
One punch man: Ancient Atrocity

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- -----I need a better cover art picture----- This is my try at a comedy series using one-punch man as a piggy back. It is likely to fail... Our main character Himmernick is woken up by two weirdos The busted up his underground cathedral and had basically asked who he was. Within 20 words or less. However can the legendary ancient monster really sum himself up within 20 words.

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6 Chs

The Hero and The Villain

The young hero stepped into my throne room. A grand hall I had designed to be both intimidating and uncomfortable to be in. It was empty and the hero's steps echoed to my ears.


"HERO! It is about time! You would not believe how boring it was here."

"You are bored! You sick fuck!" The hero's face scrunched into angry and his iconic holy sword was glowing white. He was certainly cute despite his masculine body. His personality reminded me of something like a badger. "Hero, Hero. My dear friend calm down. We can..."

"I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND! You slaughtered my family, my friends, e-even SARAH!"

Sarah? I don't remember a Sarah...Huh, weird. Tears were forming in the heroes eyes. I guess this Sarah was someone important to him. "Ugh...Hero I don't know who that is. I don't even know your name, why would I remember some random humans?"

"You bastard!" The hero charged at me and i bounced from my throne dodging his attack. It was so slow...it was a little disappointed. i guess I should push him to his limits. "Tsk Tsk, Hero wild swings won't do much against me. You must go all out to fight me! This is the moment we both have been waiting for. I the Last Lunoris, Himmernick! Then there is you hero! My raised champion who I sent countless monsters to fight and strengthen and hone your abilities!"

The hero stopped charging and looked at me through the tears. "Yo-You what?"

"What? Is something wrong? I thought you wanted to kill me! AHAHAHA!"

The hero tightened his grip on his sword. "You sent all those monsters after me just to...Just to help me?"

"Why of course, why would I not want a strong rival?"

The hero began glowing a bright white, "Yes! YES! This is it! Come HERO!" The hero was releasing his power now and he spiked in speed charging with lightning. I dodged each swing as he got faster and faster. He was starting to putting in his true power! I was so proud of the little shit. I guessed I should go all out.

I felt my exoskeleton spread across my skin, the old armor I was born with. Becoming a full body armor that was a wicked lustrous black. I was so happy to be able to use this power again. My full...

The hero struck my armor and the sword broke against my exoskeleton. I was a little shocked, I had that sword forged to..."Huh..." The hero stuttered back falling on his ass.

"No, no no no no... It can't be, how?"

"I don't know I guess I got stronger over the years. I did make that sword a couple hundred years ago after all... Ah well you don't need a sword to fight raise your fist young hero!"

I took a step forward, but... I could feel it. The terror within the hero, the absolute fear. This feeling was common to those who fight me, but why was the hero so terrified, he was trained for this! "What is wrong with you?"

He said nothing and just curled up into a ball. Beginning to cry more...I wasn't really sure what I should do here. "Hmmm, there, there little hero. You can still try and kill me."

"Wh-Why ? Why would you..." A giant blob of snot ran down his nose. "Why would you destroy humanity?"

"Destroy? I think you are misinterpreting my intentions little hero. I just wanted a good fight. It was the monsters under my command who wanted the death of humans. I am more or less enigmatic to your species."


"Your species, humans. They are meaningless to me, most of your people don't commit any major sins. The ones that do of course become monsters. Which is why I recruited them little hero... That way you can clean up the more disappointing parts of your species." The hero begun to stop crying. I could now tell that despite his fit form the hero hadn't learn any fighting skills. Which meant the hero had no mystical abilities like ESP or Combat martial arts. I grabbed him by his collar and pulling him to his feet.

"How about this, Young hero. There are still plenty of monsters out there. Learn to fight them with more than just reliance on a magical weapon." It wasn't really a magical weapon, it was just a very high tech sword I... The hero rubbed his eyes. "You can come back and wake me up whenever you get stronger. Until then I will always help create more monsters! So its best yous top me!"

I pushed the young hero out of the grand hall. He stopped crying completely now and slumped off. It seems the poor lad had to many negative impacts on him in such a short amount of time. I guess that was mostly my fault, but If I were to raise heroes to come slay me I would need to take some dark paths.

During all this time on earth I had taken several dark paths and some very winding roads. Sometimes i just wish i could be back in the good old days with my pal. Slaying the Lunoris and committing mass genocide of the worst species of monsters to ever exist...Those were the good ol days.

I may have been a weak in the past, but...I really do miss the past when I was weaker. Back then I could at least enjoy a fight or two. Now it was just dealing with slightly post-pubescent heroes that I try making from scratch. While growing monsters out of humans. Oh how the times change.