
Online Nations

She works full time, she's in a relationship she games in her spare time, is being in a relationship a good idea when you game so much?

LadyI · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Open world games, seriously they are so stressful, I don't know how I cope, that must have been the 3rd time someone has taken me off my tame today. Someone was attacking our base and it was ridiculous, luckily our tribe mates were extremely competent and we could defend really well, there were 5 other people in our tribe and we all had different roles.

Maize - she was our underwater queen, she would go out and get the best of the best tames that we could get in the water.

Angel - she was our breeder, she would get all different colours and stronger ones too.

Willow - she was our crafter and breeder

Sullivan - he was our soldier, our defense team

Zippo - he was another one of our defense

Basically the guys defended our base when people came to attack us.

Finally there was me, My gamer tag was XMissLadyZodiacX and I was the Scout, I could find anyone and I was also the base builder who designed most of the defenses around our base, many have tried to get in but have so far failed.

"Come on guys, don't let them get in" I shouted the way I always do when I get carried away.

"Jesus Nyx keep it down, I'm trying to game too you know" Leo huffed, I scowled at him and threw a cushion at his head, he glared at me then proceeded to play his first person shooter.

"He moaning again?" Zippo quipped, I grinned to myself, Zippo had never liked Leo, his attitude that everyone on my headset could hear in the background had made Zippo constantly wanted to come over and hit him countless times.

"Yes" I sighed as I heard Zippo throw something or hit something, he has issues with his temper, especially when it concerned Leo and me.

The raid continued for a long time, they were relentless, they even had 2 other tribes try and fail to take us out, the rest of the server was in complete awe at our defense skills, so much so a few of them tried to come and help us.

"Lady Z, the raiders are talking to you" Angel said, I groaned, people always picked on me because I had the word "Lady" in my name.

'Lady?' A guy with the name "DevilsHaze" said.

'What's up love?' I wrote on the global chat back to him.

'Leave your tribe and come be our princess' He said

'I'm happy where I am thankyou' I smirked when he replied with

'I'll rescue you from the castle then you can be my princess'

'Come get me lover' I laughed, most of the others laughed in my party as well, the only one I didn't hear was Zippo. It's not like I haven't done this before, I mean I always have had banter like this since the very beginning, only I don't think Zippo finds it entertaining. I guess its because hes the one that wants to flirt with me.

Next minute I received a message on my console, it pinged on my phone first since I have notifications turned off.

'Sup love?' was the message, I looked at the sender then gawped, it was DevilsHaze I smiled slightly at the thought.

'So your fraternising with the enemy ;)' I replied

'It seems as though I am'

and just that one sentence made me all tingly, I don't know what went through my mind at this point but oh I so wanted to talk to him some more, so we did.

' Let's go on a date to the undergrowth cave ' I smiled at the thought and awaited his reply, it took a few seconds for him to reply, I was just wondering if I should call it quits and stop talking to him when I watched my screen

'you have just been killed by DevilsHaze' mother....

'your dead now so respawn at the closest point and I'll pick you up :D' he wrote in global.

'That was mean' I typed.

'Don't worry sweetheart I'll make it up to you'

At this point the whole server just sat watching our banter with the occasional oooooooo and Tap that ass dude.

Eventually our banter died down, I never respawned at the cave and he never bothered to reply with anything.

Eventually the tribes raiding us started to dwindle back down to just the original tribe.

'If your up with flirting with anyone Lady Z drop me a message slut' was the next thing to come up In global and that got alot of attention from the server.

'hahahahaha true that'


'message me too'

were some of the nicer replies, then the next two messages were brutal.

'Don't you dare talk about my tribe mate like that, you carry on we'll hunt down your bases and wipe them, once more I'll follow you from server to server and keep wiping you until you no longer play this game' that was Zippo and then DevilsHaze started as well.

'Dont go starting shit you cant finish, this is a video game, stop taking it so seriously'

"Are you going to do anything else today at all?" Leo's voice resonated through my ear and I turned to scowl at him.

"No because for a change this is what you usually do to me so deal with it" I growled and I could hear my friends cheer over the headset.

"That's my girl, tell him whose boss" Zippo said.

"I'm heading out then" Leo snapped and seconds later I heard the door slam shut.

"You don't need him love" Willow said

"Naw hes an ass, you should be with Zippo" Angel said matter of factly.

"You do live in the same country" Sullivan replied.

