

OP HERO AGAIN! This is not my first fanfic, but you can consider it my first fanfic. because I didn't improve in any way and decided to start with a clean slate. chapters will be released in a free schedule that is either at the beginning of the week or in the middle or at the end or in the next week. there will be a lot of holes in the plot, but I will try to avoid this. inspired by many other fanfiction, and do not compare this fanfic with others where the quality of the software is better. I tolerate criticism only in a light form, and not by the type of hating. I write only for my own satisfaction, but there may be times when I ask for advice and hope you will help. tags: # winx # harem # travel #magic #friendship #OP #Comedy #family #travel through the worlds #from weak to strong #from poor to rich --- Synopsis it is not known who, it is not known how and it is not known why - dies. and what do you think happened to him? he went to meet the God, who in turn gave mu wishes and re-conquered in another world! what will happen to the person who received all this, will he collect the harem right and left, or will he still decide to settle down? just do not look at the tags, because they are spoilers! and we don't like spoilers! --- I only own my character --- any image I used is also not mine, they belong to their authors

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7 Chs

6 (Not edited)

-3 years later-

The last 3 years have passed without any special events, but this does not mean that Ryan did not enjoy them. John and the other teachers signed him up for all the competitions they could to spread his name, sometimes he competed, even with adults.

Soon, Ryan became known as a child prodigy. In the end, Ryan became bored, and he also felt sorry for those who took second places, since he never lost the leading position. Never.

Perhaps that's why he got a little bored, and Ryan asked John to give a short break until Ryan wants to return, and to his surprise, John agreed, as did the rest of the teachers.

Also during this time, the Peters family, began to communicate closely with the family of Passage, but six months ago Arisa together with Hanoi went to his home, but every day they correspond...

Ryan also got their reward from the quest about a year ago:

Fire-Fire-no-mi [Wise fire] (not available up to 10 years);

Cloning 100/100;

Spatial magic 100/100.

And also during this time, Ryan did not receive more than one quest.

When Ryan tried to use spatial magic for the first time, he was teleported to another city, which he had been thinking about the day before. After several attempts, Ryan found out something:

He can open space and contain various things there, except for the living, how did he find out? It's easy, Ryan wanted to put an ant in the inventory, but he didn't succeed!

It can also freeze the time in the inventory.

They can teleport through portals, but places can only be within this world, when Ryan realized this, he was very sad.

As it turned out recently, if there is at least a little information about the place where you want to move, it will work. Ryan checked it out with Domino. It wasn't my best experience, he almost froze there;

I got the ability to change the gravity in the selected location.

In his mind, Ryan has many more ways to use this magic, but right now he didn't want to take any chances, even though he had maximum control over his magic.

When Ryan tried to clone himself, but to his surprise it was easy. Now he is facing an exact copy of himself.

He also came up with the idea to check how much he can summon without resting. That's how he moved himself to the forest, and began to clone himself and stopped when the count reached 2000, deciding not to continue, since he did not see the point in doing this. Having finished with the experiments, he teleported back.


Today is Ryan's birthday and in the near future he will have to go to school again. And with the help of the skill that he received after winning the doubles competition, he learned quite a lot of educational material and was somewhere at the university level in all subjects.

And so, in addition to training, Ryan decided to improve the physical condition of the body for future loads.

Ding new mission: to train for 3 years by training Saitama

Reward: 3 tickets

Failure: Baldness.

This was an unexpected phenomenon, but since Ryan still wanted to train his body, this can be considered a bonus. Currently, my body is 5 feet (152 centimeters), and with a face that looks like it was molded by the gods (I am currently 9 years old, my face still contains a small amount of baby fat).

When Ryan woke up and got dressed, his mother called him.

- Ryan! Come down faster!

- Yes! - Ryan, hurriedly left the room, and ran to the kitchen, where his mother called him, But he did not have time to reach the stairs, as someone jumped on his back.

- Brother! - A red-haired girl jumped on Ryan's back, screaming. - Mom is calling you to the kitchen! Dad's there too!

- Yes, I know, I'm just going to go to the bathroom. Now, would you mind getting off me?

- Heh-heh... - smiling, Bloom got down from Ryan.

- Hmm... what are you laughing at? - Ryan asked, looking at her worried face.

- Nothing, brother! Hurry up and come down when you're done!

Bloom, immediately went downstairs, and headed towards the kitchen, and Ryan did not understand what was wrong.

-Did they come up with something?


- Happy birthday, Ryan!

When Ryan went downstairs, there were cheers as firecrackers exploded, showering the room with confetti and streamers.

- Thank you! - Ryan said.

- Aren't you surprised, Ryan? - Vanessa asked him, holding a cake in her hands, with 9 candles lit.

