All chapters are Oneshots. I'll write any ideas that come to mind here so I humbly ask the one reading to Let me cook even if I accidentally burn some things
This is something that has been bothering me for quite a while, cause I found myself runnin low on good tensura FF. Most of them are mainly about Rimuru crossovers and insert OC stuff where MC is too OP. So I made my OWN first crossover OneShot FF! And to start off, what about F/SN x Tensura? Or more specifically Shirou X Tensura? Benimaru's hair is red, shirou's hair is red. Make them related? Yes. Monsters don't have names, and nameless Emiya don't have name. Make nameless shirou emiya a monster? Yes. Which shirou emiya? Think of UBW shirou taking the path of Nameless Emiya. Hero Egg? No. Having Zelretch as a plot device? No, too cliché.
'This is fine' I thought to myself, as I was slowly being dragged towards my execution. The hanging rope in the middle of the stage where my death will be held in front of so many people. Curses were being thrown at me from all direction, I wonder if Kiritsugu is proud of what have become of me? Probably not, but it's okay, I will not regret. I was prepared for this, I do not regret my choice, not one bit.
Climbing up the stairs, the rope was tightened around my neck as my killers were getting ready to start their show. I could see a familiar red that was in the midst of the excited audience. Though her face was not visible from here, I could still make out who she was though barely, 'I wonder what face she is making right now?' I asked inside my head knowing that my question will remain unanswered. I could hear the people at back are now finished with their preparations, one of them came up beside me and like some host on a show, he began listing down all the atrocities that I have done. I did not intend on listening on the "crimes" that I did, as I put all my focus on the girl in red, trying to see her face one last time before Alaya comes and takes me away to be her counter guardian. Then I saw it, her face… why was she crying?
"Now then, Shirou Emiya. Do you have any last words before we send you down to hell?" the host interrupted my thoughts, The name Shirou Emiya doesn't feel right to me anymore. Though I still go by it as it was the only identity I could have before I got caught, that and I wanted to be called by the name I threw away for a miracle one last time before I'm going to become 'Archer'. I took one last look of the audience, more specifically the girl in red. With a deep breath I focused my gaze on everyone present in my execution. "I forgive all of you." I said with a closed eyes and a smile of which the looks of it was unknown to me. The words that left my mouth caused an uproar to the whole audience. Curses were once again being thrown on me, "You arrogant son of a bitch! You fucker still so arrogant after what you've done!? People died because of you!" fingers were being pointed, and the lever was pulled making the rope around my neck dig into my skin. I know struggling is futile and would only makes my suffering much longer than it needed to be. Objects were being thrown, rotten tomatoes, rocks, and any type of harmful things that could give them the satisfaction of revenge.
My vision became blurry, my hearing also started to fade, and my blood struggles to circulate throughout my body. I could feel the heat generating around my head [Heat resistance. Acquired] I prepared myself for Alaya's escort to come and take my soul, my life began flashing before my eyes, and like a in a high condition. I started spouting words inside my mind, this must be what death feels like, I concluded. "I wonder if I managed to get a smile like he had that day when he saved me?" I said wordlessly.
[Confirm. Unique skill: Replicator. Acquired] I began hearing a mechanical voice inside my head 'Was this Alaya?' I asked an unanswered question. No, this is not Alaya, it's voice doesn't contain any human elements to it unlike when I heard Alaya's call. This one doesn't contain the will of humanity in it. My mind was still waiting for the mechanical voice to continue, but due to the lack of blood funneling my brain, I couldn't think straight as I could feel my body becoming colder by the second. [Cold resistance. Acquired] [–Natural Effects resistance. Acquired].
I do not remember what happened after my death, all I know right now is that my mind is currently drifting to somewhere unknown. I should feel fearful, but I can't help but be peaceful right now [Extra skill: Meditation. Acquired]. A flash of my past began replaying like a projector, making me feel like the world is kicking me in the face with my sins, I began remembering the fire, the hell [Fire magic. Acquired] that left a boy scarred and turned him into a living husk of a human, and the man that saved him with a smile so pure of joy that made the boy want to have the same smile and experience like that someday.
"I am the Bone of my Sword"
the aria that is engraved in my soul, the aria that served as a reminder that I am just a sword. [Detected anomalies. Running proper scan. Complete. Converting anomalies into skills… … … …Complete] I am just a monster that abandoned everyone just so I could survive in that fire. [Confirmed. Creating a body of a humanoid] [Extra skill: Mind's Eye. Acquired] [Extra skill: Master marksman. Acquired]
"Steal is my Body, and Fire is my Blood"
my whole body is a sword, a body made out of endless blades with an impossible dream of wanting to be a hero and save everyone around me. [ERROR. Unable to find a suitable species compatible with a hero Egg. Abandoning procedure] In the end, I'm just an imitator, a fraud, a faker. [Sacrificing Unique Skill: replicator. To attempt to convert the Innate Reality. Complete] [Ultimate skill: Unlimited Blade Works. Acquired] "Shirou!" "senpai!" two voices made me stop my abusive remarks to myself. [ERROR. Ultimate skill is unable to fully awaken. Requirements not met. Diluting Ultimate skill: Unlimited Blade Works. Complete. Unique Skill: Projection. Acquired] A smile formed on my face after hearing two familiar voices but couldn't remember who they belong to nor what their face looked like. What was their names again? [Nullifying the contract with the will of Humanity. Complete]
Then light began seeping through my closed eyes. "It's another boy, Village chief!" a giant man with unusual colored skin and horns. Horns? Like instinct, my body tried to project a weapon made to kill large creatures but couldn't as there was barely enough prana to properly kill this phantasmal creature this size. "Hoh? This little guy is a fighter alright, his eyes says it all!" a different voice came from a different direction, making my gaze shot towards the man in question. This one on the other hand has red hair and red skin, with black horns protruding on his forehead hidden under his bangs, unlike the creature holding me, which now I realize, that has grayish ash skin and white horns. I managed to calm myself down after seeing that they aren't mindless creatures at all but with rationalities like that of a human. "Dear, let me see my baby." A motherly voice came from another direction to the left of the red guy's. I asked them a question as I was being handed to where the female voice came from "Where am I? Who are you people?" then I noticed that my voice is not getting the words right, I inspected my body thoroughly with my reinforcement magecraft, making me find out that I became an infant!?
