
OP Shota With A Chat Group Full Of Onee-Sans And Milfs

Mc got runned over by a truck… Meets RoB and got 3 wishes… Gets a chat group full of Onee-Sans and Milfs! Yeah this seems about right… [The character and story in this Fan-Fic except the OC doesnt belong to me but to their rightful owners] [Dont expect stable chapter release. I'm just doing this because I'm getting bored writing my other story]

ArturiaSimp · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Going To The Nether/Speedrunning Minecraft

-----Underground Base-----

(MC PoV)

Well hello, again so you might be wondering where I am well I'm currently in my underground base which I made after spending some fluffy time with Chiyo.

Although I'm mostly gonna use this as a storage room so I put a lot of chests here with organised items. Well, enough of that currently I'm holding my newly crafted diamond pickaxe since I'm planning on speedrunning this world, now you might be wondering as to why I'm doing this, well the answer to that is this.

[Personal Quest]

[Quest Name: Speedrunning the Minecraft world]

[Rewards: Personal Function in the chat group]

[Time Limit: Before Midnight]

I'm curious what this personal function is otherwise I'll be taking my time with this kind of thing since I'm lazy. Anyways I'm now mining the obsidian that I made in the lava pool I found. After I finished that I started making my way back to my underground base I then put the obsidian in the middle where there isn't any chest, I specifically made this here. After I went in everything in my vision started swirling around if. After I got teleported in the nether I quickly checked where the portal spawned and it was a fucking basalt deltas I mean come on my luck isn't that bad I just got unlucky in this one tho none of the mobs could harm me it still at least could have spawned me at a Warped Forest or something.


Well no use complaining about it. After I finished my rambling I temporarily negated the movements of time to stop time, I of course, didn't forget to negate myself from stopping with it so I would be able to move. I needed to start looking for the nether fortress but I didn't have enough motivation and patience to start looking for it so I just negated the fact that I didn't know where the nearest one is and then redirected my location to it.

When that was done I then went to the nearest blazes and I did the same of what I did to myself to them so I can kill them and get blaze rods but they still can't move or shoot out fireballs after getting 11 blaze rods I redirected my location to the portal and redirected the golds in my chest since I forgot to bring them, after a bit of exploring here and there I finally found some piglins and traded for some ender pearls I redirected the chance

of getting the other items into the ender pearl so I got it guaranteed.

After that was done I went back to the overworld but not after returning back the movement of time. I started crafting the ender eye and negating the fact that I don't where the nearest stronghold is after that was just me redirecting my location to that place and placing the ender eye in the empty slots. After I did that the portal appeared and I jumped in it.

Hmm, there's no endermans? I mean I just confirmed that I wasn't in peaceful so there's something suspicious going on here. Well, I can just negate the fact that I don't know whats going on but I have better things to do and that's flirting with Chiyo so I'll l slay this goddamn dragon and get its egg maybe I can hatch it and tame it I think it will make a good pet umu, unlike in the game where the only thing I can do is just reviving it and killing it again and again.

After I finished my inner monologue I started to negate his ability to heal using the end crystals after that I just did my classic move of negating its ability to move and attack then redirecting its location near to me where I then started chipping away its health when its health became zero it started cracking all over its body and dropped a large amount of experience.

Well, that was how should I say this anti-climatic? I mean I abused my skills in this one but that's just natural since it's mine and not using it is just plain stupid.

Ah, just forget about it there's no use in lamenting over it now that it's finished I should just get the egg and get the hell out of here.

-----Small House-----

Mamako: "What took you so long Me-Kun~ I've been here since earlier to visit and I didn't find you here."

Meru: "Ah, Mamako-san good to see you, I just went to finish a quest didn't Chiyo tell you?"

Mamako: "Chiyo-san didn't tell me that meanie, and also that's Mamako-nee-chan for you." Damn, she's cute especially with that pouting face of hers.

Meru: "Yes yes, where's Chiyo Mamako-nee-chan~" I flash a teasing grin.

Mamako: "Mou, stop teasing me Me-kun you meanie."

Meru: "Hahahaha, you still haven't answered my question yet Mamako-nee" As much as I want to continue our interaction it's getting late and I want to check my reward.

Mamako: "She went to the flower field she should be returning soon so how about we chat for a little bit Me-kun~ I want to know more about you."

Meru: *Sigh* I guess a being little bit patient won't hurt "Sure I want to know more about you too Mamako-nee"


( A/N: Ok so I rushed this a little bit since I wanted to get more onto my plan and if you notice a slight character personality change and different background let's just blame it on AU.)