
Chapter 23: Tricks & Spirits

Continuing right from the last chapter...

Waruwi: Senetsu Autopilot!

Matohi In His Head: His Aura, they turned red! What is this?!

Waruwi then pushes the dragon & sent it flying but shortly after that he went on to chase after the dragon

Waruwi: Playtime is over, Dumbass!!

Waruwi then kicked the dragon's head sideways

Zuoni: Yorumin, have you ever seen any Senetsu technique like this?

Yorumin: I have actually but everytime i see someone pull this off, it's not as successful as what Waruwi is doing

Waruwi just keeps attacking Matohi's dragon leaving him no time to react or dodge

Yorumin: He can't keep this up for long...If he wants to stay in control, he needs to finish this quick

Zuoni: I see, it's called "Autopilot" for a reason but why are his punches not doing anything to Matohi's dragon?

Yorumin: It's not like that. If you look carefully, Matohi has no time to react, yes?

Tori: Yeah

Yorumin: This is a process of elimination, Waruwi has to attack all 5 vital parts of that dragon but as of right now, he's only got 2 of them. The stomach & the front side of the head

Tori: Hoh, i see

Waruwi In His Head: Damn it, why is he not losing?!

Waruwi then grabbed the tail & swing it & throw it away

Matohi In His Head: Damn it, he's too fast!

After the dragon got sent ramping against the wall, Waruwi then ambushes the dragon from its back to strike its 4th vital part & it hit

Matohi In His Head: Curse it, I'm doomed!

As Matohi was thinking, Waruwi got into the back of the dragon's head

Matohi In His Head: This is bad...

Matohi then close his eyes

As Waruwi was about to strike the dragon's head, it vanished

Waruwi: What?!-

Matohi then kicked Waruwi's head without shouting or anything as he fears the speed Of his opponent

Waruwi: Bastard!!

Waruwi grabs Matohi's legs as he was going down & he threw it downwards really hard...

Zuoni In His Head: Can Matohi still fight after that?

Waruwi then turns off his Autopilot mode...But then Matohi rushes towards him to punch his stomach as soon as he notices Waruwi is letting his guard down but Waruwi blocked it...

Matohi: What?!

Waruwi: Dumbass! I only hid my aura, you impassion basta-

Matohi In His Head: What?!

Waruwi cuts off his sentence & went to punch Matohi's head straight away

Zuoni: Waruwi stop!

Matohi In His Head: I see, he has lost control...I can't dodge this one, how can i have so much thought in these few milliseconds, I'm really gonna die here, hu-

Yorumin came quickly to stop Waruwi's punch & she did just that, Yorumin then chopped his back to knock him out

Matohi just falls as he was overwhelmed

Referee just stands in shook

Referee: Uhhh

Yorumin: They both wins. We'll ask them after this if they're willing to join the mission, it's a win for both. End of question

The medics then come to drag both of them out of the fighting ground

Matohi In His Head: Did i win?

Matohi then sees his dad in his dream

Matohi: Father...Is that you?!

His father just stay silenced for a few seconds...

Makapu: It's me, son

Matohi starts crying & he then hugs his dad

Matohi: Dad, you're alive!

Matohi cries even more, Makapu just hugs him back without saying anything

Matohi: Dad! I can't believe it! I thought you died! I'm so glad you're here

Matohi cries more...

Matohi: Dad, did i make you proud?

Makapu: You did more than i was expecting, son...

Matohi cries & hugs him harder

Matohi: Thank You! Dad...

Makapu: Don't thank me, son...Thank you for proving me wrong

Matohi cries more...but as he was crying, his dad disappears right in front of him

Matohi: Dad?

Matohi then stops his crying as he realizes...

Matohi: ...See you again, dad...

Referee: The next match, Kubo VS Tori!

They then get into the fighting ground...

Referee: Contestant may start!

Kubo: Spirit Sword!

Tori: Huh?

