



Why can I see a golden turd on the building infront of us.

Maria :"Did you like the house I chose?"she said with a beautiful smile.

Ryu :"Did you Teleport me here?,and this not a house this a penthouse but it looks good."I was impressed more than just impressed as this was my first time buying a house and for my first property to be this big it was surprising but I was happy with her decision but no one is going to deny women spend a lot of money well but it doesn't matter as I can create more gold or even diamonds.

Ryu :"Can you give me something to eat?here are your crepes."I was very tired but hungry so I decided to ask her.

Maria :"yes I mean it's obvious I Teleported you here and thanks for the crepes,I will give you something to eat than you can go to sleep but always be prepared for the quests and tomorrow morning you have to visit the Associations CEO."

Ryu :"SIGH.....I may not be physically tired but mentally I am too lazy to do any more things."with an exaggerated sigh I was officially going to retire for the day after eating.

Maria gave me a pizza because it's one of my favourite with 'Pineapple'that right I like it alot.

Even though it was still [5:10PM] I just wanted to sleep and that's just what I did.

Morning has arrived [6:00AM]

After just waking up I had a morning wood why maria was sleeping beside me without any clothes but first thing I felt after waking up was the familiar soft feeling but it was more fragrant as she slept here the night with me.

Maria :"You woke up pretty early I thought you might wake up at 9:00AM or something so I contacted the Association for a scheduled meeting at 1:30PM."she asked while moving her hand closer.

Ryu :"I was just mentally tired so I woke up early but this is still bad I need to set a timing for important things but try to complete everything as quickly because setting schedule would just limit my priorities."I said while ignoring her movement.

I got up and stretched my muscles a shiver went down my body my bones made cracking sound and my body felt stronger and more energised physically and mentally as well but I was confused with the changes as I didn't make any new skills or did I forget so I asked maria.

Maria :"you forgot your new martial arts,in the past it might have been a normal martial arts technique but with fusion of your lightning body and lightning generator your body,soul,spirituality and mentality are evolving continuously it also might be the reason for your exhaustion."

Ryu :"That should be the case but I can sense a different type of mana It seems stronger than normal mana why?"I asked confused.

Maria :"That is dragon aura fusing with your body."She answered my question right after I asked her.

I started walking towards the bathroom but was pulled from behind me with a strength even I didn't have and was pulled into the flow and decided to do it....for straight 3 hours.

1 hour of rest later


This time I ran towards the bathroom and started taking a shower it wasn't that I wanted to be a virgin till 18 or my body would not mature I have magic it can solve any physical problems of mine.

It was better I didn't have to beat my meat like issei but one of the biggest mysteries how was issei still a virgin with so many girls beside him?

I was curious but didn't pay much attention to the answer,my break fast was prepared two egg with beef jerky,slice of bread and orange juice.

I never felt hungry but my mouth taste was getting awkward I wasn't use to feeling full without eating anything so I decided to eat food normally.


In the parkinglot.

Ryu :"where did this rolls royce come from???"I was extremely confused and stunned who didn't dream of having this car?I know I have but it was too expensive for me previously,I looked at her and kept staring her in the eye.

Maria :"Don't stare at me like that,I bought this car after asking an appointment with the ceo for you although you can Teleport but where is the fun in that if can't even enjoy the journey and experience the thrill??"She asked me while answering my question.

Well that was enough talk for now because I got a call from my the Association that there was a monster of demon level disaster I got into the to 'experience the thrill'and the thing I was confused about was why was the car modified to the degree that I could not help but think of dragon ball z because it had flying cars and were futuristic.

Ryu :"Who did this Modification?"I asked with a straight face.

Maria :"SIGH.....you ask too many questions yes me it was me."she said with an annoyed face.

I rolled my eye's and started the engine and started driving in a fast speed because a monster was waiting for me and I can't be late to the party.

Once I reached the destination,I was welcomed by a giant with robust arms,legs and torso it had 3 arms  and 2 legs and his skin was red the Association gave him a rank of demon and his name as the ashura because the welcome wasn't very nice he punched the new car but nothing happened the car didn't even move an inch,I wasn't that surprised as she was the one modding the car.

I got out of the car there were some people looking at me wide eyed because I was S class rank 17 and they wanted to know how strong I was.

I used feather step to reach the ashura and grabbed the punch he threw at me and broke his elbow my height was 7 feet 1inch but I was still just as tall as his arm to elbow so I was able to travel to smoothly across his body and got behind him one punch broke all the bones in his body and one punch ripped all the muscle tissue in his body the air cut him into pieces.