A warm motherly arms embraced me with warmth, and feelings that I've never felt before after my foster father died returned to me like floods. These feelings that I'm feeling right now felt nostalgic somehow, and I don't understand why. The woman in question, who I suspect to be my new mother, kept hugging me and giving kisses on the forehead. I studied her face, a heart type, She had a pale white skin and hair, with red eyes reminding me of a certain albino sister that I had during the fifth Holy Grail War.
Then I heard a door slammed open, so loud that it made me jumped. The one responsible for the incident came and introduced themself. It was a small boy who had a short hair and black horns, it was obvious that he is related to that red man. From his physique I can see that he was around 4 - 3 years older than me, with an infant body.
"His hair look weird" he pointed out "It's like he is wearing a small white hat! Hahahahah" making fun of my appearance that is currently unknown to me. "Hey! Don't be mean to your little brother! Can't you see that he doesn't like it?" Brother? The woman confirmed my curiosity, as he immediately apologized to me while also apologizing to her for his misbehavior. How in the Root could this have happened?
2 and more than a half years had passed, and I've managed to acclimate myself in this village of what the phantasmal creatures call themselves Ogres. I have come to learn many things, and it turned out to be that this is a different reality than the once I lived and come to know of. And it would seem that I've been reincarnated as one of the species that've been living here, I could see my elder brother playing around with others his age through the wooden framed window. I managed to see my appearance when I was bathed, during my vulnerable infant years. My hair had a weird mix of white that I've grown used to in my twenties, and a familiar red from my teenage years. It was quite bizarre situation to me to say the least, I was readying myself to be Alaya's dog, but instead I found myself here... I've come to know most of the people living here, and how we ogres or monsters in general do not possess names. Talk about Ironic.
My new mother, pregnant with another child that will soon to be my new younger sibling. I'm still unable to help around the house thanks to this body of a toddler. The days go on, and a new member of my family came into this world, a baby girl with pink skin and pink hair with small little horns of white protruding from her forehead. I was the first son to arrived, and the second one to embrace the newborn little sister. I held my my pointer finger towards her head, she began to play with my finger, trying her best to catch it. An unknowing smile formed on my face, I let her catch my finger and the baby girl smiled to me like an angel. The door of the room slammed open, the suspect was my elder brother. Due to the sudden loud bang of the door, our little sister cried like there's no tomorrow. Then my elder brother got reprimanded by our father heavily while his friends who came along snickered at the sidelines.
My mother was tired after giving birth yesterday, she is currently being taken care of by the healers of our village. While the nanny and I took care of my sister together, getting the nanny to comment that I am more mature than my brother. Around the corner of my eyes I see him training with an old and dignified man. You know, like the clichés that I often heard about in stories when I was out traveling and saving people in need.
My gaze was focused on their movements, my brother had many flaws, the way he swings his sword, how every adjustments he took leaves new openings to exploit, and everytime he recklessly rush towards the old instructor he would get heavily punished by a fast swing of a wooden stick to his head.
I could also see other kids partaking in the old man's training. I noticed that I've been staring at their program for quite sometime now, I broke my gaze of their direction, but not before noticing the old instructor staring at me intently. Our eyes met, and stared at each other for moment before the old man decided to break our little staring contest and continued to teach my brothers and their friends.
The day went on with me taking care of my sister, together with the nanny. We played around with my sister, games such as peek-a-Boo were enough to entertain the new born princess. Mother came to see her daughter in the afternoon, seeing that I'm not needed now, I left them be to spend their own time together. I looked for anything I could do to be of help but nothing turned up, the last stop was the kitchen. I wanted to see if I could be of help in preparing the food this day. Sadly though, I was kicked out of the kitchen yet again. An arm wrapped itself around my shoulder, it was my eldest brother's arm.
"Still no luck today huh, White hat?" He leaned onto me, his clothes was full of sweat and the smell that he's giving off was like he just rolled around a pile of dung. I shrugged his arm off my shoulder, and quickly plugged my nose making my voice sound different. "You smell, elder brother!" I said as i distanced myself a few meters away. He just laughed at my remarks and apologized while scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, brother. I've been wondering for quite a while, Why do you always want to help out the adults? I mean shouldn't you play with your big brothers and their friends?" A question that I did not expect to come my way. "I..." Part of me wants to tell my new family about myself and how I was born again, while the other me wants the opposite, scared of what they'll think of me after finding out the truth, afraid of being treated differently than other.
Luckily I was saved, I've heard our mother's voice calling for me to come over. "Sorry elder brother, Mother called, haha." I gave a small laugh while doing the same thing my brother did earlier, by scratching the back of my head while apologizing. I guess it runs in the family. I joked to myself. "haha, it's alright, go ahead." After having his permission to get out of this conversation, I took the opportunity to leave and towards mother's voice. "Oh, by the way!" I stopped my tracks to hear what my elder brother would like to say "The old man wants you come by during our training sessions!" Eh? My elder brother took off, probably going to take a bath in order get that unwanted smell off from his body.
The next day came, and I was dragged away against my will by my father who insisted on making me attend the old man's program. I tried to free myself but I couldn't, ogres have stronger bodies compared to normal humans. And to add more salt to this unfairness, my father is something like a noble samurai. So escaping his grip on me will only make things worse than it needs to be. I noticed a concerned look staring at my direction, it was coming from my father, he let out a breath and in a fatherly tone "Look, son. This isn't just about forcing you to learn how to fight or giving you some kind of motivation to... I don't know, like be some kind of a soldier, but also to give you a chance to make friends." My eyes widen, I didn't know that the always busy village chief could be such, a father? "And don't think that everyone didn't know that you're a loner!" An invisible arrow hit me in the gut. "Stop trying to be a selfless hero for a bit, and try to be more selfish! Like a kid for once." Another arrow hit me in the head this time. I let out a sigh, 'perhaps I could change a bit here or maybe even rest my mind.' I became hopeful at the possibilities, a smile formed on my face, and was met with an another smile from my father, his being more warm.
