

In the shadowy alleys of an obscure island nestled within the South Blue, a figure lay sprawled amidst the refuse of discarded dreams and broken promises. Eustass Kid, battered and bruised, slowly regained consciousness after a vicious encounter with local thugs. As he gingerly opened his eyes, the harsh reality of his surroundings flooded his senses.

"No way...," he muttered under his breath, disbelief mingling with the throbbing pain in his body. Slowly, he lifted himself from the grimy ground, his gaze falling upon a shattered piece of glass nearby. With trembling hands, he retrieved the broken shard and held it up to his face.

There, reflected in the fragmented mirror, was the unmistakable visage of Kid from One Piece. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he stared at his own reflection, a mix of amusement and determination flickering in his eyes.

"So, it's true then," he chuckled darkly, the realization sinking in. "I've become Kid from One Piece."

With a newfound sense of purpose ignited by the depths of his plot knowledge and the boundless potential of his character, Kid's laughter echoed through the desolate alleyways. Though bloodied and broken, he knew that within him lay the seeds of greatness, waiting to be cultivated into a force to be reckoned with.

"And with my plot knowledge and plot potential," he declared to the uncaring darkness, his voice ringing with conviction, "I will rule the One Piece world."


[Sacrificial Lottery System Online...]

As the ethereal blue screen materialized before him, Eustass Kid's eyes narrowed in curiosity and intrigue. The words "Sacrificial Lottery System" glowed ominously, beckoning him to explore its depths. With a mix of skepticism and cautious excitement, he leaned forward, his mind buzzing with possibilities.

"What is your function?" he inquired, his voice echoing in the stillness of the alley.

The system responded with a voice that seemed to emanate from the very fabric of reality itself. "Host, as long as you sacrifice a Devil Fruit, I will grant you access to the mysteries of the Sacrificial Lottery."

Kid's lips curled into a sly grin at the promise of untold power. "Interesting," he murmured, his mind racing with the potential rewards that awaited him.

Suddenly, the screen flashed with a message: "[Distributing Novice Package]"

Two tantalizing options appeared before him:

1. Ancestral Hanma Bloodline Potion

2. Spider Senses

Kid's laughter rang out in the desolate alley, a mixture of amusement and excitement bubbling within him. Without hesitation, he reached out and selected the first option, his hand trembling with anticipation. In a swift motion, he uncorked the vial containing the ancestral potion and swiftly downed its contents, feeling the surge of power coursing through his veins like liquid fire.

As the ancestral Hanma bloodline potion coursed through his veins, Eustass Kid felt an electrifying surge of primal power enveloping every fiber of his being. A primal roar escaped his lips as he felt his body undergoing a profound transformation.

His height seemed to stretch, elongating with an almost supernatural grace. The very air around him crackled with energy as his muscles swelled and bulged, becoming denser and more formidable than ever before. His bones creaked and shifted beneath his skin, reshaping themselves into a sturdier, more resilient form.

With each passing moment, Kid could feel the very essence of his being pulsating with raw strength and vitality. The transformation was exhilarating, intoxicating, as if he had tapped into the primal forces of the universe itself.

As the metamorphosis reached its crescendo, Kid stood taller, broader, and more imposing than ever before. His eyes blazed with an inner fire, his fists clenched with newfound power.

As hunger gnawed at his insides, Eustass Kid rose to his feet, his resolve hardened like steel. "Let's get some food first," he declared, his voice laced with a predatory edge. "And settle the score with those fuckers."

With a demonic smirk etched upon his face, Kid strode purposefully towards a nearby establishment—a modest bar nestled in the heart of the seedy district. As he pushed open the creaking door, the atmosphere within grew tense, the wary gazes of the patrons fixating on the imposing figure that had just entered.

"Who are you, big man? Never seen you 'round these parts," one of the gangsters taunted, his words dripping with disdain.

