
One Punch Man: The Strongest Man on Earth

[Name: King Alias: The strongest man on Earth (Maybe the one giving you such alias has only two brain cells remaining, and those two cells are also fighting with each other for finding who is strongest.) Trait: Superior Luck (Impressive) Master Gamer (Maybe you should just be a professional gamer) Intimidating Aura (Due to the lies spread around ‘sigh’) Abilities: King Engine (Level 0) Your Heartbeat is just loud enough for other to hear, I suggest going for proper checkup. Heart problems may lead to early death. ??? (Don’t think too much about question marks, it just means there are none.) Fighting style: King Style {Three part style} (Never heard of it) 1. King face (Bruhhh…) 2. King hand (Everyone knows what they are good for... I am talking about gaming.) 3. King Brain (Unable to determine the number of usable brain cells…Upgrade required)] Note: Cover doesn't belong to me. It belongs to KING. If you want me to take it down... DUM...DUM....DUM....

justimagine · Komik
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8 Chs


M-city, king's Apartment, 22nd floor

In one of the room facing the M-city, a man with three vertical scars over his left eye was sleeping peacefully.

Few plastic bags were spread around the room and video games and two controllers were lying near the television.

About one week ago, this wan was officially recognized as a 7th place S-rank Hero.

Blame it to his good luck or any other reasons; he had been able to survive countless monsters attacks, even the Hero Association got fooled of his real strength.

One thing leads to another and he became S-rank hero.

Finally the man opened his eyes, sitting on his bed, he carefully looked around. There was something wrong with the way the man was behaving.

As if he couldn't even recognize the room he was in. Then suddenly he grabbed his head with both hands, he was in pain.

Tears began to flow, and foam leaked from his mouth, he again went to sleep.

After an hour or so…


There was no response from the man.

Ding! Ding!

No response again.

Ding! Ding! Ding! …

Hearing the never ending sound, his face started to twitch and he was jolted awake; and welcomed by an annoyed mechanical voice.

[Congratulations! You have been chosen to take part in 'The Real Hero Program'. The system will help you to become "The Strongest Man on Earth".]

After few hours of headache, the person was able finally digest the memory of the person who was known as The King and his life of the last few years.

As an all knowing and calm transmigrator, he knew everything about the system, cheats, helping grandpa and golden fingers.

Putting his hand on his chin he asked, "Then, what are the benefits you come with?"

Then a digital, half transparent panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: King

Alias: The strongest man on Earth (Maybe the one giving you such alias has only two brain cells remaining, and those two cells are also fighting with each other for finding who is strongest.)

Trait: Superior Luck (Impressive)

Master Gamer (Maybe you should just be a professional gamer)

Intimidating Aura (Due to the lies spread around 'sigh')

Abilities: King Engine (Level 0) Your Heartbeat is just loud enough for other to hear, I suggest going for

proper checkup. Heart problems may lead to early death.

??? (Don't think too much about question marks, it just means there are none.)

Fighting style: King Style {Three part style} (Never heard of it)

1. King face (Bruhhh…)

2. King hand (Everyone knows what they are good for... I am talking about gaming.)

3. King Brain (Unable to determine the number of usable brain cells…Upgrade required)]

He was dumbfounded, "I guess you can help me get strong… right?" he said with some hope.

[No problem. I have the power to make 'Shit' strong enough to conquer world, you are still human.]

'Was I being compared to… let's forget about that, at least I can get stronger, otherwise relying just on luck is not reliable enough.'

Yes, he wasn't completely ignorant about the current world, but he has only watched two seasons of the Anime. So he was completely unaware of situation after the anime.


[Releasing Attribute panel:

Strength 5, Physique 5, Agility 5, Perception 5

Remark: Ordinary person, Not strong enough to enter the Hero Ranking]


[Releasing task: Slay 1000 wolf level threat monsters.

Time limit: 27 days

Reward: Extra attribute points

Remark: Since you are physical type fighter (Due to ability and fighting style), monster killed using any of your body part are only counted.]


[Novice package released: Location of Wolf level threat monsters:

1. E-city, street 36 2nd Apartment building

2. O-city, Purified Sewer system

3. P-city, Ruins of Departmental store

4. Z-city Ghost town


'Isn't novice package usually helps the user to get a boost. Why does my novice package seem to way for me choose my resting place after death?'

Since the notification finally stopped, he got up from his head and started to prepare.

After taking a bath, changed into fresh clothes and grabbed his cap and mask and left the building.

He didn't want to delay the journey of getting stronger. Not caring about the wolf level threats, he made his way to the nearest target in O-city.

Lowering his head, avoiding all the potential attention, reached the Purified Sewer System and contemplated on how to fight wolf level threat monsters.

The cover of the man hole was already not in its place saving him some time, slowly climbed down. Scouting the area as stealthy as possible, he came across an intersection.

Maybe it was due to trait of superior luck, near the intersection, a human size bat was hanging by the ceiling alone.

'Aren't bat supposed to be very sensitive to sound? How come it is sleeping so peacefully?' After seeing no reaction from the bat, he started to move closer and closer.

He was standing in front of the hanging bat; he pulled out the scarf he prepared to cover himself and wrapped his right hand in it.

Getting in comfortable position, he took in a deep breath, 'Here goes nothing,' he slammed his fist in the face of the bat with all strength he could muster.

The fist perfectly connected to bat's face, with the ongoing momentum his fist pushed the head of the bat slamming in the wall of the sewer.


Ding! [You killed a wolf level threat monster. 1 free Attribute point gained.]

He retreated quite a distance, to avoid any monster lured by the scent of dead monster.

Although it was just a single free attribute point, he wanted to use it, "Do you have any suggestion for distribution of the point."

[It is suggested to increase one attribute followed by the one complementing it. Strength and physique, as you need strong physique to pull out higher strength. Agility and perception, as just running fast and unable to perceive the thing around you is useless.]

King nodded and used the point to increase his agility, 'At least I will be able to run from any danger.'

He was waiting for some kind of pain or reaction when he increased his agility, but there was no reaction.

As expected, the dead bat attracted two more monsters. They also looked like similar monsters, although only face they were bat. But they didn't have wings and were walking on two legs.

Taking two of them at a time wasn't possible, so he start to retreat while keeping eye on the intersection.

He was blessed by luck again. One monster pulled the dead bat towards the inner region of sewer, while another stayed to look around.

But unlike the sleeping bat, this monster was on high alert. But before he could retreat, the monster left the intersection and first thing the monster did was to look towards the direction of king.


The monster growled, probably signaling other one and ran towards him.

King made a U- turn and ran. Surprisingly, the single point was enough to keep him at a good distance away from the monster.

'Hail Superior Luck, you better be working…' he stopped and while the monster was still running towards him.

The monster tried to stop, but a fist was already in his face. The monster was knocked down; king didn't stop and started to slam his fist over and over.


The freaking heart beat was as loud as ever. Being in the high state of adrenaline, his heart started to beat faster and faster echoing in the sewer.

Seeing his partner being beaten, and the sound the monster fainted not able to think anything.

'Well, it was unexpected.' He punched the fainted monster as well.

Immediately he distributed the points; one in strength and one in agility. There was no reaction this time too. 'Maybe it is going to be much easier than I have expected it to be.'