
Onyx: Reborn in the Strongest Family

After being killed by a mysterious and powerful monster and causing the destruction of Earth, Sara finds herself reborn as a child in a dystopian sci-fi world called Onyx. However, this rebirth comes with a twist—she is now part of the strongest and most dangerous royal family in Onyx. With a burning desire for revenge against those who destroyed Earth, Sara must navigate the treacherous politics of this new world and survive the deadly intrigues of her own family.

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15 Chs

The Doctors

Aekira walked with her parents into the vast garden, and her eyes widened in awe. The garden was more like a lush forest, stretching out with tall, ancient trees whose leaves shimmered in varying shades of green and silver under the soft sunlight. Ivy crept up along the trunks, intertwined with exotic flowers that glowed faintly, casting a warm, gentle light across the mossy ground. Streams of clear water trickled through the rocks, creating small ponds where vibrant, alien fish swam lazily. It was a place that felt alive, breathing with magic and mystery, like a sanctuary hidden from the rest of the world.

"Wow..." Aekira whispered, unable to hide her amazement. The air was filled with the scent of fresh earth and blooming flowers, a serene and otherworldly beauty that made the space feel almost enchanted.

As they continued to walk, they noticed two figures perched comfortably on the thick branches of a large tree. The first figure was a tall, slender robot man dressed in a flowing white robe that shimmered slightly in the sunlight. His limbs were elegantly crafted, with intricate designs etched into his metallic skin, giving him an almost ethereal appearance. He lounged against the tree trunk, one arm casually resting behind his head, while his other hand held a book that he appeared to be reading with great interest.

Beside him, sitting on another branch, was a petite anthro rabbit girl, her fur a soft, velvety white. She wore a majestic blue robe adorned with silver patterns that looked like constellations, complementing her delicate, almost ethereal presence. She was focused intently on a drawing, her large ears twitching slightly as she sketched on a piece of parchment with charcoal. Her eyes were bright and curious, darting back and forth between her paper and the world around her, capturing the details of the garden with each stroke.

Zakis and Shenan exchanged knowing smiles as they looked up at the pair in the tree, while Aekira watched them with fascination. The robot man and the rabbit girl seemed so different, yet perfectly in sync—a curious and serene duo amid the garden's tranquility.

Aekira couldn't help but stare at the duo, her curiosity piqued. The contrast between Oro's sleek, metallic form and Auna's petite, organic appearance was striking, yet they both exuded a calm, serene aura that made them fit perfectly in this otherworldly garden.

Auna, the small rabbit girl, looked up from her drawing, her large, expressive eyes locking onto Aekira. She smiled, a surprisingly mature and gentle expression crossing her face. When she spoke, her voice was soft but carried an unexpected depth, resonating with the confidence and wisdom that didn't quite match her delicate, youthful appearance. "It's nice to meet you too, Aekira. I've been hearing so much about you," she said with a warm smile, her voice soothing yet oddly mature for her small frame.

Aekira's eyes widened in surprise. The juxtaposition of Auna's childlike appearance and her mature voice was jarring, almost as if a wise woman's spirit was speaking through the small rabbit. It was clear that there was more to her than met the eye.

"Wow…" Aekira murmured, still processing the sight and sound of her unusual niece. She was used to surprises by now, but this was another level. There was a certain enchantment about them, a quiet magic that made Aekira feel both at ease and endlessly curious.

Shenan chuckled at Aekira's stunned reaction, squeezing her daughter's hand gently. "Auna might look small, but she's quite talented. And Oro—well, he's always been the quiet genius of the family," she said with a fond smile, glancing up at her brother who nodded modestly in response.

"Quiet, maybe," Oro said, his melodic voice filled with a hint of teasing, "but I do enjoy observing. It's amazing how much you can learn by just watching the world around you." He tapped his book lightly, as if to emphasize his point.

Aekira watched Oro with admiration, captivated by his graceful demeanor. 'Wow, he's so elegant… I wonder what he does. Maybe he's a book writer or some kind of scholar,' she mused, already picturing her uncle immersed in sophisticated studies.

Just as she was lost in thought, Oro stood up, closing his book with a soft thud. "I've got to go help Doctor Slav with the bodies," he said casually, as if he were merely heading out for groceries.

Aekira's mind screeched to a halt. The serene image she'd painted of her uncle as a refined intellectual was shattered. She stared at him in disbelief, her eyes wide. Did he just say bodies? The casual, matter-of-fact tone left no room for misunderstanding.

Shenan, catching Aekira's shocked expression, quickly chimed in, her smile slightly strained. "Oro's always been… diligent," she said, her voice tinged with forced cheerfulness, as if trying to smooth over the sudden awkwardness.

Aekira felt her stomach twist. Bodies? Is this kind of thing normal here? She averted her gaze, desperately trying to process the new reality of her seemingly elegant uncle. "Never mind…" she mumbled under her breath, attempting to keep her expression neutral despite the mix of confusion and mild horror bubbling inside her.

Zakis noticed her discomfort and frowned, his tail twitching slightly as he leaned in with concern. "What's wrong, Aekira?" he asked, his voice gentle, eyes scanning her face for any signs of distress.

Startled by the sudden attention, Aekira forced a nervous smile. "N-nothing!" she stammered, waving her hands as if to dismiss the entire unsettling moment. But she could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on her, and it was clear they weren't entirely convinced.

Oro chuckled softly, seemingly unfazed by the tension. "Oh, Aekira," he said, turning his attention back to her with a twinkle in his eyes. "I understand if this all seems strange to you. But if you're ever curious, I'd be happy to show you what I do. Maybe even introduce you to Doctor Slav. He's… quite a character."

Aekira blinked, her mind racing as she tried to come up with an appropriate response. The idea of meeting someone with the title "Doctor Slav" didn't exactly inspire confidence, especially given the context. "Um, maybe… another time," she replied hesitantly, her voice trailing off.

Oro smiled, his metallic face somehow conveying a sense of understanding. "No rush, dear niece. This world has many secrets, and I suspect you'll uncover them in your own time."

Oro and Auna strolled back inside together, the robot's smooth steps in sync with the rabbit girl's light, graceful movements. They exchanged quiet words as they went, Auna's soft laughter mixing with the subtle whirring of Oro's mechanical parts.

Zakis watched them go, a bemused grin spreading across his face. "What interesting fellas, huh, Aekira?" he said, glancing down at her.

Aekira nodded slowly, still trying to process everything she'd just witnessed. "...Yeah," she mumbled, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and lingering confusion.

But as they continued their walk, her thoughts began to spiral. 'Okay...if the next person I meet is another weirdo, I swear…' she grumbled internally, rolling her eyes slightly. It seemed like every new encounter was weirder than the last, and she couldn't help but wonder what other strange characters this world had in store for her.

I’m really sorry for my absence. I’ve been going through a lot lately, and it’s made it difficult for me to keep up with my novels. I wasn’t feeling quite right and needed to take a break to focus on myself. Thank you for your understanding.

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