

"That-That's Conqueror Haki!"


This boy! He can use the conqueror Haki. How is it possible? I'm sure there was no character that looked like him, though I can't judge him right now.

"Hey, did you do this?"

The boy was silent, probably due to using Haki. The boy fell to his knees and fainted.

I must use this opportunity to make him join me.

I picked up the boy and left the scene. I left the thieves behind. Some marine soldiers patrolling that area might catch them.

Now that I get to have a closer look at the boy, he is very weak. I was not expecting him to be this light. I will ask him his name when he wakes up.

I arrived at the marine base. The soldier saluted me and welcomed me. I waved my hand back at them. My plan is to become a well-respected marine captain for now.

"Lieutenant Ripper, where are you?" I asked.

"Sir, Lieutenant Ripper is on patrol. I'm here to serve you today?"

"Junior Lieutenant Rukkaku? Okay, I want you to take this boy to the doctor's office and treat him."

"May I ask who he is to you?"

"He is someone who matters to me. Now, please don't ask me unnecessary questions. Inform me when that boy wakes up."

"Yes, sir."

Lieutenant Rukkaku left with the boy, and I returned back to my office. Being a captain is not easy, and I had to learn it the difficult way. I had to do a lot of paperwork. I read them carefully and submitted my reviews and answers.

The majority of them dealt with permission to do work and construction. Now that Morgan was no longer the captain, the town is developing at a far greater pace.

I wish I could always live peacefully like this, but, unfortunately, I won't. Weak people become prey for stronger people. If I want to live peacefully, I have to be stronger.

Thus, I have to train, create a strong team, and maybe destroy other pirates for fun? We'll think about that later.

Knock* Knock*

"Come in."

Who might it be?

"I've returned, sir! Of course, with some reports."

"Oh, Lieutenant Ripper, you're back. Thank you for your work."

"It's my pleasure, sir."

"So, what is it that you want to report?"

"We've caught some thugs. Surprisingly, they were already unconscious. Rukkaku also asked me to inform you about the boy's condition. He has woken and is currently eating in the cafeteria area."

"Good. I shall go and meet with him. You may follow."

"Yes, Sir!"

The boy has woken up, eh? I should ask him about his name first.

I headed to the cafeteria area. I saw the boy eating heavily. Poor boy must have been hungry for who knows how many days.

I approached the boy while he was still eating. I must have intimidated him as he stopped eating and looked scared.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything to you."

The boy stood up and bowed.

"Thank you for saving me."

It seems he is well-mannered too.

"No problem. How are you feeling."

"I'm feeling alright."

The boy seemed less nervous. I can't lie about having good parental skills, now can I?

Oh yeah, I should probably ask him his name.

"My name is Ethan. I'm the new captain of the 153rd branch. What is your name?"

"My name is Roy Devolt."

Nope, it doesn't ring a bell. Maybe he died later on without being introduced. One-Piece is someone's imagination. It's already a miracle that a similar or maybe completely same world exists.

This isn't just a story anymore where everything only revolves around the main character.

"I've decided. Please give him a job here, too, preferably a chore boy. Koby and Helmeppo can make a new friend."

"But sir, we don't need any more staff," said Rukkaku.

I stared at him and replied, "He has potential. Maybe not now, but later, he will be very useful."

Lieutenant Rukkaku nodded and informed Roy about his duty from today onwards. He looked delighted.

"For you, Lieutenant Ripper. You will not be patrolling the town anymore. I have a different job for you. Starting from tomorrow, you'll be training Koby, Helmeppo, and Roy instead of patrolling "

Ripper looked very surprised.

"But sir, who will be patrolling the town? And why train the chore boys?"

"You do not understand Lieutenant Ripper. Only they are the future of this town. And do not worry, Seaman Recruit Ukkar will replace you."

Ripper did not say anything and left. He still does not fully trust me. He'll be surprised to find out what those 'chore boys' will be in the future.

I have no plan to include Koby or Helmeppo in my crew, but Roy is different. He has conqueror's Haki. He might have trouble controlling it, so I asked Ripper to train them.

Regular training might not help to control Haki with full precision, but it will help nonetheless. I just hope he does not go out of control.

Wait, how about I make something for him to control his Haki.

I opened the system interface and selected the [Creation] tab. I described 'Haki suppressor (ring).'

