
One Punch man: King the strongest

Main character have the luck or bad luck of hero king in one punch man, after being issekai in the world of one punch man. he have the system to copy ht skills of monster and do many more things. This story will be funny and adventurous while being interesting.

Genesis_writer · Komik
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425 Chs

Chapter 3: Is there such an operation?


   M City, King's two-story small foreign-style building, Wang Feng played "Street King of Fighters 3" idly, he inherited King's excellent ability-playing games!

King is a great game player. He has won the championship in several game competitions. After Wang Feng inherited this ability, he played games such as "Street King of Fighters 3" again and again. Hero, what strong person the man and machine choose, anyway, the winner is always only him.

"so boring!"

   After he won a few more times, he sighed in disappointment, threw the handle at random, and lay directly on the floor. King had no friends before, and he has no friends now, so he can only kill time by playing games and watching comics.

   "In my previous life, I thought it was the best thing to spend money, sit and eat and wait to die. I didn't expect that my wish in this life would come true, but life would become extremely boring, without any passion... Why would I want to die?"

   He stared at the ceiling blankly, his face looked helpless, and sure enough... what you can't get is the best!

Right, didn't you receive a two-star card today? Don't know what is the use of the collected cards? Is it like being able to possess a body in the game so that he fully possesses the abilities and power of a card character?

If that's the case, he will send it out. From now on, he will mix with the bald head (Saitama). There are a lot of dragon-level and ghost-level weirdos. Sometimes he can collect a god-level. It's blissful. I think I can become Poros (universal boss) is such a powerful character, he is a little excited inexplicably.

"Hey, system, can you tell me about the card function?"

He asked hopefully, the system that he traverses comes with its own intelligence. He once introduced him to the rules of the game, but unfortunately, he forgot.

   "The cards collected by the host can be used for possession. After the possession, the host has the ability of the card. Warm reminder: All cards are disposable items and will disappear after use."

   The sound of the system machinery briefly introduced the role of the card.

"Disposable items?" Wang Feng frowned, and wondered: "How can the card be a one-time... **** item?"

   "Ding dong, warm reminder, correct sentence sentence is a one-time... supplies, please don't use dirty thoughts to guess the pure and white system."

   "Okay, disposable items." Wang Feng shrugged his shoulders, "In other words, each card has only one chance to use it. After it is consumed, will it no longer appear?"

   "It says so in the rules."

   "Is there no way to permanently retain the card character's ability?"

Wang Feng looked regretful. If the card is a one-time...sex product, it will consume too much. After all, Qijirou one night, if the battle lasts, it is normal to consume seven or eight cards in a battle, and it is likely to cause him to reluctant to use it. The embarrassing situation of dragon-level and god-level cards.

"After the host uses the card, there is a certain chance to understand the card character's skills and become the host's true ability. Warm reminder: After the card character's skills become the host's skills, the skill level is cleared."

   The system explains the game settings seriously.

   Wang Feng's eyes lit up and he asked enthusiastically, "System, how likely is it to understand the skills of the card characters?"

The system coldly said: "There are five levels of system cards, namely, one-star, two-star, three-star, four-star, and five-star. Among them, the probability of comprehending the skill of a card character is 10%. Probability, two-star cards have a 20% probability, three-star cards have a 30% probability, a four-star card has a 40% probability, and a five-star card has a 50% probability , Note: The probability of success is not affected by the host's own lucky value."

"Such a low probability?" Wang Feng was taken aback, "Then the two-star Minotaur card that I collected today has only a 20% probability of being able to comprehend the ability to succeed?"

   He scratched his head in distress, "Hey, what is the lucky value? How do you know what your lucky value is?" It is indeed a game system, and even lucky value can be obtained.

   "The host can check his own attributes on the character interface by himself!" The system replied coldly.

   "The tone is really smelly!"

   Wang Feng whispered.

   "Open my character interface."

   appeared in front of his eyes a virtual interface:

  Name: Wang Feng

   English name: king

   Level: Level 1

   Experience value: 0/100

   Physical strength: 3

   Power: 2

  Speed: 3

   Defense: 1

   Lucky value: hidden attributes, can not be viewed, can not be changed!

   Attribute Point: 0

   Skill: None

   Skill points: 0

  Card: Two-Star Card·Minotaur

   Warm reminder: Every attribute of a normal person is 5! Full value is 100! The character's full level is 50!


  Wang Feng stared at his attributes blankly. He was so weak that he was indeed an otaku who had no power to bind a chicken. Hey, wait a minute, my lucky value... can't check it? System, are you kidding me?

   He dissatisfied: "The system, it's too much, show my lucky value quickly, or can you tell me what my lucky value is?"

