
Gearing for war!

Germa Kingdom-

" Another one of our fronts has been taken?! How?!" Judge demanded to know.

Vinsmoke Judge- Ruler of the Germa Kingdom.

" We've been under constant attack by pirates." One of Judge's assistants told the man.

Judge slung a glass cup across the room causing it to shatter against the wall. " What pirates?"

" There have been many different pirates, sir. Each one flying a different flag."

" What? Who are they?!" Judged asked.

" Well, there was the Black Mamba pirates, the charging rhinos, and The Terra Firma as well as the Black Lion Pirates, sir."

Judge walked over to his desk and slammed his hands down on it. " I don't care what you need to do, I want as many squads ready to counterattack, do you hear me. Find their base and destroy it. Burn it all down to the ground." Judge ordered.

" Yes sir!" Judges assistants saluted the man and then departed from his chambers to carry out his orders, leaving Judge alone to think.

Judge grabbed another cup from his desk and filled it with wine. He took a sip from the cup and sighed in frustration from everything that was going on.

' I'm already having problems taking the North over. And now pirates....' Judge took another sip from his cup and then plopped down in his chair. " It's always a problem. Always something. Can't these people see that I'm doing what's best for them?" Judged looked into his glass and started thinking about his plans for a United Kingdom.

That is all Judge ever wanted. To put his people at the top using his science. Was that so wrong?

" Well, I guess it doesn't matter what I think. All that does matter is what I do. Actions speak louder than words. If I need to crush these pirates to show the world the might of science, then so be it. I'll do whatever it takes for Germa!"


Cream Kingdom, at the bottom of the royal castle, the dungeon.

Terris, Atlas, and Zohakuten were standing in the dark room together, staring at the cell in front of them.

" This is becoming more and more unpleasant. The Marines are without a doubt going to want blood for what's happened. That's too be expected. I want all of our forces put on notice immediately. I wanted to take my time to plan things out and to carefully insert myself into the position of power. But that's no longer possible. Now, we need to crush as many of the enemies forces as soon as possible. I don't have time or the patience to deal with you right now. But know that your suffering will be long. Do you understand me? Black Lion." Terris spoke.

Tied up in the bottom of the castle's dungeon, was Black Lion Jinshi.

After having fought both Zohakuten and bankotsu together, Jinshi was defeated and promptly brought back to Terris for judgment.

Jinshi was still bleeding from the injuries that he suffered during his fight Markus, and from the wounds that he received from fighting Zohakuten.

" What are we going to do about him?" Bankotsu asked the man.

" Nothing, yet. We'll deal with him later. For now, we focus on the mission." Terris told the man.

" Hey, he let the guys who took our family get away. What are we supposed to do now? Chances are they'll be gone."

" Calm yourself, I never said we weren't going to handle it. Just that now isn't the time. As we are now, we have no chance of reclaiming either of them. But once we've taken over, then we'll have the forces necessary to go after your brothers." Terris explained to the two men. " It's all a matter of time and energy. And trust me, once we have accomplished our goals, and we will... I am going to make sure you suffer." Terris told Jinshi one last time. " Come on, we have business to take care of."

" Right."

" Yea sure."

"....." Zohakuten remained quiet and followed behind the others are they made to leave the dungeon.

But while they were walking up the stairs, Bankotsu had one more thing to ask." Terris, what are we going to do about the Red Lion? Himejima. He managed to give us the slip."

" He's going to be a problem." Terris stated. " Atlas... I'm trusting you to stay behind and keep things in check. If Himejima does show up, then you have my permission to kill him."

" Yes sir."

" You two, how about stretching our legs for a bit?" Terris asked the brothers.

" What did you have in mind?" Zohakuten asked, finally finding intrigue in the conversation.

" There's a nearby island, not even an hour away. A Germa outpost. Help me take it."

" Fine." Bankotsu muttered.

" It will be a fine distraction." Zohakuten muttered.

" Alright. Let's go there first. Then after that, we'll call our forces together." Terris stated.

" For what?" Bankotsu asked the man.

