
chpater 18

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[This is the first time Hikigaya has seen that intriguing look on Yukinoshita Yukino's face. ]

[Miura: "Hey, Hikigaya, don't be too presumptuous. Although you say you hate nakashi, your dating frequency has completely caught up with nakashi."]

[Hikigaya: "Miura, please don't talk nonsense. I'm dealing with serious matters. How can I call it a date?"]

[Seeing that Miura couldn't communicate with this guy at all, she gave Hikigaya a roll of her eyes and didn't say anything. Although she didn't like Hikigaya's behavior, seeing Yukinoshita's unhappy look, she also felt Very cool. ]

[Yuigahama also smiled in agreement, and then suddenly changed his expression to become very serious and said: "Aki, I think Yumiko is right, being too carefree is not a good thing."]

[Hikigaya was speechless and looked at the two of them as if they were idiots: "Are you idiots? Haven't you seen the whole process... Don't be too misunderstood..."]

[After several people looked at each other, they smiled lightly and stopped teasing Hikigaya. ]

[However...only Yukinoshita Yukino is the only one who continues to comfort himself. ]

[Her expression does not look like she is joking at all...]

[After all, Hikigaya could feel the girl's murderous gaze always directed towards him. ]


Since the end of the day at the swimming pool amusement park, the feeling of time has obviously become faster.

Hikigaya didn't even notice the passage of time, and the day of the final exam had already arrived in front of him.

Although the rules are still the same as during the midterm exam, those who fail will be expelled, but compared to the members of the last class, they have their own experience, at least they will not be so panicked.

Sudo's progress is undoubtedly the greatest. He was still last in the last test. He was obviously much more relaxed in this exam, and he no longer made a fuss. Many students felt the feeling he gave people during this period. It has become different.

Not only Sudou, Sakura Airi, who also had low grades before, also seemed to have taken hormones and actually improved her grades in a short period of time.

On the contrary, although the results of Yamauchi and Chi are improving, the speed of improvement is obviously much slower in comparison. Even so, they will never get results like 20 points again.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from the help of Horikita Suzune. Although study sessions are no longer held, Horikita Suzune still insists on collecting questions and summarizing the different strengths and weaknesses of several people to improve.

Tomorrow is the final exam, and the atmosphere in the class is not dead, which can be considered good news.

"Horikita, is it really okay to just take the exam tomorrow based on your ability?"

Hikigaya glanced at Yamauchi and Chi, obviously still a little unconvinced.

Horikita crossed his arms confidently and said:

"Even if you don't believe them, you have to believe me. Besides, if you pamper them over and over again, you will only push yourself further in the end. If you want to completely catch up with Class C, you can't have any worries. We have already won so much for them. If you still fail to pass within the time limit, you can't blame me."

Although Horikita's words still meant that it didn't matter, only Hikigaya, who knew the former Horikita Suzune, would know how much she has changed.

Although her words were filled with disgust, her actions did not lie. She may have thought about it, and she was no longer the selfish and powerful Horikita Suzune before.

If she leads Class D now, then she can truly be on the right track.

Seeing how proud and confident Horikita said these words, Hikigaya nodded in agreement with her proposal.

It would be better to say that this time's plan would be more able to stimulate the fighting spirit of the students in the class, and it would also make the two guys at the end realize that something was wrong.

In this school, those who remain the same will be eliminated sooner or later. Hikigaya has deeply realized this. Although everyone says that they cannot feel the changes in themselves, if Hikigaya at the time is different from him now If you exchange ideas, it will definitely make a big difference, Hikigaya Hachiman knows this very well.

Horikita turned his gaze to Hikigaya's pupils, interrupting his thoughts.

"I asked, how are your grades now? I remember that your science grades were not very good before."

Horikita Suzune obviously lied when she asked this question. After all, she had been paying attention to Hikigaya's grades and made such a proposal after making sure that he would not fail.

"I'm just pretty decent like that. I'm definitely not good compared to you Horikita."

"Huh, that's right. After all, I was studying hard while someone was going to the swimming pool or having a date with a girl from another class."

'I asked, can this matter be over? It's been more than half a month...'

Hikigaya didn't know for a moment whether he should complain or not, but no matter what choice he made, Horikita seemed to want to stick to this point and not let go.

When the alarm rang, Hikigaya didn't rush to pick up his schoolbag and walk to his dormitory. If it had been before, he would have been the first to leave the classroom.

But now he is no longer in a hurry.

Sudou was the first to walk to Hikigaya's desk and showed a generous smile: "Brother, my basketball club is on leave today and I have an exam tomorrow. I look forward to your good results!"

After his heroic speech, he left the classroom with the excuse of going home to review immediately.

Of course, before leaving, Horikita handed him a study material, and he naturally thanked him politely.

After Sudou left, Sakura carefully looked around Hikigaya Hachiman. After confirming that no one was looking for him, she quietly came to his table.

She simply waved her hand and showed an indifferent smile: "Hachiman, the student union is also very busy today, but I will work hard. Of course, there is no need to worry about me about the results. I will leave first."

Against the background of her beautiful face, her smile seemed even more heart-warming.

Hikigaya raised his hand and shook it gently, responding to her words.

The two of them would report their whereabouts to Hikigaya almost every day before leaving, and Hikigaya naturally got to know the two of them better over time.

However, he was still confused.

Now, can I call them friends?