Zuoni: What type of aura is that, Yorumin?

Yorumin: It's not an aura of any type but it's like the clone of aura, some people learn this technique growing up

Kubo then rushes towards Tori but Tori evades & Tori just keeps dodging Kubo's sword

Tori: This is cool

Kubo: Karuma!

Kubo then strikes his sword towards the ground & it created an explosion as soon as it hits the ground. After that explosion...

Tori: Phew, I'm not disappointed. This is tempting!

Kubo: *laughs quietly* Kakenma!

Kubo then strikes his sword towards the ground but this time it has lightning with it & it make its flows underground to follow the scent of Kubo's opponent & Tori just jumps to left & right

Tori In His Head: My move next!

Tori: Drum Spark!

Tori then punches the ground to make an uncomfortably loud sound

Yorumin: Tori's a unique one, his element is sound

Zuoni: You can consume sounds?!

Yorumin: I know right, a lot of people including me didn't even think of sound as an element when i first learn about Aura

Kubo: Wha- Arghhh!!

Tori then rushes towards Kubo as Kubo's Kakenma stopped moving

Tori: Impact Strike!

Tori then punches Kubo in his stomach as he was stunned but he didn't get sent flying

Tori In His Head: Wait, my punches are usually strong

Kubo then backs away as he was hurt

Tori In His Head: Hmmm, you're an odd one

Tori: Sea Of Sounds!

Tori then clap both his hand to make a mess of sounds from everywhere in the hall

Kubo notices it & just keeps evading but then he still gets stun by Tori's "Sea Of Sounds"

Kubo: Arghhh!

Kubo In His Head: Damn it!

As Kubo was stunned

Kubo: Kasejo!

Kubo then slash his swords everywhere to create trails of them to go after Tori

Tori In His Head: Huh? His slashes gets thinner as they ricochet against the wall, this'll be annoying

Tori just keeps dodging...

Kubo In His Head: His techniques doesn't last long just like mine

Tori: Soundwave!

Tori's Soundwave lets him punch or kick or do whatever towards any direction to send a strong Soundwave towards it

Kubo In His Head: Crap! Wait, i can use this as a chance

As Tori's soundwave was about to reach him...

Kubo: Karuma!

Tori & the other contestants were shook

Kubo In His Head: The sound stops!

Tori In His Head: I see what you're doing

Tori: Micro Thrust!

Micro Thrust lets Tori leaves a trail of loud sounds wherever he goes & Tori then rushes towards Kubo's side but before he was about to pass him...

Kubo: Kanozoi!

Kubo traps Tori in a bubble made of His Spirit Heat

Tori In His Head: Huh?!

Kubo: Kaken-Argh!!

Tori: *laughs quietly* That's what happens that you don't know, you can't sense the sounds coming

Kubo In His Head: Damn you, i get it know. It's not the tone of the sound, the sounds you make are just made to discomfort & that's how you make damage

Kubo: Karuma!

This time, Kubo's Karuma explodes in Tori's bubble

Tori In His Head: This is bad this is bad-

The bubble then explodes...But Tori still manage to walk out of it safely

Tori: *coughs coughs* Man that pretty good

Kubo: I knew it! Kakenma!

Tori: Sea Of Sounds!

Tori made his technique while dodging

Kubo: Kanozoi!

Tori didn't react

Tori In His Head: You really think I'm that stupid? You can't make an overpowered technique like that twice in a row or else you'll have to die or something

Kubo In His Head: *laughs quietly* Not bad

Kubo: Multi-Kasejo!

Tori In His Head: This is tempting!

Tori just keeps dodging mindlessly until

Tori In His Head: Wait a second. Kubo, where did he go?

Kubo was behind him but Tori didn't see that coming

Kubo: Kabunzun!

Kubo's Kabunzun lets him uses a Burning Sword to slash people but then

Zuoni: Wha-?!

