

This is just random oneshots that came to mind. None of these chapters are related to the other without it being stated so.

Ashmulee_Mulee · Komik
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2 Chs

Avengers x Harry Potter

Loki sits in the middle of his cell with chains wrapped all around his body as he tilts his head to the side listening closely to muffled talking that was happening in the cell next to him.

'Curious' He thought to himself as he smirks. After awhile of listening to words that wasnt really heard he made up his mind to visit the person next to him when he breaks out. 'Wonder why they are here. Maybe I'll have a minion' he thought to himself as he closes his eyes once again planning his escape.

-Couple days later and Loki Escaped.--

After he escaped he made sure to lead the Avengers on a false lead as he broke back into the same place he escaped from to see what he was hearing for months on end.

So now Loki is now holding his staff as hes strutting down the halls of S.H.E.I.L.D. heading to the cell that was next to his, stopping right in front of the door. He listened for a second only to get silence. Slowly he raised his hand and unlocked the door hearing it opened showing a pitch black room with what looks to be a woman chained up and gagged in the middle of it. But the main thing was that she had glowing emerald green eyes.

Raising a brow 'This wasnt what I was expecting but it had turned more interesting' He thought to himself as he turned on the lights to the cell and he can now finally make out the features of the woman in front of him.

She had raven black hair that was greasy and stringy but it still didnt take away from her beauty with pale skin that was caused from not getting enough sunlight. Wearing a tattered cloak covering her body with blood stains all upon it. But what held him the most is her eyes in the darkness it seemed like they were glowing hauntingly but now it seemed...

'Control yourself Loki' He thought to himself as he lifted her head up with the tip of his staff and asked aloud "So this is the mysterious person I was hearing? Dont look like much." He said mockingly as he removed the gag from her mouth causing her to move her self slightly before laughing maniacally causing him to step back from the sudden laughter. Slowly it died down and she spoke with a hoarse voice "You really shouldn't have done that little God." As she started to put magic within her voice. "Unchain me" she ordered as his eyes glazed over.

And so Loki did with robotic movements as every clatter of a chain hitting the ground the more magic she felt rushing back into her veins as if to welcome her home. She stood up slowly wobbling slightly as she spoke once again "Stand still in the middle of the room." Once again Loki followed her orders making her smirk. "I don't really like controlling people but I have some traitors to hunt down my dear so I'll apologize later if I ever see you again." And with that she walks out.

--Furys POV

I shook uncontrollably for a second as I felt shivers going down my spine 'something's going to happen real soon.' I told myself.

---Wizarding World

Everyone of the people that betrayed their savior all felt shivers and coldness down their spines as they would soon get what is coming to them. After all they did label her as a dark lord she might as well become one and show them their greatest mistake.