

  The Sealed Forgiveness 5

  Now, Lady Olivia was quiet, and her husband wondered if he had ruined her weekend.

  ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have brought up the topic?’

  Then, she looked into her husband’s eye and spoke.


  “Yes, Wifey.”

  “I know that it is your desire to see your family united.”

  “Certainly. Do you think otherwise?”

  “Certainly not. Since you have invited him, and he refused to come, I suggest that we pay him a surprise visit.”

  Now Sir Denise Bailey’s face beamed with a smile, and he acknowledged.

  “That would be great. Will the coming weekend be bad?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Thank you, my baby. I will make it up to you this night.”

  He promised as he tickled, he rips. She giggled and asked.

  “How many rounds?”

  “Just make your demand.”

  “Twenty rounds.”

  “What? Do you want my daughter to choke?”

  “No. Your son will not choke.”