
Chapter 26: The Final Fight

Continuing right from the last chapter...

Zuoni In His Head: 200% Both Arm

Zuoni then blocked all the Steel particles with his arms...

Zuoni In His Head: This is bad

Oda: Your arms are going numb. You can't go any further, just surrender...

Zuoni: True, i can't push any further...But, how pathetic can you be to ask me to surrender?

Oda: *sighs* I asked nicely. Surrender now, final warning

Zuoni: Idiot...I said I won't

Oda then ambushes Zuoni but he was lucky enough to have the time to react

Oda: What?

Zuoni In His Head: *laughs quietly* Hidden Senetsu Wall!

Oda then jumps to the other side to ambush his opponent forgetting his injured arm after ramping Zuoni's wall

Oda In His Head: Fool, your Senetsu aren't even nearly as strong as the other guys!

Oda then broke Zuoni's side wall with his fist & he then ambush Zuoni but instead of punching the body he sees in front of him, he punches the air besides him. Turns out...

Zuoni In His Head: Curse it!

Oda: Your fake body technique couldn't work twice on me, kid

Zuoni: Compound Fire Spread!

Oda then backs away from Zuoni

Oda In His Head: If i didn't punch him with my metal arm, i would've been the one kneeling on the ground right now instead of him. Asking him to forfeit will be futile

Oda just stands as he's seeing Zuoni coughing & struggling to stand up in front of him...

Waruwi In His Head: Idiot! Don't give up now! Don't you know how disgraceful that would be?!

Zuoni: Why are you not knocking me out? Something wrong?

They both then just gets silenced

Oda In His Head: Why am i not knocking him out? What is going on with my natural instinct? This isn't how i fight

Zuoni: Come on, finish me

Oda: I'll give you one more shot & if you miss it, I'll tear you apart

Zuoni: *laughs quietly*

Zuoni then stands on his feet properly for a brief second...before ambushing his opponent. Zuoni goes to kick & punch him but he keeps missing.

Oda is just dodging his punches & kicks casually

Oda: Are you joking right now? Do you think you can defeat me by trying to land punches mindlessly?

Zuoni: Why are you giving me chances?

Oda: Because i want those who are watching us right now know...Just how pathetic you are...

Zuoni In His Head: *gasp*

Zuoni: I'm not...pathetic, damn it!

Oda dodged his punch casually & counter it by kneeing his stomach...Zuoni then backs away by walking slowly while wrapping his arms around his stomach

Oda: *sighs* Kid, it'll be better for you to just give up. For you & your pride

Zuoni: *coughs* I...Don't care..About my pride!!

Zuoni then runs towards Oda to punch him & he missed it...He then keeps punching him, as Oda was dodging

Oda: Stupid

Oda then stomps Zuoni's chest & Zuoni then was stunned

Oda: How unnecessary. At this point, you're more useless then someone who feels guilty for killing someone...

Zuoni got triggered

Oda: Heck, you're more useless then Sorachi...Don't you realize how weak you are? Compare to the other contestant...You're just the worst...

Zuoni: Damn...You!

Zuoni missed & got stomped by Oda again...

Oda: Where's your pride-

Zuoni: I don't care about mine! You always speak almighty as if your pride is at their highest...But in reality, you're just a cringy old man who thinks they can impress their grandchildren by becoming a 4A members. I wonder how disappointed your grandchildrens will be when they hear that their grandpa is just a phony who thinks justice is cool-

Oda punched Zuoni in the stomach before he could finish his sentence

Oda: And you're just as useless as street beggars

Zuoni backs away & was too damaged to say anything...

Oda just looks down on him & proceed to put his hands back in his pocket...

Oda: *sighs* I'll get this over with. Listen kid. Unlike that loser who got traumatized by killing someone, I'm not afraid to do so. Even if it means i can't get the 4A license...

Zuoni couldn't say anything...

Oda: I'll throw these little particles...To make a bunch of pipe to surrounds you. Until you surrender, the pipes will get closer & make you suffocates...

Zuoni: *breathes intensely* I refuse...to lose

Waruwi, Tori, Iyanari, Kamoyo & Jinjine...All of them were shook when they heard what Zuoni said...

Oda then proceeds to throw the particles around Zuoni

Oda: Grow

As the particles has expanded & as the pipes were getting closer...