Of course, in addition to the two of them, there are other students who will chat with Hikigaya about light things in their free time. Although Hikigaya's communication skills are poor and he knows nothing about chatting with others, as a listener, his words and complaints If you say it, he is good at it.

Of course, after the water park that ended last time, he had obviously become closer to several people in the class, whether it was Shinohara, Yamauchi, Ike, Hasebe, Sakura, Horikita, Kushida, etc. ..

Although it is not a fixed chat partner, it is good to eliminate boring time.

Hikigaya naturally cherishes it very much. After all, in his former middle school and high school, he could count the number of people he could chat with on his fingers.

Perhaps, maintaining this kind of life is also a good choice.

Unknowingly, such thoughts came to Hikigaya's mind.

However, in this school where strength is paramount, the idea of ​​praying for things to remain the same is not allowed and will be eliminated.

Hikigaya realizes this, but doesn't want to accept it.

And in the final exam that is about to end and the special exam on the uninhabited island that is coming soon, what choice will Hikigaya make?

Maybe only at that moment, only when he reaches that moment of decision that day, will he force himself to make a choice, just like before...

Chapter 80 Horikita: Let me be your sister

The final exam results of Class D in the first year.

Yukimura 100 points

Wang Meiyu 100 points

Kogenji Temple 100 points

Horikita Suzune 98 points

Yosuke Hirata 96 points

Kushida Platycodon 90 points

Hikigaya Hachiman 90 points


Takeru Sudo 76 points

Sakura Airi 75 points

Akito Miyake 70 points


Chi Kuanji 42 points

Yamauchi 40 minutes

This time, the qualified score coincidentally reached the 40-point mark, which was a relief to the two people in the bottom place.

This time, it was still very thrilling that no students dropped out, but this does not mean that no one will drop out in the next exam. This is something Yamauchi and Ike are feeling more and more deeply.

If you keep maintaining this grade, you will be kicked out of school sooner or later.

The grades of the students in Class D are skyrocketing. Although their grades are also improving, the speed is too slow and they will be left behind sooner or later.

Horikita looked at the results list in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

Then, she turned her head and looked at the boy's face.

"I didn't expect your grades to be at the top of the class. You wouldn't have cheated in some strange way."

"Are you stupid? You just have better luck."


Horikita Suzune showed a meaningful smile, and then directly took away the mobile phone in Hikigaya's hand.

"Hey, peeking into other people's privacy is not lawless in this school, Horikita."

"I'll just take a look at how your science scores improved so quickly."

Because in this school, the ranking of students is ultimately judged by their comprehensive scores, and the comprehensive scores depend on the sub-scores of each subject.

Horikita Suzune directly opened the screen of his mobile phone without any grudge, and then opened his science results.


"Don't be so surprised, okay? Your grades should be higher than mine, right? There's nothing to be surprised about."

Hikigaya was really scared. When chatting with this guy, he always attracted the attention of his classmates.

The feeling of being watched was not a good thing for Hikigaya.

"Hikigaya, if you cheat and turn yourself in now, you might be able to get reasonable punishment from the school. If the school finds out, you will..."

"So you are an idiot. I didn't cheat. Besides, a score of 83 is not difficult for this difficulty level."

Hikigaya didn't want to listen to this guy's nagging anymore. Looking at this guy, he looked like he insisted that he had cheated.

"But, when you took the last midterm exam, it was still single digits. Even Sudou-san's numbers were two digits starting with 2. You...you, are you a genius?"

"Although it sounds nice to say that, I'm not a genius. I just... studied hard."

This is not a lie. Hikigaya has indeed been paying close attention to his overall score since the first day of school. He knew that his science score was a weak one, so he went to the library to borrow science books. , of course, that series of things happened later.

"Even if you study hard... you shouldn't be like this. Wait, wait, I want to see your liberal arts scores."

"forget it...."

"100? 100!"

"So don't be so loud, you idiot. Didn't those guys at Gaoyuanji also get full marks in the exam? And they got full marks in all five subjects. There's nothing surprising about me in this subject."

He was completely frozen. Perhaps Hikigaya was right. 100 points was not uncommon in this class. Even Horikita himself had [-] points in two subjects.


Compared with him in the last midterm exam, this was really far behind, so much so that Horikita Suzune didn't believe that this was a gap that could be achieved with hard work.

"So, you got a low grade on purpose last time."

"I can't say it was intentional. After all, everyone failed in the exam because of Sudou-san."

"Are you good at science?"

"Compared to you, this word is useless."

It was impossible to see how many secrets this guy had hidden, but now she discovered that maybe the shortcomings shown by Hikigaya were just what he wanted to show.

To be honest, after slowly adjusting her mood, Horikita Suzune now only feels that she has been completely played by this guy for a whole semester.

Of course, Hikigaya also felt the somewhat resentful look from Horikita Suzune, but he didn't know what to say to explain it to the other party.

You can't tell the other person that before time travel, I was just a scumbag with a score of 0 in science, and then I went directly to the middle and upper reaches of the class through one semester of study. I don't think many people would understand such words, which sound like crazy. believe.

If the explanation doesn't make sense, it's better not to explain at all.

[Yu Bibin was a little excited: "Ah Ah, I believe it! How can your scientific achievements go up and go up? What secret cheats?"]]]]]]]]]]]

[Hikigaya was a little speechless. After this guy heard his voice, he became even more speechless. ]

[Miura: "But, Hikigaya, how on earth did you manage to improve your scores so much in such a short time? It's really outrageous. How many scores did you get on the test before?"]