"Here we are!" We arrived at the training grounds, the kids were in the middle of doing a regular in ogre standard exercise, I doubt a human child could withstand what they are going through right now. The old instructor noticed notice our arrival and greeted us, "Village chief, may I ask what you're doing here?" The old man spoke. "Good morning master, I'm just here to drop my second son here, and to see how his older brother is progressing so far." He said as he turned his gaze towards my brother and his friends, with a proud look formed at their hard work "Ho-ho-ho, You are already the village chief, I see no need for you to keep calling me by that title." The two exchanged few more words.
"Anyway my son here is probably lost by our chatting." My father pulled me to the front, and introduced the old instructor to me "Son, this is the ogre that trained your father when I was little, and my father when he was little." My father dropped a bomb, to which I could only react with my jaws hanging from my face. 'Just how old is he?!' "Nice to meet you young prince, from now on I will be in-charge of your training." I don't get to have a say in this do I? And thus I was dragged by the insanely old instructor. We arrived at the armory full of different kinds of weapons from swords to hammer. "Choose a weapon you like young prince" he stood quietly, observing my actions that I'll take.Though this body is stronger than humans my age by a large margin, the fact that my body is still small and lacks the range that I've grown used to during my twenties will take some time getting to adjusted.
Picking up a normal small wooden sword, it's been quite a long while since I picked up a sword that's not produced by me. When I first came to this world, I noticed that my magecraft became what this world calls "Skills" I've lost my old 27 magic circuits, instead they seemed to have been rebuilt in order to accommodate the energy in the air. Magicules, unlike the mana that came from Gaia. This one seemed to act like the foundation of this world, if I were to put it in a simpler terms. They are like atoms...
"Alright young prince, come at me with all you've got" the old man spoke in an authoritive tone. I lunged at the old man, already using all of my strength, and with a large and slow swing in an arc like momentum, the old man deflected my attack expectedly by altering the path of my swing to his right. I followed with a slash to the old man as I regained control of my sword, but this time he dodged. I didn't stop in my advance, I rushed in for a stab and it was parried by a wooden sword the old ogre was carrying. My wooden sword flew from my hands, making my right hand that was holding the handle, responsible for controlling the sword, stretched out to the sky and leaving the whole front of my body open, I heard his words before he decided to take the offensive "My turn to attack now young prince, Be sure to try your best to block or dodge against my blows." A drop of sweat fell from my chin, landing and being absorb by dirt. He disappeared from my vision, and reappeared behind me, my Mind's Eye went overdrive and my body tried to force itself to dodge an attack that's going to come. But alas, this body of a child and muscle memories that doesn't exist to make up for the lack of strength, couldn't possibly be able to do archer's way of fighting. I was met with a bonk in the head making me fall down to my buttocks.
I rubbed my head in pain, but it was nothing I can't handle. Compared to the time when activating my magecraft wrongly, was like inserting a hot iron rod being inserted down into my spine. I got up and tried to attack again this time fully prepared, I swung, still in a slow manner, but was stopped with the old instructor's training sword. "I've seen enough. Young prince, please join the rest, running laps around the training ground." He pointed at the group of kids panting like crazy as they ran a marathon.
I wanted to word out that I'm against training myself. I know better that the training that they are doing doesn't suit me at all, but just by opening one of his eyes slightly makes me think otherwise. "Now, young prince if you excuse me, I have some business that I need to tend to." I hesitates for a second before sighing and followed the rest of the group that's running laps around the training ground.
(Third person PoV)
The old instructor came towards the chief of the ogre village, with his hands placed behind him. His ever silent breathing was still in a rhythmitic pace, his footsteps werenas light as it can be, and his posture spoke of experience that many ogres could only hope to achieve.
"So, my second son, how was he?" The ogre with long red hair in a flame like hairstyle asked, his worried look could speak volume on how much he cares for his children. He had noticed that his second son was unlike any of the kids his age, instead of playing with the other kids without any worries of the consequences that they'll bring to themselves, his second son was more mature than even his brother. It was quite odd since he was born later than the latter.
"Unfortunately, the young prince does not have a talent for the sword," the old ogre instructor commented, he had already lived for over 300 years, passed the usual lifespan of an ogre, and most of his life was spent practicing and perfecting his art with the sword, and techniques he inherited from his human grandfather and his other compatriots, who taught the whole ogre village about martial arts and Arts.
The village chief raised an eye brow "What do you mean? He seemed to be able to hold himself well for a 3 year old." It made the ogre chief bewildered at the words that came out of the very old ogre. Then he was met with a bonk in the head, leaving a noticable bump that cannot be covered by his wild hair. "I wasn't finish speaking." The old man reprimanded the youngster that he had once watched grow since he was kid, into a fine warrior. "...your second son, does not have the qualitaties to truly master the way of the sword." The old instructor paused for a bit, focusing on the reaction the village chief is having. But the ogre chief did not waver his poker face, though the old ogre was still able to notice bits and pieces of reactions that his former student took. "But he does have one crucial thing that I've noticed," He could see the chief's mood lightened lightly. "Your second son, has great instincts. He was able to barely react on a move that even you when you were a child or any of the children that I took to teach martial arts and Arts on, wasn't able to even react on a simple surprise attack." The praise that his former teacher said to his second son speaks volumes on his son's potential. He couldn't help but be proud to his son to be able to get the praise of the grandson of the man that taught his species of martial arts and bestowed upon them knowledge of their weapons and armor.
