

What if Naruto naruto considered everyone beneth him and think all people are below him and take happines people fearing him because of minato who done wrong sealing of kyuubi and good fragment of kyubi merged with Naruto ...OP NARUTO (I HAVE TAKEN ISPIRATIO FROM YOUTUBE COMMENTS AND FROM MANY FANFICS ON fanfiction.com and some youtuber like Appolo uchiha,and mayta what if -i have only taken a bit refence) {NO BORUTO BY THE WAY} {its written by me}

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14 Chs

MessUp Seal

"horse,yan,boar,zin,crow "As Minato prepared to seal the Nine-Tails into his newborn son Naruto, a small error occurred in forming as seal with shinigami seal it tear personality of kyuubi without realisingminato and kushina died as in canon. But A fragment of Kurama's carefree and superior personality fused with Naruto, giving him a unique attitude. From a young age, Naruto grew up with an air of hateret towards those who called him a demon, ignoring their glares and insults. This indifference only fueled their anger, as they mistook it for arrogance. But in truth, Naruto did feel superior, much like Kurama believed himself to be above all other beings.

At four years old, Naruto was unusually powerful. One day, while walking through the streets of Konoha, a group of villagers decided to confront him.

"There he is, the demon brat!" one of them shouted.

"Who does he think he is, ignoring us like that?" another added. "Let's teach him a lesson!"

Naruto continued to walk, seemingly oblivious to their shouts. The crowd grew bolder, closing in on him as he reached a dead-end alley. The villagers thought they had cornered him, unaware that Naruto had deliberately led them there.

Naruto turned around, his hands still casually in his pockets, his eyes half-closed with a bored expression. One of the villagers, emboldened by their perceived advantage, stepped forward.

"Yeah, demon, scream for help now! No one is going to save you. Today is the day you die!"

Naruto remained silent, his face devoid of any emotion. The man took a step closer, seething with anger.

"Who do you think you are, you little demon? You think you're so special? You're nothing but trash!" another villager shouted.

"Enough talk! Let's finish him!" yelled another as he charged at Naruto and threw a punch.

The punch landed squarely on Naruto's head, but to the astonishment of the villagers, Naruto didn't even flinch. The man who punched him stood there, his fist still pressed against Naruto's head, but it was as if he had punched a brick wall.

Naruto slowly lifted his gaze, locking eyes with the man. "Are you done?" he asked, his voice calm and cold.

The man pulled his hand back, wincing in pain. "What... what are you?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. And you..." He paused, looking at each of them with disdain. "You are nothing."

Fear and confusion spread among the attacker as they began to realize that this child was not the helpless demon they had imagined. One by one, they started to back away, their confidence shattered.

"Let's get out of here," one of them muttered, turning to leave.

"Yeah, this isn't worth it," another agreed, following suit.

As the crowd dispersed, Naruto stood alone in the alley, his expression unchanged. He knew that more confrontations like this would come, but he was ready. He would show them all that he was not to be underestimated, that he was far above their petty hatred.

And so, Naruto continued to live with Kurama's carefree confidence and superiority complex , ready to face any challenge that came his way, knowing that he was destined for greatness far beyond the comprehension of those who feared and hated him.

Naruto shook his head in disappointment. "What a waste of time. Is this all the great shinobis who wanted to kill a demon have to offer? Pathetic."

He turned and walked away, making his way back to his apartment. Soon after, a group of ANBU and civilian council arrived at the scene, quickly transporting the injured to the hospital.

Flashback - Two Years Ago

A four-year-old Naruto wandered through the village, hearing the hateful whispers and seeing the glares directed at him. He felt a twinge of sadness and confusion. Suddenly, he was pulled into his mindscape and found himself standing before a massive cage containing the Nine-Tails.

Naruto's eyes widened in fear. "Who... what are you?"

Kurama, sensing the fear, softened his usual demeanor. "Calm down, kid. I'm Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. I need to tell you something important."

Naruto hesitated but nodded. "Okay..."

Kurama explained how he had been controlled by Madara Uchiha and forced to attack Konoha. Naruto listened, shocked and saddened by the story. Then Kurama revealed Naruto's parentage.

"You're the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki," Kurama said.

Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief. "I'm the son of the Fourth Hokage? But why does everyone hate me?"

Kurama sighed. "Because people are afraid of what they don't understand. But listen, Naruto, I can help you. I'll train you to harness my strength. If you don't believe me now, go back to your world. When you've had enough of their hatred, come back to me."

Present Time

Naruto had spent two years training with Kurama, learning to control and harness the immense power within him. Meanwhile, the ANBU and Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi investigated the recent incident.

Hiruzen arrived at the hospital, where the injured were being treated. He questioned one of the less injured shinobi. "What happened here?"