["0 points." Yukinoshita and Yuigahama said in unison. ]

[Miura: "Oh, then... eh?! 0 points? This feels even more outrageous than what the video says. Please teach me by the way."]

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[Hikigaya: "Idiot, I can only say that the questions in their exams are not as difficult as those in our school, and the so-called secret is to study hard alone."]

[When Yuigahama heard this answer that was not very satisfactory to her, she cried a little and said: "Aqi, I also study hard, but I don't know why my grades can't improve at all. After all, my grades in the three years of junior high school are pretty good." ah."]

[Speaking of junior high school, Hikigaya's grades are pretty good. Rather, everyone here, everyone in this school has good junior high grades, so they got into Sobu High School. ]

[However, junior high school and high school are completely a turning point. Since he failed to catch up with the classes in the first two weeks of school, his science scores have plummeted. He knows this very well. If he wants to improve his scores again, he can only pay a hundred times the effort. effort. ]

[The so-called secret book does not exist at all. ]

[Yukishita also agreed very much with what Hikigaya said, and began to show a faint smile to Yuigahama: "Yuigahama-san, I also think that if you want to improve your grades, it is better to study alone in the room. Of course, there are still cheats, just throw the phone outside the room."]

['What a ruthless method...']

[When Yuigahama heard this method, he also showed an embarrassed smile and scratched his head: "Hahahahaha Xiaoyuki, I will die without a mobile phone, hahahaha, I will just keep my current results if it doesn't matter." , after all, I don't want to go to college."]

['What a quick compromise...']

[It's hard for Yukinoshita to say anything about her decision. After all, even among her classmates, there are many people who have good academic performance but do not choose to go to college. And the choice of life has never been wrong. ]

[Hikigaya: "In short, I'm definitely not the kind of genius you say. I can get such a result because of course I put in matching efforts and finally got this result."]

[Hayama: "I have to agree with Hikigaya on this point. Miura, if you want to improve your performance, you must continue to work hard."]

[Hayama's words are still so gentle, and they are like light in Miura's eyes. ]

[Miura nodded. She has not yet decided on her future path. Whether she goes to college or not, she has never considered it. After all, she has always been Miura Yuko, the blond girl who makes temporary decisions. . ]

[Sassy, ​​Miura Yuko is still looking forward to the future. ]

[In Class D of the first year, Yamauchi and Chi hugged each other tightly, tears seemed to be falling. ]

[Chi: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yamauchi, ah, Yamauchi, we made it through once again in a thrilling way."]

[Yamauchi also hugged us tighter and tighter, and said loudly: "Yes, yes, even in the video, we haven't been expelled yet. It's really not easy."]

[Sudou: "How long are you two going to hold each other? You two have no appearance at all."]

[Yamauchi: "You guys have the nerve to say that your current grades are not much better, but in the video it's like you were on steroids. You don't look like you Sudou at all."]

[Sudou crossed his arms and didn't know where he learned Horikita's movements: "I think that look is pretty good and fulfilling."]

[Yamauchi and Chi both hugged each other and cried harder. ]

[Gao Yuanji: "Congratulations, monkeys, you didn't successfully drop out of school, but I believe it will be a matter of time before you drop out."]

[Hirata: "Okay, okay, even if we passed the exam on video, it is still good news. We should be happy."]

[Yukimura: "Yes, instead of this we should think about what will happen in the video of the special examination on the uninhabited island that is coming soon?"]

[After hearing Yukimura's words, everyone became interested. After all, the uninhabited island exam can be regarded as their first special exam, and the seven days they spent on that special exam are definitely days they cannot forget. . ]

Hikigaya finally got his phone back, and the moment he got it back, his phone dinged, as if someone had seen the right opportunity to send him a message.

'Sakura? '

Opening the email after the name, Hikigaya saw the exciting words.

"I've made progress! Hachiman!"

"Congratulations." Hikigaya replied.

"Thank you." The message came from the phone again.

"I didn't help you with anything. This is the result of your hard work and has nothing to do with me, so you don't need to thank me." Hikigaya was still unfamiliar with using the 26 keys to send a text to Sakura.

There were some changes on Sakura's cheeks. Even if he didn't fix his eyes on her face, he could still feel her tenderness: "Even so, it's just a thank you."

Without his rescue that day, without his guidance and help, Sakura Airi would never have taken off her glasses and reached this point.

Now she is still an internet idol, a member of the student council and a rising star in Class D of the first year.

However, compared to before, she no longer sends those kinds of photos to social platforms. Instead, she only sends simple photos of herself, photos of her life, and records of her life. Sakura originally thought that this would make her lose a lot of followers. But in fact, her fans are growing massively. Although everyone knows this girl on the Internet, they are very aware of her love for life.

In the first semester of her freshman year at Koyu, Sakura Airi's changes are undoubtedly huge.

From being alone in the past, she has not only improved her knowledge and grades, met her friend Hasebe, had her own fan group, and gained experience opportunities in the student union, but also...

The top one in her mind forever is Hikigaya Hachiman.

Until the moment she got her results, Sakura Airi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps this was her first step towards a new life, and she would continue to grow in the future.

'What a stubborn guy, but that's not bad. '

The girl's change had nothing to do with him, at least that's what Hikigaya felt. He just did what he should do, but now that the situation had evolved, he didn't resist.

Compared to Sakura Airi, Sudou walked up to Hikigaya very boldly with his cell phone and put his huge arm on Hikigaya's shoulder.