"Dude we all live In the UK" I retorted, this was the only time that Zippo kept quiet was when he was in the spotlight and relationships were brought up, I mean to be honest we do talk and message each other every day all day long, he does have my phone number.

"Oh my God, guys I have just had the best idea in the world" Maize said.

"Your ideas are never good" Sullivan quipped.

we all laughed.

"What's your idea Maize?" Willow asked.

"We should all meet up together" Maize said excitedly.

"Oh wow that sounds like an awesome idea" I shouted.

"Not sure Leo would approve" Zippo said.

everyone went quiet for a second, I guess they were waiting for my reply.

"Well he won't stop me my love"

everyone cheered and when Zippo next spoke I could hear a smile in his voice.

"Sounds like a plan then, i have a big house, you guys should come see me, we can all meet here."

All of us spent the rest of the night defending and a few of us went to the attackers base and started taking down a few of their defenses too.

It was dark outside and it was getting late, I checked the time and gasped, it was already 6pm and Leo wasn't back yet.

"Right guys, I have work tomorrow morning so I need to go"

everyone said bye to me and I left, I put my controller on charge and my headset, turned off my console and headed up to have a shower. Just then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello beautiful, I wanted to make sure you were okay?" Zippo answered.

"Oh wow, uh yea I'm fine thanks" I stammered.

"He's not back yet is he?"

Zippo was talking about Leo, usually when Leo was mad he would only step out for a few hours at most, but he'd been out for 5 hours or more.

"No he isn't" I moaned, almost at tears.

"Don't cry love, you deserve so much better" Zippo whispered.

"I'm a terrible person" I blubbered.

"Don't you dare say that about yourself, your the most beautiful person I know, he does not deserve you, don't make me come down there" Zippo growled.

"You live hours away"

"I never told you where I live lover, infact i only live an hour away"

Throughout our conversation I never heard the door to my house open, infact I did forget to lock it.

"Nyx, are you here?" I looked up and Leo poked his head round the door then tripped over my slipper.

"One sec Ange" Ang was short for Angel , it was code for I need a moment and for when I cant let Leo know I'm talking to him, it's not that there was anything between me and Zippo, although he was extremely handsome and cared about me probably more than he should, but Leo would see him as a threat and sometimes Leo's attitude could be scary.

"Leo? where have you been? and oh god you stink of booze" I sighed at the state of him, he tried to walk over to me and fell over twice, he only just managed to make it to the bed, I stood up and was about to go to the bathroom.

"The pub with a few friends, why did you miss me?" he smirked and moved closer towards me, he placed his hand on my knee and moved slowly upwards, I swiped his hand away.

"Stop it Leo" I snapped

"Come on Nyx don't be like that, stop being a tease" before I knew what he was doing he had grabbed me and pushed me on the bed so I was laying down, he climbed on top of me, i tried not to scream, i was conscious that Zippo was on the phone and I didn't want to alarm him too much.

"Get off me now, please" I moaned at him.

"I will once I get what I want" Leo snapped.

"NYX , NYX!?!? WHATS HAPPENING!? Oh hell no. GET OFF HER NOW" it was the most inhuman growl I ever heard come from a human.

"Who or what the fuck was that?" Leo said looking around, he spots my phone and grabs it off me.

"Who the hell is this and why the hell are you ringing my girlfriend!?"

"Hello, you have approximately 5 seconds to get off her and leave the house, if you do not follow my instructions there will be consequences"

"She's my girlfriend mate and you better stop ringing her and talking to her online, I know who you are....Zippo" Leo turns to me and I flinch.

"Seriously Nyx! is this him!? I told you to stop talking to him, and you just lied behind my back! I'll teach you a lesson for that" Leo put the phone on the side, he didn't press the end call button, I could hear Zippo screaming in the background, well more like a fierce lion roar I suppose, it was all I could do was to concentrate on Zippos reaction to block out the sounds and distract myself from the man who had just pushed himself inside of me and was grunting on top of me.

"Turn around whore, oh god Nyx your so wet." Leo grabbed me and spun me so I was on all fours in the doggy style position, he grabbed my hair and shoved himself hard inside me, he began to slap my backside and pull my hair, I was in so much pain I screamed with as much energy as I could.

Once Leo had finally stopped I tried to crawl away off the bed.

"No I don't think so sweetheart, your not going anywhere" Leo pulled me towards him and wrapped an arm around me, he started to touch my breasts and I moaned.