[Cost: 100,000 coins]


100,000 coins? Just rob me, would you? I was not expecting a simple Haki suppressor to cost so much. It seems I would just have to keep that boy in check.

The marine base, meanwhile, has been in poverty since I robbed it. The support money for this base should arrive near the next month.

Yes, you heard me right. The marine base gets some kind of fund. I, too, am surprised to hear about it. But, unfortunately, the base is funded only every three months.

For now, I have to not waste money and save. Of course, there's the tax from the town, but it's too little. I have to find a new way to make money

I have some plans in my mind, but they will take a lot of time to implement.

With nothing new in the town, a few days passed easily. The people are still not aware of the change in the captain, but rumors have started spreading.

Morgan has not been seen in the town. The chore boys' training seems to be moving in a good direction. Lieutenant Ripper trains them well.

They might not be very strong, but they surely have improved. Later in the story, they get training from Vice-admiral Garp, but I don't know the exact time, so until then, they will train under me and lieutenant Ripper.

The townsfolk are happy too. The crime rate has decreased too. I have caught some thugs and thieves myself.

If everything goes according to the plan, it won't take long until the town becomes peaceful and crime-free.

What could go wrong?

"Captain Ethan, we've got trouble," said Rukkaku as he barged through my office door.

Shit! Why did I even say that? Everything goes wrong when you say, 'what could go wrong?'. It's always these cliché stories.

"What's the problem, Junior lieutenant Rukkaku."

"Pirates! They're here. And it's the Alvida pirates!"

Alvida pirates? The one led by Alvida?

They shouldn't be too difficult to deal with. Luffy can probably beat her, and I'm physically stronger than Luffy for now, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

"Alright, inform the people and surround the harbor. I'll deal with them personally."

"Yes, sir!"

Rukkaku left and ordered the marine soldier. The people were told of the situation and were ordered not to go beyond the harbor.

I arrived at the harbor and saw the soldiers surrounding the entire harbor. Not even a single person except marine soldiers could be seen.

It'll still take a few minutes more for them to arrive at the harbor. Quite bold of them to come directly at the marine harbor.

Should I attack them and not give them a chance to talk?

But that would just indicate that I am a tyrant. I should talk with them first.

"Morgan! What is this? Why are all your soldiers deployed? Don't tell me you plan to betray us?"

Oh, someone spoke, and it's Alvida. She probably does not know about Morgan's arrest.

"Morgan is not here anymore. I have replaced him."

What is her connection with Morgan?

"huh? Who are you?"

"The new captain of Marine branch 153rd, Ethan."

"Morgan got replaced, huh. Our deal got canceled then."

Oh? Deal.

So Morgan and Alvida had some kind of deal. What can it be?

"State your visit, Alvida. I'm sure you're not here to surrender, are you?"

"You even know me. Well, I can't say I'm not famous."

"Answer my question. I don't have time for a small fry like you."

I have to act tough. Alvido might try to take advantage of me if I show her any weakness

"Small fry, you say? How about I destroy your whole town to show what this 'small fry' can do."

It doesn't matter. You will fail!

The marine soldiers were terrified. Alvida was someone on the same level as Morgan. Of course, they had seen my strength, but not at my best.

They must not be confident in me.

"Forget it. I won't gain anything from attacking this town. We were here for Morgan, but since he is not here anymore, I don't have any business."

The soldiers had an expression of relief after hearing Alvida. They were happy to know about Alvida's intention.

"Not so easily."

I dashed right through Alvida, snatching her iron mace. With all my strength, I hit the ground, resulting in the iron mace breaking.

"Oops! I did not mean to break your weapon. I was not expecting it to break with such a light swing."

Of course, I was bluffing. Even Alvida knew I was bluffing, but breaking her tough iron mace was no easy task. I bet even she could not do it.

"What do you want?" she said angrily.

"The same thing Morgan wanted."

"You don't even know what it is."

"Don't worry. I will soon."

The soldiers and Alvida's crew both were amazed. The pirates know about the deal, but the marine soldiers probably don't know.

Alvida was silent for a while before saying the details of the deal.

Alvida would go around robbing other pirates and cargo ships while Morgan would take a portion of the stolen goods for not reporting to HQ.

This deal had been active for five months, but unfortunately for them, a new captain replaced Morgan.