"Did you see it? My results."

"Even if you don't, I can still see it."

"I always feel that doing this will make others think our relationship is better."

Saying this, Sudou deliberately tightened his neck with his arms.

"Hey, idiot...I can't breathe."


He let go of Hikigaya's neck and laughed.

"How's your basketball club going?"

Hikigaya opened the topic and took the initiative.

"Of course everything is fine. I guess I will participate in many games during the summer vacation. After all, I have always been moving forward with this goal."

"After you and Horikita helped me solve the problem of Ishizaki and the three people, no one will deliberately stir up trouble in the future. Of course, I won't take the initiative to stir up trouble."

Hikigaya nodded. He had no control over which direction other people's futures would go, but he would be happy for Sudou if this guy who always referred to him as a 'brother' could stick to his dream.

"Anyway, I still have to thank you at that time. If it weren't for you and Horikita, I might have left this school and the basketball club at that time."

"I didn't do anything, it was all the result of Horikita's hard work."

When Sudou heard Hikigaya's familiar answer, he started laughing as if he had expected what he would say. Then he covered his stomach and said, "Oh, it's here again, it's here again, you should know this It's useless for me to say that, although I don't understand people's hearts and so on, and I don't understand so many principles, but... I understand you, brother."

Sudou Ken's words undoubtedly made him stunned for a second or two.

'Do you understand me? '

'It's really arrogant, arrogant and arrogant words, but... what he said is indeed right. '

'At least at this moment, Sudou, you have really penetrated me. What is the reason for this? '

Hikigaya admitted that he was not that familiar with Sudou, and his understanding of him was only superficial, but Sudou treated him completely differently.

Although he is a arrogant and arrogant guy, he is not wrong.

You have to do so much to maintain a friendship by looking at someone's face, pleasing someone, keeping in touch, catering to topics, that kind of thing is not friendship at all.If such tedious things can be called youth, I don't need them at all.Pretending to be happy through such boring exchanges is simply self-satisfaction.That is simply deception and an evil that should be shunned.

However, there is no such 'evil' between Sudou and me.

Can we really call them friends?

It doesn't matter whether they can call each other by their names, it's just whether the real thing that Hikigaya is still pursuing appears in front of him at this moment.

Maybe, it still won't work.

Because I don't know enough about the young man in front of me.

So, it still won't work.

However, that day should not be far away.

Hikigaya Hachiman felt this wonderful feeling for the first time since he was born.

So, he smiled back.

Sudou Ken felt Hikigaya's sincere smile, and scratched his hair a little embarrassedly and said:

"You guys are really..."

While the two were chatting, Horikita suddenly interjected:

"Why are you thanking him but not me? I've given you a lot of help, Sudou-san. It wouldn't be good if you have selfish motives."

Horikita crossed his arms, still looking proud.

Even if her personality changes, her appearance will probably never change. After all, that's what Horikita Suzune is like.

Sudou: "Hey Horikita-san, it won't be until later that you come."

Horikita pointed at Hikigaya and said, "I'm going to be later than this guy. I won't accept it."

'Horikita-san, do you have an inexplicable desire to win in a strange place? '

Hikigaya and Sudou looked at each other, and faced this somewhat unreasonable Horikita, they just smiled indifferently.

"Ding dong..."

All the cell phones in the class rang at the same time.

Kushida: "It's a notice from the school..."

Hirata: "Let me see. It seems that a new ranking list has come out."

After hearing the words of the two people, everyone in the class also took out their mobile phones, wanting to see the new class rankings.

Only Takaharaji picked up the mirror and combed his blond hair with a leisurely expression. After confirming that he was beautiful enough, he finally slowly took out his mobile phone.

Chi: "Huh? Why are there only three classes?"

Yamauchi: "You're an idiot. It seems we were assigned the same class as Class C."

Hirata nodded and said:

"Although Class C's overall score is higher than ours, they have three fewer students after all, so obviously their scores will be affected."

Kushida: "So, we are also Class C now?"

Sudou: "Uh, number two in Class C of the first year? I always feel weird."

Hirata smiled and simply shook his head.

"Before we surpassed Ryuen's class, we were only Class D. Even if we have the same score, we are still Class D. But I believe that day will not be long ago."

Hikigaya turned on his phone, and at this moment, the scores of each class came into view.

Class A 940cp

Class B 680cp

Class C230cp

Class D 230cp

Indeed, as Hirata said, before they surpass Class C, they are just Class D, and this will not change.

Horikita took a deep breath, and finally stopped acting as petty as before: "Finally we have come this far...brother."

Hikigaya undoubtedly heard Horikita talking to himself, and Horikita seemed to realize that Hikigaya next to him heard her words, and turned a little red for a moment.

"Forget what you just said."

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just brother control. I also have a sister, so I can't understand you."

"Why, your sister is also controlled by her brother. It's completely impossible."

"of course not."

"I see. It turns out you are a sister-controller. Your sister's name is Komachi."

"Idiot, no, how do you know?"

As far as Hikigaya knew, he had never mentioned his sister to anyone.

"Because your self-introduction at the beginning of school was so attractive, I couldn't help but memorize it, and then I remembered it until now."

Monsters, all the monsters in the Horikita family have deep memories of some strange points.

"However, since you are a sister control, it will be easier to handle."

"What do you want?"

Horikita said proudly: "After all, this school is closed, which means you won't be able to see your sister for three years. Even if you see your sister after three years, you might not be able to see her because of time issues. Becoming distant, right."