" Shhh it's okay I'm here now" Leo fumbled around in his drawer for something, he pulled out some sort of toy, it was vibrating softly in his hand, he inched closer to me and proceeded to place the vibrating toy in between my legs, I started to moan and squirm but he pulled me closer and held me tight as he turned the power up.

"You like that baby?" he whispered as I moaned and squirmed, I was so close I started to move my body and claw at the sheets, the next moment I felt my body betraying me as a huge release washed over me.

"That's it baby" he whispered as he pulled the toy out from between my legs.

" Can I go now?" I moaned as I felt ashamed and dirty.

"No Nyx, your staying in the bedroom for a bit, I even called in to your work to say you was sick and cant come in tomorrow, that way I get you all to myself" Leo smiled as he stroked my hair, I flinched back and began crying.

"Well I'll be downstairs, you can stay here and wait for me" Leo said as he got up from the bed and stumbled out of the bedroom still drunk.

I heard Leo make his way downstairs so I grabbed my phone and looked, Zippo wasn't on the phone anymore.

"Nyx I'm coming for you lover ;)" Sent from Zippos phone, oh my god was he coming to get me? when was this even sent? Zippo had sent this 2 hours ago, I thought he only lived an hour away? my heart sank, I guess I'd have to try and escape myself, I was concerned for my own safety but I had to try and get out. I climbed out of my bed of horrors and pulled some clothes on, i was just about to look outside to see how far it was to jump from the window when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "no no no" I stifled a cry and went to get back on the bed, the door flew open.

"Nyx, why have you put your clothes back on?" Leo came towards me and pushed me from behind on to the bed, he pulled my trousers down and his own, before I knew what was happening he had pushed himself back inside me and I cried out as he started to put his hand under my shirt.

"Please stop" I moaned.

"Shut up and enjoy it" he snapped.

"I believe the lady said stop"

"What the..." before I knew what was happening Leo was grabbed and flew across the room, someone was helping me up.

"Sorry I was late lover, someone else I was waiting for, was late" I looked up in to the eyes of my saviour, I'd know that lyrical voice anywhere.

"Zippo!!!" I screamed and fell In to his arms.

"Are you serious man, you come in to my house and interrupt me and my girlfriend, do you have a death wish?" Leo got up from the floor and advanced towards Zippo, even though Leo doesn't look like much of a fighter, if he got hold of Zippo he would kill him and even though I knew what sort of man Zippo was I had never seen him in a fight before. Zippo however didn't look to worried.

"I don't think so Pal" another figure stepped out and I gasped, Sullivan had also come to my rescue, I started to cry.

"It's okay sweetheart, your safe now, I'm here" Zippo wrapped his arms around me protectivley and I snuggled in to him.

"I can't believe you both came for me" I sobbed.

"Yea well I wasn't going to leave you to become Leo's Plaything, I recorded our chat as soon as you said hang on Ang and I played the recording of you to the rest of them and well before I knew it Sullivan was offline already on his way and the others wanted to come but they were to far from me, he lives an hour from me, that's why I was late, I wanted to come alot sooner but I had no idea what I was going to walk In to"

Sullivan looked sheepish.

"Glad I did though, not sure Zippo could have taken him on"

"Shut up man!"

"But I never gave you my address?" I said.

"No but Angel gave it to me, anyway let's get you to my car" he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him, we had just gotten to the top of the stairs.

Whilst we were having our conversation Sullivan had grabbed hold of Leo and had pinned him against the wall.

"Nyx your mine, no one else's and dont you forget that" Leo screamed but Sullivan had it handled.

"Come on Sul let's go" Zippo shouted.

Just then I heard a thud to the floor.

"Sullivan!?" I screamed.

"Yea I'm coming, don't worry I'm fine I just didn't want this dude to follow us, so I punched him in the throat and now he's out cold" Sullivan closed the door behind him.

"Oh my god he's not dead is he?" I asked hysterically.

"No just unconscious" He smirked and I smiled, I wasn't quite in the mood for laughing just yet.

"Looks like you got to rescue the princess after all Zi" Sullivan smirked and Zippo playfully whacked Sullivan around the head.

"Your driving mate" Zippo laughed as he opened the car door for me, I looked slightly nervous but his features softened and he looked like he was looking at something so delicate and so precious.

"Its okay, you know you can trust me" I smiled and nodded as I climbed in the car, Zippo climbed in after me, Sullivan climbed into the drivers seat and started the car, then we began our journey back to Zippos house.

"Nyx are you okay?" he turned to face me and I looked in to his eyes and shrugged my shoulders.

