

A story about two brothers Andrew and Raphael

Kelizo · Seni bela diri
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16 Chs



"No need to struggle young girl, it would be over soon", the man says while dragging the young girl out of their midst and about to do the unimaginable to her. The girl already has tears pouring out of her eyes at a rate she has never done before. She stretches her hands towards the boys present hoping that they would try to save her.

She really has a tall wish, hoping the boys would fight these men just to save her, but she still strives hoping that one of them would be hot-blooded as she calls, "James, Williams, Andrew. Please save me. Please help me out".

None of the boys present were willing to do anything though, they were all reluctant to help out and quicken their deaths. Seeing such a situation, the girl cries harder hoping that they would have a change of heart, but no matter how hard she cries, she didn't receive any response as the other two men who entered with the first man quickly surrounds the boys and the other man who carried her, quickly starts tearing her clothes hoping to do the deed on the spot.

The other men also had their backs turned on the boys, hoping to watch as the scenario unfolds. It was at this time that the first boy who always acted like the leader ran forth, and swiftly collects one of the cutlasses the men used to arm themselves which takes them off guard as he runs towards the man who was busy tearing the clothes of the girl. "Get away from Ava", he screams as the weapon makes a clean cut on his neck. Slowly, the head slides from the body of the man, "pssssst", the sound of blood spraying from the neck sounds out after the head falls off.

"Hyaaaaaah", Ava screams as not just the head falls on her body but she also receives the full brunt of the spray as her hair even seems to be dark red. Seems like although the man wasn't that huge, he still had a huge amount of blood stored in his body, such a vigorous human.

The other men and the boys were shocked at such actions, Andrew hasn't expected such a situation to occur. The two men weren't shocked for long though as they quickly get angry and walked towards the first boy to quickly get rid of him.

But the boy quickly throws the cutlass and it connects with the body of one of the men, who quickly slumps down lifelessly, never to be heard from again. Seeing such a situation, the remaining man steps back a bit, but seeing that there was no more weapon with the boy, he doesn't hesitate as he moves forward again while getting angry that a little child was scaring him this much.

But it was at this point that the second boy slices through the leg of the remaining man with the weapon of the other dead man, this action shocks the first boy as he thought he would be killed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh", the man screams in pain, and it was at this moment that the people outside were alerted of what was going on in the store. That was the cry of agony and not one of satisfaction. But the voice keeps mute almost immediately like nothing happened formerly.

This was suspicious, as one of the men orders another, "Go and check what's happening over there". The man receives the order and quickly charges into the room, but since most of the room was dark from its coverage and due to the fact that the day has gotten a bit darker, it wasn't easy to decipher what happened after the man went as nothing was heard from him again.

The man who initially orders him to go in, calls out to him, but there was no response from the man no matter how he was called on.

One of the men unknowingly gulps as he had chills all over his body. This was like a horror movie, the man who had initially ordered the first man knew that at this moment, no matter what he said, no one would go in, thus he bucked up his courage and walks forward.

Meanwhile, inside the storeroom, the three boys were inside and the man who was sent in recently could be seen with his head half chopped off, and the first boy could be seen close to the body of the man and blood was dripping down from the weapon in his hands.

"James what should we do now?", the second boy asks while getting close to the first boy, he was still scared over all that has just happened. Never in his life did he think that he would be involved in such a situation and even had the blood of a human in his hands, it was a real eye-opener.

"We should ready ourselves, with the situation in here, there may be more men outside", James replies and his eyes were red probably from all the adrenaline being secreted at this moment.

"There would be more outside?", Williams asks, feeling all giddy at this moment. This was more than he could ever ask for, just steeling his resolve to take care of that man took all that he had.

"Hmm", James nods his head in affirmation. "How would we be able to go through this situation?", Ava speaks up at this moment.

"I am not going to give up at this point. I would try all I can to survive and get out of this place", James replies to her, he was strengthening his resolve more with all this prep talk. "We should get going then", he says while picking another weapon, ready to go to war. If this was a zombie movie, it would make more sense.

"Andrew, let's go", Williams says noticing that Andrew was not moving from his spot since everything and he was staring at the body of the second man who was killed. He seem like someone who was in total shock over all that is happening, and no matter how much he was being called, he didn't reply and just stood still.