The old man could see a proud look on his chief's eyes, so he took the opportunity to bonk him in the head yet again. "Make no mistake your Majesty, while he does have great instincts, he lacks the talent to follow the path of a warrior." And thus, after saying his final piece. The old ogre left his village chief alone to contemplate about things he does not bother to attain any knowledge of.
(First Person PoV)
A few days had already passed since I was forced to train with my brother and friends, ever since I started spending time with them, I can't say that my father's idea of getting me some friends is working pretty well if you ask me. We worked together pretty well, and our current opponent is the instructor, who is responsible for guiding us to become stronger.
The ogre with a lavender colored characteristics, initiated the the spar by going in head first towards danger. Honestly she reminds me of someone I don't like one bit. Then a blue haired ogre with a Shinobi aura around him, took the chance to hid himself crom the center stage. My brother was arguing with another red haired ogre, with a longer hair tied in a ponytail, with purple outline under his eyes, and had a similar two black horns just like the two of us. My elder brother seems to see him as a big brother figure, the ogre in question had a calm look on his face, already knowing what the best course of action to take, but my older brother wanted to prove himself to him, so he objected to the plan that the older crimson haired ogre came up with, and presented his own. The longer haired crimson ogre gave a surrendered sigh, and reluctantly agreed to my brother's plan, but alas they took too long to settle their farce, that the old man was already behind them listening in.
A bonk to the head was what my brother met, the older ogre managed to react on time and was able to barely dodge the old man's attack by side stepping just in time. The 7 years old ogre took the chance of the opening that was left after the old man's attack and delivered a counter attack. This nameless long red haired ogre has a well spring of talent that it doesn't take an experienced eye to notice. The counter attack was parried by the old man just in time and delivered his own counter to the kid. The fight didn't end there though, with his nodachi in hand, that was almost as tall as he is, through some means that was impossible for a ordinary child, and with quick decision making, he blocked the incoming attack with the long handle of his nodachi. Sadly though, due to celebrating a small bit of victory (if it could be called that) drop his guard for but a moment which was a mistake that gave rise to an opportunity that had already been taken by the old man.
it was only a few seconds, I could see the bodies lying down, beatened up, with the old man standing in the middle like some murder scene. The lavendered haired girl with a single horn was knocked out, along with the shinobi like boy hanging on the branches of the trees nearby. I was the only one left, I took a deep breath and began focusing, an empty mind, and temporarily sealed emotions. With these, my facial expression became stone cold, a machine.
He lunged towards me with a seemingly unmatched speeds. Thanks to my Mind's Eye, I was able to react on time and dodged an attack that could've knocked me out in one shot. He followed with a slash to my opened right side, but I was already one step ahead of him, as I seemingly parried, with a bit of force, an attack that should've been impossible for me to see coming. I could see the old man widened his eyes for a brief moment before I took the opportunity of his pause and countered with my blade swinging in a diagonal path.
The old ogre managed to barely block my sword and I was sent rolling on the ground before finally being stopped by a newly cut tree trunk. "That was dangerous, young prince... Do not develop that bad habit any further." The old man warned me before turning his back "that will be all for today." He said as he left the premises.
We took a few moments to catch up our breaths, the old man really did a number on us. Sitting on a hill with a tree covering the sky above me, I took a deep breath, enjoying the clear unpolluted air, today was peaceful as always. The adults working on new houses and buildings, and blacksmiths working to improve their weapon making skills. I noticed that the ogres have an eastern influence on them, I don't know how since this is a new world for me, but they have them. I wanted to try and help them again, but I keep being shot downed one after another, atleas I'm able to help around by watching over my sister with the nanny.
I practiced my projection, that had somehow been converted into a skill, a unique skill. I practiced and practiced until I get used to the feeling of activating my magecraft turned skill. My magic circuits are still with me, though they've also been converted to accommodate the energy in this world, called magicules. I trained my new body in order to build it's experience and muscle memory. Though I have knowledge and experience stored inside my mind, I am unable to access it due to the limitations of this new body.
Few years passed, and I managed to finally get to help around the village, I helped around constructions and repairs. Sometimes helping the blacksmiths with acquiring materials for forging armors and weapons, they told me that it was okay for me to not bother helping the adults with laborious work since I'm still a young ogre and I should spend time enjoying my childhood while I still have it, but I insisted saying that it was okay. My sister managed to grow up having a personality of a gentle and forgiving girl with a bit a naivity like that of a, well child. Seeing my actions, my friends and my brother also began joining me on my journey to help those in trouble around the village whenever they are free, which is most of the time.
Sometimes we would go have a spar, fist to fist, with the energetic ogre with upbeat and simple minded personality having a fang coming out of her upper mouth. While my sister act as an audience along with the adults who have enough time to see how much the new generations have progressed.
Our days are a routine of waking up, playing games, training, relaxing, playing games, lending a helping hand, and repeat. Since most of the adults are responsible for heavy dutied jobs that most ogre kids can't take on without the necessary strength. Though I still tried to take them on. Key word "tried" as I was quickly shot down, I once insisted to atleast let me stand guard during the night, but my father and mother gave me a nagging that I swore took an entire day while my brother laugh at the sidelines. But I didn't came out empty handed though, they knew about my 'special' traits so they took the opportunity to teach me a lesson about the world. They said that the land we lived in is called The Great Jura Forest, where many non-human species resides. This forest was protected by a dragon- no a True Dragon, named Veldora. They said that a True Dragon is completely different from any old dragon phantasmals, It has enough power to completely obliterate a country just by their presence alone and Veldora was a famous example of that. Those True Dragons are completely and will always be immortal as they would always be reborn, inheriting all the experience and memories of their previous lives. Thankfully though, it was only "that" True Dragon is considered as a menace to humanity, as it would destroy parts of civilization on a whim and giggles. Part of me wants to hunt down that dragon and stop it from killing anymore people, but there is also a part of me that know that even if I did try to hunt it down, my power will not be enough to even give it's scales a dent, judging by my father's descriptions of a True Dragon.