"It makes sense, but can you not say such terrible things so easily."

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"So, I am also a sister. As long as you ask me, I might be able to give you the care that comes from a sister."

Horikita seemed confident, as if he had taken control of this girl.

However, when Hikigaya heard her method, he felt for a moment that he had been tricked.

Damn it, she actually wants to replace the brother-sister relationship between herself and Komachi. The bond between him and Komachi cannot be replaced that easily.



For a moment, Horikita was like a horse completely off the reins, a little at a loss.

At this moment, until she was completely rejected, the taste of failure slowly came to her heart, making her face turn red.

"Every sister except Komachi can't be moved. This is a big deal in my heart."


I was completely fooled, and the confidence I had just now was completely gone.

Horikita Suzune only had a trace of reason that was born from the Horikita family, and the remaining anger was vented on Hikigaya Hachiman like a laser...

Chapter 81 It's too stupid to exchange names or anything like that.

[Yuigahama said with a smile: Aqi, you are really a girl-controller. ]

[Hikigaya nodded, not denying Yuigahama's words. ]

[Then he raised his head again and set his eyes on Yuigahama: "But I can explain one thing, I only like Komachi."]

[Yukinishita covered her forehead with a calm expression: "It's hopeless, it's completely hopeless. When we discovered the patient's condition, he was already terminally ill."]

[Miura seemed to be muttering speechlessly for a while and complained: "Anyone who can admit so easily that he is a girl control is indeed hopeless. I really wonder what kind of person Komachi is."]

[Yuigahama: "Komachi, Komachi is a very lively, cheerful and talkative girl, completely different from Aki."]

[Yukishita put her hand on her chin, pretending to be thinking, and continued: "You should be good at housework. Maybe Hikigaya-kun leaves all the housework to Komachi-san."]

[Miura suddenly realized that in her subconscious, she had always thought that Komachi and Hikigaya were brothers and sisters after all. However, from the words of the two women, she realized that it was not what she thought. Compared with being brothers and sisters, Komachi was more like a sent to The angel who protects Hikigaya, even if he said that, Hikigaya would definitely not deny it. ]

[Isshiki: "I haven't met Da Mi yet. If I have a chance, I should get to know her. Her sister who is so fun like her senior must also be fun." Ya]

[Hikigaya: "Hey Iroha, I'm not a toy, and Komachi isn't a toy either. Where did the rice come from?"]

[Isshiki said with a wicked smile: "Because Komachi is rice..."]

['Boring homophones...']

Before the summer vacation started, Sakayanagi specifically visited Hikigaya during his lunch break.

Hikigaya was having lunch with a familiar person, and Sakayanagi's appearance made him a little surprised.

After the last swimming pool incident ended, he thought that his relationship with Sakayanagi would finally come to an end. After all, he no longer had any advantage for her to take advantage of.

However, this guy still came to the door suddenly, with that familiar smile on his face.

"Xiao Qizi, I knew you were here."

"After all, there aren't many places in this school that can accommodate people like me."

Sakayanagi smiled slightly and walked in front of Hikigaya, but Hikigaya took a step back unconsciously.

"Oh? Are you so afraid of me?"

Hikigaya thought that it was easy for you after what you said last time, but now it's hard not to be afraid.

"Have you achieved your goal? There is no need to come to me again."

"Purpose? I never had a purpose when I was with you."

Hikigaya seemed to feel the deception, and deliberately turned his eyes away from Sakayanagi and said:

"It's so easy to say, but this is a lie. If there is no purpose, you don't have to design it to get close to me from the beginning. The fact that you are still approaching me just means that you are not satisfied with the status quo."

Sakayanagi smiled and nodded.

Indeed, it has no purpose or anything, and it is too much like the joke of the century.

"Why, isn't it your purpose to destroy the alliance between the two BD classes?"

"From the beginning to the end, that kind of thing doesn't matter. I just let the alliance break down."

"That's too easy to put it, but you are indeed that kind of monster."

"What Xiao Qizi said will make me sad. Besides, aren't you the same? Everyone is the same, monster."

"So, why are you approaching me?"

Although no matter how much he asked, this guy would never tell him the truth, but Hikigaya still unconsciously expressed the question in his heart.

"There is no purpose. No one in this school can do as much as I do for you."

"Although I have no friends, this is too true. At least I never feel that I have not received help from others."

"You will understand in the future, no matter what I do, it is all for you."

"I'm tired of hearing this kind of selfless talk."

"Perhaps, I am just so selfless."

"How unmodest."

Sakayanagi smiled slightly and then said:

"I will not take part in this special examination, nor will I send anyone to protect you secretly. Because I am not the one in charge of Class A now, so I do not have the qualifications. Perhaps, in this way, you will understand what I have given you. How much protection is there?"

Hikigaya: "The final exam is over..."

Sakayanagi smiled lightly again and said as if he had already penetrated everything about this school:

"I hope you will have a perfect performance, Xiao Qizi."

When he saw the girl turning around and limping away, Hikigaya was about to step forward and help her back to Class A.

"There's no need for it this time. Remember what I said and protect yourself."

Hikigaya was stunned for a moment. From beginning to end, this guy never turned his head, but he had already seen through everything he wanted to do.

Watching Sakayanagi disappear before his eyes, Hikigaya sighed deeply.

Perhaps Sakayanagi Youxuan is really a complete monster.