- I'm surprised, but it's not too unexpected, since Bloom was acting too excited! - Ryan said, coming up to Vanessa, and hugged her.

Bloom pouted at her words, but her smile returned after Ryan stroked her head.

- And yet, thank you very much! - Ryan said, looking around the living room, since it was decorated.

Looking around the small room, Ryan saw balloons flying in several places, and a poster with the inscription "Happy birthday!" hung on one of the walls. In the evening, he was presented with gifts by Bloom and his parents.

On his birthday, Ryan received only 2 gifts, but Ryan was not upset, because he knew the state of the family.

- Brother, do you want to open the gifts? - Bloom asked, holding out her gift.

- Of course!

When I opened Bloom's gift, I saw a drawing and a signature with wishes.

- Thank you! - Ryan said, hugging his sister.

Turning around, Ryan opened the last gift from his parents.

- Headphones?

- You have always been very fond of music, so we decided to give you something related to it! - Vanessa said.

- Thank you! - Ryan said, hugging his parents.

After opening the gifts, the whole family went to have fun.

They went to an amusement park to celebrate the rest of their birthday. This is the first time that Ryan has visited an amusement park in this world.

The only thing that Ryan regretted was that the time passed too quickly.

Before they noticed, the sky was once again decorated with stars.

When they got home, Bloom was already asleep, so after putting her to bed, they also decided to go to bed.

But Ryan was not sleeping at that moment because he got a call and he was talking on it.

- Ryan, hi! - the girl said. - happy birthday to you!

- Thank you Hana! It's your day, isn't it? - Ryan asked, remembering that she was in Japan.

- Yes... oh, I forgot that it's already night for you... I'm sorry, I'll call you tomorrow! - Hana said.

- Don't, because I haven't slept yet anyway! - Ryan said with a smile.

- Good…

So they talked for another hour, during this hour Arisa also congratulated him, after the conversation, Ryan went to bed and instantly fell asleep.

The next day.

- Bloom ... it's time to get up. Ryan shook Bloom as she squirmed on her futon.

- Brother.. let me get some more sleep. – she said when she fell asleep again.

- "What should I do with you?" - Ryan thought, and began to tickle her body.

– Wake up now Bloom, otherwise you will miss breakfast... - Bloom immediately jumped up and went to wash, hearing that she would miss breakfast.

Knowing that a delicious breakfast was waiting for her, she ran around the house, preparing for her school (she is 8). Despite the fact that she was pampered and a lot, Bloom was still growing up, but despite her age, she was smart, although she still behaves according to her age. While Mom is doing household chores, Ryan also sometimes helps.

- Brother! - Bloom shouted from the second floor. - Hurry up and prepare the food!!

Within 10 minutes, everything was ready, and she began to devour everything in a row. It was a simple breakfast. We weren't very rich, but my father works hard enough to set three dishes for us every day.

- Bloom, why didn't you ask me to cook for you? Don't you love me anymore? - my mother was pretending to cry, letting fake tears roll down her cheeks.

- Oh, no, no... – No, - Bloom hastily reassured her. - it's just that my brother cooks better…

Hearing this, she felt as if an arrow had pierced her heart. Her maternal pride did not allow her to lose to her son in the sense of femininity.

- But I still love my mother the most! - Bloom smiled broadly, and it was so innocent that our hearts melted.

Mom wanted to say something in response, but this statement made Bloom sit down and smile smugly at her son. Looking at the expression on his mother's face, Ryan only snorted and continued to eat breakfast. Ryan did not argue with his mother, since he was a man. It's definitely not because he couldn't beat her.

After filling our bellies with food, Mom washed our plates.

They left the house together. On the way to the Bloom School, we were warmly greeted by neighbors. After dropping Bloom off at her school, Ryan hurriedly ran to his school, and mom returned home to do everything she needed.

Ryan arrived at school on time and, after greeting his friends, sat down in his seat. At that moment, Ryan was thinking only about one thing: "Should I just use my intelligence to skip the rest of middle and high school?"

However, the train of thought was interrupted by our class teacher who informed us about a new student who had been transferred from another school.

- Do you think that this is a pretty girl? - A skinny boy with spiky hair asked in a whisper.

The person who opened the door and entered the classroom made Ryan really lose his bored look, which did not go unnoticed by some of the girls in the class.

A very pretty girl with short light brown hair, with a cute, longer haircut and with a front bang falling just below the chin entered the class. She also has large, charming chestnut-colored eyes located on a round face with a slightly pointed chin, but most of all his attention was attracted by the hearing aids in her ears.

"Nishimiya Shoko!" - Ryan thought.

Ryan remembered that she was the main female character in the anime "The Shape of the Voice", but what she is doing in America now, although it doesn't matter, what she does in this world is important.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

lazy_doorcreators' thoughts