I grit my teeth and curled my hands into fists, knowing how powerless I am compared to this vast world. But hearing that Veldora was sealed by a masked hero made me ease up, a hero exist here. And is powerful enough to fight against a beast class entity, and as a human at that! Sure enough, this world is more insane than any other world that Archer EMIYA had seen. A drop of sweat slid down from my forehead, if I want to stand a chance against those entities, I would need to acquire strength even more than Archer had acquired in his days as a counter guardian.
With a new found determination, I focused on what's in front of me, the sight of probably the most dangerous substance known to man on my bowl, which is barely being able to withstand the toxic looking liquid. I could swear I hear it's calling for his misery to end. I pick up a spoon and scooped it full, slowly placing the unknown substance into my mouth. My Mind's Eye went overdrive, my danger senses went haywire, and my survival instinct is telling me to think about my actions. As soon as the toxic porridge like substance met my tongue, the world became the dark, making the last thing I remember was the mistake that shouldn't have been made.
"You're forbidden from entering the kitchen ever again." I said sternly with a folded hands over my chest. The lavendered colored ogre gave an offended look to me, before a tick formed on her and the atmosphere dropped below zero degrees. "Huh? What do you mean White hat?" She said still in a tone that could be heard as a cheerful pitch without context, but still have a hint of hostility judging from what she called me."white hat" was really the best insult she could think of?. In front of the door leading to the kitchen, I turned my gaze to the ones behind her, mainly my little sister who seemed anxious and worried if a fight is going to happen. My male companions on the other hand slowly backed away, as if they're scared of what this little lavender ogre will do to them. Did they developed some sort of PSTD? No, I doubt that. I returned my gaze towards the ogre who can create a seemingly deadly poison with no toxic ingredients involved, a rare talent if taken out of context.
"You know exactly what I mean, Witch." I could hear a thunderbolt's noise coming out of nowhere, the lavendered colored ogre's eyes became furious, and the atmosphere becoming more tenser. I readied myself for battle, and locked eyes with her, with my steely gaze, that she could feel was sharp as a sword.
Suddenly I heard a small "hic" making me realize what was happening. The lavender colored kid ogre is crying... Shit. All eyes were on me, even without saying it, I could feel their disgust, anger, and disappointment. My sister on the other hand became cold towards me, even though she doesn't show it, my Mind's Eye is enough to notice it. "Ara-ara Onii-chan, to think that my kind hearted older brother that I always knew, who lends everyone his help to the point of being unreasonable is actually a heartless ogre?" I could feel myself turning small in front of my little sister. "I-it's not like that!" I stuttered a bit, I just didn't want her to be inside the kitchen after what she had made! Also when is she like this? I've taken care of her for most of her life, but this is the first time I've seen her like this! "Hoh? My little brother is actually a man that likes to make girls cry?" My elder brother commented. "To think that our third brother actually enjoys putting her passions down." It was followed up with a scorn on his next sentence while the blue Shinobi like ogre just nodded in agreement.
Beads of sweat drips down from my forehead, I'm in alot of trouble now. 'I have to think of something fast.' And like a hero, an ogre in his adolescence, that was recognized as the "brother" of our group came just in time to witness the situation that I put myself into.
"Alright everyone calm down!" The brother made an effort to control the situation and kept it from escalating any further. "He didn't mean that right?" He said as he looked at me, receiving the message that travelled through his eyes, and my chance to escape from this mess.
"Th-that's right. It's just that, yo-your dish was so g-good that I accidentally called you a witch because of how impossibly g-good they are..." I did my best to lie, stuttering at some of my words, clearly having trouble at lying about the good food part. I could see my elder brother give a disappointing look, which states that he wanted to see the chaos that will come to me. 'tsk, bastard' I silently cursed. My sister on the other hand is still giving me "that" look.
"See? You heard the young prince, what he meant earlier was just a compliment! He just didn't want you to go the kitchen because he doesn't want others to get addicted to your skills!" The brother said with a compliment. 'Eh?' I looked at the long haired ogre with a red ponytail. What are you saying!? "That's right, my second brother isn't a cold hearted idiot. How about you let him join you in order to measure the right amount of deliciousness you can serve?" My little sister added "isn't that right my older brother?" She gave me "that" look again. I'm really back into a corner here, everyone is against me!
"Th-that's right!" I said with my arms cross "I'll watch over you cooking! S-so don't go into the kitchen without my permission!" Saying my last piece, I quickly bolted out of there as fast as possible. Knowing my luck, things would probably get worse if I stayed there any longer.
(A/N: Writing characters with no names sure is hard)
The sky was painted red, buildings fell and rubbles were everywhere, while the world around was engulfed in an unending fire. Screams of despair and helpless yells were ringing in my ears, the kid of red hair, walking aimlessly, ignoring— no more like blocking out the cries for help. Deafening himself from the people who were crushed, stuck, burned, or drowning from the lack of oxygen.
That was me, my younger self... The me before I became a nameless monster.
A yell came from a distance, it was a man stuck in a fallen concrete, I couldn't see his face clearly, but I knew just by the sight of his build alone. His lower half crushed by the weight of the fallen rubble. His cries for help was completely ignored by my younger self, in contrast I instinctively rushed towards the man, forgetting that this was all just a memory. A sudden surge of fire blocked my path making me realize the idiotic act I displayed.
I looked back to see the stumbled on a piece of rubble, I witness him as he threw bits and pieces of himself as he continued to walk through the hell that gave birth to Shirou Emiya.
I stood on the piles of rubbles, accepting the memory that broke me, being replayed. Even if I try my best to save the people dying, it wouldn't even matter, they were just a memory, a dream, stuck within my subconsciousness.
" I am the Bone of my Sword."