Yorumin: They don't get slice by those, i believe it's to left pain in their body

Tori starts feeling heat inside his body

Tori: *laughs quietly* I'm immune to inside pain

Kubo: Karuma!

Tori: Impact Strike!

They then made an explosion & got sent flying to two different direction...But they both then stand on their feet in the smokes

Kubo: I knew you would still survive that

Tori: This is tempting!

Kubo In His Head: I can't defeat him, his weakness is his physicality but his sounds technique always saves him. He survives the explosion inside Kanozoi because of his Sea Of Sounds

Zuoni In His Head: You've to knock him out to defeat him, there's no other way

Tori: Multi-Soundwave!

Kubo: Karuma!

They then clash to go on a hand-to-hand fight as they both don't want one another to use their techniques

Kubo: Katozui!

Tori In His Head: Whoa, he was really going to cut me in half that time. Let's make this fair

Tori then grabbed his sword

Tori: Earthquake!

Kubo: What?!

Zuoni: His swords! It's...

Kubo's sword then explodes & release the Spirit Heat everywhere...

Tori smiles as Kubo was in shook

They both backs away from each other but Tori then...Sense something...Kubo starts absorbing all the Spirit Heat from his sword

Kubo: You...

Kubo closed his fist really hard & without taking his time to roar his anger, he rushes towards Tori but Tori then backs away

Tori: Soundwave!

Tori In His Head: What?!

Zuoni In His Head: It's futile! By his look, he can't hear anything anymore. He's truly furious!

Kubo gotten faster, really faster. Kubo then landed a bunch of punches on Tori but after a few punches, Tori then dodges his punch

Tori In His Head: This is bad, i can't do nothing to stop him!

Kubo then gets beside Tori & turns 180 degree to punch him in his face but Tori blocked it then Kubo still ambushes him without hesitating

Kubo: Hngghhh!

Tori In His Head: That really broke him, he's not even saying a single word

Kubo doesn't stop even for a beat while punching him, Kubo then lands a fatal blow on his stomach & jumps to the same height as Tori & turns 360 degree to kick him As the final blow

Zuoni In His Head: So this is the power of Spirit Heat...

Kubo's kick sent Tori flying & ramping against the wall...

Kubo then release all his Spirit Heat as it was overwhelming but he still managed to stand on his feet

Kubo: *breathes intensely*

But Tori didn't get knocked out, he still has his consciousness

Kubo then notices something & as Tori was trying to stand on his two feet & rubbing the blood on face...

Kubo In His Head: Damn you...

Kubo: I forfeit

Zuoni: What?!

Referee: Contestant Tori wins by submission!

Tori then walks to Kubo to talk to him & he then leaves the hall along with Kubo...

Referee: Our next match! Jinjine up against Shinkai!

They then get into the fighting ground

Referee: Contestant may start!

Shinkai then starts off by sitting

Jinjine: Wha-Why are you...sitting?

Jinjine just stands as Shinkai doesn't answer her question

Jinjine In His Head: After what happened in the last match, this battleground is messed up. Is that why he's refusing to fight? You know what, i can try something from here

Jinjine: Ramune Fusaka!

Zuoni In His Head: Whoa, he have elastic legs. No, his Senetsu ability is being stretchable isn't it

Jinjine's foot then reach Shinkai's head but he blocked it & got sent ramping against the wall

Jinjine: Idiot, you can't block these easily

Shinkai then stands on his two feet & sits again

Jinjine In His Head: Are you...Are you ignoring me?!

Jinjine: Ramune Spike!

Jinjine In His Head: Why is he not fighting me?!

Jinjine then makes his hand big & punch Shinkai

Zuoni In His Head: Those gotta hurt but i don't get it, why is he not moving. Wait

Jinjine In His Head: Idiot, i can sense it. You're focused on gathering aura to the point where you wouldn't even bother to get hurt? Fine then

Jinjine: Ramune Slam!

To be continued...