Even now, Hikigaya really can't figure out what she wants to do.


The summer vacation has started for a while, and it is similar to other schools. Since the summer vacation starts, there is no need to go to class, and the tasks assigned by the school will also be reduced accordingly. It can be said that the summer vacation is the best time for a person to rest, and it is also the best time for comparison. Valley's favorite time.

After a semester of frugality, the points deposited in his mobile phone can be regarded as a small treasury. Even in the entire class, there are probably very few people who have more points than him.

Apart from using 1 points to exchange information with senior seniors, Hikigaya had hardly used the points, and this also greatly increased his desire to spend money during the summer vacation.

Let's not talk about books. After all, almost all the books here can be borrowed from the library. What Hikigaya wants is PS5 and he wants to play the games in it during the summer vacation.

However, whether it was because God favored him with extra points or because God prevented him from spending the points in his hand, Hikigaya suddenly received a notification from the school on the day he was about to go shopping.

'Luxury cruise experience? '

Looking at the content on the phone, Hikigaya was a little confused for a moment.

However, since the entire first grade is forced to participate, they probably won't be able to escape.

Anyway, bring whatever you want.

For example, water is indispensable to human beings.

Of course, when he stood completely in front of the cruise ship, he was completely stunned.

Although it is not that I have not seen the world, this cruise ship is a bit too big. Just looking from the coast, I can feel the terrifying oppression.

'It's too big, it's really too big. '

"It's too big, it's really too big."

Sudou's voice rang in his ears.

It would cost a lot of money to rent a cruise ship like this. How could the school get so much money?

Hikigaya was still deeply shocked. If he could get in touch with Komachi, he would take two photos no matter what and send them to Komachi to show off. However, it was a pity that he had already arrived before he had seen Komachi in this world. Arrived at this school.

Therefore, he put down the phone and decided to remember this scene in his heart forever.

Sudo: "Brother, how much did it cost to rent this cruise ship school?"

Hikigaya: "I guess I bought it."

Sudou: "You mean, it's not rented?"

Hikigaya: "After all, we are not the first class of students. Maybe students from every year will be invited to this cruise ship."

Sudou: "If you say that, it's really better to buy it, but the school is too generous..."

Hikigaya nodded, this is not something that ordinary schools can do.

At least in the past ten years of living in Hikigaya, he had never heard of this situation. Although he was not sure whether it was bought by the school, whether it was rented or bought, the school spent a lot of money this time. The costs are too exaggerated.

After a simple assembly, the four classes ABCD stood in front of the cruise ship, waiting for the head teacher of Class A of the first year to announce the precautions before boarding the ship.

However, the strange thing is that Hikigaya did not see the silver-haired goblin in Class A. The guy did have some inconvenience in his legs and feet, but it also reminded Hikigaya of that lunch break after the final exam, Sakayanagi said to What I said myself.

Except for Sakayanagi who is not in the class, Hashimoto, Kito and Kamuro are all in the team, and the current leader of Class A is probably the little bald man standing at the front with a serious expression.

Sensing the strange gaze, Katsuragi quickly turned his head and began to look for the person who sent that strange gaze in other classes.

Fortunately, Hikigaya reacted quickly and immediately lowered his head. With his passive skill that had a low sense of presence, Katsuragi did not notice him.

'He is such a cautious person. Is it possible that everyone in Class A except Kamuro is such a monster? '

Hikigaya complained in his heart, and then set his sights on Kamuro in the distance.

Kamuro seemed to feel something, and raised his head. For a moment, the two looked at each other, but the next moment Kamuro lowered his head with a guilty look in his eyes.

Since the last incident, Kamuro has obviously become somewhat alienated from himself. Although this guy is still following him, he runs to the dormitory as soon as get out of class is over, so he doesn't spend much time with him, or so he says. No words were spoken again.

Of course, sometimes Hikigaya tried to call her name, but she pretended not to hear and didn't respond at all. She didn't come out and was just standing at the top of the stairs.

There was nothing Hikigaya could do about this situation. After all, he had never been good at solving such problems.

In contrast, Kanzaki and Ichinose waved to themselves very enthusiastically, as if that incident had never happened, but there was no alliance.

Ryuuen's class looks lifeless. Ever since Ishizaki and the others dropped out of school, we haven't heard of any troubles happening. However, Ryuuen's class is lifeless, but that doesn't mean Ryuuen himself will be lifeless, at least not until he is completely He was that king until he failed.

Under the leadership of each class teacher, the four classes boarded the luxury yacht in sequence.

Luxury cruise ship, Speranza.

Only when you step forward completely can you feel its magnificence.

The buildings inside are not only full of Western style, but also numerous various magnificent buildings.

It was obviously a cruise ship, but not even a speck of dust could be seen on the deck. It was incredibly clean.

The ship not only has first-class restaurants, a large theater for watching dramas, swimming pools and other colorful entertainment facilities, but also the legendary high-end spa.

Now Hikigaya finally knew how superficial the bottle of water he brought was.

If a private person rented this cruise ship for travel, it would cost at least hundreds of thousands. But this time, the school was really so generous.

Not only are swimsuits rented for free, but most entertainment facilities do not cost points. They are basically provided to students for free. There are almost no other expenses except food and beverage expenses.

If it was just for students to enjoy, it would be too extravagant. It would be comparable to the [-] points that the school had just distributed. Based on what Sakayanagi said, there is probably a special exam on this ship.