I opened my eyes slowly, I could see the full moon outside my window, it was a beautiful sight. It was peaceful, and quiet... I'm undeserving of this, I'm unworthy of it! It tells me so deep down. I curled my hands tightly, gritting my teeth, the disappointment I have in myself for forgetting. everyone died in that fire, So how could I deserve such a life? Having fun while forgetting the sins I've committed?
With a pursed lips, I got up from my bed, deciding to take the chance to go moon gazing to clear my mind. I sat at an open field, as I gaze upon the moon, just like my surrogate father and I did when I was still Shirou Emiya.
I could see the guards were on alert for any intruders that may come in the village. I continued on my gaze as I remember the life I've been living until now. It was, fun... The love that bestowed to me by my current parents and neighbors. The joy of having nothing to worry about, and live the childhood that I didn't have.
More than a few hours passed, I stared at the celestial body that reflected the sun's light. Judging that it was already time to get back to bed, I sat up but before I could return to my house, a sudden voice came beside me.
"Already done gazing at the moon young prince?" It was the voice of an old man who speaks of centuries of experience. "Uwaa!" I exclaimed surprisingly "where did you come from, master?" I asked after sighing a relief that it was just the old instructor who was sitting beside me unnoticed earlier. If it were any other ogre (more specifically my father) I would've been in a lot of trouble staying up late.
"Oh, I was just out for a walk until I saw you looking up to the sky, while completely unaware of your surroundings Young Prince" he said as he took a sip of tea that he brought. I look dumbfoundly at the old man, as he finished his sip "You looked troubled while I joined you, may I ask what is in your mind?"
I took a moment to answer, "the moon... It's peaceful" should I seek his wisdom? Or should I- no I shouldn't be stubborn, I know that I am an idiot, but I shouldn't make the same mistake I did on my past life, just like I did to her... I couldn't even remember her name now. I pursed my lips, and looked back at the bright moon. "That it is" he replied, agreeing to my comment. "I, I want to find meaning in my life." I said without looking at the old man. My life have always been without meaning, the very core of my existence has no meaning, it's always been like that ever since that fire. The old man has widened his eyes to a noticable degree, taken aback by what the young ogre had said.
The old ogre went quiet for a few moments, I guess what I said does make everybody silent, specially when a kid is the one saying it. I broke my gaze of the moon and towards the old man who had his eyes widen before closing it while releasing a sigh. "... I am speechless by the fact that a young ogre like the young prince, is thinking complex concepts unbefitting of a young'in" the old man started, he looked upward to the glowing celestial body before continuing as he took a sip of his tea. "You are lost, though I do not know what is happening inside your mind young master, but the best advice I can give you is for you to keep searching for meaning in your life, even if it takes a long time. Everyone has their own perspective of their lives, everyone has their own fate and destiny unknown to them. So young prince, do not rush your life, else it won't be satisfying when you look back at it." He stood up and started to stroll on a direction where I think he came from. "Take your time" he said as he gets farther away from the area.
I let out a smile, gotta leave it to the elderlies to give a heartfelt lessons. I then made my way back to my bed and returned to sleep.
Many years passed, and during those years The Brother that our group looked up to, left the ogre village, he didn't tell us the reason though but he said that he will be back after some time. He had already been recognized as the strongest ogre in our tribe in such a young age, the last time we ever saw him was when we bid our goodbyes as he walked off the village.
I still practiced my skills over the years, as I do not want to get rusty in this dangerous world. I have also gotten used to this body of mine, and I am now able to do my techniques more efficiently, much to the old man's dismay. My brother has grown taller and bulked up his hair became more wild and messy, he also succeeded in becoming a samurai. My sister also grew up into a beautiful girl, with a gentle personality, a perfect maiden if I say so myself.
Among our friend group, the ogre with a color palette of dark and blue became somewhat of a shinobi in-charge of scouting after being trained by a squad of ogre specializing in sneak attacks and information relays. The ogre with color palette of lavender and purple, also grew, especially her brute strength, and... *Ahem* other parts that makes her special.
(A/N: Come on guys, I'm talking about her cooking, her cooking improved in a bad way. *Wink* also I could've made the part where Shirou is depressed longer but I'm too lazy to make it )
I don't understand how it gets worse everytime! My taste buds keeps screaming everytime I see her final product!
My hair still has that weird mix of red and white, and unlike my brother, my build wasn't that bulky. I also became part of the hunting group since my skills with the bow was exceptional. I also stopped practicing my projections for a few years, because it sometimes reminded me of my past, which I want to forget and move on (not). Everything was peaceful, the kids were playing, and we, the adults, were building expansions and doing our part to contribute to the village.
That was until a visitor came to our village wearing a mask of a majin. He was greeted by my father, and a few guards. I couldn't hear their conversation since I was far away and was observing through my reinforced eyes, allowing me to see a few kilometers away. But judging by their body language, everyone was tense except the visitor and the village chief. My father then said something to the masked man, that seemed to made him enrage. Luckily though there was no battle that broke out and the man left with his feet stomping the ground.
Few days later, the village chief, my father, had finally decided to retire his position to my brother, as I stated my opposition to the position. Thus appointing the title of village chief have been peacefully concluded without any problems, and the official coronation is going to be held in a few days.
One day before the coronation begins, the hunting group that I am apart of, hunted down wild boars, fished comically big sized fishes, and gathered some rare mushrooms for the big feast that is going to happen tomorrow.
After finishing and tying up what we have gathered, we set our destination home. "Alright everyone, do you have everything?" Said an ogre with a bulky build, he is the captain of the group. He has disheveled short blue hair, as if it had been unattended for quite some time, he wore a light armor to not hinder his mobility. After confirming that we have everything, he let out another order "Alrighty then, let's head on back home! Do not let your guard down, it's been a few months since our guardian that protected this forest suddenly disappeared, and the monsters are running more rampant than they did a few years ago." We all nodded and together and started marching back to our village.
