyes. "Papa, you left me last night. I- I got scared and sneaked out of moms room to find you. I'm sorry." Why is she apologizing?

I lost myself to desire and left her alone. I knew that she couldnt sleep without me by and yet.. "Eri. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. Even when you came last night, I- I still didn't let you in. Please forgive me." All her tears were gone now. She looked at me and patted my head. "Its okay papa. You must have been really tired last night and I understand. I heard you fighting a monster last night so I didnt bother to even knock on the door."

I laughed a little bit at that. She made me happy again with one statement. "It wont happen again eri. I promise." She has been through hell ever since she got her quirk. When I saved her, i promised in my heart that i wouldnt leave her alone and yet, I broke it.

"I'll believe you if you buy me candy." I smiled and we left. We arrived outside the gates. That's when a car pulled up. "Are you lady momos boyfriend?" Asked the lady. "Yes. I'm kenji skies." I answered back. She sized me up and confirmed it was me.

Apparently, Candice called a ride for me. I got in the car with eri. "Where to?" asked the lady. Wait a minute. I knew I recognized that voice. "So you work here huh, Uraraka." She took off her shades and released her pony tail. "So you found out huh" she said while rubbing her head. 'You and izuku sure are weird. Well, I get that your poor so I can let you slide. Now for izuku, hes rich and working a job as a pizza man.'

"Take me to a candy shop. Well probably talk about this later." She then put her seatbelts on and so did I. She started driving at high speeds. 'So this is the brand new engine my clone made huh' The car was going crazy fast but it did not effect the drivers or passengers.


"Get anything you want." I then let eri go. She ran inside the store with a smile. So cute. "Uraraka, how much do you make doing this job if you dont mind me asking." She thought for a second and said "$10,000 a ride." I almost chocked on air. "How long have you had this job?" She counted on her fingers and said "4 weeks now."

If being a chaperone gets you that much then being a personal bodyguard of one of the richest people in the world must pay over 500,000. That math is probably wrong. I may be the smartest person in the universe but I'm nerfed by the authors stupidity.


"That's it eri?" She came out with a ball sack of food. "I dont want to spend all of papas money so..." She doesn't know that I'm the richest person in the world yet. Fair play. Wait. How broke does she think I am? Damn all you rich people and your brainwashing. "Your so considerate of me eri. I wove you so much" I was kissing all of her cheeks. That one was on accident I swear.

I meant her face. Eri only giggled when i did this. "Eri, do you wanna go work out with papa?" As soon as I said that, she accepted. "Uraraka, you can leave now. If you see momo or toga, tell them I'm out for a run." I then picked eri up and placed her on my shoulders.

"Okay.." She said that with a sad look on her face. Dont worry, I'll make Mrs. yoyorozu give you double later. Little did I know, she was actually sad at the fact that i was leaving. Kenji will never know this. Never. He will never know this.


Another boring day at school has begun. Eri was with momo now. "What happened kenji?" said izuku with a worried look. "Nothing much. How about you?" He seemed happy about the fact that I asked him this. "I've learned a lot from the big 3 yesterday. Like how to....." I ignored him after that. He only talks a lot to me. It's not that I find it annoying but it's annoying.

(the fact that he only talks to me and not anyone else is annoying.)

"Uraraka works by the way." I said to izuku. "I know." was all he said. I find it funny that a 'poor' girl works in a rich place while a rich boy works in an underpaying job.

"How you gonna let your girl make more than you." I said to him. "Where do you work at again?" That hit hard but not enough. "Izuku, izuku. I work for momos mom. Im her personal bodyguard. And by personal, I. mean. it." I whispered that last part in his ear. He flinched and got up.

"Momo. Does he work as your moms bodyguard?" Izuku was trying to confirm it. "He does sadly. He was hired yesterday." Izuku made a shocked expression. He then walked back over to me. "Dont say anythi-" "I told you." He made a 'tsk' noise and put his head down.

I heard a gun cock. He then whiped out a 9 and shot everyone in the class. THE END.


"4 vs 1? That's not fair at all." Mirio, izuku, nejire, and tamaki were trying to jump me. We had a free block today so izuku wanted to fight me. He somehow convinced me(plot) and brought me to training ground. I then saw them standing there.

"This is nothing for you." said mirio. "its still a hassle tho. I wanted to sleep this block." I've never said this but my dreams are really... How should I say it. They are very vivid.

When I'm sleep, I do all kinds of things. I have sex with famous people from earth and this world. I even have sex with k-. "How about this Kenji. If we dont even land one hit on you then we have to do whatever you want." said nejire. I immediately accepted and looked at izuku. He knew what I was about to do.

"Start." shouted eri. I didn't even let them move. I ran up to miro at full speed. The wind from my speed knocked himself, izuku and tamaki out. "Nejire. I'm thankful for the easy win and for the deal." She was about to say something but I knocked her out.

"Let's go eri." I then picked eri up and carried her to a secret room. We were about to have some fun.


"Wow papa. Your amazing." said eri. "Its so big and sturdy." I scratched my head and said "Well you made it like this." I built a Lego tower the size of me. It was very tall and could take a punch from izuku at 10%. Eri had a wild imagination so when she told me to build one thing, she would then say to build something else.

"Wow kenji. Your actually good at this stuff." said jiro. Only 9 people knew about this secret room. Me, eri, toru, tsuyu, momo, mina, jiro, toga, and izuku sadly. He found it somehow (plot). Right now, everyone's present beside izuku because.. well you read what happened.

"I'm beat." I got up off the floor and headed towards minas lap. Her thighs were huge and she knew it. While I was walking towards her, she started patting her lap like she was telling me to come.

I arrived next to her and fell on her thighs. I bounced up a little but fell back down. "You smell like sweat mina." She hit my head then whispered " "

(AN: I'm to embarrassed to say what she said. You guys can pick together what she said.)

I smiled when she said that. It was true that I liked it. I fell soon fell asleep. "Let's do it now." said momo. "Eri honey. Come with me" said jiro. Jiro didnt like doing it at school because of how scared she was of getting caught.

"Where are we going mommy?" questioned eri. "To get some candy." Eri accepted and left. "Let's do this girls. I'll start" said toru. For the next 30 minutes, I was used. Just kidding. I woke up as soon as she pulled mini me out. I then gave them 20 minutes of pleasure hell. We had to clean the room after because of all the squirt and semen everywhere.

It was only a little tho because of the fact that they swallowed basically everything. I sprayed then left.

(AN: I dead ass almost wrote [Izuku later came in and found some white icing in the corner. He ate It because he thought it looked good. The next day, izuku looked more feminine and younger.] I really dodged a bullet huh. *Creepy laughs*)