Sudou, Yamauchi and Ike, as well as Kushida and Karuizawa all stood on the deck, feeling the charm of the blue sky and white clouds, and they were filled with emotion for a while.

Sudou: "It's a good thing you two didn't get kicked out of school, otherwise you wouldn't be able to enjoy this feeling."

Yamauchi: "Yes, yes, if God favors us, then there is nothing we can do."

Chi: "Hey, hey, let me tell you why I suddenly thought of the answer when I was taking the exam. It turns out that God has blessed me to come to this cruise ship to enjoy life."

It wasn't until these two guys told the truth that Horikita realized how unreliable these two people were and what kind of bad luck they had just reached the passing mark.

Chi: "The sea is summer all year round and the endless blue sky. I am in the center of the Pacific Ocean. This is simply a paradise on the sea!"

Wearing sunglasses and looking excited, he spoke.

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Encouraged by the emotion, Karuizawa on the side also began to sigh with emotion.

"The scenery is so beautiful, my heart is beating so fast!"

Kushida: "It's indeed spectacular and beautiful!"

The sea breeze kept blowing everyone's clothes, making their hair start to float.

Karuizawa: "But the school is so willing to take us on a cruise."

Horikita: "Yeah..."

Hikigaya: "How strange."

Horikita: "Yeah..."

Hikigaya: "I'm talking about you."

Horikita: "?"

Hikigaya: "Under normal circumstances, you would definitely say that it would be better for me to study hard in the dormitory."

After hearing Hikigaya's words, Horikita rolled his eyes at him and said directly: "Now that the exam is over, it's not a bad thing to come out and relax, and it is indeed a rare opportunity."

Hearing such an answer, Hikigaya was a little stunned. No matter how much he said it, it was impossible for such words to come out of her mouth. It was simply unbelievable.

However, people always change. Perhaps Hikigaya never understood Horikita Suzune well from beginning to end, so this kind of unauthorized speculation actually made no sense from the beginning.

Rather, Hikigaya hates this feeling of presumptuously thinking that he knows the other person well.

Sakura Airi: "How about we go to the swimming pool!"

Sakura still made a very good suggestion in a somewhat foolish manner. At this moment, everyone was stunned for a second or two, and then they all showed indifferent smiles.

Kushida: "Okay!"

Karuizawa: "I agree."

Horikita: "It's okay, I didn't go to the swimming pool last time anyway."

Chi: "Yeah!!"

Yamauchi: "You can see the white pool again."

Sudou: "Brother, what do you say?"

He didn't expect Sudou to give such an answer. Hikigaya froze for a second before feeling all the expectant eyes around him cast towards him.

'Hey, why did the decision-making power suddenly rest on me? I'm too embarrassed to tell you not to go, and I'm sorry to let your expectations go to waste. '

"Then, let's go."

A burst of cheers came from the deck. Kamuro was watching everyone from the high deck. Although she couldn't hear what they were saying, they seemed to be quite happy.

Katsuragi: "Kamuro, the exam is about to begin. We must be in the best condition."

Kamuro looked away from the distance and just nodded calmly.

Logically speaking, as a member of the Sakayanagi faction, she didn't have to obey this guy's orders, but before the exam started, Sakayanagi told herself to obey his orders and not to deliberately rebel. It was really strange.

Compared to Class A, her focus now is entirely on Class D in Hikigaya.

Although she couldn't tell what it felt like, this emotion that couldn't be ignored did begin to take root in her heart.

Hikigaya and others had already chosen swimsuits and came to the swimming pool. Seeing how many people were having fun, Sakura Airi seemed to be slowly integrating into it. He was happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

From the moment he boarded the cruise ship, he did not let down his guard and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the fun, but he was really embarrassed to ruin their good expectations like this, so Hikigaya still followed.

Looking at the familiar, white and large swimming pool, Hikigaya fell into deep thought until Ichibachi's words brought him back to reality.

Chi: "It's decided, I want to confess to Kushida!"

Yamauchi: "Ha, you're not joking."

Chi stood up slowly, clenched his fists with both hands and said, "If you don't try, you will regret it. How shameless."

He gently took off his sunglasses and struck a handsome pose.

Sudou on the side was obviously moved by his spirit. He covered his mouth and started... to prevent him from seeing his smile.

Hikigaya: "Support."

Yamauchi: "Even if you are rejected, I will always be your solid support."

'No, does this begin to presuppose rejection?Is this guy the reincarnation of Tobe? '

With the support of the three scammers, Ike Kanji walked out without hesitation and called out Kushida who was having fun in the swimming pool.

At this moment, Karuizawa was obviously still a little sluggish, while Horikita and Sakura's eyes were already coming from the swimming pool.

After Hikigaya spread his hands and said that this matter had nothing to do with him, Horikita could only sigh helplessly, while Sakura turned her attention to the other side, Kushida and Ike.

Kushida: "What's wrong? Ike."

Chi's hands trembled and his face began to turn red. Chi Kuanzhi finally plucked up the courage for the cute girl in front of him.



"That, that...that I...I, now, can I call you by your name now?!"

As if risking his life, Chi closed his eyes tightly. Under the sunlight, the blush on his face became even more obvious.

When Kushida heard the boy's words, he just put on a gentle tone and said very calmly:

"Is this what happened?"

Well, Chi is still scared, half scared.

If you can't even say your name, how can you develop into a lover?So if we can call each other by name, there might be a chance.

At least that's what Chi thinks in his heart.

