Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?
Someone grabbed Alex off of Newgate's shoulder and they started throwing him into the air as a group while chanting his name.
Alex was laughing giddily and Newgate smiled at him.
Alex smiled back from ear to ear before being thrown into the air once again.
"Gurarararara! Looks like it's my win Roger!" Newgate laughed before finishing his drink.
Roger laughed. "Then it's 1-1 today! A tie!"
The crowd eventually let Alex down and he looked at his empty mug silently. He smiled and threw it behind him before shouting. "Another!!"
Roger laughed and slapped the ground as he threw Alex another mug.
Alex laughed and looked around the group. "Who's next?!"
Gaban laughed with a drink in his hand. "I'll take you on, kid."
Alex smiled and they gave cheers before chugging the drinks. It took Alex a bit longer to finish his but he wiped the foam off his mouth and grabbed another mug, intent on keeping up.
The drinks went down much easier now after the amount that Alex had already drank.
He kept trying to outdrink Gaban and eventually both of them were hammered.
Alex stumbled around on an adventure to get another drink before walking into a pole.
Alex rubbed his head with a heavily flushed face. "Ow." He looked up and realized that he didn't walk into a pole, but Garp!
Alex giggled and pointed at Garp. "You're a baaaad marine~! Drinking with pirates~"
Garp's eyebrow twitched and he punched Alex in the head. Alex bounced off the ground and into a wall while giggling. He stumbled out of the rubble and pointed at Garp while still giggling. "Couldn't even take down one *hic* little kid." Alex said before falling face first into the ground and snoring.
Gaban pointed at him and laughed. "I win, brat!" He called out before he also fell to the ground and started snoring.
Newgate and Roger laughed with each other. "That brat actually kept up with, Gaban! That's impressive!"
Newgate laughed. "Gurararara! That's my boy!"
Roger smiled and looked at Garp. "You really are a bad marine! You just punched a kid! Hahahaha!"
Garp laughed. "Bwahahaha! Those were my fists of love! I didn't punch anyone!"
Roger and Newgate laughed and continued drinking.
The next day.
Alex woke up and stretched. He looked at the group of men around him, all groaning and complaining about a headache, but Alex felt great!
He looked over to Shanks, thinking this was just a thing that kids had in common, only to see Shanks throwing up over a destroyed railing.
Well, I guess that's not it. Maybe this had something to do with Alex's mysterious healing ability. Alex hummed in thought, this required more research! More drinking to test it out!
He nodded sagely, feeling like a genius. It was his first experiment!
After another hour or two everyone had more or less been rid of their hangovers.
The group huddled around Alex and Shanks.
"So, what do we do about them?" Roger asked. "Should we just take em'?"
Alex sighed. "I'm going to be kidnapped. How terrifying." He complained in a monotone voice.
Garp laughed. "You can't! They need to become marines!"
Roger looked over at him. "Are you going to adopt them then?"
"Bwahaha! No way! I'm too young to have kids!" Garp replied.
"Gurararara! You already have a kid! And he's older than these brats!" Newgate added.
"Oh yeah… Bwahahaha! Then I guess you can take them!" Garp said as he allowed pirates to kidnap children directly in front of him. He actually encouraged it!
Alex sighed. It was no wonder the world was so fucked up. With people like this in charge… well, it honestly makes sense!
Roger laughed and slapped Shanks in the back. "I call dibs on this one! His hair looks cool!"
Shanks smiled from ear to ear. "Yes! Captain!"
"Hahaha! He's learning already!" Roger said with a huge smile.
Newgate was deep in thought. After a minute he grabbed Alex by the shirt and put him on his shoulder. "I'm taking this brat then! Gurarararara!"
Roger looked a little surprised. "You're gonna take the kid?"
Newgate laughed. "Gurarararara! I'm going to make my own pirate crew! No! My own family!" He turned to Garp with a smile. "The Whitebeard pirates! From today on, I'm Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate! Gurarararara! And this brat is my first son!"
Alex looked stunned. "What?"
Whitebeard laughed. "Gurararara! You're my son now! Welcome to the crew!"
Alex's eyes watered and he smiled. "Okay… dad."
Whitebeard put his hand to his chin in thought. "That sounds weird… call me pops instead!"
Alex laughed through the tears. "Alright, pops!"
The two laughed in harmony as everyone else watched the scene warmly.
Gaban spoke up, breaking the silence that was persisting. "What if the kids already have a family? Are we just kidnapping them?"
Roger started thinking. "Red-hair. You have a family?"
Shanks was silent for a moment. "No."
Roger laughed. "Hahahaha! Great! Join my crew!"
Shanks smiled. "Sure, Captain!"
Everyone looked at Alex and he scratched the back of his neck. "I never even met my parents…"
Everyone laughed and cheered. "Two new pirates! One day, you two will rule the seas!"
Shanks and Alex laughed together.
They were two boys, lost and alone, wandering listlessly through the world and living meal to meal. Now, they are two boys, who found a place they were wanted, a family, and now…
They were both vicious pirates who would shake the world to its core.