"Come here princess" Zippo held his arms out and I shuffled up in to them, I lay with my head on his shoulder, he slid his arm around me and kissed my forehead, I smiled and couldn't help but feel safe and secure, before I knew it I had fell asleep in to a dreamless peaceful sleep.

"Nyx sweetie" I groaned.

"Are you sure he didn't drug her Zi? She looks a bit docile" Sullivan asked looking worried.

"Honestly I have no idea, maybe shes just tired" Zippo sighed.

"Nyx wake up love, your safe" I felt myself being Shaken lightly. My eyes fluttered open to Zippo opening the door to his beautiful black Camaro with orange racing stripes.

He held out his hand and I took it, he pulled me in to his arms.

"Thanks for the help man" Zippo high fived Sullivan and winked.

"Your welcome man, your both like family to me" Sullivan pulls me from Zippo in to a big bear hug

"You'll be okay now, Zippos a good guy lil Lady Zodiac" he winks at me before handing me back to Zippo who wraps both his arms around me and kisses my forehead, I lean in to him.

"Looks like you got the girl man, about time" he winks and Zippo looks embarrassed.

"I'm not sure about that" he grimaces and looks at me, its not something I've ever thought about to be honest, I mean I've just come out of a really weird relationship but oh my was he handsome, he had a good body as well.

"Let's just go with my very own personal prince charming for now" I winked at Sullivan who laughed, Zippo just looked confused.

"I think that means yes you idiot" Sullivan sniggered and slapped Zippo on the back.

"Ohhhh" Zippo blushed but picked me up and span me in a circle and I laughed.

"Right let's get to the store, you need some gear" We all climbed back in to Zippos car, Sullivan drove with directions from Zippo, we pulled up outside the store and we all got out.

"Come on let's go" Zippo took my hand and led me inside.

"Right clothes are down at the bottom of isle one, go pick what you need, here's some cash, Sull and I have other things to shop for" Zippo smiled and handed me some cash and went on his way.

I was left to shop and pick clothes at my own leisure, it was quite relaxing, usually when I have to shop I'm rushed and most of my clothes are picked for me.

Once I'd picked up a few things I headed to the checkout to pay, I paid the cashier and walked outside, Zippo was stood there holding the car door open for me, I blushed and climbed in.

"So I brought you this, I thought it would make you feel more comfortable" Zippo handed me a bundle and I looked at the front picture.

"Awhhhhh its lovely, thankyou so much, I cant believe you remembered I love wolves" I grinned, Zippo had brought me a wolf blanket.

"Anything for you beautiful"

"Yo dude we're back" Sullivan yawned as he climbed out of the car.

"Okay so I have a 4 bedroom house but I only have 2 beds and a sofa, Nyx have my bed sweetheart and I'll sleep on the sofa" Zippo flipped the boot and we all grabbed a few bags of shopping, we headed in to the house after locking the car and we all put the shopping away.

"Its late, is anyone hungry?" Zippo said.

"Naw gonna head to bed I think" Sullivan smiled.

"Me too" I said, we all headed upstairs, Zippo and I said goodnight to Sullivan and headed to Zippos bedroom, he showed me the bathroom so I could go change.

I padded softly to the bathroom and stripped down naked, I put on some fresh clean underwear and clean pyjamas and headed back to Zippos room, he had put my wolf blanket on the bed.

"Bed fit for a princess" he winked.

I climbed In and he tucked me in.

"I cant believe you did that for me today, I'm sure it's still all a dream" My eyes filled up and I started sniffling.

"No, don't cry this isn't a dream I'm really here and I really did rescue you, your safe with me. It killed me to hear all that on the phone, if Sull hadn't come with me, I'd have killed him Nyx, that's why I never touched him" He brushed a strand of hair from my face and I looked at him with the doe eyed look I do when I'm scared.

Zippo took my face in both hands and gently laid a kiss on my lips, I was so shocked I didn't know whether to feel scared or not, but before I knew what was happening I found myself kissing him back.

"Right well uhm I guess I better let you go to sleep" Zippo gasped.

"Please, I don't want to be alone" I whimpered and grabbed hold of him.

"Its okay princess, I'm not going anywhere if you want me to stay I'll stay" he climbed on to the bed and got comfy.

"Dont be silly you'll end up cold love" I pulled the quilt back and he climbed In next to me, he held his arm out and i snuggled in to him.

"Goodnight my beautiful princess, I love you" Zippo whispered.

"I love you too" I smiled and fell in to what I hoped was a dreamless sleep.