The shinobi, heavily bandaged, stammered, "The demon... Naruto Uzumaki did this to us."

Hiruzen's eyes widened in shock. "Naruto did this?"

Danzo's ANBU also heard the shinobi's testimony and reported back to Danzo, who saw an opportunity. He convened a council meeting to discuss Naruto's fate.

Konoha Council Room

Hiruzen entered the meeting room, already knowing the topic. The room was filled with the shinobi council members, but the civilian council was barred from attending.

"What's this meeting about?" Hiruzen asked, though he knew the answer.

Hiashi Hyuga stood up. "Lord Hokage, it seems the demon has attacked people on the streets. We've heard disturbing reports."(yes,he is jerk )

Hiruzen sighed, calling for Naruto to be summoned. Naruto walked into the room, his hands in his pockets, his expression bored.

"Well, Lord Hokage, you summoned me?" Naruto asked, barely showing any respect.

Danzo stood up, glaring at Naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki, you are arrested for attacking civilians and shinobi, who are now hospitalized because of you."

Naruto smirked, his boredom turning into slight amusement. "Is that all you have to say?"

Another council member shouted, "You demon! How dare you hurt those people!"

Naruto yawned, looking at them with disdain. "Is that all? What proof do you have that I did it?"

The council members were taken aback. Hiruzen hid a smile. "Yes, what proof do you have?"

Hiashi spoke up again. "We can summon the victims."

Danzo nodded, and the ANBU brought in the injured shinobi and civilians. They lined up, glaring at Naruto.

Naruto walked up to one of the chunin he had injured, looking him dead in the eyes. "I beat all of you," he said, his voice calm and cold.

Naruto stood before the council, his eyes momentarily flashing with the distinctive red of the Nine-Tails, causing a ripple of shock among the members. The civilians and shinobi who had accused him began to waver in their testimonies.

"No, no! He... he wasn't the one!" one of them stammered, looking nervously around.

Danzo's eyes narrowed. "What did you do to these men, brat?"

Naruto maintained his innocent facade, shrugging nonchalantly. "Me? I didn't do anything." His expression was calm, almost bored.

Danzo's frustration was palpable. "Lord Hokage, this boy couldn't possibly have overpowered these shinobi. He's only six years old. Are you suggesting our chunin and jonin are so weak they could be defeated by a child?" as shinobi said.

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "Naruto is right. How could a six-year-old inflict such injuries on seasoned shinobi unless they were extremely weak or incapacitated? Which is it, men? Were you drunk?"

The injured shinobi and civilians shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, Lord Hokage. We... we were drunk. We didn't see clearly."

Danzo's face contorted with anger. "You fools! He's clearly using the Nine-Tails' power!"

Naruto tilted his head, feigning innocence. "Nine-Tails' power? What's that?"

Hiruzen intervened, his tone decisive. "Naruto has shown no signs of using the Nine-Tails' chakra. If he had, the ANBU would have sensed it. This meeting is over. Naruto, you are dismissed."

Naruto smirked at the shinobi as he turned and left the room. "Thanks, old man," he said to Hiruzen, his voice dripping with mock respect.

Danzo stood up, his anger boiling over. "Hiruzen, you know he's dangerous! We must take precautions!"

Hiruzen sighed, looking at his old friend. "Danzo, if the Nine-Tails' chakra had been used, we would have known. There is no proof against Naruto. Stand down."

Danzo clenched his fists but had no argument. Without evidence of the Nine-Tails' influence, his plans were thwarted. Hiruzen dismissed the council, knowing full well that Danzo would not let this go easily.

Outside the Council Room

As Naruto walked away, a familiar figure stepped out of the shadows. It was Hiashi Hyuga. "Naruto Uzumaki," he called, his tone icy.

Naruto turned, his eyes narrowing. "What do you want, Hiashi?"

Hiashi's eyes bore into Naruto's. "You may have fooled the Hokage, but some of us know what you truly are. You won't always have such luck."

Naruto chuckled, his carefree attitude unnerving the Hyuga leader. "Is that so? Maybe you should train your shinobi better. Wouldn't want them to get beaten up by a kid again."

Hiashi's face hardened, but he said nothing more, turning and walking away.

Later That Evening

Naruto returned to his apartment, closing the door behind him. In the silence, he felt the familiar presence of Kurama in his mind.

"Well done, kid," Kurama's voice rumbled approvingly. "You handled that well."

Naruto smirked. "Thanks, Kurama. You were right. These people don't deserve my respect. But we'll show them, won't we?"

Kurama's laughter echoed in Naruto's mind. "Indeed. We'll make them see. But for now, keep training. There are bigger challenges ahead."