
Chapter 24

"What do you mean?" Izaya frowned at what Robin said.

"They can read the language," Lacos informed her.

Izaya's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Robin pick up a book and start reading it. "How?"

"That's not important." Sin cut her off and walked over to the side of his sister, who was now reading a book that was placed in the middle of Stone Tablets. "So this is the diary of the Priest who blessed the Sword."

"Yes." Robin nodded to him and silently kept reading through the pages for several minutes.

Izaya and Lacos were really uncomfortable as they watched Robin go through everything in the chamber. It took her nearly two hours to go through everything to ascertain her guesses, and the rest of the crew patiently waited for her to finish.

"A sword is a sword, brother. But this one is not a simple sword. And it is much more than just a Cursed Sword." Robin closed the final book in the chamber and brightly smiled at her brother.

"What have you found?" Sin had gone through the tablets as well, and he had his guesses.

"When the King sent the Sword to the Priest to bless it, it wasn't a request but a threat." She informed them. "Also, the King gave specifications on the Blessings that needed to be placed on the Seven Star Sword."

"Placed?" Hancock frowned at her choice of words.

"Yes." Robin nodded her head. "The Priest actually had Powers to Bless things. It was thanks to a special Paramecia Devil Fruit, that the Priest called Bless Bless Fruit. It allowed him to bless people and things like a temporary boost in their power, and speed, or change someone's mood by blessing him happiness and more, and it also gave the user two Angelic Wings for flight. He could also place a Permanent Blessing on something, however, such a blessing came with a curse. Every Permanent blessing had an equivalent curse placed on the object or a person that was blessed. And it was not in the Priest's control."

The revelation of the existence of such a Devil Fruit shocked everyone. And those who understood the potential of such a Devil Fruit felt chills run up their spines.

"That can't be true. The Holy Priest was blessed by God. How can his powers come from a Devil Fruit?" Izaya seemed agitated.

"Devil Fruits are the creation of Nature too, so you are not really wrong when you say that his powers were God-given." Robin smiled at her, and her words eased the old woman's nerves. "And all of what I have told you is written by him in his diary." She showed her the book she was holding in her hands.

"What were the blessings the King asked him to place on the Sword?" Hancock was now burning with curiosity.

"The King wanted the Sword to forever stay as beautiful as it was, and he also asked the Priest to make it indestructible. And if that was not enough, he was foolish enough to ask for another reckless blessing." Robin grinned brightly. "He asked the Priest to bless the Sword and make it a Sword worthy of a King. A sword for the Kings. And that is the blessing that backfired."

"He was not a True King?" Hancock smirked as she understood what happened.

"Yes. As a result of making the sword indestructible and forever holding onto its beauty, the Sword gained consciousness and developed a Will. And to make it a Sword worthy of a King, its Will was strengthened by several folds. Which led to some Curses taking hold of the blade. Anyone who did not fulfil the requirements to wield the blade was killed by the Will of the Sword." Robin seriously said. "There are three requirements to wield the Seven Star Sword. First, its wielder must have the Blood of the Kings in his veins. Second, he must possess Conqueror's Haki, strong enough to contend with the Will of the Sword. And lastly, he must possess the heart to rule over everything. Anyone who does not fulfil all three of the above-mentioned requirements would only be committing suicide by drawing Shichiseiken." Robin told them the information that the Priest had penned in his diary.

"Was the King warned about the Curses?" Hancock lightly asked.

"The Priest warned the King about the Curses, but the King was full of himself and believed that he was the most powerful King in the world at that time, and he paid the price for his foolishness. The rest of the people paid the price of their foolishness as well, and as to what happened to the Prince, who successfully wielded it, he went mad. It was because even though he possessed the Blood of the Kings as well as the Conqueror's Haki, he did not have the Heart to rule over everything. The Will of the Sword overpowered him, corrupted him, and drove him insane." She picked up another book and showed it to them. "This is the diary of the Priestess. And guess what?"

"What?" Hancock raised her brow and asked.