Terris looked at Bankotsu and grinned. " Didn't you hear me before? We're going to crush our enemies as soon as possible. And we'll start by taking the Germa's, and if the Marines want to try and take us on? Then they'll die too." Terris told the man. " Prepare yourselves, all of you! The war I bring to your homes will be greater than any you've ever seen before! GYahahahahahahaha!"


Sailing towards The Cream Kingdom, from the south, was the Battleship of Marine Vice Admiral Dalmatian, who at the time was still suffering from his wounds.

" Aghh! Here we go." Markus spoke.

" Hey! Lieutenant, what are you doing?! You need those bandages!" One of the doctors shouted at Markus.

Markus had gone against the doctor's orders already and was up and moving about in his own quarters. The captain of the medical unit tried over and over again, along with the other Marines, to get the man to return to bed, but Markus just wasn't having it.

" Huh? What? No way! You want the enemy to feel sorry for me is that it?" Markus asked the man. " These bandages make me look weak. I can't afford to leak weak now. If for one moment, my men, or the citizens or even the pirates themselves think I am weak then that will make us all look bad." Markus told the men and women.

" But sir, we're still just one ship. There's only a hundred or so of us here. We can't go against the pirates like this. We don't even know how many of the enemy there is."

[Ost- Marine Swordsman Battle cry]

" You're worried about the wrong things soldier." Markus told the man. " As Marine's it is our job to protect the people of the world. Our very presence is important to them. Our appearance tells them that everything will be alright. That the justice we wear upon our backs will protect them. If we continue to sit by and do nothing as the people are suffering then we are not Marine's at all, but failures. Tell me, don't you think it is important that we as Marines continue to protect the people first and foremost?" Markus asked the men and women.

The Marines suddenly found themselves being consumed by Markus' enormous aura. Like the weight the ocean had suddenly came crashing down on them.


He removed all of the bandages that were wrapped around his skin, and looked down at the sorry state his body was in. It was like looking at beat up meat. And the stitches going across his chest. " I hope that doesn't leave too much of a noticeable scar." Markus murmured. Markus reached down into his locker and pulled out his spare suit. This one was different from his standard white and blue uniform. This one was similar to the one that Garp wears. It was an all-black suit, with a red collared undershirt, and a black tie, with a brown pair of dress shoes and black socks.

Markus dropped his pants to his feet, and pulled out a new pair of boxers and quickly slipped them on. Next was a standard navy compression shirt, then he placed his red collar shirt on, followed by his pants. Then his socks and shoes. Then his suit top. And finally, the last piece of attire Markus had yet to dawn, was his coat of justice.

Markus looked down at the piece of fabric and sighed. " Ahhhh, what a shame. I wanted to save this one." Markus muttered.

" Lieutenant! Major news, Vice Admiral Kuzan is on his way to the North Blue, as well as Admiral Sengoku!"

" Oh yeah? That's great, news." Markus noted. " But I'm afraid by the time they get here, we'll already have won." Markus spoke. " Swallow Island is nearby, men. First, we're stopping there to recover supplies, and as many men as we can gather. Then after that, we're going to war. These pirates have endangered the lives of civilians for too long. The time has come...." Markus grabbed his coat and threw it over his shoulders. " For the Marines to take back the peace."

" Yes Sir!"

" Heh!" Markus sneered and walked out of his room and onto the deck of his ship. " No more running around, let's go straight to the source. Black Lion..."

To Be Continued!!!


Markus and the Marines are gearing up for the final battle against the Pirate alliance, first they make their stop at Swallow Island, and then they go off to battle. Tune in a few hours for the next chapter of the Fist of Justice! Trust me, you won't want to miss it!


Hy guys, another chapter down and it looks like we're coming to a close on the war in the North arc. Let me know what you guys think about Markus' first design in the comments below. And don't be too rough this one was the best. And don't worry, I know he looks a little on the lean side but remember Akainu was pretty lean when he was younger too. He'll grow up. Anyways, I'm already working on the next chapter now. So, make sure you stay on the look out. Until then see ya!