"Okay... okay? Can I call you Kikyo..."

The young man raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him expectantly.

Kushida smiled slightly, as if he had penetrated Chi's heart's last line of defense, and said, "Then let me call you Kanji, right?"

For a moment, Chi Kuanzhi was stunned on the spot, as if even his breath had disappeared.



Chi's legs were weak but he knelt down suddenly. There was a huge noise on the deck. Chi Kuanzhi raised his hands high and flattered loudly like he was holding the scorching sun:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kikyo!!!!!!"


To be honest, even Kushida was a little embarrassed by Chi Kuanzhi's set of operations.

Horikita: "What an idiot..."

Sakura: "Hahaha, Ike-san may have such a personality."

Horikita: "That's an idiot too."

Sakura was a little curious: "Horikita-san, what would happen if someone called your name?"

Horikita: "Probably, it won't happen. I probably don't have friends who are familiar with that kind of relationship."

After hearing what Horikita said, Sakura also said: "I haven't called each other by name with other classmates, not even Hasebe. Although I haven't really exchanged names with Hachiman, after all, he hasn't. You've called me Airi, but I think being able to call me Hachiman is enough."

Sakura continued with a pure face: "So, if Horikita-san wants to have friends by name, go and tell him and he will definitely not refuse."

Horikita's face started to turn red after listening to Sakura's words. He was already thinking about that scene in his mind, but he still said firmly:

"Idiot, I don't want it. It's too stupid to exchange names or anything like that."

She crossed her arms and had a look of disdain on her face.

In the distance, Hikigaya sneezed loudly, as if someone had said something bad behind his back, and he felt a little chilly.

Chapter 82 Sometimes a man's dignity is more important than his life

[In Class A of the first year...]

[Hashimoto: "Princess, what is going on? Although you did not take the uninhabited island exam, I remember that you were also on the ship at that time."]

[Sakayanagi still had a calm expression: "No need to be surprised Hashimoto. If I didn't show up, of course there is only one reason, and that is because I didn't want Hikigaya to see me."]

[Hashimoto: "But what's the point?"]

[Sakayanagi: "When a person falls into a situation without any help, all his strength will be exposed. Of course, a very important point is whether he can be forced into a desperate situation."]

[Hashimoto nodded in understanding. He had no objection to the princess in front of him. Since she had made up her mind, it meant that everything was in her plan. ]

[Kamuro: "Princess, you should still be on the boat, but none of us in the video knew."]

[Sakayanagi: "Yes, and I asked you to obey Katsuragi's order, naturally because I can't show up easily."]

[Guitou: "This way, it will be explained."]

[Although I don't know which pot of medicine Sakayanagi is selling, after all, as members of the Sakayanagi faction, they will only obey unconditionally, and Hashimoto will also follow before Sakayanagi still has an absolute advantage. By her side. ]

[Class D of the first year...]

[Yamauchi covered his stomach and laughed: "Ike, you guy really made me laugh to death. Whether in or out of the video, you are a coward, hahahaha."]

[Chi: "The same goes for you. Compared to me, you don't even have a chance to get close to Sakura."]

[Sakura was involved in the conversation between the two. At this time, even a fool can tell that Yamauchi is obviously interested in Sakura, but... what a pity. ]

[It's impossible for him in the video, and it's impossible for him outside the video. ]

[Sudo: "Okay, okay, you two idiots, just be quiet."]

[Chi: "One day I will be taught a lesson by Sudou, what a change..."]

[Yamauchi: "Yes, Sudou, how could you break away from us?"]

[Faced with the two people's "good words of advice", Sudou was speechless for a while. ]

Hikigaya and the others were speechless for a moment when they saw Chi walking up so bravely, but in the end they could only exchange names.

But, having said that, Sakura probably had such feelings at the time, pouring out all her emotions just to call the other person's name.

Sudou: "Ike, is this guy an idiot?"

Yamauchi and Hikigaya looked at each other in tacit understanding, then nodded in approval.

After the simple pool party, Sudou, Yamauchiike and Hikigaya left the swimming pool first and came to the restaurant.

Looking at the luxury store in front of them, it felt more luxurious than the one in the school commercial street, so a few people stopped in front of the door hesitantly.

Chi: "I said, is this really a place to eat? It seems very expensive and I can't afford it."

Yamauchi: "That's right. You see, all the students from other classes eat here."

At the same time, Sakura also rushed behind several people, panting heavily.

Sudou: "Sakura? Do you want to eat together?"

Sakura shook her head, and then nodded again, and Sudou seemed to understand what he meant, and directly took Chi and Yamauchi and walked in first.

Yamauchi: "Hey Sudou, what should I do about Hikigaya?"

Sudou smiled and said, "Hikigaya and Sakura have to wait for the other girls, so let's eat first."

Yamauchi looked regretful, frowned and said, "Hey, why didn't you let me wait for them? I really want to eat with the girls."

Sudou continued: "I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to starve to death without you here. Okay, okay, don't talk so much. Let's eat first."

On the other side, only Hikigaya and Sakura were left standing at the door.

Hikigaya: "Should we wait for Horikita and the others?"

Sakura shook her head and said, "She told me to eat first and they will arrive later."

Hearing Sakura's words, Hikigaya felt a little hairy for a moment.

So, Horikita and Kushida are the only two people left alone over there. If I remember correctly, those two guys have been feuding for a hundred years...

However, since Horikita said so, he had nothing to say. Anyway, eating was important.