
Chapter 10 You Will Die

_On the pirate ship_

"Captain there is a small boat and there seems to be a small child" shouted one of the crew.

"What are you waiting for, approaching the ship now. Maybe the boy is noble and we can get a lot of money." the captain shouted loudly. And they approached the Cross ship. They told Cross to get on their ship.

"Hey, quickly got on the boat," the captain shouted. And the crew threw a rope ladder to Cross's ship.

"OK," Cross shouted. Then Cross climb the rope

"What are you doing in the sea?" asked the captain.

"I want to go back to my house. Can you take me, uncle? My father will definitely give you money." Asked cross with hopeful eyes.

"Ooohh, is your father a rich man?" his greed began to appear in his eyes.

"Well he's a rich man, maybe he'll give you ten million berries. Do you want to take me?" Cross lies with a straight face.

"Where is your house? I'm Baz the captain will take you safely to your house" asked the captain.

"Rodz village in Deox island," Cross replied.

"Deox ?? Hey does anyone know where is the village of Rodz?" the captain asked the crew.

"It was a port village and was the farthest village from the capital," said the crew.

"Ohh far from the capital, everyone we sail to the Rodz !!" shouted the captain excitedly

"Oohh !!!" the crew replied.

"We tied your little ship behind," a crew told Cross.

"Okay, does your captain have a bounty?" Cross asked curiously.

"Of course, he has a bounty of five million berries" the crew replied with a proud face.

"Ohh okay" replied Cross. And Cross thinks 'Weak and naive!! They believe what eleven years old saying and they are very proud of their bounty. They also cannot be blamed because East Blue is the most peaceful sea. Tomorrow I will kill them all. Now I'll just rest in this ship. '

And the next morning all the crew gather on the deck. Cross quietly made wind arrows around them. When Cross wanted to release arrow a crew shouted. "Deox Island has been seen !!!"

Cross heard that immediately looked towards the front of the ship and he saw a very small island. 'Maybe one hour and I'll arrive. Then this ship will stop here. '

"Wind Arrow" Cross said in a soft voice.

* Thud * * Thud * * Thud *

Suddenly twenty people fell with holes in their heads. Cross saw that it was shocked by the power of the wind. 'My wind power gets stronger. Is this the influence of the zoan fruit I eat? ' Cross thought. And Cross went to his own ship and left the pirate ship.

_ in the port_

Sairaorg who was practicing saw a ship approaching. And he saw a little boy on the boat. "Heyy Cross !!!" Sairaorg shouted, waving his hand and startling around him. Cross who saw Sairaorg in the port just smiled. And after the ship arrived at the port Sairaorg helped his boat to pull over.

"Hey, I'm back haha," Cross said with a happy laugh.

"Wait here for a while. I'll tell the owner of the ship that you're back" then Sairaorg ran towards the bar.

"Hmmm, it looks like there are a lot of merchant ships here," Cross said, looking around. Five minutes later Sairaorg returned.

"Let's go to my house" Sairaorg invited him.

"Okay, I'll tell you about my trip at your home" Cross said while showing his arrogant face.

"Yes, I'm sure my mother also wants to hear it. My mother's condition has improved thanks to you" Sairaorg said in a happy tone. They walked for a while and arrived at Sairaorg's house.

"I'm at home" shouted Sairaorg as he entered the house.

"You've come home Sairaorg. Oh, Cross! You're back from your trip." Misla greets Sairaorg and Cross who just returned home.

"Yes, Misla-san, I'm back, hehe" Cross answered with a smile.

"Then I'll prepare snacks for you two" Misla then went to the kitchen. Five minutes later Misla arrived with snacks and drinks.

"What about your snacks, ah I mean your training" Cross asked while eating snacks.

"Sometimes you don't focus when talking about food and women. My training runs smoothly but I still can't turn into a lion." Sairaorg said while shaking his head.

"It's natural because I'm a man. And you think it's easy to change shape? Ckckck," Cross replied.

"But you know the easy way right?" Sairaorg asked hopefully.

"Of course not from the book I read they just explained like 'I want to turn into a lion' in his mind and they change. And that's very difficult, look at this" Cross shows the pinkie that turns long and black. "I can only change my pinky now."

Sairaorg and Misla were confused to see this and Misla asked Cross "isn't your power is wind?"

"Hmmm, my body is special" Cross replied indifferently.

"Heee it's very interesting. Can I also have two powers?" asked Sairaorg with glowing eyes.

"You will die if you eat two devil fruit. So don't think stupid to eat two devil fruit." Cross reminded him seriously.

"Well then, when will we go to your house to practice?" asked Sairaorg not to be interested in devil fruit anymore.

"Isn't your mood change too fast. Then can you buy food supplies for three months?" Cross answered and told him to buy food.

"I'll buy food now" then Sairaorg took the money and prepared to leave the house.

"If the money is not enough, just tell me because on my trip I found a lot of gold hahaha. On the way home I met pirates but they were very poor." Cross boasted the results of his journey.

"You met a pirate? I still have around five million berries so I guess that's enough," said Sairaorg, slightly surprised.

"Yes, but they are all very weak," Cross answered.

"Then I'll buy food now". And Sairaorg leaves home. After Sairaorg left Cross began talking to Misla.

"Misla-san are you okay now?" Cross asked.

"Yes, I think I've been completely cured. Thank you for everything." Misla said with a big smile.

"That's good because I don't want to see Sairaorg sad hehe. Misla-san can you take all your clothes and Sairaorg? Because when he gets to we'll leave immediately."

"I'll prepare it," replied Misla as she walked towards her room.

After one hour Sairaorg returned by pulling a cart with lots of food. Seeing that Cross directly stores everything in space. Sairaorg and Misla were not surprised to see this because they had seen him take out money from space.

"Let's go," Cross said.

"What about my clothes?" Sairaorg asks because he did not see his mother carrying a bag.

"I've kept it so calm" Cross answered.

"Okay, let's go now." Knowing that his clothes had been brought he did not think of anything else. And the three of them walked towards the mountain.

Sorry if the grammar is really bad. and I have no plans to recruit straw hat members

Killing_Intentcreators' thoughts