Zuoni falls as he's exhausted chasing after his dad while jogging

Zuoni's Dad (Gangoro): Zuo, are you okay?

Gangoro then grabs both of his son's shoulder

Gangoro: Zuoni, you're strong. No matter what happens, you won't die. No matter how many broken bones you have, you'll still go forward! Because you're my son! And my son must never give up! Now get up & race me!...

Zuoni: Hai!...


Zuo: Zukkei, i don't think i can beat my dad in a race

Zukkei: Yeah sure. You can't beat your dad in a race...But are you willing to just give up that easily? He's an old man you know, you can beat him. I know you can...Because no matter what happens, you will never give up & I know that! Now, stop whining & make your dad proud!

*present time*

Zuoni In His Head: I don't want to die...I can't die! I can't die! I'll just get forward no

Zuoni: Matter what!

Oda: Huh?

Zuoni: Sabunji!

Waruwi: What?!

Oda In His Head: My pipes! They're melting!

Zuoni: Burning Launch!

Oda In His Head: This kid! Is he mental?!

Zuoni launch himself to break the pipes & ambush Oda & he did so.

Oda starts backing away

Zuoni: Hnnngghhhh!!!

Oda In His Head: He's litting up his entire body by accident?! What is this?!

Zuoni: How dare you...Look down on me!

Oda In His Head: Crap

Zuoni caught Oda in a Fire Circle, he then punches Oda while his guard is down

Zuoni: I don't give a crap about you! You'll pay!

For insulting Sorachi!...For insulting Yotaro!...I will make you pay!!

Gangoro In Zuoni's Head: Don't give up now!!

Zuoni punches & kicks Oda non-stop & sends him flying towards the Fire Circle

Zuoni: Your stupid words...Means nothing to me! A piece of crap like you...Should rot in hell!!!

Zuoni jumps & punch Oda's head downwards

Zuoni: Harghhhh!!!

Iyanari: Wha-

Waruwi: The ground tiles got shattered!

Tori In His Head: Zuoni's punch was as hard as Kubo's Karuma

Zuoni then lands & stands on his two feet with his left arm bruised

Referee then go check in on Oda...

Referee: Contestant is alive! And that means Contestant Zuoni is the winner of this tournament's final round!


Zuoni gets out of the hall along with the other contestants & the medics then came to treat him

Hutono: Yorumin, i really thought that Zuoni kid wouldn't have make it. Did you expect him to pull off such incidents just by sheer willpower?

Yorumin: I expected him to do that, that's why i didn't stop Oda's pipe from tearing him apart. Kids like him are natural to pull off such move when they feel like dying. Don't you know that old man?

Hutono: Hohohoho of course!

Yorumin: The whole match, he couldn't do any damage to his opponent & I'm confident that if Oda face any other contestants other than Zuoni, they're most likely to lose. Zuoni is the only contestant that could've beaten Oda.

That makes him without a doubt, The Strongest Contestant

Hutono: Can't forget that he was only able to become the strongest by his will. Zuoni might be the strongest but the other contestants are more consistent with their strength

Yorumin: Yes, i know that. I'm excited to see how well he's gonna do in the mission

Hutono: Hmmm me too. Well, speaking of missions...Where are we going to get the 7 volunteers?

Yorumin: I know how...But why only 7? I thought we need 8..

Hutono: No need, we already have one working from the inside of Top Parade. I'm not allowed to say who that guy is right here, it must be keep a secret


Zukkei: Jay, can we know the final result of the 4A tournament?

Hira: Yeah, since you've access to know those kinds of stuff

Jay: I'm not allowed to tell such things to outsiders

Hira: Oi! We help people too! Why can we not know?!

Zukkei: *laughs awkwardly* Hira, calm down *laughs awkwardly*

Jay: I can however tell you, that your good friend passed the test

Zukkei: Whoa! Thank you, Jay! Hira, don't you think you should apologize-

Hira: The volunteers are 7 in total right?

Jay: Hmmm, how did you know?

Hira: I've heard the update about the amount of people who'll take part in this mission...Do you wanna know where i get that information?

Zukkei: Hira, you didn't told me anything!

Hira: *laughs nervously* Sorry.

Anyway. The person who told me about this news is no other than the Volunteer who himself is secretly a Part of the Top Parade...

His name is Vakoro...

To be continued...