The journey was very quiet and peaceful for some reason,seeing the orange sky, and judging the position of the sun, we will probably get home over 2 hours after sun down with our current pace. Still though, the forest has been quiet for quite some time now, I'm not detecting any monsters present so I wonder why it's all quiet. This is weird... "Hey captain," I called out, the feeling of unease has been bothering me for a while now. The captain turned his attention towards me, "What is it prince?" He asked. "The forest has been quiet ever since our way home." I inquired, maybe he know what's happening since he's more experienced than me in this world, but usually when everything has gone quiet it would either be a predator hunting or something is going on in the area, like a yet to be detected natural disaster.
"Now that you've said it, it really has been super quiet." He turned and face the entire group. "Change of plans, everyone, let's quicken our pace and get home before—" just before the captain could finish his words, I yelled out "Look out!" As I detected an incoming danger approaching our group last second. An orc, a race of monsters that resembles a pig or a boar with humanoid features such as arms and legs. It was wearing an armor, and in it's hands, a weapon, a battle axe to be more precise. It swung it's weapon down to the captain with full force.
The captain barely managed to block the incoming attack, and was sent flying back a few meters. 'Dammit I let my guard down! It probably came after I checked for any monsters nearby!' it was no time to complain, I rushed over to the captain who was heavily injured, I kneeled down beside him and tore off a piece of my clothing trying to patch up the bleeding. But then I heard a scream of pain, the sound of metals clang to each other, I turned and saw many orcs surrounding us. There were some fallen ogres struggling to stay alive, and others barely defending themselves from the sheer number of orcs. What should I do!? It's either sacrificing the captain and save the remaining ogres or help the captain from his bleeding before saving the others. "Prince" a voice called out, returning my attention to the injured captain. "Forget about me, with this kind of injury I'm afraid that it's already too late for me"
He looked at me in the eyes, he met my uncertain gaze and a smirk came out of his mouth, "what's with that look? Aren't you the prince of our village? This isn't the time to be overly emotional young master. You need to warn the village about the orcs." He coughed up blood,as he finished his sentence. Hearing his words, I grit my teeth strongly, and my hands turned into fists. I could hear his heartbeat slowly fade, I stood up, disappointed in myself for being unable to save a person in front of me, disappointed my arrogance, thinking a life like this one will continue peacefully. "Ack!" I quickly turned to see two of my ogre comrades being eaten alive!? My eyes widen and like instinct, I rushed towards them in an insane speed, readying up my sword that I've been carrying, and beheaded the four feasting orcs in a succession.
I checked the two ogres, their guts were spilling out of their body, gnawed and torned. Their heartbeat had already stopped... My whole body trembled with rage, rage upon myself for being lacking. But it wasn't the time to indulge in my emotions, I need to focus and save my remaining companions. Including me, there are only 6 ogres left, against uncountable orcs, and what's more, the orc that had black armor is waiting there, and is giving off dangerous vibes.
We are greatly outnumbered, our group is quickly losing morale, and we are barely holding on. The sound of metals clashing against each other could be heard throughout the forest, I relentlessly fought through the horde of orcs, but it wasn't enough to make a path to escape. These orcs were mindless, and when one of them is killed the others starts to cannibalize their fallen brethren, and through some sort of skill, they are strengthened. Though because of their inability to think, their movements were simple and predictable, making the whole fight a bit easier.
I've noticed it for a while, the large orc that wore that black armor has only been sitting there, analyzing the battle, and commanding the other orcs. Knowing that he was the leader of the horde, I rushed towards him, taking the gamble that once I killed that orc the others will probably be unorganize and unable to fight properly, I slashed at the orc in front of me, it did not bother to try and defend, my sword that was given as a gift by my family, slipped through the crevice of the leader of the horde's neck, but it was met with resistance due to it's thick hide, and durable armor, locking up the chance to free the sword, the sword that I've been holding for years broke. And what hit me was a punch in the gut that sent me flying towards my already exhausted team.
I crashed into my team, breaking up the formation. The orcs took this chance to attack, luckily though we managed to quickly get back into formation and repelled the incoming orcs away. On my knees, I clenched my fists hard enough that it my nails could dig through my palms. Another disappointment came on my self, that sword was the only real sword that I have ever wielded, and now I broke it because of my arrogance!
"Prince!" One of the ogres called out to me, "Go!" He looked at me dead in the eyes. His blue eyes looked at me with an authoritive gaze, it delivered the message for me to run home and deliver news about the orcs.
"[Ogre Flame]!" He made a hand sign, and flames came out of the ground engulfing and burning some of the orcs. "I won't!" I yelled, I don't want to leave them here, I do not want to be a coward, just like that time! I'll save them even if I have to go back to my roots!
"Stop being stubborn! And run to the village!" He tried to sway me to take his advice, "listen—!"
I stood up, my eyes became that cold like steel, making the ogre shut his mouth. *Inhale* *exhale* I took a deep breath, everything seems to quiet down and the amount of magicules that filled the air multiplied.
"Trace, On!"
My voice was heard by everyone around, it made every actionz in the vicinity come to a halt. With a single line of self suggestion, everything about myself flashed before my eyes... My ideals, dreams, promises, past, and most importantly, my sins.
'I am the Bone of my Sword'
Words reverberated inside my head
Arcs of lightning flew allaround me and connecting to the ground, The married sword of Kanshou and Bakuya appeared in my hands. The eyes of my team were fixed at the twin swords on my hands for moment, before taking the opportunity that was presented by me, ending the lives nearest orcs. The leader orc, finally decided to take things seriously and had his guard up, wary of the revealed card.
All eyes were focused on me, I leaped towards the group of orcs, leaving behind my fellow teammates. I hacked through numerous orcs in front of me, their seemingly endless number slowly started to dry out, each swing I took with my blades were enough to unalive them, thanks to the anti-monster properties of Kanshou and Bakuya. Taking down one of the orcs, my back was left open, and another orc took the opportunity to attack it. Unfortunately for them, it was intentional, I quickly side stepped out of the the way, my body facing the side of their blade that passed by, and counter attacked with Kanshou to their exposed neck.