James knits his eyes seeing such a situation playing out, but he doesn't think too much about it before saying, "Leave him alone, we should get going". This causes Williams who was about going to touch Andrew halt in place. He says, "But he is our friend, we shouldn't just abandon him". Williams should probably be thankful to himself for saying those words as they had saved his life a lot of times in the future.

"I would leave you behind too if you don't get going with me", James says while turning his head away from their direction and moving forward, Ava quickly moves along with him, and Williams after looking at both Andrew and James reluctantly follows after James. No one could blame him, after all, James seems like the one who had more potential to get out of this situation alive.

The man was already close to the boys when they came out rushing with the weapons in their hands, James was feeling like he was already a star after being able to kill three people today.

He was fearless and dauntless as his weapon was raised all high while charging at the man. The man on the other hand squints his eyes when he sees that it was just a young boy coming out from the store with a weapon in his hands, Williams who was timid formerly has steeled his heart and was charging out together with him.

Everything was being played in slow motion, it seems like the boys were the center of attraction, like nobody could touch them and they could defeat all these people in front of them. Coming close to the man, the expected happens though.

He makes quick work of the two boys and takes the weapons from their hands. He stares at the boys and asks, "Are you the only ones inside?".

The boys were shocked and afraid about what has just happened. This was not how the whole situation has played out in their head. They thought they could easily take care of these men outside and clear a passage for themselves to escape this crisis, but it was all turned around in a twinkle of an eye. They now see their death clearly without any comebacks. They weren't a way for them to be saved this time and their courage has been downplayed fully recognizing their strength.

"There is someone inside also", one of the men who went in to check sees Andrew inside still standing there staring at the corpse closest to him. "Get him over here", the man who took care of the boy says. The man acknowledges his order and says to Andrew, "Get moving boy". Although Andrew had a mature build, his face was not so old that he would be categorized as an adult.

Although he has told Andrew those words, Andrew remains at a standstill not making a single movement as if he was dead.

"Didn't you hear what I told you just now?", the man says once again, getting angry and moving his hands to catch Andrew. But something happens at this moment. Andrew shifts back and evades the hands that was coming towards him.

The man was shocked that the boy he was calling unto could move, but he wasn't too bothered about that as this boy was disarmed and didn't give any dangerous vibe at all.

"So this is how people die huh?", says Andrew in a barely audible voice. "Huh?", no matter how the man had tried, he wasn't able to pick up any words that Andrew has just spoken. "So humans are this weak. We can die this easily", Andrew says and his words were heard by the man this time around, and although a bit shocked, he replies, "Are you sick in your head or something?".

Andrew turns towards the man and a harmless smile was present on his face. But the man felt chills on seeing such a smile on the face of this boy when he was in such a situation like this.

"Seeing these bodies on the floor got me thinking previously. Are humans so weak to die when our heads are lumped off, or when we bleed out from a cut or stab wound? Like, look at that man over there", he says while pointing at the dead body of the man who had initially wanted to rape Ava. "He had initially been vigorous, about to perform nicely. But he wasn't able to do anything immediately his head was chopped off", Andrew continues with a pity-filled gaze.

"Huh, are you insane? Who wouldn't die if their heads are chopped off", the man replies, he was getting a headache trying to understand the words of this boy. "Hurry and bring him out damnit", the first man hollers noticing the delay.

"If it was me, I won't die that easily. I would make sure to come back and continue my work and only die when I am satisfied", Andrew continues. The man looks at Andrew like the boy has had a screw loose and could be likened to a madman, but he doesn't hesitate anymore as he raises his weapon and walks towards Andrew while saying, "Come out with me now or we are going to see if you would be able to live after...", he wasn't able to complete his statement as in the next minute he slumps down. What has happened? Slowly blood flows out from his body. He died without any prior notice.

"As I told you before, I won't die until I achieve my aim. And I don't care how I do it", Andrew says while moving out while holding the weapon of the man in his hands. It all happened in a flash, Andrew had used a little bit of force to drive the weapon of the man into his body and thus ended his life quickly.

He slowly walks outside, with a gaze full of smile, it seems like killing someone didn't have any strike at his conscience at all and was a sport to him.

The boys and the men on seeing the boy were shocked as this boy didn't have a single blood that stained his clothes and his smile was sweet, but the weapon that was stained with blood spoke otherwise of his character.

This was the birth of a demon, who no matter what has happened till date lived through it, killed anyone whom he doesn't like, and made things a little bit interesting in his way. But how was he able to overcome these men in this place? That we would have to find out another time.

(Break next week....)