When I was returning I found maria recording my fight and after finishing the video we got into the car and she sent the video to the Association,it took me 5 minute's to reach the monster and the fight was barely 1 minute the public watching was stunned and and cheered but happy like they saw a satisfying show.

I got in the car and first visited z city the ghost town I was called by the Association and asked"Excuse me S class hero ryu-san why are you going in the ghost town?it is dangerous to go there alone as there might be hidden dragon level monsters."to which I answered"There lives a friend of mine in this town he is an unregisered hero who fights of the monsters appearing in the ghost town most of the time."the caller first was confused why wouldn't that person register in the Association and stunned that the person was a friend of mine.

Ryu :"I am here to convince him to join the Association as he doesn't even know about the existence of the hero Association,it's hard to comprehend how was able to survive in this place without money but one things for sure he is at least for now stronger than me."the caller from the Associations was dumbfounded how did the Association not know about such strong individual if he is even stronger than me and the whole world knew about the Association how could that person not know about it.

As I was going to convince him with advantages of being an S class hero and why should he be a registered hero.

I used my senses to find any lifeform and found him,I didn't know if the conversation would go smoothly or not but with money anything is possible for saitama,I knocked on his door and rang the bell.

He opened the door to peek out and saw me with a straight face.

To attract his attention I gave him my introduction while making a large suitcase filled with goldbars and said.

Ryu :"Hello my name is Ryu and I am here to offer you to become a hero for our Association."while opening the suitcase and showing him the gold.

I was grabbed by him and dragged inside with maria.

I looked around his house and it was pretty cramped if you had 3 to 4 visitors at the same time.

Ryu :"I am a hero myself and my class S rank no.17 but I already have alot of money,you can get alot of advantages by joining the Association,the Association was created 3 years ago and the whole world knows about it,if you join you will get a big fanfollowing at S class and your salary with any requests you want to be fulfilled,what do you think?"I wanted this clueless caped baldy to pay more attention to the Association as this would help ease the burden of the S class heroes and scare away the monster association.

Saitama :"First of all my name is saitama and I am a hero for fun,I agree to your offer but are there any requirements for me to join?"said happy with the offer.

I looked towards maria,she got up and called the Association and informed them about saitama's situation.

Ryu :"If that is the case how about we become friends?although I am no.17 but I am stronger than the rest of the heroes and I am new to the Association just like you we can help each other if you want?"I said with a smile.

Saitama :"why not this would be great."he smiled at me as well.

I got up and tookout a playstation from my item box and connected it to saitama's tv,he was confused at my action.

Ryu :"Think of this as a gift,for now let's play some games because my appointment with the ceo of the Association is in 2 and a half hour and you will be coming with us so we can make you an official S class hero."with a smile I said to him.

Saitama :"Thank you."he said while smiling,we played tekken 7 for one hour dragon ball kakarot for one hour and started preparing for the appointment.

We created a clay bird because we needed to reach the Association quick,we were able able to reach on time 5 minute's earlier,I reached the registration counter.

Ryu :"Hello.my name is Ryu and I had an appointment with the ceo at [1:30PM]can you please check."I said with a straight face.

The sitting there blushed and said"Yes please let me check....,yes It's here the ceo might be waiting for you."

I reached the elevator with saitama and maria to reach the top floor.

Before entering the office I knocked before receiving the permission and entering with the two.

Agoni was sitting on a sofa with a bald head and a mustash,he looked towards us and smiled and said"welcome what can I do for you?"while still smiling.

Ryu :"As you already know me I am Ryu the new S class hero and I have some request to ask."

"First of all I would like to become a patron of the Association and second is very important I have a technique that can be helpful to all the heroes and I want this technique to be a requirement for people to become A class and above we can make some exceptions if you are physically strong as dark shine alloy,psychic like tornado of terror,can eat monsters like pig god, fast like flashy flash,Immortal like zombie man and abnormally proficient in swordmanship and martial arts like silverfang and atomic samurai compulsary martial arts training for all heroes except S class as I want all the S class heroes who agree to my request to teach those rookies and the money will be taken care of by me I only want you to do preparations for this important request."

Agoni :"first of all I can accept your offer to provide us money the requirement to become an S class would be hard but to become an A class hero would be easy but for everyone to learn martial arts would be asking too much just to become hero."

Ryu :"That's the point,people think if you get good results at the beginning you can become S class I want them to know how to differentiate between the hard work of S class heroes and normal A to C class heroes,the class S was created to differ the abnormal and a normal hero but now heroes think that it's all about fame and gaining acknowledgement,my friend saitama beside me has been a hero for 3 years."

"Still no one knows him because he didn't know about the Association but he is still a hero,stronger than me which I can prove."after saying that I looked towards maria.