Kid's laughter echoed like thunder through the dimly lit room as he made his intentions clear. Without a word, he unleashed a devastating punch, sending the insolent gangster reeling backwards, his consciousness slipping away with each passing moment.

With a snarl of defiance, the remaining gangsters drew their weapons, their trembling hands clutching firearms and makeshift explosives. Bullets rained down upon Kid like a storm of lead, but he merely laughed in the face of danger, his body untouched by their feeble attempts to harm him.

"Is that all?" Kid sneered, his voice a chilling whisper as he stared down his assailants.

Suddenly, a gangster brandished a bazooka, his eyes blazing with malicious intent. "Take this, fucker!" he spat, unleashing a missile aimed directly at Kid.

With lightning reflexes, Kid caught the incoming projectile in his bare hand, the explosive force causing no harm to his indomitable form. In a blur of motion, he leapt towards his attackers, a whirlwind of destruction unleashed upon the hapless gangsters.

Bodies crumpled beneath his fists, screams of agony filling the air as Kid exacted his vengeance with ruthless efficiency. In the heart of the chaos, Eustass Kid stood as a harbinger of destruction, his hunger sated and his enemies vanquished in a crimson tide of violence.

Amidst the aftermath of his relentless massacre, Eustass Kid found himself confronted by yet more adversaries. Wave after wave of gangsters poured forth like a tide of malice, their numbers seemingly endless. Undeterred, Kid met each new challenge with ferocity and skill, his fists becoming instruments of divine retribution as he dispatched his foes with brutal efficiency.

But amidst the chaos, a figure emerged from the smoke and debris—a man by the name of Jack, the boss of these lowly thugs. His eyes gleamed with malice as he hurled grenades towards Kid, his laughter echoing through the shattered streets.

"Take this, asshole!" Jack bellowed, his voice filled with venom as the explosions rent the air, tearing apart everything in their path.

Yet, as the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Jack's triumphant grin faltered as he beheld the sight before him. Kid stood unscathed amidst the devastation, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down Jack's spine.

With lightning speed, Kid's hand shot forward, a deadly blur of motion as it closed in on Jack's skull. In an instant, Jack's entire body erupted into a gory spectacle of flesh and bone, his life snuffed out like a candle in the wind.

"This level of damage is nothing to me," Kid declared, his voice a low growl as he surveyed the carnage around him.

As Eustass Kid surveyed the fallen gangsters, a sense of triumph surged within him. "From now on, I am your boss," he declared to the trembling survivors, his voice carrying the weight of command. "Quickly, bring me food and clothing."

With a sense of urgency, the gangsters scurried to fulfill their new leader's demands, hastening to procure the finest provisions available in the desolate streets below. Meanwhile, Kid ascended to the hotel situated above the pub, claiming the best room as his own.

As he luxuriated in the warm embrace of a soothing bath, Kid couldn't help but marvel at the perfection of his muscular physique. Emerging from the water, he dried himself off with practiced efficiency, his mind already focused on the challenges that lay ahead.

But his reverie was interrupted by a sudden sound—a presence lurking in the shadows. Before he could react, Killer, his loyal ally, emerged with knives in hand, poised for battle.

"Where is Kid?" Killer demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.

With a smirk, Kid revealed himself, leaping from the hotel with the grace of a predator. "It's me, Kid," he announced, his voice filled with quiet confidence.

As Killer beheld the towering figure before him, shock and disbelief flickered across his features. "How did you get so big and powerful?" he marveled, unable to comprehend the transformation that had occurred.

"Let's talk about it later," Kid replied dismissively, his thoughts already turning to more pressing matters. "Come, eat something first and clean yourself."

Together, they indulged in the bountiful feast that awaited them, their hunger sated by the abundance of food laid out before them. As they dined, Kid revealed his ultimate ambition—to become the king of the world.

Killer's gaze met his with unwavering loyalty. "No matter what, I am always with you, brother," he declared, a solemn oath binding their fates together in the tumultuous seas of destiny.