Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?
Alex and Shanks nodded. Shanks replied. "Yeah, we've been all around the world."
Issho hummed and tapped the table with a finger. "Then, do you two mind if I ask you a few questions?"
Shanks shrugged. "I don't see why not."
Issho chose his next words carefully. "What do you two think of this world?"
Shanks scrunched his forehead. "Uhh… you're gonna have to be a little more specific. I'm not sure how to answer…"
Alex swirled his drink around as he thought for a while. "That's a pretty loaded question… as a whole… the world kinda sucks."
Shanks looked at Alex with surprise. "Hey, Alex? What are you saying?"
Alex sipped his drink and wiped his lips before speaking again. "But, it's also filled with beautiful things. You just have to find the things you find beautiful while ignoring the ugly things around you." Alex looked at Issho and smiled. "I used to think the world was an ugly and dark place without meaning to it. But someone taught me to worship the things I find beautiful in it and gave me a reason to push past all the ugly things in order to achieve my goal."
Issho's smile grew large and he chuckled softly. "I see. That's an admirable way to look at it. When I was faced with the ugliness of this world, I couldn't stand strong like you did. So I decided to look away from everything wrong with this world for the rest of my life." His smile grew solemn. "However, it seems I also robbed myself of being able to see these beautiful things that you speak of."
Shanks seemed to catch on and smiled. "You don't need to worry about that. I've learned that the easiest way to find beauty in the world is in here." Shanks tapped Issho on his chest, right where his heart would be. "I'm sure you'll find a lot of beauty in this world if you keep looking."
Alex smiled as his glass hovered near his lips. "You actually said something half intelligent for once."
Shanks turned to Alex and frowned. "Huh? What did you say?"
Alex smiled and looked at him provocatively. "You heard me."
The two boys stared at each other before laughing together and play fighting with each other. Issho heard this and relaxed. He chuckled along with the two boys. "You two are very kind."
Alex laughed at the thought. "No we aren't."
Shanks smiled and wrapped an arm around Alex's neck. "That's right, we're pirates!"
Issho was a little shocked before laughing. "How ironic."
Shanks looked over as Alex had him in a headlock from their fighting. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Issho smiled as the dealer told him what his cards were to accommodate him. "You two sound like very honorable and kind people, yet you are pirates." Issho sighed, like he was thinking back to something. "Yet, I've met some very unhonorable and evil people. In some places you wouldn't expect."
Alex released Shanks and chuckled. "Well, we did actually used to be marines. After we got kidnapped by them!" Shanks laughed and added on. "It was pretty fun… but there were a lot of bad marines there too…"
The two boys seemed to come to a realization about Issho's prior statement. Issho smiled and drank. "It's as you might have guessed, I've met some evil marines before."
Alex sighed and shook his head. "Well, at least the marines aren't all bad. They are a hell of a lot better than the world nobles and their bodyguards, the government."
Issho sighed and looked downcast. "If only the world wasn't so messed up, it would be a lot easier to find beauty in it."
Alex sighed as he lost the hand and Shanks smiled as he won and took his chips. Alex took another puff of his cigar. "Well what can three guys in a casino gambling their money away do? It's not like the three of us are ever going to wage war against the world itself."
Issho laughed and nodded. "Right? We can only help the people we see suffering around us."
Shanks giggled and added. "Or hear."
Issho and Alex laughed as they got ready to play again.
Alex finished his second drink and set it down on the table. "Welp, I gotta use the john. I'll be back in a bit."
Shanks barely even looked over and waved him away while Issho smiled and waved goodbye before continuing to talk to Shanks.
Alex walked around the building as he searched for the bathroom. He made his way around the different stations for gambling, strategically set up to keep customers playing for as long as possible. Flashing lights surrounded him as a mismatch of different machines with opposing colour schemes were sectioned, creating a conglomerate of every colour imaginable.
In the middle of the room was a circular bar that had multiple lines forming around it as the bartenders bustled around, trying to fulfill the requests for new drinks as fast as they could come in. Despite being indoors the air felt refreshing and pure. Alex weaved his way between crowds of people, many of whom were stumbling around.
As he finally squeezed his way in between a group of drunk women who were blocking his path, he made his way into a hallway that had a sign of a man and a woman on it, with an arrow indicating the directions. Alex sauntered down the hallway with a smile on his face as he whistled along to the music that was starting to fade into the background the further away he got from the main room.
By the time the sound of his feet hitting the tile floor beneath him overpowered the music, he could see a door with a male stick figure on it.