"She had the Bless Bless Fruit too." Robin laughed lightly. "The Priestess tried her best to undo the blessings placed on the sword but failed. Those blessings were irreversible. However, she came up with an idea that eventually saved her life as well as the lives of some people in the Kingdom. She temporarily blessed three crystal orbs, making one a prison to contain the Will of the Kings, the second a prison that gives clarity to a raged mind, and the third a prison that soothes the pain from the hearts. The Prince fell into the trap she had laid, and the Will of the sword weakened him, giving him clarity of mind. But driven by remorse for everything he had done, and that his kingdom was now in ruins, he took his own life with the same sword that was drenched in the blood of his kin and people. And the Seven Star Sword returned to its scabbard victoriously. The Priestess later sealed the sword in this Temple, and if I am not wrong, there's another chamber under us." She said and smiled when Izaya's eyes quivered in fear.

"That sword is Cursed! You must not touch it." She pleaded, but everyone ignored her as they had different thoughts occupying their minds.

"Robin, why is it required for the wielder to possess the Blood of the Kings?" Law couldn't help but voice out what was bothering him. "Does Blood really matter in determining if one is a True King or not?"

"For a True King? Yes." She nodded her head. "Anyone can be a King if they are strong and charismatic enough. And they can be really great Kings to their people, loving, caring, magnanimous, just, and steadfast. But are they really True Kings? How did they become a King? By Luck? By Strength? Were they even willing? Or did the people push them to take charge against their Will?"

Law calmly thought over her questions, and only after he nodded did Robin continue with her explanation.

"The Blood of the Kings is not a metaphor. Almost all of the Royalty of this world are but Kings only in name and status. They do not possess the Blood of the Kings, and most do not even possess the Will of the Kings. A lineage can only be called the Blood of the Kings if generation after generation of Kings and Rulers had emerged from it, possessing the Will of the Kings. Their Will of the Kings became so potent that it became a part of their Blood, allowing them to pass it down to their legacy." Robin patiently explained to them. "But don't be mistaken. Possessing the Blood of the Kings does not mean that a person is a True King. It is the same with Possessing Conqueror's Haki. Even if you possess it, it does not make you a True King. And things are not really simple. Once a Will is shaken and becomes weak, it is very much possible that the next generation won't inherit it. So it is possible that a parent possessed the Blood of the Kings, but the child did not inherit it. It's similar to when a Child does not inherit Conqueror's Haki from their parents."

"So, if you inherit Conqueror's Haki from your parent, it means that you possess the Blood of the Kings?" Kuina curiously asked, still a little confused about all the talk.

"No, not necessarily." Robin shook her head.

"There are people in the world that are born with Conqueror's Haki, and it has nothing to do with their lineage." Sin gently said. "It just means that they are blessed and have the potential to become Conquerors, and even make their own lineage a Blood of the Kings."

"A True King is the one that possess all three qualities. He is born a King, by Blood, Mind, and Heart. Blood of the Kings, Will of the Conquerors, and Heart of the Rulers." Hancock smiled brightly. "I possess the Will of the Conquerors, and maybe, I possess the Heart of the Rulers, but that doesn't make me a True King because I do not possess the Blood of the Kings. My ancestors were not Kings or Rulers. However, it is possible that if my legacy successfully inherits my Will, it will eventually become a Blood of the Kings if they all become Kings and Rulers of people, making their inherited Will even more potent. But that depends entirely on how strong the Will of my legacy would be. Right?" She looked at Robin to confirm her words.

"Correct." Robin smiled at her and nodded. "As I said earlier, a Will can be lost if it weakens. And for a lineage to be called the Blood of the Kings, their ancestors must have been Rulers and Kings of lands and people."

"My brain hurts listening to all of this. Why can't everything be simple in this world?" Bepo winced and grabbed his head, faking a headache, which prompted everyone to laugh at him.

"What happened to the Bless Bless Fruit?" The sudden question made everyone go quiet, and everyone glanced at Augur, who had raised the question and then turned to look at Robin for the answer.

"According to the diary, it is gone for good." She nodded her head, assuring Augur, and relieving the tension that had suddenly gripped all their nerves.

"How?" Bepo was confused and asked. "A Devil Fruit can not be erased out of existence."

"It is still present in the world, but it is unlikely that it would emerge again." Robin smiled at him. "The Priestess gave a mission to her children before she died. Her youngest daughter found the Devil Fruit, and as instructed by her mother, she put it in a chest and dropped it somewhere in the sea. The last entry in this diary is of the daughter, stating that the mission was accomplished. And there is no information about where she dumped it."

They knew that there was no guarantee that it would always remain out of the reach of people, but it was a relief to know that the chances of someone finding it were close to none.

"So, where's the door to your secret chamber?" Sin bore his eyes into Izaya, and asked with a devilish smile.