The system said coldly: "Sorry, the rules are set, no comment!"


   miser! King is a man who claims to have full lucky points. Could it be that his lucky points are already full, so he can't change it! ?

   Wang Feng curled his lips, "System, is there a way to quickly improve my attributes?" This weak chicken-like attribute is really dazzling, let me be a normal person anyway!

"The host will get corresponding experience points for upgrading when using cards. After the host character is upgraded, there are certain attribute points and skill points. You can add attribute points to the attributes of the land you want to upgrade. Note: How much experience points you get depends on the card star Level and card character influence."

   "Experience points? Attribute points? Skill points? What?" Wang Feng lifted his spirits, "System, talk about it carefully."

"The biggest innovation of this game that distinguishes this game from other games is that the upgrade system does not adopt traditional killing upgrades. It has innovatively introduced card consumption upgrades. After the host collects the cards, they will get a certain amount of experience after using the cards to improve the role. Level, each time you level up, you can get certain attribute points and skill points, which can be used to improve the host's attributes and skill level. Warm reminder, the host can also improve the attributes through exercise and practice on weekdays."

   The system explained it.

Wang Feng nodded clearly. To put it simply, there are two ways to improve your ability. One is to collect card upgrades to get attribute points, and the other is to practice and exercise yourself to improve your attributes. At the same time, after comprehending the skills, the skill level is cleared. The power is greatly reduced, if you need to upgrade, you need to use skill points.

   His eyes are shining, and it is not a dream to become a Superman, "System, I ask you, are there any restrictions on card character possession?"

   "The only restriction: you must own the card!"


   Wang Feng rolled his eyes and became interested again: "Then let me possess my body once for free as a demonstration."

   "Sorry, this system does not provide demonstration opportunities, if the host wants to possess, please consume cards!"

  Iron **** system, unmarked!

   Wang Feng complained in his heart, and he lazily said, "Didn't I collect a two-star Minotaur card today? I use that card to possess my body now."

   "Ding, the card character is possessed..."

   The interface in front of him quickly jumped out of a page, consisting of a grid, which is a card storage cell that comes with the system. On the cell, there is only a single card—the two-star Minotaur card!

   Minotaur card:

  Background: It was originally a bull in a bullring. After being teased by a bullfighter, he turned into a weird man. He hates and destroys all the red objects in front of him.

   Skills: 1. Passive: Trample: Continuous damage to surrounding buildings!

  2. Active skill: Brutal collision: Use the top of the head as a weapon to impact the enemy.

  Comprehensive evaluation: two stars!

   Hmm, similar to the ability displayed by the Minotaur, eh, wait, trampling will cause continuous damage to the surrounding buildings? And... is it a passive skill?

   Wang Feng stayed blankly, his heart secretly said something was wrong.

   "The card character is successfully possessed!"

   "Ding, consume a two-star card and gain 1248 experience points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host, upgrade to level 3, get 10 attribute points, 2 skill points."

   "Ding, the host has failed to comprehend the card character skills."

   Several consecutive system mechanical prompts sounded.

   Wang Fengsha felt that his whole body was injected with a certain mysterious power, he was extremely comfortable, and he had the urge to thump his chest and roar to the sky.

   Click! Click!

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has not yet waited for him to vent his passion for gaining power. The floor under his feet cracked suddenly, and those cracks spread quickly. After a while, the floor of his house was covered with cracks, like a spider web. .


   He stared blankly at the continuous cracks, his face went dark, knowing that it was the Minotaur possessing his passive skill-trampling was exerting its power, which caused his home to be continuously destroyed.

   numbness, how come no one told me that this kind of operation would happen if the card character possessed?


   There was a sound of collapse.


  Wang Feng's foot was empty, and the floor of his house completely cracked. In an instant, he lost weight and fell directly from the second floor to the first floor. However, there was no pain on his body, because the defense of the Minotaur was also added to him.

   The Minotaur can hardly resist a round of the water iron cannon without being damaged. Wang Feng's fall of this degree is not worth mentioning.

   "Well, if this goes on, my home must all collapse."

   He got up and cursed, "The system, can you withdraw the card or revoke the card possession?"

   "Once a card character is possessed, unless the card energy is exhausted, it can't be stopped." The system sounded coldly like gloating.

   "When will the energy of that card run out?"

   "In theory, the energy of a one-star card can last for one hour, and a two-star card can last for two hours... However, if the host actively uses the card character skills, it will speed up the card energy consumption."


   In order not to harm his home, Wang Feng decisively ran to the street in front of the door. In the middle of the night, there were no pedestrians in the street. He gritted his teeth and slammed his head against the ground.

   savage bump!

Author Time:- Guys, i found a new story that had the good potential, and you would all like.

Name- Level-Up through Laughter

Give it a try and please add it to your library

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Genesis_writercreators' thoughts