Whilst I've been busy, my companions followed suit and tried their best to support me, to keep me from being overwhelmed with numbers. Each time I slay one of them, they start to cannibalize the fallen orcs and thus making them more difficult to kill.
"Useless fodders." The leader spoke, suddenly all the orcs stopped attacking and made way for their leader, it's shiny black armor shone as it reflected the light coming from the setting sun. The orcs walked up to our exhausted group, his large build overshadowed us. "Why are you orcs doing this!?" I asked, outrage. The orcs was remained silent for a brief while, as if putting together the right words to answer me. "It is the lord's order." He suddenly launch an attack that I barely managed block, sending me flying.
His battle axe hit me like a truck, Kanshou and Bakuya had gain a noticable degree of cracks and deformities, 'i've gotten rusty' but nothing I can't fix. The orc was fast even though it's physique wasn't built to move that quick. I slammed onto one of the trees, leaving me open for attacks, the nearby orcs took opportunity to take it. Luckily I managed to regain my posture, and narrowly dodged their aimed weapons. I quickly responded with giving a counter attack to their neck, and their cranium, targeting the brain.
I returned my focus to the orc wielding the battle axe, blood was dripping from the weapon, I look towards my team, all of them had already fallen with the exception of one being on they're knees. My eyes widen, while they kept me busy, even though I dispatched those that attacked me, it was enough to overwhelm my fellow ogres and kill them.
I could see the black armored orc winding up his axe, ready to give the finishing blow to the kneeling ogre. "NO!" In an act of desperation, I threw Kanshou and Bakuya towards the orc, hoping to divert its attention towards me or atleast change the trajectory of it's weapon. But it was already too late, the orc brought down it's axe, and blood flew out of the body and into the air like fountain.
My heart broke, I could only look at the body falling lifelessly on the ground. Time seems to slow down as I see the lifeless bodies of my comrades and friends being eaten... I've been arrogant, idiotic, and stupid. I've already been told of the dangers that lurks in this world, yet I've grown to disregard them, as life had always been peaceful in the village. Wake up, train, eat, work, have fun, and sleep. It was always been like that in the village, always thinking that it would last forever... How foolish, the young foolish Shirou Emiya is still in me after all this time.
"Trace, On"
These words escaped my lips, my voice filled with conviction, as it echoed through the forest. Another pair of Kanshou and Bakuya appeared in my hands, this time, unlike earlier, is more closer to the real ones. I leaped towards the feasting orcs and swiftly cut their heads off. 30 orcs remaining, I shot my gaze towards their leader and rushed my way to the remaining orcs, not breaking my line of sight of the black armored orc. I threw the pair of swords towards the crowd of orcs, unsurprising they deflected it, it doesn't matter as it wasn't my intention to attack straight forward anyway. I projected another pair of the twin sword and thrusted them onto the heart of those who had their guards broken from the swords I threw.
I dwindled their numbers until it was only the black armored orc remained, however it didn't wait long to attack my already tired body. I barely managed to block it's attack, sending me a few meters back. Luckily I had my feet still on the ground firmly attached to it, the orc didn't say a word nor have anything it wants to say. I retaliated by pouncing on the orc, taking advantage of our size difference and weaving my way out of its striking trajectory.
Though, it's speed is contradicting it's size and build, it is somewhat predictable, thus givinge an advantage. I stabbed the orc with multiple pair of the marred blades, while dodging it's attacks. It was prioritizing it's vital spots, knowing that it couldn't win against me, making the whole fight take longer. After stabbing it with a final set of Kanshou and Bakuya, "Burst!" I leaped out immediately as I said it. I had pumped those swords with so much magicules that I've made those noble phantasm copies into broken phantasms and blowing them up. The orc's body exploded into pieces, with only it's bottom half remaining.
*Hah- Ha-*
The battle left me panting, I dropped to my knees as regret filled the air around me. If I knew this could happen, I would've- no, it's simply because of me that this happened... If I had been more diligent and hadn't been neglecting my training then this shouldn't have happened. I knew how dangerous this world could be but- DAMMIT! When will I stop being like this! Why couldn't I just be more cautious!? Why do I have to be so stupid!? And why do I have to drag everyone down because of my stupid mistakes!?
I slammed my fist down the ground, hard enough to elevate the anger towards myself. I turned my head on the fallen bodies of my dead teammates, and the scattered bodies of the orcs. I couldn't focus on it before, but the orcs, even the leader that was in-charge of this herd was mindlessly following the orders they were given, just like 'him'. I clenched my fists, being reminded of that man didn't sit well with me.
I stood up, wanting to bury my ogre friends and give them proper rest. But unfortunately it was interupted by a large black smoke on the sky, it was the direction of the village. I bolted towards it immediately, internally apologizing that I couldn't give them a burial. The sun was already setting in the horizon, I quicken my pace, hoping that I'll make it back in time. I ignored my muscles pleas for rest, I controlled my breathing to maximize my conservation of energy. All I could think of now was "please make it back in time" and "There must be still someone left alive. Faster, faster, faster, faster!"
It was already night when I got there, and I was already too late, the villagers' bodies were being eaten and devoured that even bones weren't left, houses were set ablaze, the homes that created joyful memories while in the making, burned down. I dropped to my knees, the thud made my presence known by the orcs, all I could hear right now was the cries of despair and helplessness that I could never forget even to this day.
I snapped out of my daze, the moment I saw a small horde of orcs coming my way. All the fatigue that was built during my fight against the earlier orcs, and the desperate run to get here was replaced with adrenaline. I furrowed my brow in anger, and projected a pair of the married swords. I couldn't think clearly anymore, and made a berserk scream as I pounced towards the horde. I was ready to take their heads, but then a stinging pain appeared in the back of my neck, causing me to black out.
A/N: Why tf did I even made this long? This is a one shot for crying out loud! I was planning on making this go until the orc disaster arc.
Anyway, I know that it's only one chapter right now, but can you please share this oneshot?