She nodded and clapped her hands and the view of the office changed we were transported in a desert with me and saitama standing infront of each other while maria and agoni were sitting in a throne that was floating above the air.

Maria :"The on the right is Ryu and on the left side is saitama,this place is a simulation created by me which is going to be used to train the heroes if the idea is agreed upon by everyone for this match is to convince you to give saitama S class rank."she said to the ceo with plain face.

Agoni :"I see then I have to pay attention to the surroundings and the battle at the same time but why are we floating in the sky sitting on a throne to watch a battle."asked confused.

Maria :"Because a battle between them is going to be very dangerous for you to watch it up close and because of the dust your vision may get hindered."

A screen appeared infront if all of them which said.


Athough saitama was confused what was happening but he knew why it was happening because he needed to prove his strength to become an S class hero.

I used feather step and reached saitama within a second and punched normally towards saitama with full power at every besides my martial arts all the skills were in full action.

Saitama was surprised and happy that I was strong although not enough to match him he avoided all of my consecutive punches and did his own normal consecutive punches.

My arm were hurting even after the training it was a bit painful I used ark to heal my fist and I got use to the punches and I punched faster and stronger,saitama douged my attacks and ran while I chased after him activating adrenaline because the boost was 200% I was faster than saitama.

Saitama was surprised again and increased his speed but I used that chance to my advantage and came infront of him and attacked while using my martial arts,using my martial arts was like using ultrainstinct because the drain on stamina was to the dangerous level while giving a 100Xtimes boost on every stat,once again the avatar of the dragon appeared but it was clearer and stronger this time lightning dragon scales came on my body and they turned dark black while the aura was dark purple my eye's releasing red dragon intent.

Saitama's face this time got serious and used his serious series:serious punch while I used my martial arts to and ark to absorb the damage and use it on him.

My speed was fast and punch were strong but he was doughing them very fast and used consecutive punches from his serious series and although I wasn't able to douge but absorbing to become stronger was going to work using adaptation and heal I could feel that his punches were getting stronger and they wouldn't stop getting stronger unless he wants them to stop.

After facing 1000 of his punches I started countering and our strength was slowly becoming equal to each every punch flexed my muscles and they got stronger and more flexible with each of them making sonic booms.

After 3 hours we were laying on the ground.

Saitama had a smile and his animation budget was at the maximum at this moment as his to find someone as strong or stronger then him.

I was feeling extreme exhaustion and wanted rest again for today.








I felt my body started producing stronger and fiercer version of lightning,dragon mana and intent and all the tiredness disappeared in an instant and a black lightning dragon tattoo came into existence on my back how did I notice after my fight with saitama all the stat except luck,intelligence and wisdom was 100,000,my eye on the right was black and the one on the left was white.

Saitama could've fought longer but I gave up at the end.

While maria was smiling the ceo would've died of shock if not for maria using some magic to calm him down,the battlefield was a mass of craters and holes in the ground but it didn't matter as got another gift from the system.



The kimono looked like otsuki clan kimono but the colour was black and a gold dragon drawn-out while the kimono was releasing trails of black and white lightning I equipped the kimono as it looked cool and made me feel like a god but I don't know how strong of a god I was,it had been 12 days if my calculations was not wrong and here I am becoming a god,that is after fighting saitama but am I strong enough to rival ophis and great red I do have infinite mana and lightning but they are known to have that as well???.

I didn't want to think about things that would tire me out but I don't think I can get tired with this much power.

When I wore those clothes I started hovering above the ground and felt my mind and will getting even stronger then it was but I was still calm.

Once me and saitama were out of the simulation I saw agoni staring at me and saitama while his eyes were so wide I thought his eyes would pop outside any moment and his mouth wide open so big that I can fit a big mac in it.

Ryu :"well you can take your time to make the decision but I would like you to register saitama as S class."

Saitama :"What advantages does the Association has if I am S class???"I made a new indestructible hero costume for him so in the future it doesn't get destroyed.

Ceo :"The Association would have heroes that can kill monsters faster save people faster with your strength,speed and skill both of you are currently the strongest of the heroes we have right now."said with a serious face as he had already decided to make saitama rank 1 and introduce him as blast for now because first blast isn't present right now it would be best to present him as blast and show the world the hero Associations strongest hero in the history.

Saitama also had all the qualifications to become blast because he can blast monsters with one punch and no one knows his name or has seen his face and tatsumaki only saw his costume which was similar to saitama's.

Ceo :"I want saitama to be promoted to S class like you but to prove his strength we need a recording of you two fighting."

Maria :"Don't worry about it I recorded everything."



Thank you for reading and I don't have enough skills to describe my new crib you should go and search on google as that would be more detailed and visually satisfying.